First announced back in September 2022, PS Stars is essentially Sony's PlayStation rewards scheme, with a few extra bells and whistles attached.
At the time of writing, the service is still missing from the PS5 itself — despite the platform holder saying that there were plans to integrate it on console. Indeed, Stars has been around for a while now — launching soon after its reveal, in October of 2022 — but it's fair to say that the programme hasn't really evolved in the ways that many thought it would.
In fact, 2024's biggest PS Stars headlines stemmed from the service running into technical issues. It was taken offline several times, and its PS Store credit rewards were controversially removed for a period towards the end of the year.
And so we want to know: do you actually make use of PS Stars? Have you spent your points on PS Store credit, or games? Do you keep up with the programme's various campaigns, or is it just something that kind of exists in the background?
Vote in our polls, and then give us an overall assessment of PS Stars in the comments section below.
Do you use PS Stars? (3,563 votes)
- Yes, I check up on it all the time
- Yeah, I take regular looks
- Kind of, I sometimes forget about it
- Nah, I rarely use it
- Nope, I don't care about it
- No, I don't even know what PS Stars is
Have you redeemed any PS Stars rewards (select all that apply)? (3,370 votes)
- I've redeemed PS Store credit
- I've redeemed games
- I've redeemed digital collectibles
- I haven't redeemed anything through PS Stars
Comments 86
Yeah I mean I get a free fiver of store credit every so often it's worth it just for that
points for spending money is an ok concept.
but sony ruined it by making your points expire after 12 months.
Yeah. It’s a mess of a program but better than nothing. I wish they just automatically start the campaigns that you buy games for though. I bought Astro back on release and since I didn’t start it, I lost out on points. Had me kind of pissed.
Since launch, I’ve redeemed $70 in credits so not bad.
Yeah I’ve redeemed games and credit, though I think it’ll just be credit from now on as it seems the better deal. I was fancying a couple of the reward pins to put in the Stars Display Case the other day too… the ‘cost’ seemed a bit steep though.
It feels like you only get the gold rewards on the campaigns that make you spend money anymore, so no more free points,
and it's annoying that you don't get the points if you have already purchased the game beforehand.
I keep doing the campaigns for collectibles when I already own the games and it doesn't require any actual work, but I don't know why. Nobody else sees them, and I only see them on my tiny phone screen where I can barely make them out. It's a wasted effort there.
That being said, when I do buy games, no reason not to take those points and redeem them for cash.
I ended up with £15 some how, nice.
Since I'm not poor I don't use anything that decreases prices
Yea I do. It's not amazing but I'm also not gonna complain when I'm making some money back. Managed to make $15 back so far. Really helps for when i want a game that's on sale or a monthly pass for one of my many gachas lol
I don't use it because I get all my games physically, so I cannot register them.
I ended up with £20 which I used to buy warhammer darktide.
Can’t say I’ve ever paid it much mind after it launched. I got some digital award that I thought would have been cool in a HOME space, but give. HOME is long gone I didn’t give it any more thought.
I did check it after reading the Push Square article on being able to get PSN credits again and found I had $30 worth of points, but that’s it.
20 euro's is what I got from this service. Pretty sad that a PS+ renewal doesnt count anymore if I remember correctly.
I took Balatro and one PS store credit.
Now, when points will be stolen after few months, I hardly get anything else.
Just got 10€ credit, have some 400 points left. Not the best system but well, better than nothing.
I've gotten probably $50 in PS money since inception. Can't complain about free money
Points should not expire.
Points should still be given on PS+ renewals.
The digital trophy case should be viewable on console and you should be able to view friends also. In fact the whole PS Stars thing should run on the console.
At least that's what I think.
I've gotten a few £5 store credits from it but I think it could be much better implemented.
I don't really spend too much in the store but it's nice to occasionally get 5 bucks every now and then.
Why not? Free credit.
I like Playstation Stars. I just wish they would implement it on the PS5. My wish for the long delay is they are overhauling the trophy UI (because its looked like trash since launch) and rebuilding it with Stars implemented with it.
I do the monthly games, starting one of that months essential and extra games each nets you 100 points per month, it's essentially £5 free credit per year for doing that and takes a couple of minutes per month. No reason not to do it.
Since I almost buy everything physical, there's not a lot to grab. Got 5€ last year to use.
And i don't download PS Plus games and play them because of 50 coins.
Not avaliable in my country.
Should be an option on the poll? Oh well.
Thanks for the changes ( now I have expiration dates); I always lose points and never reach PS Store credit.
I check it monthly, play a PS+ monthly game and play a new PS+ catalogue game for the points, All goes towards a free £5 store credit lol
Yup! Done very well out of it too, just being a premium member gets you a hundred odd points a month. I’ll be surprised if people aren’t taking advantage of this ?.
I still don’t even know what it is. Not do I have a PlayStation that would even allow it.
@CrispyMango92 Yeah it's pretty bs
i buy alot of the store so had about £100 pound back since it started
As of the start of this year, its absolutely pointless! Why all of a sudden have you decided to wipe points people have earned, after a year? the same goes for resetting your rank back to 1... its just the continuing en-sh*tification of everything.
Honestly hadn’t heard of it until now. Never saw anything being promoted on my PS5 I believe.
I use it quite frequently. I’ve bought many games with the rewards I’ve earned. I think it’s a great tool, and even a lot more generous than Nintendo’s and Microsoft’s systems with their reward and money back programs.
I've redeemed some points for store credit but by and large I forget it even exists. The odd time I do remember, it's usually for buying/playing games that I have no interest in or have just bought and I don't get the points as you have to activate it first
it’s something nice to look at when i boot up the ps app on my phone but i don’t really care about it. at the end of the day if i want something i’ll just buy it . i don’t have the patience for reward points or grinding or whatever
I use it, but exclusively for collecting credits. So far, I've saved about the price of two full-priced AAA games since its launch, so it's not bad.
I've got about 30€ of store credit from it so that's not bad.
I got myself a couple of indy games with my points, I don't really care about the collectibles though.
I've picked up a fair chunk of store credit which is nice.
I'll do the tasks or whatever that gets points. Couldn't care less about the take with the collectables, seems pointless to me
I used to use PS stars. Now that I let my ps+ membership end, I don't get the coins because ps+ sub is required. I'm thinking of cancelling it now that it no longer serves a purpose for me. Sony messed up raising the price of their online features
Doing the tasks encourages me to play different games occasionally so that's neat, and free money is free money. The rate you earn points is ridiculously low, but it's better than nothing.
I’ve redeemed probably $20-25 from it. It’s clearly a minimal effort program from them. They’re never going to be as generous as MS rewards so it is what it is.
I have ps4,ps5,xbox one and xbox series x and i can tell gamepass rewards is wayyyy muchhhh betterrrr. i already buy 2 full day one games. (Stalker 2 and dragon age) is much more easy get reward on GP rewards.
Barely. I mostly forget it exists.
Absolutely! Who doesn’t like “free” money? I subscribe to ESO+ and PS Premium. I get Stars for those monthly as well as from playing the random games they run campaigns for every once in a while. $20 cash back for me since they made the idiotic change back in October. It’s not much. But it’s much more than 0.
It sometimes tells me I've locked something but never coins, so no one don't use it.
It’s a nice points program, but the tasks are terrible. If you own a game you can’t get points for buying it, so loyalty is punished there.
It’s good to at least leave in the background. Certain games are like half off with the points, otherwise always get the credit.
If they would just add it to the actual console then I'd be a lot more aware of it. As it stands now it's something I kind of remember randomly. I rarely use the app.
I’ll check it once in awhile but I’m not buying a game just to earn a few extra coins. I check it mainly for the “play this game and get 50 coins” which adds up after awhile
No interest whatsoever. It suffers from the exact same issues plaguing the Trophy system. Once you interact with that PS stars thing on the app, It can never be undone. I refuse to be shanghaied into playing a game I would never otherwise touch just to earn a few stars points. Oh, and those trophies you’d unlock in said game? You can’t erase them from your account once they’re unlocked. So you’re stuck forever with either an incomplete game or you’re forced into finishing it for the 100% platinum you rightfully deserve. Nope.
Limited time quests and little tchotchkes for your little ps stars shelf? So if I miss them, I can never obtain them any other way? Nope, piss poor design right there. Can’t ever disable or permanently erase your stars collection? Nope, trash design.
Knowing how horrendously bad the trophy situation is, I would not be surprised if Sony didn’t even let you rearrange or alphabetize your stars collectibles.
No sir, PS Stars is poison and I want no part of it.
I got rid of it as soon as they updated the terms and conditions making it even more pointless than it's already was it's just another way to get people to subscribe to PlayStation Plus because that's the only way you earn points unlike Microsoft and Nintendo's reward systems
@Sequel no it's worse than Nintendo you need PlayStation Plus to get money back for buying digital games and you don't get points from physical purchases either like you do with Nintendo games
Nope, never touched it. I was a slave to Xbox Rewards when it was good and earned a small fortune that got me a free Series X console and dozens of games. PS Stars has never been that generous. Its not even as good as MS Rewards is at its current worst. I can live without that random fiver.
@Czar_Khastik Love it. 😂 I'd just like to say that I'm pleased you're back after your short break.
I use it to get free money in my wallet. My friend signed up for it, but I guess she didn't realise what it was because I checked it for her yesterday and she had enough points to get Phasmaphobia, which was handy because I was literally telling her how good it is about an hour earlier.
I frequently forget about it but have already had over £50 in credit from not doing much. Mostly purchasing games and playing the monthly games. I don’t care about the digital collectibles at all.
I mean I try to use it and it doesn't work for a month, and then they made it impossible to redeem credit for like 6 weeks.
I use it all the time, use all my points redeeming store credit. I think I’ve redeemed about £130 and have enough for another £5 at the moment. Nice little bonus. I do most of the simple “play this” campaigns too. Wouldn’t spend points on a collectible though.
It really needs more integration with the consoles.
I've redeemed $245 in free store credit since the program launched with almost no effort. Free stuff is cool. It rocks.
@Blauwe_Chimay Renewals still count. It’s being cut in March as far as I know.
Outside of hearing it doesn't work or it was offline for ages I don't even know what it is
Didn't even know it existed until now.
How about making it automatic? Purchase game get store credit. Easy huh?
@ShogunRok "Not available in my country" should be a poll option. That's what I would have clicked, anyway
@CrispyMango92 They always start these challenges for buying new games like a month after release so you actually get punished for buying games on launch.
It's also dumb that sometimes they can have a challenge for buying certain games but you already own them all and because you bought them previously, none of them count towards the challenge
I only buy digital games so I've earned and spent a lot of points on store credit.
I don't change my behaviour for the campaigns though.
If I'm going to buy something I just go to the campaigns, click start on everything without seeing what it's for....then if I get a bonus, cool.
It's like any loyalty scheme, ok if it's just a little bonus for doing something you were going to do anyway but not worth chasing the points.
I think it's actually a great idea that's been implemented in a really bad way. Stars should be available from the console and you should be able to showcase your wall of collections and also be able to view friends collections to. You should be able the view and select quests on the console also.
I just think they need to fully integrate it to the ps5 and thus make it more appealing overall. At the moment it feels like and idea sony had but never realised it's full potential.
I’ve earned about £40 worth of store credit and I’ve got enough for another tenner sitting in my account. Can’t really complain with getting something back for doing the things you would normally do anyway
The bad thing is that you need to start a campaign to get points. Many times i have fullfilled the requirements but i do not get point since i have not started it... very dumb.
Cant even redeem any points. Every time i click on redeem on the app it takes me to a black screen.
@ShogunRok Missing the option 'PS Stars is not available in my region.' Therefore, falling back to option 'Nope, I don't care about it'.
@TheKurgan Thanks mate, appreciate it and it's good to be back!
I don't do the thing where you have to play certain games or whatever. But I have redeemed quite a bit of credit from them. I bought Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake II using credit earned from Stars.
It’s not avaliable in my country. Shame for Sony.
Although I reached the top rank in Stars when I was new, it’s still very weird to use, so I don’t bother much.
A much better rewards system would simply to give points automatically to people who login to PSN on their consoles and play games or make purchases.
I’ve redeemed about $25-$30 worth of points, so I can’t complain. I claim trophies associated with games I already own to get them marked completed (stupid, but that’s who I am). I don’t really interact with the trophy case because it makes the app crash.
If they give points for playing a game I have access to, I download and start it. When I see the points have been awarded, I quit the game and delete it. Not sure if that’s what Sony was going for.
I’d prefer to have this all be on the console, of course.
I would love to be able to use ps stars, but unfortunately it is not available in my region
The digital NFT-style rewards are silly, but I'll spend points on store credit whenever i have enough built up. There doesn't seem to be any incentive to save longer ($10 credit costs the same as buying $5 x2), so I just cash in whatever I have whenever I'm buying through the PS Store.
I use it a lot. I recently bought Balatro for the points as that was a game I was worried to spend money on.
And I redeem a lot of the collectibles.
Nah, don't really care
I like it although it would be better if they integrated it on to the console itself as the trophy cabinet being stuck there gives it even less of a reason to exist. However the games you can get with accumulated points is a whack system. It's cheaper to convert the points to cash and just buy the damn thing 90% of the time. I would have thought it be either convert to points to spend on what you like OR get a game in the list a a reduced price. Core Keeper was more to "buy" with points than it was to convert 2500 to a tenner and put 1.50 towards it in the sale. Full point cost is 20 quid but the game only costs 15.99 🤣
I like it only to be able to redeem for store credit. But who the heck is motivated to buy a full price game for 100 points on Stars? Some of their incentives don't make much sense.
I forget too often. I've quit bothering activating any campaign that doesn't get me points towards redeeming store credit. Even if I thought the collectible idea was fun (I don't), the writing seems to be on the wall that all those digital trinkets are going to be digital trash sooner or later.
If I can redeem the occasional store credit voucher, it's a win.
I had enough points for a $70 game 🥹
The biggest reward of all is that we got @Czar_Khastik back!
Usually do the PS+ stuff for coins and have gotten a few 5 quid vouchers. I don't buy that many games these days so don't accumulate a great deal of points.
@koverby Thank you buddy, wish you a great gaming weekend!
I'm never, ever going to do something like this through my phone. If they ever actually bring it to the PS5, I'll check it out.
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