Alright everyone, it's time to talk about Elden Ring again. Or, more specifically, how we're all doing inside of FromSoftware's latest dark fantasy RPG. Surprise, surprise, the game's pretty bloody hard. It's also pretty bloody huge, sporting a surprisingly massive open world that's absolutely stuffed with secrets.
Elden Ring's been out for just under a week, so we're not expecting many of you to have finished it, but we think it would be interesting to see where everyone's at.
So, how far into Elden Ring are you? Are you making good progress? Or are you getting stonewalled at what feels like every turn? If you're struggling, be sure to check out our gigantic Elden Ring guide, before voting in our polls, and then giving us a status report in the comments section below.
Comments 95
depends what you mean by "bosses" - I've defeated a fair number of optional ones by now, but story wise I've only defeated Margit - been having too much fun wandering the massive world
My character is level 40, and I have been loving every single second of this game. Masterpiece.
I'm about 18 hours in and haven't even completed Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula yet. I'm not very good so that may have something to do with it..
19h. The scale of this game was really undersold, and I couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised. For me, the sense of adventure is unparalleled.
I have no idea how far am I am but most of my time has been exploring with minimal boss slaying.
Agreed the second question is misleading because there are different tiers of bosses - caves/tombs being the lowest tier, shardbearers the highest. They aren’t even close to the same
Only about 25% done with Horizon FW, will play Elden Ring later in the year possibly, they need to stop pumping out games so I can get through my backlog.
I only have 2 trophies one of which was for beating Margit. There are lots of bosses not tied to trophies that I've beaten so I want to say I'm making a bit of progress but Im pretty sure Im barely scratching the surface lol
Completely skipped the castle, running around Altus Plateau at the minute. Think I’ll see how far north I can go 😂
1hour and stopped. Performance is too rough to fully enjoy what seems From Softwares potential best game?
Currently going through the Academy of Raya Lucaria. What a beautiful dungeon.
No idea how far I am. 18 hours or so, so not far I guess. I had to stop playing yesterday as I got to a new area and it was just too much for my brain to handle.
It’s a really, really good game.
@nessisonett Blows my mind you've managed to do this.
Haven't played it yet. I'm not convinced I can take the difficulty yet I'll wait until it goes on sale to try it. Around that time all technical issues should be fixes as well
@LiamCroft The crazy thing is that it’s clearly a shortcut that From have put in. An extremely hidden path round a cave which takes you out past the back entrance of the castle. The whole game rewards exploration more than anything I‘ve ever played, everyone’s different experiences are testament to that.
@Mezzer Sucks cause the performance has been pretty stable for me
I've beaten a couple of dungeon bosses and the Tree Sentinel and Margit. Tree Sentinel was annoying.
It's a tough question to answer with a game like this! I have defeated two main bosses and around 8 or so side bosses so I guess I'm a decent ways in by now. I'd probably be further if I wasn't playing Cyberpunk along with it. I'm definitely enjoying the heck out of it though! I also have been pretty fortunate I guess on the technical front It's been pretty much a locked 60 with only a little pop-in here and there.
A few optional bosses and Margit. I’ve done a lot of exploring and am just mesmerized by the art direction, creatures and different environments. I’ve seen more of this game than Souls games for sure. It’s incredible and love every minute. Really do think this may go down as my favorite game of all time.
(Playing on a Series X with VRR and think it runs quite smooth so technical issues aren’t a detraction for me)
Level 32 but don’t feel ready to take any bosses yet. Am I a windbag?
Still haven't started it. It's probably going to have to wait until April. March is full of games that I want to play that likely won't eat up as much of my time.
Haven't even beat Margit or whatever he's called...went back to level up more...beat 2 or 3 mini bosses....didn't even attempt that Dragon...I assume that was the correct decision
Hard to say how far I'm in. I've killed maybe a dozen or so bosses of varying degree, 3 of which gave an achievement (playing on Series X).
Right now I'm at the Church of Cuckoo but my damage output has dropped off a cliff here so I'll backpedal for a while and just wander about seeing what I can find.
I can’t wait to buy/play this, but I’m barely a quarter of the way through Horizon Forbidden West and I can’t start another open world game until I’m done with this one. Lots to look forward to by the sounds of it.
I’m finally exploring Stormveil Castle after spending a lot of time exploring the map south, East and North. It’s just so enjoyable exploring without silly question marks just like real exploring and get surprises every corner. When early in game got to the round table I think as soon as I got the place of grace just North of the castle you can easily skip going downwards and North East then around. Got to the hub early and bought the thing to summon spirit which made it glitch and not showing up at Kale place. I had to buy it again later.
I only installed/Updated it and played the first few hrs (I already know I will love it)
Forbidden West is eating up all my time, but glad I have it waiting for me once I am done.
Currently in Stormveil Castle, have unlocked site of grace outside of Godrich the Grafted, leveled up a bit since I last faced him, think I might beat him this evening.
I just started as I'm only about 9 hours in and just exploring. If you count the minor dungeon bosses then I have killed 3, otherwise riding and sneaking around. Just Got the rea lakarea(sp?) Key. And was promptly killed by a dragon. That is where I'm at. Lvl 22ish
Haven’t played it bc Gamestop messed up my order, and still don’t have my Collector’s Edition. Final nail in the coffin for preordering (or buying at all) from Gamestop. Anyone else in the US having this problem?
I fear if I start it I might get sucked into.
I'll finish this month.
Will try gt7.
Just beat margit the fell. His parting words leave me with a cold dread. Loving stormveil castle, feels very dark souls-ish.
@gamiller1978 Me too exactly!
@PhhhCough stormveil castle is bloody huge. Still not confident to address those big knights. Infact, Godrick might be easier than most of those f*****s.
Finally yesterday I found a PS5 which came with Horizon but I will play Elden Ring first and it will be my first Fromsoftware game.
Wish me Luck.
Ya gonna have to put me in the category of haven’t played it. This game will probably take a lot of my time if get invested in something like this. 😂
Just Beat The Boss Of The Capital City And Now I'm In Some Snowy Place Up North.
@Dr-M enjoy!
@Dr-M you will love it..enjoy and good luck 👍
Level 98, killed like 1 Demi god. Collecting and exploring everything
Played for 25 hours. I’m pretty addicted at this time but there’s lots I’m still trying to get to grips with as I just don’t get it.
Like Ashes of War. It gives you a special to use but at the cost of damage? I don’t get it.
I’ve beaten maybe 5-8 cave bosses and 1 storyline boss which is the one at the gate of Storm (whatever it is) castle.
I’m level 32 playing Astrologer.
@ShogunRok can I ask your opinion about the game? and how far are you?
I'm just wandering the lands taking outfits from felled enemies. Beat one boss in a cave on first try and then some other bald guy. Almost beat Margit on first try too but after depleting all the extra fire grease, fire pots I had, just had to go level up some more. That Avatar near the minor earden tree is crazy like "yo I just came to pick up a few root resin yo yoo hehe relaaaxx..." Considering the number of different things you can find, this game is just so deep and extremely huge!
Eighteen hours in. I've beaten Margit but I've not really explored the castle yet. I've explored a lot of the surrounding areas though and I've taken out a few optional bosses.
I may play this forever.
57 hours in and no sign of stopping. My character is already level 90 and I'm trying to go to every location and fight every boss possible. Only downside with this game is that some locations are locked behind side quests and being a From Software game, they are convoluted and overly vague. An example of this is one character wanted me to give another character a potion, he doesn't even give you a rough hint as where you can find that person which is ludicrous considering how large this game is. So I was going to play the game completely blind, but some of this game requires a guide if you want to experience absolutely everything. Minor nitpick though, still 11/10 game for me. I know how large the map technically is, just couldn't resist seeing it and it seems I'm close to or about half way through the content. I can see this game being about 120 hours to complete every dungeon, side quest and boss, that doesn't even consider if I find any difficulty walls that block my progression. I've only had one difficulty wall so far and Dark Souls vets are going to either love or hate the throwback boss, the boss I'm talking about is in the same vein as a Dark Souls boss, except it is vastly harder and it has way more moves and felt oh so good to take down after about 20 attempts.
@CthulhuFhtagn I haven't played it yet, too busy with other games at the minute. Everyone else at Push Square loves it, though, so I definitely want to get stuck in at some point when I have time.
@Medic_Alert Really good idea for a poll.
@TheArt - Did you by any chance kill the bald guy that kind of gave up halfway through the fight? Hope not, he's a recurring Soulsborne character who evolves into a very useful vendor.
51 hours into the game and I'm still not really sure how far I am from the end, the activity card on PS5 says I'm 33% of the way through, but that only updates when you kill a major boss.
24 hours in. Only beaten the first two main story bosses so far, but I've defeated a large number of field and optional dungeon bosses (my most recent conquest being the Ulcerated Tree Spirit from the obnoxious Fringefolk Hero's Grave dungeon).
I'll burn out at some point, but, surprisingly, I'm actually having a good bit of fun at the moment.
In lava castle at the mo, utterly addicted. It's been a long time since I played anything as good as this.
@Shigurui Naaah spared the poor bloke. Patches his name. I always play as a good guy on my first playthrough in games. Yeah went back to buy some stuff and then he's got some chest there saying it's for someone... tsk looks like we might be spoiling things a lot in this poll. Not even sure what qualifies as spoilers these days.
I’ve played… a bit more than two hours. Horizon has been the priority, and I’m really not sure when I’ll be getting back Elden Ring. It might become my “multiplayer with friends” game soon enough though.
@Medic_Alert While I have played next to nothing in Elden Ring so far, it has definitely changed my opinion on Souls/FromSoft games already. Just the open world, the ability to make choices that affect your path and the gameplay, it’s incredible. It changes what a Souls game is, to a great extent. It’s not about being a battering ram or acquiring Ultra Instinct, but about making a choice and letting that play out. It’s compelling. I’m excited to get back to it when I do. The original Demon’s Souls, by the way, is the only game I’ve ever returned within 24 hours. I absolutely hated the game and I put the effort into it for a long while before I made the decision. I gave the series another shot when Dark Souls was new and regretted the purchase totally. I gave that one a bit more time, but I just did not understand the hype at all. This time, I understand the hype.
@TheArt - Yeah, that's the guy. He's a complete tool but he's always worth keeping around. Not sure we veered into spoiler territory but we can leave it there knowing he's alive and well in your word.
By the power of my jellyfish, I will smite thee.
@nessisonett Wholy smokes Atlus plateau from the jump?
@Shigurui Well not really us, I mean the whole comments section. Some people considered the bear image a spoiler prior to release 😄 so I dunno. But yeah lovely game all around, just happy the From artstyle is still present, I keep taking screenshots.
Too ashamed to admit how many hours I'm in. Let me put it this way: I got it 2 days early, I'm bound to the recliner due to a knee injury and my missus is away on a one week trip with her friends. I let you do the math, lol.
Done a few in the open world but Godrick is kicking my ass. Even with a companion by my side.
30 hours in and am about level 25ish. Beat Margit earlier today and explored Stormveil Castle, upto just after the second Banished Knight. Who I think are the Elden Ring version of Black Knights. Think I've done most of the NPC side quests in Limgrave and beaten a few of the underground dungeons. Loving the exploration, sense of discovery and the emergent gameplay in the open world, and not having a gazillion map markers pop up.
@dschons that’s a similar situation I’m in. Wife away for the weekend I’m bout to put in work!!!
@KayOL77 🤣🤣haven't got to goderick yet. Like you said the castle is huge. But yeah, fcuk those knights. They're up there with the black knight archers.
I'm 5 hours in and just exploring, east, then north. Avoiding anything that doesn't look like I can kill it, just enjoying the scenery and whacking guys in the head while riding my horse. The horse double jump just feels so nice after all those hours on Roach. Do need to figure out if there's speed control, and how to get off.😂
14 hrs into the game, beaten the Tree Sentinel, Godrick and Flying Dragon Agheel. Most of my time are spent on exploration and raiding enemy camps (and dying, like lots and lots of dying). Haven't spent too much time with Elden Ring since I'm switching between games like Arceus (especially with the recent update) and more.
I'm at the point where I know where to go, but don't know how to get there. I'm definitely in the endgame, as I have made it to the Erdtree. I think I could have ended my run by talking to Fia, but I killed an important boss too soon, so that didn't work, and I killed her too because I wanted her clothes.
Right now I'm trying to track down where Milicent went off to, as I completely botched the storyline for the doll Ranni and Fia. Oh well lol. I'm almost 70 hours in, I'm level 112, and I do not know how to get to the Rond Lift or Haligtree, and I don't want to look it up. I probably will though.
I'm quite far I think, I've cleared around 60% of the map. I'm constantly in awe at how mind blowingly big this world is, Fromsoftware have always been good at building a unique world but this game man... It's the pinnacle of creation. An absolute masterpiece, I'm so glad others are enjoying it too!
25 hours in and only did one main storyline boss. Practically completed Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula however.
I feel bad for those who haven’t played Elden Ring. By the time y’all truly realize what this game is and that you missed it, you’re going to be very upset with yourself. Get on this bus!!!
I am 24 hours in and just hit lvl 70...haven't even spent more than an hour in Luirnia (swamp)...there is SO much to do in the game, just wandering around discovering stuff. I love it, haven't felt this way about an open world since I played Oblivion for the first time. The little details that you discover are great, like finding a guy howling in a forest tower, not knowing if he is good or bad (worried I'd have to fight him) and then seeing a merchant I have been to several times have a dialog option explaining how to get the guy out of the tower. Love not having question marks and just stumbling on this stuff. Also, heard a lot of people talk about how BIG the game is but no one is mentioning that the game almost has to be explored twice, in the day and then the night. Even places you have been change at night with bosses being thrown all over the place, so cool to go back to an area and now a boss is wandering around. I think I have come across 3x Night Calvary already, all with different weapons to collect.
I spent a little too much time leveling up so Godrick wasn't difficult, beat him on my first go, but then got my butt handed to me in the swamp, not even discouraged at all, actually happy I am not OP. That damn (night only) Death Bird lol
Amazing game, to me it combines the best of FromSoftware with the exploration and sense of wonder I got from early Elder Scrolls games. Can't praise it enough
There are about 30 bosses in the first region alone. I’ve finished most of them I think. Not rushing, taking my time.
26 hours into it now, its fantastic and perfects the Souls formula.
I'm still playing Horizon but I did buy this Day 1
For whatever reason, I’ve been avoiding where the story said I should go, and just went off exploring on my own. Done most of the eastern and southern areas except for the bosses there. Got a lot of great screenshots of places I shouldn’t be in. I like seeing all the new weird stuff, but I better get back on track, because I’ll be led to these areas in due time.
Not sure how many hours in (scared to look) but i've defeated margit and godrick..have found a set of armour that makes me look like a dark wraith from ds3 and i've just been exploring the areas i can get to and just generally having a massive blast of a time..
I haven't played or even bought Elden Ring yet, will be waiting for the game to drop down to $25 New or cheaper during Holiday sales...
@nessisonett I like to play that way too, and it seems far better than the message you get in HFW when you stroll too far, like 'You don't have access to this area yet' ...
About 11-12 hours in, and having a wild ride...!
Around lv32-ish now, Margit absolutely stomped me (took 30-40 tries, no joke) but eventually got it done. Somehow just managed to beat Godrick on my first try though... maybe these bosses should have been swapped?!
Started as Samurai class, sticking with the Uchi for now as 'Unsheathe' art is absolutely brutal. Also equipped the 'no skill' art to my accompanying shield, which allows use of Unsheathe when just 1-handing the Uchi.
Need to focus on upgrading the Uchi though, struggling for stones...
Also just managed to pillage the 'Exile' armour set from some of the guards at Stormveil, loving the look - especially when dual wielding 2 x Uchi
Awesome game, and really enjoying the non-linear freedom. I am 50/50 progressing the story, exploring for a bit, then back to the story.
4 hours, still not sure if it's for me or not, guess I rode with the hype train with this one
@Medic_Alert I'm trying to like this one more, i've got a lot further than i normally would in these games but i'm stuck at the first boss. It's a huge knight on a golden horse that just keeps whipping my ass. I keep throwing magic and missing a lot...
I just started playing last night. In Demon's Souls I focused on a strength build, sword and shield, very straightforward. For Elden Ring, because all the magic looks so cool, I decided to go Astrologer. Immediately different — the focus now needs to be on Mind and Intelligence so I can use more magic and learn better spells. The Astrologer also comes with a short sword, so my aim is to level up Dexterity as well and have a half-decent melee weapon as a back-up.
I've beaten a couple of the optional bosses I remember from the network test, and spent my first few hours just running around, gathering resources and dying in stupid ways. Barely scratched the surface but having fun!
I'm the scourge of optional bosses in Limgrave, but I haven't even fought Margit yet. I'm going slow, and savouring this masterpiece.
Anyone who fought both Margit and Godrick, which boss is the harder? I bested Margit but boy, that was hard! I read forums and they say Margit is the more challenging. What is your experience ?
I'm done with "souls" games. I have Demon's Souls (ps3) where I left playing after 3rd boss, Dark Souls trilogy where in 1 I just found first bonefire (didn't even play 2 and 3), Bloodbourne (didn't even play) and Mortal Shell (played for 1 hour). And thats enough, no need to "just buy" another...
@Kairu Ok thanks it's probably better to level up a bit before that fight...what was your character and weapon level when you faced him? I'm level 35 now with +5 weapon level.
I've played for twenty hours and I've beaten seven bosses - and by bosses I mean ones with an arena and a health bar and their name on the bottom, not random ones in the open world. Add some more on for that.
I'm avoiding all fog gates for now. Just running around Limgrave collecting all the materials you need to level up, boost healing, chalice buffs, and playing with spirit companions. It looks like you can take as long as you want, to get as strong as you want. Riding around and exploring is seriously fun in itself. Creeping around in stealth mode is very intense and I love backstabbing monsters. Day/Night cycle is fascinating, there's lots of strange events to observe. This might be the first Souls game I actually finish...
12 bosses in if you include world bosses and mini bosses. Love it so far.
@Jimmer-jammer I haven't felt like this since I bought an Xbox 360 solely for Oblivion (without ever having played another ES game). That was my only game for months.
Hi there fellow gamers,
Man, the first two paragraphs of @Medic_Alert comment is everything.
When I got the chinese international version of Demon´s Souls on PS3, me and a friend got the two character souls duplication glitch and ruined the game game for us. Even when I got the European version, the guide said to make a mage build and it was a breeze. 4 Bosses were instakilled with Firestorm!!!
Got Dark Souls at launch, went into the Depths, got cursed twice by the basilisks and decided I was done with the series....
Then I read a review of Dark Souls 2, one week before the game came out, and it sounded like everything I like in a action rpg and decided to give it a try and bought DK2 day one.
Got to the Pursuer Boss, wich is optional, and got recked.
Got to the Old Dragonslayer Boss, another optional, and also got recked..... But this time, I persisted, level up my character and weapon, learned the Boss move sets and was able to beat the Pursuer with perfect dodge rolls and he did not hit me ONCE.
The feeling and sensation of pure joy after defeating him was nothing short of Amazing. It was like getting a perfect score on a School test or a University paper. And that´s when the game "clicked" for me. After that, I went on to beat and platinum DK2, went back to Demon´s Souls with a strength build and finished it twice and then finally went back to DK1, with a quality build, beat it and platinum it as well.
That´s how I became a big fan of the Souls games and Souls-like games, played and platinum quite a few, wich made me get so excited and ansious to finally be able to play Elden Ring.
And it is everything I had hoped for. It feels like a Miyazaki and FromSoftware best of, with every little thing they created for all of their games combined and mixed into a fantastic open world game done right. Haven´t felt the pure joy ox aimless exploration since Ghost of Tsushima and Breath of the Wild.
Don´t give up on the game. Persist, endure, learn and try to adapt to every situation, enemy, big or small, call for another players help if need be and use those summon spirits.
ANYONE can play, FINISH and ENJOY these type of games.
Sorry for the long comment, but had to share my experience.
Cheers, stay safe, stay well and happy gaming to us all
I've been waiting almost 3 years to play this, I'm going to take my sweet time. Can't remember having this much fun with a game. I've fallen into the trap of basically playing it like a dark souls game with a strength build, except with a horse. Haven't even tried the crafting mechanic or any spells yet.
To answer to the polls questions:
How many bosses have you defeated in Elden Ring?
I have defeated 12 Bosses. 10 optional and the two main ones,
Margit The Fell Omen and Godrick The Grafted
How far into Elden Ring are you?
Not very far, but have explored the entire first region, stumbled upon a underground area taht didn´t know existed and got into Caelid region because of it. I also got ensnared into a trap and was transported to a crystal mine also in Caelid, decided to explore a bit and defeated another one of those Big Bosses that clearly you have to use your trusty steed Torrent.
What a amazing and crazy big game this is.
And I´m loving it completely. Very well done FromSoftware 👍
Now excuse me while I go explore more of The Lands Between.
Cheers, stay safe ggod people and happy exploring to us all
Level 67
Defeated the story bosses in:
Stormveil Castle
Raya Lucaria Academy
Redmane Castle
It's been a blast so far!
@MFTWrecks yeah, I’ll be playing this months, no doubt. An incredible achievement!
@TraCuz- Glad you're enjoying it! 🙌
Not played it yet, but I did platinum Greedfall yesterday!
33Hrs in and defeated way more mini bosses than I expected to at this point. I've pretty much completed all of Limgrave and surrounding areas. Passed through to the lakes a while ago but spent time levelling up to 58 and exploring. Accidentally attacked the king guy in the southern castle while playing with my dog so now he wants to kill me hahahaha.
Should i just kill him since he doesn't reset?
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