Summer Gaming Poll
Image: Push Square

Chances are, if you're a regular reader of Push Square, you tend to do a lot of gaming. But as the seasons come and go, our gaming habits can change quite dramatically — and this is especially true of the summer months.

For countless people here in Europe and in North America, the summer is often defined by the fact that education systems come grinding to a halt. Younger students get their summer holidays, and those in higher education tend to get a few weeks off as well. This can obviously mean that you get way more time to game — but on the flip side, plenty of people will be spending the summer running after their kids, and so gaming goes out the window.

So, how does the summer impact your gaming habits? It's always an interesting topic, so get voting in our polls and then tell us all about your plans in the comments section below.

Do you play more games in the summer? (1,213 votes)

  1. Yes, I get time off school / college / university so I play more games5%
  2. Yeah, I have more free time in the summer8%
  3. Nah, I get more free time but I spend it away from games13%
  4. Nope, my gaming habits don't really change60%
  5. No, I have less free time in the summer14%

Do you have any specific gaming plans this summer? (1,100 votes)

  1. There are some new releases I'll be playing11%
  2. I'll probably grab some new games in sale6%
  3. Nah, I'll just play whatever takes my fancy49%
  4. I'll be working on my backlog33%