Bloodborne, perhaps the most talked-about PS4 exclusive of all time, has just turned 10 years old. That's right, we've had a full decade of the FromSoftware classic.
First released for the last-gen system on the 24th March 2015, Bloodborne was met with gushing reviews and caused a real furore amongst the PlayStation faithful. And the most impressive part is that the game has more than stood the test of time; many consider it to still be the pinnacle of the Japanese developer's output.
But despite Bloodborne's seemingly eternal popularity, neither Sony (the title's publisher) or FromSoftware have done anything with the property since its release all those years ago. Despite a decade's worth of rumours and whispers, Bloodborne has never been handed any ports, re-releases, or remasters. To this day, it remains locked to the PS4 (and locked at 30 frames-per-second!).
Disappointment aside, though, what we want to know is whether your opinion of Bloodborne has changed over the last 10 years. Is it still an all-timer? Or do you think that FromSoftware has bettered its 2015 effort since? Vote in our polls, and then avoid the old blood in the comments section below.
Comments 92
Good and moved on
It's the best of the best.
If you don't think that, (Jack Nicholson voice:) You can't handle the truth!!
Father Gascoigne can go to hell and remain there, as far as me and my skillset are concerned. Those are my thoughts.
An all-time classic, pumped about 200 hours into it plus the DLC, but suffers from a similar issue I have with most Fromsoftware releases, namely the back end/final 20% or so is a step down in quality.
@Czar_Khastik Don't worry, I sent him there multiple times!
Top 3 GOAT, best From Soft, give me a sequel. Easy answers, all.
Edit: I think I've beaten this game at least 6 times and have put hundreds of hours in. Bar none, it is the best setting From Soft has ever created, best lore, best combat, etc., etc.
Elden Ring doesn't hold a candle to Bloodborne. Sorry, not sorry.
An all-time classic. I’d welcome a remaster or remake but what I’d give for a Miyazaki helmed sequel…
Favourite FromSoft game.
The atmosphere, world and overall feel are unmatched.
I'd take a 60fps unlock, but a remaster with a SMOOTH 60fps, not like the badly frame paced 30fps, and a higher resolution would be better. But a Bluepoint remaster/remake (they are a hybrid playing 2 engines at once) would be the dream. And a sequel... that's for the afterlife.
Bloodborne is a masterpiece, not my favourite FROM but a 10/10 regardless.
@Czar_Khastik Father Gascoigne is a BRUTAL skill check, that stops many players in his path. I ended up cheesing him first time round (he gets a bit stuck on scenery you can hide behind). Didn't have many problems after that.
I'm actually not a massive fan, mechanically it feels a lot more restrictive than any Dark Souls game. There's not really a lot of build variety and no interesting options for progression.
Also, the bosses tend to either be hunter types, that require use of parry, or big scary monsters that you beat by getting really close to them against your initial judgement. There's doesn't tend to be anything beyond that except a few gimmicky bosses.
10/10, stands with the original expression of Souls (DeS) as Miyazaki's greatest achievement. Would be overjoyed to see his future work parallel BB instead of ER in terms of structure and story.
Words simply do not have the power to describe how sick I am of hearing about this game!
My favorite From Software game. Their other games don’t even come close imo.
One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had
After bouncing off all prior Souls-likes, Bloodborne was the first (and so far only) one that clicked for me.
Still one of my favourite ever games, up there with the very best PlayStation exclusives. Would love a sequel, remaster or anything they’d throw our way.
this game understands lovecraftian subjects better than any other games and movies. it is the best.
Miyazaki's best also.
Unfortunately, it's the only one of its kind. I loved it.
Defo not "my" genre. Played an hour and uninstalled. Same with Souls, same with Eldin. GGRRR
@themightyant @Zeke68 Well at least you avenged my lack of skill and determination so thanks for that!
I agree that he is a dealbreaker for many people but I'm sure I'll return to slay him one day and it will feel great
I think Bloodborne’s overrated, personally, but I just really don’t like Souls style games for the most part, so I may just not be the best player to accurately comment on them. I’ve tried every FromSoft title and I’m not sure why I have because I tend to bounce off of them every time around 15-20 hours in. I felt compelled to comment just because it’s in the “Greatest Game of All Time” discussion.
To date, Elden Ring is the only Souls game to have clicked with me and I think that happened largely because of the open world and social mechanics.
I only have to see a house spider and I shout "Vacuous Rom" in Micolash's 90s punk rock tones.
@Czar_Khastik Kite him around and try to keep the gravestones between you and him and hopefully you'll kill him a little easier.
And be agile when he hits phase 2.
It is easily the best game From ever made. That said, I don't want any remakes/remasters/sequels, it is perfectly self-sufficient.
Also it's my only game (aside Need For Speed 2015) that had physical review copy.
I’ve always wanted to love Souls games but they’re too distressing for me. I play games to take in the story and destress. If the hard mode isn’t required for the platinum trophy I don’t play it. With Souls games, it’s always on hard mode lol. Bloodborne was super interesting to me but I lost interest quickly.
All time classic, I'd love a sequel, or a remaster but my favorite FromSoft game would be the original Demon's Souls on PS3. It frustrated the hell out of me and was more rewarding than anything since.
@fluggy same here, I appreciate that people love it but for me it's just average.
One of the best to ever do it. I don't even think ot needs a sequel, just give us a more future-proof version and let it remain the classic that it is.
One of my top 10 video games of all time. Easily one of the best experiences gaming has to offer. And I still hope we get some form of new content somehow. There's not enough bloodborne in this world
It’s only the frikkin’ GoaT!
Never cared for it. Performance is janky, and I really found the environments to be somewhat samey compared to their other games.
In terms of the fun factor, it wasn't even in the same realm as Elden Ring for me.
For me Demon's Souls (PS3) will always be number one, because it was so special at the time of release. But Bloodborne is a good second place.
Beat it twice and got the Platinum, and I'd probably play it a third time if it ever comes to PC. However, I'm not gonna repeat Chalice Dungeon's Watchdog and Amygdala... never again!
My thoughts? It's in my top 10 forever. Got me into Dark Souls 2, then 3, then Nioh, then Mortal Shell, Demon's Souls remake, Sekiro, Elden Ring, etc. etc. I've platinumed all the from soft soulslikes except Dark Souls 1 and they're all great, but Bloodborne is peak- the setting, the gameplay, the sound and music all excellent. I'm happy with a remaster
I beat original Demon's Souls, Dark Souls I & II but bounced off Bloodborne. I told myself I'd go back to it but still haven't, many years later.
Really did not like bloodborne. Felt like every other souls like game to me. Chunky controls, artificial difficulty, boring plot.
That said, I do not like souls games, nor challenges in my games. So this one was never going to be on my list of fun ways to pass time. Friends who are into this style have all told me how great it is. (I played the first area, about an hour before I grew tired)
I got a few hours in but gave up, couldn’t take the jank.
The best game ever made. Ever.
One of the best single player games ever made! The chalice dungeons are almost endless with some amazing bosses. Getting the platinum for this one was fun and the dlc is probably the best dlc ever released on any game.
Just checking in again to say how pleased I am that the votes are edging towards the (correct) opinion that this is From Software's best game. 😜
@Ralizah Same. I'm sure it was amazing a decade ago but it felt really dated after having played it for the first time after Elden Ring.
I vividly remember hating the game when I first started, even going so far as to deleting the game! I decided to give it another go, ended up beating the game (without doing everything, Cainhurst included) and ended up really liking it.
Then, when I replayed it and did everything including DLC, it ended up (and still is) being one of my favorite games of all time!
If they end up giving us a remake or sequel, I'd be over the moon, however I'm perfectly okay with the game staying as is.
Bloodborne is easily one of the best video games ever made.i did beat the main game.so a remastered.i or remake would me good.word up son
Masterpiece. The atmosphere, the fashion, the weapons, the overall art! I remember first time playing, being stuck at the beginning and my bro was like why would I go and buy this suffering for myself. I persevered cause I knew there was something special in there, it wasn't like all the other games I'd played. Slow but sure, the little progress I made, every step was deeply satisfying. Father Gascoigne almost made me give up but after him it was smooth sailing - beat Vicar Amelia first try, beat the game twice and went on to platinum. Sold it at the time cause I thought I was done with it, bought it again in 2023 -double dipped - cause this masterpiece never gets old.
BB is 2nd only to Sekiro. Honestly none of the other From souls games kept my interest through the end other than those two. Sekiro is just a focused and engaging from beginning to end for me. I prefer the faster combat of those two. Elden ring had me for a while but the game is just too dang long.
It was fine - I enjoyed it on release but I have no interest in going back to it and I think what Fromsoft are currently doing is a lot more interesting.
@playstation1995 I never get tired of your ‘word up son’ sign off.
Decent game but it's far from From's best game in my opinion(I'd put it above...Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 but below Armored Core VI, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3 and...Metal Wolf Chaos XD) but I still would love to see it at least be remastered and released on Steam and PS5 so that it gets out of "Stuck on PS4" jail.
I played this game at launch and thought it was their best work.... until I watched my brother play it last year and discovered it's aged a lot worse than people remember, more than I remembered certainly.
Stuff like Sekiro, DS3 and Elden Ring have surpassed it. But Yarnam itself remains their best world.
This is the only FromSoft game I've really gotten into. I loved the setting, the story and the gameplay. BB was my first FromSoft game so maybe that has something to do it. I've tried most of the other games and they just don't do it for me. A sequel would be great but this is the one time I'd be hyped for a remake remaster.
I voted one of the best From Soft games and it's fine as is on PS4.
I enjoyed it, finished it, and moved on. It's not like the game is unplayable on PS4. Heck, It's not even closed to Dark Souls 1 on PS3/360 where the frame rate was horrendous and got worst at specific place (Blighttown 🤮).
I still can't get past the first boss on the bridge and only learned the other month that this dodo has been OPTIONAL all along. Might get back to the game with this in mind because the lore and setting is easily among the most interesting in the subgenre, even though the likes of Code Vein, Nioh, Ender Lilies and The Surge (and even what I've played of Star Wars Survivor if that counts) still captivate me more in general. Hope and dreams for Bloodborne itself? Either a Switch port (wishful thinking is a free action) or at least, indeed, a PC one to run on Deck.
@bluemage1989 thanks playa.1989 is one of my favorite years ever.yeah.im from new york like I mention before. And I'm a black man.so that's we way we used to talk back then.im just trying to bring it back.shout out to wu tang clan. Mobb deep.onyx.nas the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑. Eric b and rakim.run dmc.word up son
I still haven't played it. I got my first Playstation in fall of 2018. The Spider-Man PS4 Pro so I could play the new Spider-Man and delve into some of the classics I missed out on over the years. I remember ordering Bloodborne in holiday of 2019 during Black Friday and my order got cancelled. I decided to wait for it to go back on sale when I finished my current game que.
Then the PS5 got announced and eventually came out. I decided to wait until a PS5 upgrade, remaster, or remake. Still waiting, obviously. I really hope Bluepoint Games, the developers of the Demon's Souls remake, is currently finishing up a remake of Bloodborne. Probably not, but I hope lol.
Bloodborne certainly isn’t without its flaws, but my god, what a game! Hands down my favorite FromSoftware game. The original Dark Souls comes very close, but Bloodborne inches it out because of the incredible art direction and lore, and the emphasis on horror—f***ing werewolves and Lovecraft cosmic madness!!!
I’d certainly love a remaster. Last time I booted it up I was definitely feeling the age, being an early PS4 game. A remaster to clean up the framerate and boost resolution would be fantastic. And while they’re at it… let’s have a sequel! Miyazaki won’t direct, of course, but he would oversee it very closely. 🤞🏼
Great game. One of my favorites of all time. Stop with the articles about a remake over and over again.
I tried Bloodborne back in 2018 and absolutely hated it. It was my first venture into the Souls genre which wasn’t pleasant. During my few hours of playing, I was very sick as I went to the hospital every other day for (weirdly enough) blood transfusions for a blood disease. So patience wasn’t my forte at the time.
But in 2021, I struggled to find a game that hooked me for a couple months. I kept trying games for a second time or played smaller indie titles. On a whim, I restarted (wasn’t very far obviously on my original file anyways) Bloodborne. I did not stop playing it until I achieved that glorious platinum.
From Bloodborne, I’ve played tons of soulslike such as Demon’s Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Lies of P (best non-From soulslike experience IMO), Wo Long and more. I haven’t tried Dark Souls yet but it’s high on my priority list.
To me, Bloodborne is one of my most influential games as a gamer just behind (in no order) Persona 5, FF7, The Witcher 3, Super Smash Bros, Spyro and Pokémon HeartGold. As an adult, it’s one of two titles that got me into a whole new genre of games (Zero Escape games are the other). So, Bloodborne’s influence is huge on my gamer identity and I’ll always appreciate it.
I’d love a sequel, remaster or remake so that many more new players can enjoy the creepy but bizarrely beautiful world of Yharnam. Remasters/Remakes aren’t necessarily for previous players; it’s to introduce the games/franchises to new players. I hope more people give frustratingly challenging games like Bloodborne a second or third chance. Once it clicks, it’s so satisfying when you defeat a grueling boss. Sony, give us more Bloodborne!!!
I enjoy it but I honestly think it’s overrated. In my opinion Sekiro is easily their best game and the best combat system in any game.
It's definitely the most overrated from soft game for sure, but I wouldn't mind replaying a remaster or a sequel!
Bloodborne always felt to me like the spiritual successor to what Castlevania should have evolved into. It captured the gothic horror, the monster-hunting legacy, and the atmosphere of dread that Castlevania built its foundation on—just elevated to something far more haunting, brutal, and intricate. It’s the kind of evolution I always wished that franchise would take. Ten years later, Bloodborne still feels like a masterclass in mood and worldbuilding.
@Odium I’m still playing the first. But Niohs combat is absolutely immaculate. It lacks Froms level design and boss fights however so far. Sekiro is more or less a perfect game in my view. Such a complete experience that keeps its eyes on the prize all the way through.
It’s a great game that is made a classic by the addition of the DLC. I’m a fan of the horror theming myself and the world is incredible. In terms of quality I wouldn’t say that it is any better than the first three Souls games but is better than Dark Souls 3 which felt sorta uninspired by comparison.
Enjoyed it and played through it to completion once, but always preferred Dark Souls 1 and 3 the most out of all their games.
Id love a smooth 60fps...it doesn't need anything more than that, art style and general atmosphere still hold up very well. Always reminded me of Nightmare Creatures!
Time to install Dark Souls 3 again, that's the one I always end up returning to the most for some reason.
“Why would I want to play a game whose tagline is ‘Prepare To Die’”?
That was my reaction to Souls games for a long time. Too hard, not fun. Then Bloodborne had its reveal trailer at E3 2014. The Victorian Gothic look instantly hooked me in but knowing it was from the makers of Dark Souls gave me pause. Eventually I decided to throw caution to the wind and bought it at launch hoping the Gothic atmosphere would keep me playing.
It did but Bloodborne punished me, a lot. To this day I can guide new players through Central Yarnham blindfolded because that’s how long I spent respawning at that same goshdarn lamp over and over again.
Memorising where each enemy was, how to pull of a visceral attack, throwing pebbles at stragglers to slowly take out the crowds one by one, I did it all. Bit by bit, step by agonising, frustrating step I made my way though the whole game. This was a massive thing for me. I had actually finished a From Software game. A badge of honour I wore proudly and probably the biggest achievement in my 30+ years of gaming.
Then I went back and platinumed it.
Cut to a few years later and I find myself working with a chap who shares my love of classic rock & heavy metal. I mention that I tried learning the guitar in my teen long-haired metaller years, he mentions that he teaches guitar and would be happy to give me lessons.
My first reaction is ‘Oh no, no way do I have the patience for that’ my second reaction is ‘B***h, you platinumed Bloodborne! If you’ve got the patience to eventually kill The Orphan Of Kos and master the chalice dungeons, you can learn the guitar’
So that’s what I did.
Two years of lessons and practice so far and yep it’s bloody hard to learn the guitar but so was beating Father Gascoigne and Vicar Amelia and especially Lady Maria.
But thanks to all I learned from Bloodborne I know that when I hit that wall (and I have, many times) I CAN push though it.
So thank you Bloodborne. Thank you for teaching me patience and perseverance (even after many many rage quits) and for genuinely changing my life for the better. Here’s to 10 years of one of the greatest games of all time.
The game is always install on my PlayStation along with Demons souls and Eldon ring ! Sekiro is the only souls game I can not stand to play do not like anything about it !
Do a fairly quick remaster on PS5 and PC, use the revenue of that to fund a sequel.
But Sony will likely do a Demons Souls remake thing in time for PS6 launch in about 3 years.
I don't really care anymore about soulsborne games. I finished DS 1 through 3 and got progressively less interested in the genre.
So I tried Bloodborne for a few hours and it's just more of the same in a setting I don't like.
One of the best games on PS4 and one of From's best. The Lovecraft inspired world is still incredible to explore and get lost in.
Such an incredible game, Its one of the reasons why sony exclusives have the reputation they do. I would love it to get the full Bluepoint treatment, but a 60fps patch would be perfect also.
Just please don't make me fight Chalice Rom again, my god he was rage inducing in a tiny arena. Main Rom is barely a boss as you really have to work hard to die there, Chalice Rom on the other hand is pure pain.
Played it for the first time a big year ago, what a game, one of my GOAT's, a spend DAYS reading up on theories on the lore after completing The Old Hunters
@Repo_Dog Same here, I recently gave Sekiro a go and have got pretty far but I find there is very little to like about the game. Got up to Owl (Father) / Divine Dragon and put it down. Its hands down the worst game FS have done and I have no idea how it won GOTY as that must have been a very weak year overall.
Classic game. I guessed it was being developed early as the next new entry on the catalogue when Miyazaki was absent from DS2, so I had my hopes up long before it was announced. Soloing Orphan of Kos was a highlight. Probably the hardest boss they created.
What I want is a Miyazaki directed Bloodborne 2.
And sooner rather than later, while he's still willing to direct...
BB is special to me, it was first FS game I played and introduced me into this genre. Maybe it´s not the best FS game but it´s definitely my favorite and only platinum I got during my gaming career.
Also, DLC for BB is my favorite with best boss fight Ludwig imo.
At this point, I´d appreciate full remake like Bluepoint did with Demon´s Souls, but if that ever happens, PS6 launch would be the best opportunity, I assume
I really think the game is overrated by people that did not played it.
It is far from a Dark Souls with a Gothic aesthetic. There are very few weapons, and few possible builds. But if you're okay with this, then yes, it is awesome, some of the bests Bosses with the best soundtracks.
Definitely the most overrated PS game ever created in human existence.
People should just stop crying and move on with their lives about this remaster/remake/sequel/60fps thing.
My character is still stuck in the starting area
I couldn't say whether BB or ER is the GOAT, its fairly close. The story and setting of BB edges it, I think. It didn't "click" for me until after Amelia. Then it was like Lovecraft himself became a dev.
It changed how I judge every game thereafter.
This games is so good it almost ruined every other game for me.
Dark, disgusting, intriguing, challenging and immensely cool.
One of the best games ever and deserves a graphics overhaul for the modern day.
Best souls like game ever!
For me, the second best game after The Last of Us when it came out, it's still among my top 6 all-time favorites.
"B-b-b-b-but where's the 60fps patch, Sony!?!?! Where's the remake?! Where's the sequel? Why are you leaving this game to die?!"
Children. It's on PS5. Go play it.
For me, Sekiro has to go on top as From Software's best game. That combat was just so dialled in, it had a story that you could actually follow, and because it focussed on a single weapon your options for cheesing hard fights were more limited ('git gud' actually means something in Sekiro).
Bloodborne is second - the setting and trick weapons were incredible.
Not sure where I'd place everything after that. Probably Dark Souls 1 is third for the interconnected world.
I just want a pc port.
They'll fix everything else and do everything on this list and more through mods in no time.
Just port the damn game!
We know it runs on PC (emulator for now)
Just give it to us!
Amazing game that is knee capped by its horrendous frame rate issues.
It's the only FromSoft game that I have tried to play, because I love things that embrace cosmic horror, but the gameplay just felt so sluggish, like everything was moving through molasses. It pretty much just cemented that FromSoft was not for me and I gave up after a couple of hours. If this is the best of that, then what does the worst feel like?
My favourite game of all time, I’ve played it through countless times and never tire of it. The combat is just so satisfying and the mood and look of it is perfect. I would happily do some very immoral things for a sequel.
Beating the game was possibly my proudest achievement in gaming, until my cheeky upstart of a son had the temerity to go and get the platinum!
I could have picked 4 of the answers for final question. Anyways, best start a new run and get that shiny!!
@HRdepartment I’ve only played the first Nioh, but I loved it. They really did a great job with it. I bought Sekiro on release and was so disappointed with it, for what ever reason I decided to give it another go when it was on sale on Steam. I through on my Steam Deck and immediately became obsessed with it. I always appreciated the combat even when I didn’t care for the game, but this time every thing perfectly synced up. Now it’s my favorite combat system and my favorite Souls-like.
The best of Fromsoftware’s output if you ask me and one of my top 3 from the PS4 era.
30fps would be manageable if the frame pacing was rock solid, but it's all over the place...making it a nightmare to play... please give us a locked 60fps with proper frame pacing.
Unpopular opinion: I think it's one of the worst From Software game. Don't get me wrong, the game is good and I enjoyed it, but it's far below DS3, Elden Ring or AC6. Even DeS remake holds better. My main issue is the poor level design, repetitive environment that is copy/paste from DeS third or fourth world, lack of character progression and useless weapon and armor choice. The atmosphere is great at first but gets old quickly. Story is anecdotal, even Dark Souls is more deep. Overall it feels lackluster and uninspired. But it's just my opinion maaaan. I know that a lot of people are craving for a remaster even if I don't see why.
I like the game for the most part, I just don't like the attitude people have to stuff like Summer Games Fest, VGA's or State of Plays. You can have amazing stuff announced but "yeah but no Bloodborne, therefore 4/10 show".
We need a top level remake which can also release on PC and a BB2 on the scale of Elden Ring.
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