Another State of Play has come and gone, but what did you think of Sony's latest attempt? This broadcast was primarily focused on Japanese-published titles, and there was quite a lot to see — even if most of it boiled down to updates for games that have already been announced, like Ghostwire Tokyo and the recently delayed Forspoken.
But there were definite highlights. Capcom's ridiculous new property, Exoprimal, started the show in, er, quite some style, and that Returnal update was a lovely surprise. Were they enough to justify a State of Play broadcast, though? That's for you to decide.
So, did the latest State of Play live up to expectations? Vote in our poll, and then elaborate in the comments section below.
Comments 162
Sh*t was pretty garbage…. Waste of 20 minutes
Fairly rubbish. I can’t say I hated it because it didn’t kill any family members. But it was indeed poor.
I want my 20 minutes back!
Welp, I know why I usually don't watch SoPs
Not many of those games appealed to me personally, so I feel like I can’t give it a fair rating haha
It was pretty good but the lack of release dates was disappointing though.
Returnal saved it for me. Can't wait!
I didn't hate it, hate is too strong. But it was worse than pretty weak. It was bad.
Fell asleep. Christ that was the most boring thing I have ever watched. 20mins of my life I'm never getting back. Haha
I told you guys. Sony is dry. They only have gow for the next 20 months.
I didn't hate it, but I didn't really like it at the same time. A lot of the games were, sorta there.
I was expecting some Spartacus news
Absolutely terrible. Honestly I'd rather they just didn't bother with these if they have nothing to show worth talking about. I'm happy to wait for a decent one with better announcements down the line. This just felt like a waste of time at 10pm at night...
Weak, but still one of the stronger State of Play presentations, all things considered. Nothing properly exciting, but a few games I'm definitely interested in trying.
Was ok-ish for a State of play.
The last 2 games, the Squex RPG's really catched my eye and the free Returnal update is very nice. Ghostwire looked interesting too. The stuff they showed for FF origins was pretty cool too.
Forspoken just has me less interested every time they show a new trailer.
If it wasn't for The Turtles collection and Returnal, it would've been a complete waste of time
Sad when the Cowabunga Collection is your biggest announcement. I understand the contractual obligation they may have to advertise ghostwire or Chaos, but you really need at least 1 or 2 tentpoles in your presentation like this.
@RevGaming This was 99% a third-party presentation. Sony might be dry but that’s why third-party games exist.
Pretty weak, imo, but that's OKAY, because the Kenobi trailer was incredible.
Now that is HYPE!!!!
ninja turtles collection saved it for me , the rest was eh , i am looking forward to ghostwire toyko though.
Lol I'm the only satisfied person here 😅
Besides the Cowabunga Collection it was absolute TRASH!
It was fine. Nothing mind blowing, but all the stuff there did look decent at worst, and it never spent too long on any particular game. I didn't expect much and wasn't disappointed. It's nice to have a showing of Japanese games for once.
Thank god I actually love JOJO and wanted to get All Star Battle for years! I actually hooked up my PS3 THIS VERY WEEK to play the demo but didn't buy the game cause it's only available on NA. It's like they heard my calls and ported the game lol
Also, I want Ghostwire Tokyo.
The ending was awful. Holy heck...please do better shows, Sony.
It was absolute trash with the exception of Returnal. Soo disappointed and that was even going in with low expectations
The fact Capcom trolled everyone with a possible Dino Crisis revival and then showed that swill infuriated me.
So Forspoken looked pretty awesome in that trailer, you can tell that they have been working on it.
DioField Chronicles even with the weird name, looks amazing.
Trek to Yomi looked awesome as usual.
TMNT has that nostalgia factor that people will love.
Valkyrie Elysium looks cool but might need a bit more work.
The Returnal update looked badass.
Ghostwire looks cool as usual. The other games in their looked interesting as well. If your not a fan of Japanese games you might not like this State of Play but it was one of the better ones they've done in a while for me.
JoJo looked amazing as well.
apart from the cowabunga collection and the new jojo fighting game….. Y A W N
I want my 20 minutes back
Essentially this was “state of Japanese game industry”.
Still happy we get another FFOrigins demo. Back to killing CHAOS.
Also good to see some more gameplay from Forspoken. Still hope that game will turn out better than I currently expect.
I didn't watch it. Just only read the report and live comments here.
I'm glad my brain was still fine, didn't get traumatized by gritty images / scenes from the presentation.
All the people on this site whine about Sony not supporting Japanese games then when they do they still complain the games aren't good enough.
The highlight for me was the Turtles collection. Very weak State of play. I was hoping for FFVII part 2 to show up but I was at least expecting FFXVI.
All of these things could have been easily official PS Blog articles. Felt like a 20 min waste really, Only thing that was of interest was Returnal, but I wont be replaying due to co-op but great news for new players or people who havent finished.
Anthem with dinosaurs lol
Only good thing was the Forespoken trailer!
It was okay, I suppose. Some interesting titles especially from SE. Valkyrie Elysium was the highlight for me. Kinda wish they didn't waste time with Ghostwire Tokyo and Forespoken. I mean, they'd be great games but we know a lot about those games by now. Also thought they'll be announcing a new Dino Crisis game but that wasn't the case (maybe in a good way since that's a rather, uh, "interesting" game I suppose.
Still no signs of FFXVI so the wait continues....
I liked a couple new things they showed, so not bad.
Not gonna lie. Forspoken looks really nice. Rest of them pretty meh. Last game with the girl was kinda dated but if its a RPG i may try it
That was terrible don't know why they bothered
@RevGaming I hope you're sarcastic otherwise man you're such cringe with a statement like that.
Good if you like anime/JRPG, retro or mobile type looking games. Rubbish if you like good quality single player RPG’s which Sony is usually known for. Not sure what’s happened since the PS5 launch state of play two years ago because since then there has been barely anything good since then. What wolverine and spiderman2 only major ones of interest to me since what was already announced back then.
Some of the content was good, but these shows just don't work. They're anticlimactic and rarely feature the content people want.
And they've had a good few years to collect the feedback, yet persist on doing them. It's not great, is it?
@nessisonett I know, but it seems they just hit a cycle wall. We'll see. Maybe they have a showcase.
Am I the only one excited over a new Valkyrie game?
wow, little surprised by the reaction. I liked it overall. The turtles collection is awesome, a reason to jump back into returnal has me excited. The kurosawa samurai game was intriguing. same for the co-op vs dinosaurs. The others were meh, not interested at all in them.
Trek to Yomi stole the show for me. I hope it’s as awesome as it looked in that trailer.
I’ve been waiting years for a game with Dinosaurs (specifically a Dino Crisis remake) and Capcom decided to invest in… Exoprimal… which looks like the kind of game I might enjoy if I had ADD.
The TMNT collection made me smile but I’ll never play it.
The rest of the trailers seemed to be Final Fantasy rip-offs, which don’t interest me at all.
Ghostwire Tokyo is officially the new Deathloop.
Forspoken looked quite a bit rougher than I remembered from the original trailer. But that’s ok. Still looks decent.
Valkyrie... Elysium?!
Valkyrie Profile 2 was amazing. One of the best jrpgs on ps2 or maybe of all time. Good times.
Nothing about Spartacus. Not sure what they are waiting for.
Waste of time, only thing that even slightly interested me was Forspoken and it's been delayed.
And as for the Square Enix games at the end, another strategy game with a medieval setting and while I understand fans of the Valkyrie games might be pleased, it looks like yet another gritty medieval game with large bosses. Those bloody Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring games and the people who won't shut up about them have a lot to answer for.
Plenty of Squeenix stuff that will underperform.
@mucc I was joking but it might be true when I look at dev cycles and their recent released games.
I would recommend what I did. Tune in when it has just finished up and skip by 10 seconds to get a gist of "what you missed" and there you go - you just saved yourself 18 minutes.
@Shigurui Yeah. Square Enix is not looking so hot atm.
No, i'm excited too. All of the RPG's they showed looked pretty good! Just with Forspoken, the dialogue and the choice of music really puts me off, and since they show that in every Forspoken trailer i'm afraid the game is going to be full of it. That would be a hard skip for me.
Enjoyed it - exoprimal looks fun (although thought it was pragmata) and ghostwire tokyo continues to impress. Forspoken has come on a long way. I'd much rather the fighting game had been SF6 or Tekken 8. Trek to Yomi looks ace, and the Returnal dlc was nice. The ending had me hyped when i thought we may get a glimpse of FF Tactics, and no RE4 or Village was a shame. Valkyrie Elysium could be one to keep an eye on
Overall the best non-game specific SOP in a while in my opinion. Would have liked to have seen more from that project eve game though.
Just feels to me like we are not far off a major showcase. FF16, Hogwarts Legacy, RE Village DLC, RE 4 remake etc are dying to be shown off at this point. I hope we see something sooner rather than later
Wow, really fascinating to see so many negative reactions. For me that was one of the best State of Plays I have ever seen…
@get2sammyb I don't agree at all. People expect these things to be E3 level every time which is just idiotic. They literally tell you what to expect and people still don't listen. They're the same thing as Nintendo's Directs. They're not meant for major reveals.
Weren't too bad. State of plays have never been overly exciting. Sony have a clear pattern in announcing the real exciting stuff either in their showcases (games) or blog posts (hardware or business moves such as acquisitions), so it was pretty much what I expected
Its crazy how high peoples expectations are for these things.
It was just fine at worst. 20 minute showcase about Japanese titles and people are crying saying no games. Clowns 🤡
It wasn't good. I'm definitely excited for Turtles Cowabunga Collection. I'll pick that up for PS5 & Switch. Ghostwire Tokyo looks amazing, but I already have that pre-ordered. That's about it...
Boring. FFXVI would’ve saved it for sure. I spent most of the time playing a Mario world hack on my vita. Pretty sure that has some hidden meaning somewhere…
Anyways, Sony needs a smash bros character reveal-like hook to give us gamers some excitement. Keep that carrot dangling!
@get2sammyb completely disagree.
Peoples expectations are far too high and these shows deliver a perfectly fine lineup.
I’m starting to see a trend here on PushSquare
I’m no expert but something tells me those Square Enix games aren’t going to meet sale expectations.
@jmac1686 capcom is always trolling their fans
It's dark times when those offerings make up the modern day State of Play.
Not awful looking games and I'm sure I'll play some of them even but come on. Sony you could have had:
Dino Crisis Reboot
Re4 Remake
Max Payne Remake
Resistance Remake
Killzone Reboot/Sequel
New and Exclusive SP FPS titles
New and Exclusive Action/Adventure/Fantasy (to replace the loss of Elder Scrolls)
Come on Sony, give your fans what they want.
The Square Enix games look pretty interesting and the TMNT collection is a must for me. Everything else was just ok.
Overall some interesting games. I'd say I'll try out most of what was announced here. The way how the games were presented just feels underwhelming but all things considered, at the end of the day, it's the games that were announced that is important so I'm satisfied with this SOP
It was bad. I didn't expect much and it still underwhelmed. The TMNT collection was a cool announcement, everything else was meh. Exoprimal might be cool but the jury is out on that one.
I thought is was good. A few games looked ok to me. I didn't get hyped like most of the Internet tho before the show
With How square Enix stole the show, another reason for Sony to secure them
I liked it a lot. Wasn't expecting much but came out with a FF origins demo, a new Valkyrie game, a strategy rpg that doesn't have the obnoxious 2d hd makeover that Octopath started sadly, and an interest in this new Capcom ip from the start because dinosaurs
In the words of Will from the Inbetweeners, that was ***** dreadful
For me.. nothing I would buy.
Even more, nothing that I would download if they were on PS+.
At 'some' point I will play Returnal. So the DLC was mildly interesting.
Other than that, nowt for me.
But that's horses for courses I suppose.
I thought it was very good. I got pumped for the TMNT collection and the Returnal free update. Exoprimal looks cool too.
When the best thing you had to show was a free update to an already released game you know it's a bad showing.
I'm truly astonished at how awful these Japanese games looked, they honestly look like PS3 games with how poor the visuals and frame rate were. It's like these studios never improved after the PS2 era and still think they can sail by releasing mediocre looking trash like this at full price.
I thought it was pretty good! Exoprimal looks absolutely bonkers in all the best ways. The TMNT bundle is super cool to see. Then I was interested in the 2nd to last Square Enix title. So yup good show Sony I'm happy!
@EquiinoxGII Cliche comment after every state of play. How did you waste your time if you fell asleep? What are you guys expecting from this 20 min show which was announced just yesterday?
@get2sammyb Like what Sammy? FF16? GoW? Wolverine? If those games aren't ready then there isn't much Sony can do other then remain silent which you complain about Sony doing anyway.
I don't get the hype with Square Enix.
@The_Moose you are expecting too much for Sony
It was good. Back to back trailers of decent stuff...they had preped our expectations already in advance...not sure what was expected otherwise, so wasnt disappointed.
Honestly you lot are never happy, you treat hype like it's an addiction or something.
For what it was announced to be, it was rather good and they even announced that there's another State of Play soon which they don't usually do.
And i don't get the hype with Elden Ring. Doesn't mean lots of other people can't love it and enjoy it
Different people, different tastes.
This was announced as a Japan focused SoP though, so some RPG action was to be expected!
It’s bad, it’s really bad that I can’t even find one game that I’m interested in the state of play. The new valkyrie profile seems interesting, but the game looks really rough.
Good few I'll be keeping an eye on, and of course TMNT!
Interested to see the reviews of Ghost Wire, probably pick that up down the line.
I missed it but after going through a Twitter thread to see what was shown and I'm glad I didn't watch it. Not really great.
That's nice now where is Stray for PS5
I got what I expected, not a lot.
State of Lame.
I actually enjoyed it more than I’ve enjoyed a State of Play for quite some time, honestly. I don’t understand the negativity here.
Ghostwire looks really bizarre and new. Exoprimal made me afraid that it was Pragmata since the Pragmata trailer is, to date, still the most exciting trailer I’ve seen for a PS event, and I really didn’t want it to be dinosaur game, of all things…. But then I was ok with what I saw when I realized it was a DinoCrisis troll. Not sure I’m interested in getting it, but I’m curious to see what it turns into being. I like Capcom, what can I say? Stranger of Paradise has a demo, so that’s a positive. Forspoken seriously still looks like a potential GotY candidate. Gundam Evolution could be the multiplayer title I’m hungry for. Cowabunga Collection, day 1 for me. And I’m cool with more Returnal.
The last two Square games though, curious why they ended the show with them. They looked very ok. Gotta say, I can’t believe how many games Square is pushing in 2022.
I mean, for a Japanese games focused presentation, I thought it was solid. For the big games, it fleshed out what’s really close, and gave us a lot of mid-tier games with a spread of styles and genres.
Monday's pushsquare comments be like: "I need some excitement BUT there is no way Sony announces a State of Play on Tuesday to stream on Thursday"
Tuesday's pushsquare comments: "How about that, there will be a SoP tomorrow, I am somewhat hyped"
Today's comments: "It was meh"
Tomorrow will be like: "when are we having the next SoP? I can't wait!!!"
Definitely not the best but I had fun seeing some of these games some good RPGs
Just popping by to see if the internet has ripped into this and yes it has
There were highlights in the stream and I did appreciate the fast pace. Heres a trailer, moving on.
However this badly needed some heavy hitters. Yeh Forspoken had a good showing which it needed and Returnal coop is welcome but did we really need Ghostwire in there? Didnt show anything new.
Im also bitter as Sly Cooper rumours were going around so theres that lol
@DualWielding Me too, they still didn't announce it. I think it will be announced on the PS Blog when it happens.
@mrbone cliche? Most state of plays I'm rather happy with actually. And I didn't fall asleep literally. It's more "I'm bored" nothing here was noteworthy apart from a few. All opinions.
@BritneyfR_ee Trek to Yomi is going onto Game Pass day one I think.
I'm not particularly upset about it or anything, but have to admit this one was pretty lame. Other than Ghostwire Tokyo, nothing there looked particularly exciting, and really I think you'd be forgiven for thinking it was an entirely PS4-focused stream. Road to Yomi and the Ninja Turtles collection looked good too, but the Square Enix projects in particular reaaaally fell flat. And that Capcom dinosaur thing looked awful.
@MatthewJP Because there awesome! Final Fantasy FTW!
It was boring until the Ninja Turtles Collection. I've been wanting that for two gens and I finally get it. That made the show go up to "Good" status for me surprisingly.
@AdamNovice I don't know the answer, but I feel like these shows are just so flat. They never really get going, they're over before you've even settled into them, and if they don't have the content people want why are they wasting our time.
Admittedly I do want them to be more communicative and engage better with fans, but I don't think livestreams like this are the answer.
Honestly, I just think this kind of thing invites negative reactions, as reflected by the poll.
Again, though, I liked a handful of the games. It's fine, I just want them to do better. The recent Nintendo Direct was excellent, for example.
My kid laughed out loud at the TMNT Collection video - she has zero nostalgia for them, and without that nostalgia that's just a disappointing offering. So it's funny to see all the comments - so many people say that reveal saved the SoP for them.
I think a "State of Play" really ought to be more than just a trailer dump. But given 20 minutes of Japanese studio games, a trailer dump was all I expected. We saw a lot of different games, some weirder than others, with only a few gems I was interested in. As such, I think it was just fine - I wasn't expecting them to cater to my tastes, given the description.
Extremely mediocre. Personal highlights were Valkyrie Elysium, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and Trek to Yomi. The rest was pretty bleh.
Also, Square Enix can piss off with showing not FF Tactics but not FFXVI.
Best State of Play ever, and gave even the most recent showcase a run for its money. I just don't like the format of a State of Play though, it cheapens the experience to have someone introduce the games.
@get2sammyb if they want to do these sort of shows, the answer really is to have them as regular and consistent occurrences. Such as strictly the first day of every 3rd month. That way it’s not driven so much by expectation.
If people don’t know when the next show is coming, then they announce something, it’s as if they have very good reason to do so all of a sudden.
Good to see so many Valkyrie fans in the house. I'd tag you all but it's like half 11 and I need sleep.
Fingers crossed we see more soon!
It was ok.word up son
@mucc I guess those are different people?!
@get2sammyb I half agree.
They've had a few years of feedback, but we've also had a few years to understand that these shows are mostly just updates.
I never come to them expecting something on the level of a FF VII Remake reveal, so I'm never disappointed.
Having said that, there wasn't much new for me tonight.
Square Enix are mad for action rpg games now it seems.
It was good to see Forspoken and Ghostwire. I'm hyped as hell for both of those.
That Returnal update looks fantastic. That was a lovely surprise.
There was nothing else to get excited about there really. To be fair, Sony announced it yesterday only and didn't hype it in any way. That Returnal update is very nice though.
It was a good show, but nothing special. I'm neither disappointed nor drooling any more than I already was.
@Shepherd_Tallon All fair points!
I’m all over the TMNT The cowabunga collection. Just that was enough for the price of admission
The show had a few good moments. Trek to Yomi seems quite interesting. But for the most part... I felt it was quite underwhelming.
I think Sony pulling the plug on Hardware, Software and PS store sales in Russia moments before the State of Play is bigger news than the SoP itself.
I think aside from the state of play content specifically, it's a bummer to see that most of the foreseeable future is still firmly planted into the idea of cross generational games. We were absolutely sold such a lie. lmfao. Fool me once Sony....
The PS5 is what going on its second year now right? Thus far we had what like 5 actual PS5 console specific games, as mere upgraded versions dont at all count. As far as any on the horizon we know of like 1 or 2. Yet here we are having games announced for the rest of this year all cross gen.
I genuinely don't believe we will see a true next gen this generation, and certainly not before they try and sell us a ps5 pro capable of maybe most the things they claimed the PS5 was to be. We are talking 2024 I'm guessing before any real slate of console games pushing beyond the limitations catering to cross gen has and will foster.
@Scarla88 you're gonna have them close the comments section with that talk.
@Scarla88 glad they did
seems like alotta people wasted 20 minutes 💀
@PhhhCough can if they want, but I didn’t say anything racist, derogatory or factually incorrect. I mean PlayStation Twitter posted it themselves.
It's certainly something that happened, not a single thing was even mildly interesting to me but I hope others found something they're looking forward to!
Rumour is that a lot more was supposed to be shown today but several western developers wanted this cancelled in light of the war in Ukraine.
So instead of cancel the whole thing, Sony gave us this instead.
People were expecting more because of the SOP badge. Sony should've released just the trailers during the week. SOP makes sense when they have to say something like releases & giving info on Spartacus or a full blown story trailer of a new hyped game. DLC for Returnal is cool & for a milisecond I thought GOT DLC was something too. But that game was Trek to Yomi, also inspired by Akira Kurosawa movies & expected to be on Xbox Game Pass upon release. Looks interesting!
With the preview from yesterday I decided to skip it and just watch what I was interested in afterwards. I’m really excited for TMNT.
@mucc "All the people on this site whine about Sony not supporting Japanese games then when they do they still complain the games aren't good enough."
If Sony had announced the rebirth of Japan Studio this would have been my favorite 20 minutes of the year! In my opinion the best thing shown was a collection of really really old Ninja Turtle games.
@RubyCarbuncle - i'm pretty satisfied. some folks in here set their expectations based on something that SONY literally said wasn't going to happen. SONY said it was a SoP focused on JPN publisher games --- yet folks come out and say "oh where's God of War, where's Spartacus etc etc" --- like, they literally said those ish won't be there.
> I for one am happy about JOJO, TMNT, FF Tactics but not FF Tactics, Valkyrie (not disco) Elysium looks alright (the Valkryie Profile games were fun back in the day) and EXOPRIMAL looks quite fun (if it's focused on single player). This SoP was alright in my book. --
It was fine for what it was. Honestly the salt generated from these - and Nintendo Directs - is funny to me. I go into all of these with zero expectations and I always come out relatively satisfied at least. I left the hype machine behind a while back.
@Atreus97 would make a lot of sense given the timing, the large Japanese focus, and the confirmation of another State of Play coming soon.
I'm probably in the minority but I think Forspoken looks lit. Reminded me of my favorite game, Returnal. And then they revealed a Returnal expansion😂 Can't wait.😁 But, other than that, I thought it was a Meh presentation.
Would've been nice if Square Enix had announced Octopath Traveller PS4/5 after porting it to XB virtually a year ago!😔 Weird releasing it on all formats bar PS!
The TMNT Collection is a welcome surprised & lovely to see the (free) additions to Returnal. I guess when others were expecting a AAA focused blow out of Dino Crisis,or Silent Hill/MGS etc.,anything less would be considered short of the mark.
I was happy with it. Dio Chronicles, Valkyrie Elysium, Gotham Knights, Capcom's Dino shooter and Returnal coop are all awesome.
Man... Why are people so freaking miserable.
Only worth while was the TMNT Cowabunga Edition. The other new games looked bad. Like Early PS3 games up scaled.
I think they should not have had it the same day news came forward of eight more women alleging sexist behaviour at PlayStation. They had to have known this was coming today. https://www.axios.com/sexism-playstation-lawsuit-sony-e0f42c61-8467-4940-884a-1885eb8189ff.html
I knew it would not have blockbuster announcements. Sony's biggest announcements tend to be somewhat random these days. Probably a tactic to keep their competition guessing and it clearly works for most, given the selling rate of the console. I'm not worried about what's in their first party pipeline. Between upcoming third party and already released first party games, there is plenty to play. As a publisher, Sony is performing relatively well. If the data indicates most of their customer base is unhappy, they will make changes in their strategy.
All I saw was Ninja Turtles, and a bunch of Meh.
They did Valkyrie profile dirty. Another JRPG to lose it's identity and become yet another action slashy slash game...
I loved it! Seriously just think people went into this with too many expectations, thanks to all the game leak rumors.
Returnal coop and new content. That is all.
It was good for a state of Play. Once again I don’t know what people were expecting. They never learn. Stop listening to influencers hyping State of Play.
Yet I’m sure next time again influencers (that’s including the press) will talk about MSG, Silent Hill etc etc. and again people will go Aarggh haha
How long has it been since they started these regular State of Play updates ? Two or three years? They are very consistent.
Come on people. You should know what to expect from it by now even if the internet tries to BS you.
Went in with low expectations and there were 4 or 5 titles I’ll keep an eye on. For 20 mins and this type of show that is enough.
Even by State of Plays pretty rubbish standards this was a spectacular waste of time.
The Turtles cowabunga collection was the best announcement that's some nostalgic right there for me anyway cant wait
@mucc Almost as if people want games that are exciting. Shocking, I know.
It started off strong for the first 10 minutes then stunk for the last 10.
The only thing I was really interested in was the ninja turtles collection as I haven't played the arcade game since I was ten in a bowling alley and I've always wanted to.
To me it was good, I always try to think about the broader picture when there is a State of Play so putting everything into the formula helps me to balance my expectation. It's funny how everyone say it was rubbish just bc they did't show any major release or "quality" or "interesting" games but A) We all knew that this was going to be a japanese Q1 releases instead of AAA games from major or popular devs B) It was only 20 mins, it was safe to assume that this was going to be a short showcase and C) Thank the industry for at least present new IPs and new games and stop complaining and just wait for the next time .
Was it for PlayStation or Square enix?
Too many fighting games i never heard of
I Loved it for Trek to Yumi,Forspoken (which i had no opinion on) looks fantastic,actually got me excited for Ghostwire Tokyo and the icing on the Cake was New and Free Returnal content..
No interest in the fighting games or jrpgs so theres that,but i think people get too hyped for these things,expect games that just arent going to show up.then hit twitter etc after to give out..
With everything going on in the world right now,be thankful ye have the luxury to get annoyed about a ***** state of play video...
It was alright... a 6 out of 10 on my hype-o-meter.
I thought it was good. I wanted to see new announcements, I got them. People just want to see the rumor mill be confirmed and get Silent Hill or whatever but I'd take that strategy game SE debuted over whatever Konami would call Silent Hill now.
It saddens me to see so many dismissing it as 'sh*t' when it did exactly what it said it would and gave us a good peek at plenty of titles heading our way soon.
Anyone expecting more is pretty stupid at this point - this never was and never will be a 'big announcement' show, which is why you only get two days notice.
I'd like maybe %50 of what was shown, so it was a decent hit rate for me. Returnal co op was a huge smile for me...
TMNT meant nothing to me - I can play all these old games through emulation, why do we need these poor beat em ups on a modern machine? Cant understand why people want this cr@p when they can barely be bothered to look at new titles...
Still, people in places like this are not even remotely representative of the average player, so I wont despair at the world yet xD
@kyleforrester87 This is the exact solution. If State of Play was a scheduled quarterly thing or something of that fashion, I think people would be like, “Well, that wasn’t for me, but the next one might be.” Instead, we never know when the next one is and it’s frustrating.
I mean, I honestly thought this was one of the better State of Plays in recent memory, and I still feel that way. State of Play as it is just gets it compared to Nintendo Directs. Oddly enough, there was so much positive press for the last one of those, but I didn’t feel it was any better than this State of Play.
@somnambulance I think there all always be an element of expectation - take PS+ announcements, they are always timely but still manage to often be a bit of a let down.
But it would definitely help, and over time people would manage expectations a little better, if whatever the news was - amazing or nothing - they could rely on a regular update.
It's just not surprising people are expecting a bit more with the current format.
Gotta say that was pretty underwhelming. The ONLY thing I was hyped for was the Returnal update 3.0. That game is just SOOOOO amazing!!! Exoprimal looks like some **potentially** dumb, 4-player, Anthem meets Dino Crisis fun, but we shall see. Otherwise? MEH.
Fans will moan if Sony stays quite (no major news) but then also moan when they try to be more direct with any kind of news (Deemed not big enough) - so they can't really win either way with those kind of expectations.
@kyleforrester87 At least Sony is doing better than Microsoft, but seriously I feel like people expect a AAA bombshell every time because that’s what Nintendo Directs do. It takes more time and resources to make a PS5 game and I get that, but I think State of Play could be what it is without getting more exciting as a format and you laid it out properly. Sony needs to hire you!
the irony is they pretty much say what the event will still be about. but you'll still have people complain , " oh there was no mention of god of war".
@JJ2 the problem is peoples curiosity will get the best of them , and people will take advantage of that. always remember to take everything you read as a rumor and with a grain of salt.
Nostalgic show for me with the Turtles collection and a new Valkyrie game.
Now I normally love any and all gaming presentations but wow this one was p**s weak, not a single new game in that 20 minutes seemed exciting (the exception is the Returnal update, which looks amazing but isn't a new game)
It was very disappointing in my opinion. When a collection of retro TMNT games is the most exciting thing on show then I don't think they should have bothered.
Although I am absolutely delighted that the TMNT collection exists.
I just checked. Valkyrie Elysium is the sequel to Valkyrie Profile. That's promising.
It's not a direct sequel, but it's still promising.
@RubyCarbuncle you are not alone!
So I did watch it today.
Wow, what a waste of time... Seriously, I want my 20 minutes back. Thankfully we have a new one focused on Hogwarts Legacy soon.
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