Now the dust has somewhat settled on Gotham Knights following a very interesting release period, it is time for you to share what review score you'd give it. Presuming you've at least played its opening hours, how are you feeling about the open worlder one week after launch? The latest Push Square poll is designed to sample that exact question.
As a reminder, we handed the game a 7/10, concluding: "What Warner Bros. Games Montreal has here is an excellent story with top-notch cutscene direction and a fun combat system, with too many needless and confusing mechanics bolted on top. If you can look past them, there's a genuinely great game here. We recommend trying your best to do so; you'll find a compelling narrative on the other side."
We shared praise for its great story, fun combat system, enjoyable detective mechanics, and good co-op integration in our Gotham Knights PS5 review. What do you think, though? Do you agree with our assessment? Reckon it's much better or far worse? Assign a review score in the poll below and then expand on your thoughts in the comments below. Don't forget your rating will filter into our Best PS5 Games lists, meaning it may appear in a relevant list should it accrue enough high scores.
Comments 56
Easily an 8 so far after fifteen hours but I’m still only in case file 2 so it could go up or down from here who knows but for now I’m loving the game. It also easily has my favorite rendition of Gotham in a game I just love exploring it
A REALLY good DC game. The only issue I have is that it's not worth the 70 dollars asking price.
If you are a DC comics fan, you must play this game, but only when you can get it for cheaper.
Also, Red Hood is the best character to play as
The game is pretty good, but it's only going to be unfairly compared to the Arkham games, which it isn't (but also is a little bit). The combat is fun, but it's missing that extra bit that the Arkham (see what I mean) games had, like countering and more gadgets. I do feel like the gear system was more of a tacked on system, although that helped move things along in terms of progression.The story and characters are great, though, plus the game looks pretty good.
I have not played it yet, and probably won't play it until it gets some technical improvements or goes on sale.
I am not above playing a mediocre game, and look forward to playing this someday, but this is undoubtedly not the score spread WB was looking for.
I do hope it does well enough that they get another shot.
A solid 7 from me, I didn't really see what all the negativity was about.
I found the traversal fun and the world looked really good.
Yes it wasn't 60fps but you did get used to it after a few minutes.
Solid 8 from me here. I love the world and characters so far. As a DC fan I knew I would and I set my expectations to not compare it to Arkham at all.
And overall, I think the whole gear system complaint is overblown. I've not put much thought into it, but anything I craft seems to be powerful enough to dispose of enemies without issue. In fact, I feel more like a Bat family character prepping to take on threats of my enemies. It's that fun concept of I escalate, they escalate, and so I do what I can to prepare to take down gangs who don't want me to stop them.
Also, some of those suits. Makes me long for more suits in the Arkham games.
Hovering around a 7 or 8 for me. Its far from perfect, not as good as the Arkham games but its a ton of fun with good combat, great customization (the various suits are amazing) and a solid story and character work. The city is a bit lifeless but its still fun to roam around in. It it a GOTY game? Hell no but i bought the DE and don't regret it at all, hopefully it sells well and we get a sequel that improves on the faults.
No lower than a 9.5. this game is great top to bottom
A 9 for me, been having a blast and I'm surprised I haven't even encountered a bug in the game!
I rated a 7 but in all honesty I’d give it a 7.5. An 8 might be a bit of a stretch (maybe??) but a 7 feels a little too low.
Even though one of my GF is in it wouldn’t be thee quinntessential purchase right now.
30fps = abysmal
That'd be a 6 for me.
It's definitely not the unmitigated disaster so many reviews have been painting it as, but it's also just not up to par with its contemporaries. I'm 27 hours in and enjoying it, but it has a ton of frankly insane design choices and little inconsistencies/annoyances that are kind of death by a thousand cuts.
I’m very surprised to see that all the people who bought the game immediately upon release are giving it high scores. That’s shocking!
Somewhere between a 7 and a 8. It isn't a goty game or anything stellar, but still a highly entertaining game.
no window forC dont care, not buyin this?
8/10. It’s fun in single player, but co-op elevates it.
The more I played this the more it annoyed me. At the start I thought it was quite good but it got repetitive really quick, some of the boss fights were poor compared to other games and I found quite a lot of the mechanics lazy. Simple things like no animations when opening boxes and some doors, mounting the bike and it appearing from nowhere, just lazy. How this is supposed to be a current gen game and not last gen is beyond me. Poor
A 7 for me. I paid full price and i dont regret it at all. Its been really fun for the ten hours ive played.
7/10 Got the platinum last night it was definitely better than i expected.
An 8 currently ...don't listen to the bad reviews ..if you are a bat fan you will love it
Really liking what I’m hearing from gamers out there in regards to the quality of GK. Never really fancied it in the build up… and the reviews didn’t help… but I’m definitely considering giving it a go if I catch it in a sale now.
When it drops down to 30 and has been patched to clean up the framerate problems (the game is highly unstable) I’ll give it a whirl.
How best describe this is a 5 it's like eating the main course on your plate witch was batman arkem series and then you got the side that you really don't won't that be this game its like playing as ezio then playing rogue. Best I can describe it
i gave it a minus zero because the devs did not even try to put a 60 fps mode after gutting last gen very meh you are a sucker if you brought it enjoy
@WallyWest see I actually feel the city is populated just perfectly for Gotham at night. I love seeing cops harassing civilians so I beat them down,civilians waiting on trains or having conversations that are sometimes funny and civilians just driving around. It’s so much better than the Arkham games which were just a million thugs all over the place to where it didn’t feel like Gotham. There’s nothing cooler than being perched high on a skyscraper looking out over the city with its bright lights and neon with fog in the air and seeing the trains running throughout the city and civilians walking and driving around it just feels lived in.
I've actually enjoyed it so far. You can tell this was a live service game at some point and they pivoted away from it though. Fun story. I am a big fan of Snyders run for Batman, so the Court of Owls stuff is awesome. I also liked Avengers though, so maybe just a superhero nerd lol.
MY REVIEW — 8/10
Here’s my take.
Game clearly started out as a live service game, then did a U-Turn mid development due to several high profile live service games failing with significant consumer backlash.
Which is a real shame — if this game got the love it deserved, it could if been way more special as simply a great singleplayer + coop open world superhero game!
My Biggest gripes —
1) Performance.
2) Optimisation
3) Lack of overall Polish
4)Some clunkiness
5)Some superfluous RPG systems
I’m playing on PS5 on HARD. No HUD. Which is how it’s meant to be played. You listen for the sounds of evil and track it to its source…
For me performance is the primary issue. Badly needs 60fps (on consoles). If you are playing on Console, the experience 30fps — but is not a completely smooth experience.
BUT….. I’ve fallen in love with the game. Stayed up until 4am yesterday playing it. Haven’t done that in ages!
This is why.
The stealth and combat are awesome fun.
The story is surprisingly well done.
Atmosphere of Gotham (whilst not on par with Arkham City) is there and it’s decent.
80% of the games open world missions and story missions allow for the player to CHOOSE to tackle using either stealth or combat.
This for me is the KEY DIFFERENCE.
Most superhero games are quite orchestrated…. Here’s a “stealth section”, here’s a “combat section” etc.
Don’t get me wrong there’s still times where this game forces combat. But there’s a wealth of content where you choose and can employ stealth! And shouldn’t that be the way with Batman — using his mind and stealth tactics to overcome the odds….
I personally love that.
Pt2 —
Compare SPIDERMAN for example. As soon as your spotted there’s no breaking line of sight in that game. The enemy have a hive mind and KNOW where you are. The bane of any would be stealth experience — enemies with X Ray vision!
So Gotham Knights stealth is not like this. You can break line of sight. The stealth is still more simplistic than I would like but it’s functional.
The way crimes occur IMO is pretty varied, from petty crime to more elaborate crimes on a larger scale playout all over the city, and evolve as you play the game, including more varied enemy types some that you have encountered in the story. All of them I enjoy.
There’s a rogue like vibe as you get one shot to stop them. If you die or are not successful that’s a wrap. Lots of nice little touches can be observed like the cops arriving after a crime to secure the location. Or emergency services at the location helping survivors after the crime. Or a bank robbery where the enemy are having to physically fill the bags with money then run them out to the truck. You can stop them or not. Or take out their buddies patrolling first. But they will eventually get enough money and then want to escape.
Crimes often are multi staged. You might get clues at a crime scene. Find out about a crime happening, but might play out on a future night. It adds this broader sense that crimes are occurring in the city more organically and you are detecting them. Crimes also evolve with the story as do the enemies you will face on the open city!
There’s 4 distinct characters with very different play-styles that are all fun to play and offer quite a bit of variation to gameplay.
There’s loads of costumes and customisation also.
Generic ? Repetitive? I would say, no more than other open world superhero games. In fact I would say the random open world crimes are more varied and fun than other similar games. I found Spiderman really tedious. Find some enemies robbing a shop. You cannot use stealth. You just have to charge in most of the time. So it just got very samey and boring. Too many QTE BS.
Gotham Knights needed more polish, but it’s a real diamond in the rough.
I cannot understand some of the crazy negativity.
I gave it a 7, I enjoyed the game, have done everything in the game, just got the Platinum. Probably not worth £50, will trade it in tomorrow for £40, great value for £10 though.
if it was an offline campaign id of bought it.
@Mad001 It is an offline campaign.
Oh boys and girls i no its rough forgetting what a great game use to be like. That ull settle for a piece of crap game like this 30fps in 2022 go watch df video and see the comparison between a proper arham game but then again origins was dogshit and its the same people so not suprises its awful bring on the suicide squad
Everyone: Gotham Knights and Plague Tale will totally suck because they're not 60fps.
Also everyone: Gotham Knights and Plague Tale are pretty darn good games. Love them!
10 not from Arkham series
9. Bad graphics
8. 30fps
7. Bad story
6. For couldn't make something better that was 7 years older
5. Feel like am playing tmnt
4. That's why this game is 4 out of 10
30 fps = not baying it. It is time the game development to change, we don't need 100 hours of repetitive side quest and mission and open world which runs at 30 fps. We need story driven games no longer than 20 hours of gameplay at 60 fps. That's disgraceful 30 fps.
I still need to finish the original 'A Plague's Tale. As for Gotham Knights...I'm not too far in, maybe a few hours. That being said, I'm losing interest. The city is barren, seriously, the only enemies I see are the marked events on the map. A far cry from the claims by the developer in multiple interviews where they claimed bustling citizen activity.
To quote an interview...
"Speaking with PlayStation Blog, Creative Director Patrick Redding revealed the story isn’t spread out across one night. Rather, the studio intends to showcase “the mid to long term growth of the hero.” Villain Crimes, for example, will take several nights to complete. These types of encounters, Redding explains, constitute “a series of encounters where the player has to do a certain amount of legwork and detective work to hunt down the villain at the next major confrontation.”
Elsewhere in the interview, the Creative Director touched on what to expect in terms of the city’s population. Players will see everyday citizens roaming around, going to work or traveling to the store. Many will be present in instances of congested traffic, while others utilize the city’s trains. This sounds as though it could be a welcomed far cry from Arkham’s open-worlds, which exclusively featured criminals running wild."
I get that it's not an "Arkham Game", but while it is somewhat enjoyable, it's a major letdown for me.
I dont like some of the changes to combat. Removing the counter attack option really bugs me, but if that wasn't enough, they also removed hopping over enemies. So far we have two attack buttons and a poor dodge button.
I've been playing solo and still have a lot to unlock so hopefully it improves. Perhaps it's better in co-op, but no-body I know bothered to get the game.
I will say, I hadn't noticed any performance issues yet that everyone mentions.
@Kyevo8814 if origins was dogshit then asylum and city are crumbs of it
@SV22 GK isn't a 100 hour game, you could do everything it offers plus getting the Platinum within 25 hours.
@Sequel Embarrassed?
@SV22 Playtime was 37 hours for me when I got the platinum trophy. In hindsight, think i could have done it in 20+ hours.
@gamiller1978 when I said 100 hours I do not mean only this game, what if you have 15+ to 20+ hours of linear game, but with super good graphics, polished and working perfectly with no silly 30fps but stable 60 fps, and one amazing story, with no silly side quest.
Everything about this game is worse than the Arkham Games. The story, the combat, the graphics.
And it's been a number of years and a generational jump.
Not acceptable imo
@Kang81 "The city is barren, seriously, the only enemies I see are the marked events on the map. A far cry from the claims by the developer in multiple interviews where they claimed bustling citizen activity."
This definitely isn't my experience with the game... and I keep hearing the same thing which make me wonder if it another cyberpunk situation where the crowd density is massively downgrade for the consoles versions. My experience isnt a burden landscape. There a ton of smaller crimes from mugging to thugs robbing atms and breaking into cars. There are also large unmark crimes. The only crimes marked on the map are going to be the predetermined crimes, but those aren't auto generated every night. It requires you to do the leg work of hunting down informants. Once you find informants, you interrogate them for information which unlock another predetermined crimes. If you knock the informants out... It just give you clues. Those clues then unlock crimes for the next night.
I'm glad they did their own thing with combat. Arkham combat was becoming played out. Every game was starting to use it. Mad Max, Spider-Man, Shadow of Mordor... etc. The dodge and perfect dodge system has actual forced to me to become good at the game. The combat system start to really pick up in the late game cause you actually start to face stuff that would even make batman sweat, so it definitely give the younger bat family members a tough time. Arkham games never got hard or even remotely tough.
There was a side by side technical comparison of this and Arkham Knight, and graphically it's pretty outdated comparatively. I'm also not sure I can stomach more Batman stuff, having beaten the Arkham trilogy along with Arkham Origins.
@RogerRoger haha
@Lamoi bot
Well i've finally got round to giving GK a bit of a going over and its actually pretty cool. I've played games that are locked to 30fps a lot and this feels quite smooth. The graphics are decent enough and are quite detailed and i love the lighting. I honestly think there has been a lot of focus on whats wrong and not enough of whats right with the game. I felt the review was very fair and liam felt it was worth a solid 7 (i'm giving it an 8 based on the 5 hours i've played so far.) I'm very happy with the game so far and thats what counts overall isnt it folks?
Sorry but it's a bit silly not buying a game just because it's 30fps. Played through A Plague Tale Requiem recently and got used to it after about 2 minutes. Phenomenal game. Haven't played Gotham Knights yet but certainly won't be put off buying it just due to the frame rate
@Skratm Why, the advertisement of all those new consoles was 60 fps at 4k !? I do want and expect 60fps, I try a few games at 30 fps after playing mainly at 60 fps for months and I do not want to play a game at 30 fps at all, no matter which game it is, and how good it is.
@SV22 I guess I can see where you're coming from. Personally though it just seems like some people make a bigger deal of it than it should be.
@Mad001 It is offline, so try it out when it's on sale
I'd say 7/10 at the £65 I paid, I would have given it 8/10 if I paid £55 or less like previous gen games. It looks pretty decent but If you remove the RT this could have been played on my PS4 Pro. Overall I enjoyed my time with the game. No idea why people who haven't played the game are rating it. You can't rate the round of a game based on fps or online opinions.
@Darylb88 you can't rate a game based on price... that just doesn't make sense.
@NeThZOR I mean if you played the whole game like I have you can rate it that way (value for money)
I'm playing on PS5. I see some random civilians every now and then, or random GCPD patrol stops on the road.
As for enemies, I only see them after a map icon shows up, or I get close enough to them and then a map icon shows up. So it seems like I only see them in predetermined places, like bank robberies, hold ups, or any other crime that is plotted on the map. I've yet to see them just roaming the streets of Gotham even as a glide by as Batgirl.
I'm only just now starting the mission to go to Blackgate and find Harley, so perhaps things change later?
But if it's this barren playing solo, I can't imagine playing with 3 others.
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