It feels like Lies of P has managed to stand out in an increasingly bloated subgenre. Souls-likes are everywhere these days, and developers know that they need to craft something pretty special if their project is to compare favourably to FromSoftware's elite action RPGs. South Korea's Round8 Studio should pat itself on the back, then, because Lies of P seems to be a hit.
"Lies of P feels like the result of a developer having already taken multiple stabs at the Souls-like genre, so it's impressive that Round8 Studio has accomplished so much on its first attempt," reads our Lies of P PS5 review. "Elevating it above other games are quality combat and extensive, satisfying customisation, turning Lies of P into a first-class experience for FromSoftware fanatics," we concluded, awarding the atmospheric adventure a 'great' 8/10.
But we want to know what review score you would give Lies of P. Has it scratched that Souls-like itch? Or is it a pale imitation of better games? Give it a score of your own in our poll, and then dare to explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 30
It’s kinda had to mess up a souls type game. Looks great with its Victorian puppet monsters, has a nice BB feel, most importantly it has a passionate team behind it.
It's easily a 9/10.
The closest I've seen so far to a From Software game in the genre. I usually compare other Soulslikes in order to distinguish them from FS titles. Lies of P is almost on par with them for me. (easy 9)
Like many others have said, it's one of the few soulslikes that can easily fit in fromsoft's catalogue.
Only put about an hour in but 9/10 from me; and I am a fussy bugger. Plays great, looks great and there's been nothing like Bloodborne since, well, Bloodborne. So love it.
BB was my only ever Platinum, so I am kinda inclined that way.
9 out of 10 for sure playas.even lies of p phil spencer could lie like that.haha.word up son
I just beat the Malum area boss so still a long way to go but it's a solid 8 so far. Discoverd a weird exploit, I'll be vague to avoid spoilers but if you quit after picking from a certain unmissable tree, close the game fully and then resume activity. It will reset the timer so you can instantly pick from it again. Highly strange!
Had planned to jump into this day one, but Baulders Gate thwarted those plans. Tempted to pick this up still but I'm just finishing act 2, and don't see myself peeling away until I've completed it.
That and the level design have me wondering if I should just wait until Lord's of the Fallen at this point.
For those playing it: Is the very linear level design a downside?
I don't typically like souls games... or well I didn't until Elden Ring came along... I put over 200 hours into that and got the platinum trophy.
I've been playing Lies of P and its enjoyable. The difficulty spikes though between certain enemies can be rough, I love the style and atmosphere, but the story isn't doing a lot for me so far. Currently about halfway through the game... I'd say it is a solid 7.5... its not grabbing me as much as elden ring did, and it's certainly no bloodborne, but it is a good take on the genre.
@KundaliniRising333 the levels can be linear, but there is still lots of stuff to explore. I found myself going back to areas after beating them and finding paths that I missed.
I'm hearing amazing things about this game, I probably won't get it for a while but I am keeping it in mind once things slow down a bit
8/10 from me, would have been a 9/10 if it let me customize my character's appearance but oh well.. you can't have it all😅
I think it's a 9/10 for me honestly. It does so so much right, and not a lot wrong. My main gripe, being Specters, have been taken care of. The music especially is amazing, my fondest moments are just being in Hotel Krat, taking care of whatever I need to there, trying out new weapons I've put together, all while listening to great tracks like Feel and Facsination.
P-Organs and Legion Arms are fantastically implemented, and there is so much variety in builds, weapons, handles, bladed, that even on the toughest bosses I felt like I could experiment to find the right set up.
Amazing game, and I can't wait to see what more this studio does.
I have 15hrs on xbox ss with gamepass but I had to jump to PS5, to have proper graphics and better controller 😈
@KundaliniRising333 there is too much being made out of how linear the levels are. There are short cuts to unlock but personally speaking i found bloodborne to be just as linear in places. Its an amazing game for the studios first attempt and i think they will get better. I originally gave an 8/10 but after playing it more i'm giving it a 9/10.
Runbacks. Talk to me.
What are they like in Lies of P?
It's not a game that I'd be getting right away, but I do like the look of it. Elden Ring is my only Fromsoftlike game experience, and that was pretty forgiving for all the bosses. And that is one of the many reasons I was able to love it as much as I did, I could actually enjoy the losses and trying again, as I didn't have to do a load of stuff i'd consider tedious just to get back and try again lol.
@KundaliniRising333 The levels are well done and look good (goes for the whole game, really). But levels are quite short compared to some of From's games and I do miss that sense of really exploring and pushing forward with ever increasing tension. This is not that.
It's a strong 8 for me.
@torne @Sequel @munkholt @Northern_munkey
Thanks all! I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get it.
Sounds like a great game but I don't have the time for it yet.
It’s a 10 from me. Absolutely loving it.
Good tight gameplay but I wish P didn't lie so much in the game. Would have been even better IMO if P had been honest!
I like the game, but I am 2-3 Bosses away from the end, and I hope it is over soon. Too many bad design mechanics choices that are keeping it from being above 6/10 for me.
I was too invested in a single build, and nothing prepared me for the hideous difficulty spike after Victor.
Absolutely fantastic game!! Bumped me off Armored Core, which I think is really saying something. So many fun and well-done elements, and the story and world is very well realized. Play it!!
8 / 10 for me just got the Arcade so a bit to go. I find the inability to cancel out of animations and a fiddly Parry window holds it back from the dizzy heights of From games.
To be honest, they should be so proud of their game, it's great.
@Zuljaras I am surprised to hear that. I wrapped it up last night and brute forced my way through the whole thing with fire axe + motivity build. Only realised late game how useful throwables are. I did farm a lot of ergo for levels though.
I would give it 9/10.
@Ravix it's generally pretty easy to get your souls/ergo back after dying in this game.
There's definitely not the big dread you'd often get in other games like this. I thought this might be a bit of an issue based off the demo but for the game it works well
@roe Absolutely. From what I've played to date they put your ergo post death outside the boss arena so that you can pick it up and go farm a little and upgrade before you try again (unlike Souls games that made you go back in to the boss fight to get your dropped souls). Good choice for us less skilled.
@Bunchesopuppies you say that but I hate Mortal Shell
@Ravix @roe @lindos Yeah I love the Ergo recovery in this game, very forgiving. Even if you die on your way to getting them back, it'll still leave a bit left for the next attempt (I think maybe a 1/3 or 1/4 of the original amount). Not to mention, the Stargazers are typically (not always) placed pretty close to boss arenas, so there's not a ton of backtracking.
@LordAinsley MS was ok. A bit confusing and some minor roadblocks to start, with some questionable weapon choices. Only game I know where you could jam out with the enemy.
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