It's been over a week since the release of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and it's safe to say that RGG Studio's latest RPG has been a hit. Its unique brand of madness (and massive marketing campaign) has allowed the game to reach people who wouldn't normally be interested in the series — and so we're very interested in hearing what everyone thinks of Ichiban's big adventure.
"Like a Dragon fans will turn up in their droves for a new Yakuza story regardless of overall quality, but never has one been as utterly essential as Infinite Wealth," is what we wrote in our Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth PS5 review, awarding the game an 'excellent' 9/10. "No ifs, no buts: you absolutely have to play this," we concluded.
But don't let our take sway you — we want to know what you think of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. So get voting in our poll, and then argue your case in the comments section below.
Comments 32
I absolutely love everything about this game but I gave it a 9. My only gripe is it’s TOO big. As stupid as that sounds running into more and more sh*t in this game is giving me anxiety lol.
Kudos to RGG and sega as always what a crazy complaint to have with something of this quality.
@Colour yEaH bUt tHeReS nO NeW gAme PlUs
Great game but man they really ***** up with ng+
Absolutely loving the game. My only two complaints is Yong as Kiryu is as bad as we all thought (but Kanji Tang as Ichiban makes up for it and why I keep on English). Also the impatient dialogue is absolutely absurd. All my party constantly telling me to hurry up, even when it's not my turn. But right now it's definitely a lock to be one of my favorite games this year (and Dondoko Island is my favorite Animal Crossing game ever as well)
I'm about halfway through the story and it's between 9.5-10. It is maybe a little too big but there are some great QoL features which really improve upon the last game which ended up at 10/10.
Yeah, of course someone has put Abysmal already. Wouldn’t be a Push Square poll without some haters!
I'd give it 10/10 for Chitose alone, however it's a 8/9 out of 10 so far.
I am really hot on this one for sure. Yakuza Like A Dragon felt like a first crack at a turn-based RPG for this team but Infinite Wealth definitely feels like what Assassins Creed 2 was to Assassins Creed 1.
I can't get enough of this game right now! The characters, the story, the combat, the job system, the writing, the UI, etc. It's top quality stuff. The Dondoku island stuff is probably the only thing I'm less than enthusiastic about but that's mostly because I'm just not into Animal Crossing. However even then, I'm still enjoying it anyway.
It's legit a fantastic RPG. Highly recommend it myself even though I'm still working on it. Really great work RGG.
As someone who isn't a fan of the series i'm actually loving this one, a 9 from me.
@Jayslow My issue with Yong is he's just using his own voice and so all i hear is him.
@Logonogo lol it’s crazy that anyone would have the ability to do it twice at this rate. Sounds like a damn Olympic sport!!!
@AndyKazama true. Yamai is also such a good character
Backlog is too big so not too far into it at the mo. Got a feeling I'll still be plugging away at this one by Christmas!
@Colour definitely not back to back. Somewhere down the road a year or so from now and I'd defo give it a whirl again during a quiet few months
@AndyKazama true words
"I haven't beaten it yet because this is a massive game and I work a full time job" out of 10
I'm way too early to give it a score but it is brilliant so far
I gave it a 9 in the poll but I would say it’s a 8.5 game don’t get me wrong I love the series and the characters and the game was packed. For me the pacing in the story was a bit off , just edited this post as I don’t want to spoil.
I've just started chapter 8. So far I'd give it a solid 9. Ichiban is becoming one of my favourite video game characters. Such a lovable chap.
No matter what there will always be weirdos who give something a 1 and are immediately disregarded.
NG+ has the Big Swell story content it's not a normal NG+. It's also part of a bigger dlc pack.
@tameshiyaku I thought being as good a character as Saeko is wasn't possible. Proved me wrong.
Like a dragon infinite wealth is a excellent game.word up son
Somewhere between chapters 7-8, really loving the entire Sugimon game. The island is also fun with the many Sleazy options.
I'm only half-way through but it's an 8/10 for me. Knocked a point off it for making me do Dondoko Island. Worst minigame I've ever played, just awful
You should never hear Yong's voice as Kiryu should be heard as Takaya Kuroda, end of.
It feels like a massive game but this is never ever a critique and should only be seen as positive. 43 hours in, chapter 5 and just did the Hawaiian Haunt labyrinth. The new characters are excellent and the game is awesome. This game couldn't be too big. My original goal was to plat before 29th Feb and FF7 Rebirth but at this point I don't care and happy to play this as long as it takes (including the master vacation bundle). Then I'll plat the PS4 version later in the year.
Struggling to rate it under a 10 tbh. Not gonna knock them for the NG+ thing becauze that's not the people who actually made the game, it's Sega. I've bought the NG+ anyway for the extra content and story as physical edition + £12.99 for the extras was less than if I'd have bought the base game digitally.
I can't review it yet. I'm still on chapter 5 and doing all quests and mini-games within reason.
The game is good. Wether it's great we will see by the end.
I do not like the arcade game assortment though. It's much weaker than Gaiden. They should've put Scud race in there.
I'm only in chapter 4, but i'm hooked!
This is everything LAD was but better, more and bigger.
Giving it a 9 so far!
I'm 30 hours and it just doesn't feel like a Yakuza game anymore, it's soulless, the characters are third rate and the storyline is poor. They bring Kiryu out of retirement just to do him dirty, it was utterly pointless and just felt like an attempt to kill his legacy. The new companions are dull as hell. It feels like Ubisoft has taken over Yakuza. You can see a mile away that Nagoshi and his team had nothing to do with this one.
only 9 because of the extra $ for NG+.
Finished it and got the platinum.
Overall I think it's really good. Big step up from Yakuza 7. I don't think the story overall is particularly good, and the villains aren't so memorable, but that's balanced out by the heart of the Kiryu storyline and his struggles, particularly in the back half of the game.
It really goes hard and it's quite upsetting in parts, but also hopeful and nostalgic and sweet. I actually shed tears, and for basically about ten hours of it I had a lump in my throat. My fiancee was hysterical as a huge Yakuza fan. I think your reverence for the old games and Kiryu in particular will dictate how much you get out of that stuff but for me it was a home run.
So all of that kinda balances out what on paper is probably a weaker Yakuza tale. Gameplay is great, side activities are great too. Fantastic music. Like the new characters. Not touching Yakuza 0 or 2 for me but really good.
I'm addicted to sujimon now I know what I'm doing , gotta catch em all 😁
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