Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been out on PS5 for about a week now, and so the time has come to pass definitive judgement on Sony's latest blockbuster (if you're actually ready to do so, that is). The sequel was met with a tidal wave of super positive reviews, quickly cementing its place amongst the highest rated games of 2023. And with such stiff competition, that's quite the achievement.
Our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 review ends with a 'great' 8/10. "Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a confident sequel that builds on the previous games in practically every way possible," we concluded, heaping praise on the title's traversal mechanics and general gameplay flow. "We do have some minor criticisms about the story, and the combat does become repetitive eventually, but this is overall an absolute blast full of moments that'll surprise and delight."
But that's enough about what we think. We want to know what review score you would give Marvel's Spider-Man 2. So get voting in our poll, and then feed us your honest thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 93
Easy 9/10. It's damn near perfect, but I wish there were a few more side quests to undertake. The main story is top notch and what is there for side content is excellent, just wish there was more of it. Definitely a GOTY contender and I'm having trouble deciding if it's better than Final Fantasy XVI or not. Though, they may both be supplanted by Alan Wake II....
7/10 for me. Maybe a 6.5 if I could vote that. I don't have a single sentence that succinctly summarizes my thoughts. Outside of Miles Morales, I guess I'll have to live with the fact that Insomniac's games don't wow me anymore. I'm still waiting for a PlayStation exclusive this gen to blow me away like Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us: Part II, and Astro's Playroom did.
8/10. Story was great and I prefer that it was more streamlined and a little less bloated. But, honestly after Spider-Man 1, and miles morales, the gameplay while good (and traversal amazing), started to grow a little stale to me, and bore me a little bit.
Still a great game, just hoping Wolverine has some different gameplay (especially since he’s my favorite superhero) and insomniac takes a break after that and does a different game. A New non licensed IP would be great
I just finished and got the Platinum. It's a 9 in my book. There is still some unnecessary filler with MJ and puzzles.
@MegaManX-7 I only play the Mary Jane missions, my girlfriend plays the rest, I just wish they would bring out a mary Jane game with the odd spiderman mission. I'm Joking 😂
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually agree with Pushsquare's review. This an 8/10 game through and through. As much fun as I find myself having, I also can't deny that Spider-man 2 really isn't doing anything to set itself apart from Spider-man 2018 or even Miles Morales. It really is just more Spider-man. And while that's probably enough for some people and great if you loved those first two games, its also a tad bit underwhelming
And of course someone has already voted Abysmal, even though there are no votes for Average, Poor, Bad or Terrible as of yet. I doubt this person has even played the game. And if so, it begs the question why spend seventy dollars on a game that will obviously play like it’s predecessor? They must know if they liked the original by now. If they did, does more of the same justify abysmal? And if they didn’t like it, then why buy the sequel? Trolls are gonna troll.
Easily a 10. Best superhero game ever.
Is it the same person who votes for Abysmal in every one of these polls? It’s got to be, right? Only a madman would give Spider-Man 2 a 1?!!
Def 10 for me. It took everything from the 1st game & made it loads better. Insomniac are Sonys jewel in the crown.
2% are outliers. Please ignore them.
It's a 7 for me, yes it looks stunning and swinging is fantastic but everything else is just a tad dull.
It did also make me think about skill trees. Apart from one I had to choose to unlock a trophy I didn't spend a single skill point, same with Cyberpunk too. These things used to be useful now they're pointless and just add too much complexity.
It is a 10 for me. The 3 Marvel's Spider-Man games (up to now) and the Batman Arkham series are the BEST superhero games of all time!
Probably a 7 from what I’ve tried. Yeah, it’s spectacular tech and it’s fun, but it’s also a flashier and better version of the last two games, which are also 7s. If you’re not a Spider-Fan, it’s not as awe inspiring, I suppose. As the only big first party Sony title this year (outside the VR Horizon title), I’d say it’s a bit of a meh year for first party Sony for me. Totally get it if you don’t feel that way, but, for me, it’s probably the first year in a while (perhaps ever) where first party Sony seems the most meh of the big three.
Easy 10/10. It improves on everything the first two games did, and finds a new take on the symbiote story that really stuck with me. GOTY for sure. Insomniac could make a hundred more Spider-man games and I'll play every single one of them.
8 obviously.
The character development of Peter Parker is very poor, and the process is too short.
Others all great.
9/10, story is amazing but a bit on the short side, side missions were surprisingly great and the open world activities are better than the first game but still repetitive.
10/10. It improves on every aspect of the previous two. Web wings never get boring, side missions are way more memorable, gadgets been part of the UI mean they get used more often, and main story had the right amount of pace.
What I would love to see now is a Black Cat expansion and a Venom spin off game...other then that...bring on Logan.
I'd give it a 9. Easily Insomniac's best game. The people who gave it a 1 are clearly either a. Joking. B. Never played it or c. Have never played another video game before. An abysmal game would have to be completely broken or not have a single moment of quality
@Stevemalkpus #trollhumor
8/10. Open world activities are less stale than the original, much better side content and enjoyed main story and character moments. Plays it too safe, doesn’t do much to be different from original and could have done with more Venom.
Eight or nine for me. Friendly neighbourhood fun
9/10. Loved it so much, but it did feel on the shorter side and some of the graphical presentation in cutscenes is downright disappointing. Still, can't recommend it enough.
I gave it a 8 graphically it’s visually appealing but with the map being relatively the same as the previous games, and the story being good but not on par with the first one and the length. Platinumed the game with a game time of 23 hours. But I did enjoy the game and looking forward to the next one. Insomniac do make great games!
8 from me, its a great game but it has a fair few flaws and i prefer the first game.
Will go with you on that one.
My most played console 2023 is the Switch
Then series x then PS5
Though my multi-platform games are on series x
To be fair to my PS5.
9 out of 10.easily one of the best games ever made.word up son
Reading the comments you’d think this game was a 8/10(or even lower) for most people, but just like the first one the silent majority love it. 70% say 9 or 10. The first game and Miles Morales have amazing scores on Steam user reviews too(96%, 94%).
I’d say it’s probably a 9/10, the missions feel way more creative this time and with more variety. Things like the chase with Black Cat just feel brilliant even if it’s just using a mechanic from another game.
Right now, 9 easy.
Character, story, acting, world, gameplay... it is all there and not only "fun to play" but they also had the time to make it look fantastic on my 4KTV
They gave me the full package for my cash.
i haven’t beat it yet , but it’s more enjoyable than the first game to say the least
8/10 for me. 9 is the highest I’d give a game so 8 is pretty good.
@OldGamer999 My PS5 is my second most played console this year (behind Switch, which just keeps going with those excellent first party Nintendo titles). I play multiplats on PS typically. I do think that Square saved Sony on the lack of first party content with Final Fantasy 16 and Forspoken. If it wouldn’t have been for those two games, I would’ve probably felt like PlayStation had a worse year than Xbox had last year, which is saying something, but, thankfully, I loved both of those games, so no big deal. Humanity, Nour, and Viewfinder too, were a good batch of exclusives that satiated my need for Sony weird. Lol.
I will say that Sony’s going to have to do better next year though. Xbox is setting up the legwork to rebound and Sony is looking complacent.
@PenguinLtd absolutely! Glad I'm not the only one too.
9.5/10 for me but since theres no option for that i went with 10.
I assume the 1s are from.people playing the Xbox version of the game.
I've very close to getting the platinum trophy and I've encountered a few bugs. The game is remarkably polished for how complex it is. The game is also much improved over its predecessors in virtually every way. I give the game a solid 9/10. It will be a 10/10 someday, but it needs a few more patches first.
I dare not use the word complacent about Sony and not a single first party AAA big game shown for 2024. We normally have game play and a release date by now for one or two of Sonys but hitters for next year.
I actually believe their formula will be the same for 2024 and the future.
So maybe GOWR dlc early 2024
Third party exclusive Roni
Then a big AAA from in house the end 2024.
And god forbid please not last of us 2 remaster for PS5.
My score dropped seeing as I got the Platinum really quickly............ 5/10 for me.
There is zero replay value and paying £63 for a AAA game that got finished in a few days is bang out of order Sony
I would give it an 8 out of 10, the main story is excellent, there's so much variety and creativity in the campaign, I was surprised that the side content was so dull and really by the numbers, still a great game though.
9/10 for me, the story is gripping and the gameplay variety is fantastic. It just plain fun to play. And I just cant stop taking screenshots everything is so gorgeous. And the suit selection is great.
Having not played it, I’d think an 8.5 if you’d never played one of the previous 2, and a 6 if you have.
clearly, people are getting fatigued from by-the-numbers sequels, as grand and polished as they may be. spiderman 2 is evidence of this. sony and other AAA publishers need to push the envelope more going forward or sales and interest will truly slump in the years ahead. we need the equivalent of the ps1/ps2 golden age, but in the modern era. if that means taking more risks, fostering new ideas and concepts and applying smaller budgets as a consequence, then so be it. this grind cannot continue forever.
9 out of 10 for me.
@Enigk hahaha 🤣
@OldGamer999 Yeah, that’s how I feel too. I sort of worry that they put all their eggs into the GAAS basket for next year for first parties and will coast with third party exclusives as those may struggle in the current gaming climate. I expect Death Stranding 2, Final Fantasy 7, Ronin, and Stellar Blade may be interesting and they’ve got a solid indie line-up. But this said, there’s nothing to say about their first party titles. Even in 2020, when the industry was essentially shuttered, we had TLOU2 and Ghost from them, but now we hear GAAS initiative and remasters. Sony is using third parties to create the illusion that their own studios are creating interesting content.
@Porco Couldn’t have said it better myself! Sony did a good job with risk and reward in previous generations and it seems they’re playing it safe in a risky way.
8/10 for me. The first SM is still the best in the series. This one is on par with SM:MM. The formula isn't completely done to death, but it doesn't wow like the first time anymore.
Very similar to the previous one and other than the main story (missions are just too long and repetitive fighting) the rest is pointless and boring. I got this and Mario wonder at the same time and originally said I was playing both, but now it’s completed I see no reason to go back whereas I can’t get enough of wonder.
I haven't finished but so far it's at least a 9. I respect people's view's who may say it's a 7 or 6 but no-one can seriously suggest it's a 1. That's just idiotic
I'd give it an 8 because it was great. Nothing much new, and some fairly annoying bugs but I enjoyed the story and I knew what I was doing based on the last game. I don't think anyone with the full mental capacities and played RDR2 could look themselves in the mirror and give this game a 10 (which is reserved for games of generational innovation).
Well will be very interesting to see when they final do, what they have for 2024.
As currently from in house it’s a zero for the big gun games.
I’m not too bothered as Nintendo will keep me going for the first half of 2024 and if Switch 2 releases say October 2024 it should be a good year no matter what Sony or Microsoft do.
Then there is also a few good third party titles about.
I voted 9, would have been 10 without the game breaking bugs. A friend of mine has been having real trouble
Literally just finished it. Solid 9. What a great game. Had a big grin on my face most of time and for an open-world it didn’t outstay its welcome by overdoing all the side quests.
@ChrisDeku the majority loves almost any flashy game with pretty graphics it’s not hard to impress them
@Mikey856 So You didnt rate this game on how You felt about it but instead rated it because You friend had an issue? ROFL
@Shad361 But You are superior to that imaginary "majority". You are Ubergamer and your opinion is more worthy.
8/10. It is more Insomniac Spiderman which is nice but I'd say that it gets old a lot faster than the previous games, at least for me. I got the platinum after 24 hours and I had no desire to keep playing. I think it stems from the side activities being very similar to each other this time around so the gameplay became repetitive relatively quickly for me. Story also didn't hit the same dramatic highs that the first game had. Enjoyed my time with it but would more likely replay the first game over this one.
@Azex Opposite for me. SM2 inclined me to go for platinum and after i get that (eventually) i will go back to Morales and Remastered and try to do the same.
The Game is good….but it’s just more of the same….some of the missions are not fun at all…in fact kinda boring…I also feel like they are trying to phase out Peter Parker…to make it the Miles Morales show…….big mistake….
When I'm trying to be as objective as possible 9/10. On a personal note, I'd give it an 8/10, simply due to the fact that I am not too much into the whole super heroes thing in general. But it is hard to deny that this is a high quality game. I simply hope Insomniac won't turn into a Marvel only studio.
An easy 9 for me. It's almost there to a 10. The MJ sections are still not good and not needed and I do agree with some of the story choices not really making much sense towards the end but other than those two things it's absolutely fantastic.
@Tr3mm0r personally I’m loving it but I’m not very far through it yet because I’ve little time but my mate is well into it and he says it’s f#%^** so whatever
My GotY. Which I didn't expect at all based on everything I had seen.
But the gameplay has been outstandingly improved by addition of various gameloops and refined combat with a bunch of new combos, movesets and other stuff and I do not want to spoil.
The story is gripping and engaging with a lot of surprises.
There's so much I could talk about but it would take forever.
Game is amazing and Insomniacs best work by far.
New top 5
1. Marvel's Spider-Man 2
2. Final Fantasy XVI
3. Dead Space
4. Resident Evil 4
5. Hogwarts Legacy
8 because all of the Venom stuff was a huge whiff for me as a massive Venom/Eddie Brock fan. Just too out of character and odd. Plus giving not one but two Eddie Brock roles to other characters stung a bit as a fan of the character.
That said, the Kraven stuff was great and Harry was great other than the symbiote stuff. The gameplay elements were improved enough as well. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Story was better in the first game, everything else was better here.
@Tr3mm0r I don’t think I’m “better” but when someone who only plays like 3 games a year says a game like this is a masterpiece I’m skeptical. People want to hand out 10/10’s like candy to any good game these days
Far to good of a high quality tight package of a game to even be considered for a 7 or 8 in my honest opinion. Gameplay, story and performance 120hz 40fps VRR smoothed or uncapped is all high quality on day one so for me personally it's a 10 out of 10. Pure quality throughout and not this boring bland diarrhea quantity
10, nothing revolutionary just a great feeling, solid experience all around. Grinding to the platinum now and loving every second!
9 for me, loved the story, it felt like less bloat, and it just good fun.
Minor glitches (disappearing characters) that took the shine off a tad. Otherwise looks nice and runs smoothly.
Its a great game. The story is good and the traversal is fantastic. The open world is great and the additions to combat and webs are more than welcome. The problem is, its still a spiderman game and you do spiderman things. Nothing new or innovative, which is fine, its just not going to get the top marks for this reason. As sequels go its a great one but its still a super hero game beneath it all.
Easily a 10 and as a huge Batman fan, because he’s my favorite hero ever that I know absolutely everything about, it kills me to say that. I don’t really jive with marvel besides Wolverine,Daredevil who’s my absolute favorite marvel hero and Spider-Man and this game just captures being spidey hell a hero period better than any other superhero game especially the friendly neighbor Spider-Man part
@RBMango Returnal, R&C Rift Apart, Demon's Souls, Spider-Man 2, Horizon: Forbidden West, God of War: Ragnarok, Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. None of these games did it for you?
@Loamy Xbots
I just bought Spider-Man 2 and have yet to play it. I loved Spider-Man and Miles Morales so I expect Spider-Man 2 to be great! The 2% that said it’s “Abysmal” must be Xbot trolls that think Starfield is the best game ever. Lol
I love the implementation of venom, the story even when it takes a hit on the pace, graphics, performance. All of it.
But I don’t think taking it down from a 10 to a 9 is enough of a hit, and that’s solely because of the horrific busywork. Just when I was getting into the swing of things the game tells you to stop having fun because there’s a new little activity. I just got the suit off, roughly 8 hours into the game. And it’s STILL force feeding me garbage side activities that are a slog. The platinum is easy to get, yes, but that’s if you have the patience to blatantly not enjoy yourself for a dozen hours. That’s a problem for me, and seems to really just be there to force the game to have legs.
Love it man, love this game but I can definitely say that at this point every time I see a new side activity minigame garbage heap thrown in my face I want to just give up and not complete the game. That’s a problem with presentation, as the story is amazing on its own yet insomniac wants to try and prevent being engrossed in it.
7 out of 10 for me. People aren’t harsh enough on Valhalla style filler.
14 hours in, 34% of the story done and I’m at level 31.
Absolutely love it. Gameplay, visuals, sound and general feel of the game is top tier. I could spend hours just navigating the world messing about and using photo mode.
Not to mention it’s a technical masterpiece.
Easily a 10 out of 10 for me.
It's a 7.
I was not sure about buying this game, which looked like a movie in the trailers. But it is a damn good looking game and fun swinging around the city.
But the story is a slog at times, and the movement while walking around as Peter or Miles is extremely slow. Also a lot of the missions and side quests is actually quite childish.
I've had most fun with doing the collectible stuff
I've visited NY City in RL, so it's a joy revisiting the city in such a scale and detail in this game though.
@Anke I completely agree.
If it didn’t have dog-crap combat maybe I’d play it. It’s baffling that people are willing to throw around 10/10 scores, good thing they aren’t reviewers.
8/10. The game is seriously held back by dull side content and almost everything involving miles. It’s just not well written. Kraven is wasted as a character imo. Hate how most of the side quests end up as teasers for the 3rd game. The main campaign tho? Mostly excellent, with Peter and Harry’s relationship a standout. And the set pieces are up there with the best Sony exclusives have to offer
@Shad361 I just finished it. Fantastic story, fantastic gameplay, fantastic graphics including RayTracing in performance mode. I'm changing my score from 9.5 to full 10.
Brilliant game 9/10 for me, I think it takes the more stream lined approach like MM and is better for it, I am don't want it end which says it all really.
Gliding is an excellent addition and it is buttery smooth!
I really enjoyed some of the side quests, find grandpa was a particular favourite.
I'm about 10 hours in and it really is just pretty DLC from first one to be honest, only the writing seems to be worse, the sidequests are really dull and I know some people say they haven't had any but I've had a massive amout of bugs, at least 5 or 6 hard resets and countless times where the last bad guy in a mission is hidden inside a wall or building, it's infuriating. Far too much bloat in this, without there is probably about 3 hours worth of decent content.
8 for me dont understand how anyone can give it a 10 like really there is nothing that can be improved? The same boring side activities that haven't evolved in 3 games!
@Arnna probably best for all that you’re not a reviewer either 😂😂😂😂 (no offence, you do you, etc etc)
@Hamst88 Nor do I pretend to be by assigning hyperbolic scores to every shiny thing I see.
Looks great, nice swinging, but so dull after a few hours
@MegaManX-7 That's been a staple but I'm 50% completion haven't played that.
@Tchunga This is how I feel too; it didn't reach any heights that Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales haven't reached themselves.
About a 7 for me.
suit selection was absolute garbage. stuck with original suits almost the whole game. The next game needs a customise suit option. would make you feel more like your own spiderman identity.
game length was too short for me, but i get that the way it was structured meant any longer would have been tedious.
I think it's Phill Spencer and Matt Booty.
@Anke If you did this in Cyberpunk, you missed out on a LOT. Like, everything. All the special abilities. A little mad if you ask me, you left a lot on the table with that game!
I really enjoyed the game but I felt the graphics were pretty average and I do not enjoy the combat gameplay, which made large sections of the game a bit of a slog because it is very combat heavy.
Definitely a 7 for me. Great game, really enjoyed, but more of the same 'sony' gameplay which we've all been playing for many, many years now. I loved the story and had to hold back tears on two occasions.
I think for someone new to playstation, this game would blow them away, but for those of us who've been kicking since the old days (PS2 for me!) it's very good, but we're used to very good.
@Sxio I probably did indeed but I didn't actually feel any need to use anything but my katana all the way through. I did turn on a skill or two specifically for trophies but after the reset they did the first time I didn't bother putting any back on.
@Anke So many amazing skills for Katana???
Hey that's cool. Beauty of the game is there's a million ways to play it.
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