Brutal kung fu action title Sifu has been out for a good chunk of time now — and you know what that means! The game's proven to be pretty popular — especially in more hardcore circles that deal with speedruns and other self-imposed challenges. Sifu's one heck of a ride if you can find the time (and patience) to work at it, and as such, we'd love to know what review score you'd give SloClap's latest.
In our own Sifu PS5 review, we called it "brutal but brilliant". Our conclusion reads: "Sifu doesn't pull any punches. It's a consistently challenging and demanding beat-'em-up, but persistence pays off. You'll be hard pressed to find a more rewarding game on PlayStation — especially one that's so visually striking and polished. Some quibbles with combat mechanics aside, Sifu is a knockout."
But what are your thoughts on Sifu? Have you beaten it? Maybe you're waiting on the difficulty settings update that's supposed to be coming soon? Vote in our polls, and then tell us all about your kung fu journey in the comments section below.
Comments 47
52% haven't played it (currently) and it seems 25% of those votes for their rating is completely off point. And this is why you can trust people's votes haha
Really enjoying the game. Got to the credits today but I plan to keep going. The combat is extremely addicting. Just wished it would’ve been a bit longer, last two stages feel fairly short even without using shortcuts.
Seen enough Sifu played of it that it got boring to watch within 30mins let alone play. Very repetitive quickly! DL2 is way better!!! Enjoying that alot. But stopped for HFW which is 9/10 for me and has a few annoying bugs. Then will stop that for Elden Ring. Hope it is incredible!!
9. Sifu feels like the game Sekiro wanted to be but I just couldn't connect with.
On the third boss and still really enjoying it, but I'm now taking a pause for Horizon, Witch Queen, Elden Ring and GT7. See you in April with Cyberpunk, Sifu!
This game looks/sounds awesome and I wish I could support it at launch, but there's too many games right now I just couldn't delay getting. Looking forward to playing this probably summer time I reckon alongside the witch queen and Kirby.
I would give it 0 if I could 🙄
@Nf157 I have a rule of thumb for your situation. I will buy a game at full launch retail pricing to support devs that make something special that I know I will really enjoy. It probably happens 3 to 4 times a year. Most recent game I bought at launch but was backlogged was Kena. Doesn't work for every budget but I probably spend 150-200 a year on games I don't play immediately
I would play it, if the physical version would be out already. So I'll wait.
I think this is a firm 7/10 game - a brilliant effort from SloClap, considering the obvious resource limitations that any smaller developer faces (vs AAA heavy-hitters).
For me it plays like a strange mash-up of Sekiro, Returnal and Hades... but fails to land punches as strong as any of those inspirations.
I admire the steep difficulty curve of SIFU, and for once I am actually against the game being patched with an 'easy mode'. My feeling is that if you are to take away the challenge/difficulty curve, there is actually not much 'game' left (no real story or RPG mechanics/gameplay to lean into).
I have just beaten the 3rd boss (at an embarrassing age of 65!) but am confident I will eventually beat the game. Perhaps not a platinum...
Got this to tide me over until Elden Ring, and generally pleasantly surprised.
However - I would be hesitant in recommending this game to people, unless they were already familiar with tough games. (vs Hades, which I would recommend to everyone without hesitation)
9 out of 10. This game reminds me of sleeping dogs and the arcade and sega genesis i use to play back then.word up son
It’s going to be in my top five games this year. I’ve got two more stages left to perfect before having the under 25 trophy and the platinum. Even with limited time at night it’s easy to blow through a boss and stage in 20 mins once you have them mastered.
So I didn’t do very well with Sieko and I’m not a Demon Souls player but I am very much interested in this game? With that being said should I pass on this on? I ask because I buy games that I think I will like and ending up not playing them. I loved sleeping dogs but I’m not getting the vibe this game is arcade fighting. Any advice?
Ah, I'm torn between an 8 or 9. I chose 9 though because of how polished the game is. It's niche for sure, but it has undeniable quality that you really don't see in a lot recent games. It's a simple concept that is executed almost flawlessly, with its overall length and lack of alternative content, and of course the finnicky camera, really the only thing that holds it back for me. I definitely look forward to any post release content for Sifu. I loved it.
I've a bad feeling this is gonna end up on my backlog now that Horizon 2 grabbed my attention. Love the art style. Oddly, it's used in The Long Dark with great effectiveness. It seems to be especially good for facial animation. Just wish I had more time.
8/10 It's a great game, some issues with the camera and I can't seem to get the audio the way I would prefer it.
@Willbdon45 This game is really hard, and it designed around you dying...a lot. You will die so much that you will need to replay previous levels to master them, otherwise your character will likely be too old to complete the game.
It isn't as big a waste of time as it seems however. As the levels are fairly short, but engaging enough for replays to feel very worthwhile.
It's not exactly arcade fighting.... it has that feel, but there is a lot more depth more similar to a traditional fighting game than a beat em up. If you are familiar with recognizing, memorizing, and reacting correctly to opponents' move-sets in games like Tekken, Street Fighter, or Mortal Kombat you will feel right at home here. The aging mechanic feels a lot like the continue screen in any of those games at an arcade.
I think this is a game designed for people that like to challenge themselves in video games. Personally, if a game is too easy my eyes start to glaze over, I get really bored, and just end up playing another game. It is niche, and sometimes frustrating (albeit with frequent and substantial payoff for that frustration), but if you can stick with it, I think it's a great game.
I’ve played enough to know that for me it’s only a 6/10. It’s a good game, for sure, but far from a great game and definitely not a masterpiece. Graphically it’s average …. the style and visuals are eye catching and the takedown animations are fun but the running, especially, feels a bit off and isn’t helped by the camera which is frequently jarring. The alternate routes are fun to locate and it’s great to locate a new one which then allows for a quicker and more achievable run.
But the levels feel shockingly empty at times and don’t offer enough exploration and I’d have liked more environmental interaction. Throwing endless bottles and picking up the same melee weapons eventually becomes a bit repetitive and that’s before the janky blocking. Yes, I know many will berate me for not gitting gud but I’m this case it just too often feels random and both the timing and dodging, mixed with that camera, makes fighting large groups of villains tougher than it should be and you leap over a table and suddenly lose sight of the enemy.
It’s certainly not a terrible game and is fun to a point but the constant replay factor mixed with the occasionally drab, empty levels have more often than not left me abandoning the game in favour of something else.
Overall it’s a divisive game that the review scores seem to agree with. Some people will love it whilst others won’t but for me it’s a potentially amazing beat em up hampered by way too many jiggles and design flaws …
I voted 8. I’ve loved my time with it upto the third boss. Sadly I’ve not had much time to spend on it recently. If the rest of the game is as good as it is up to now, I’d probably give it a 9. I think it’s a great title.
So I'm actually shocked with the positive reception of this game. The way I feel about Sifu is "What if Sekiro but only its combat, and nothing else" because that's pretty much what Sifu is. There is no platforming or stealth to help break up the gameplay. It's just fighting. It's moving from one room to the next in a very linear fashion fighting bad guys along the way.
Which pretty much leaves the combat to be Sifu's only real saving grace. And is the combat good? Sure, it's good enough. I wouldn't say it's amazing though. This style of gameplay has been done before and been done better imo.
There is the roguelike mechanic with the aging system and this is arguably the most interesting aspect of Sifu I would say. It gives the game an extra layer of challenge and intrigue that kept me playing til I saw the credits roll. If not for the aging mechanic I might have lost interest and dropped it halfway through.
Overall though Sifu probably sits at around a 7 for me. It's a decent enough action game with some pretty cool ideas that doesn't offer much outside of it's incredibly repetitive combat
Waiting for a price drop , not a fan of hard-core difficulty , I like to enjoy games not stress me out 😂 so probably a 6/10
I really don't like or appreciate a number or a rating on games, movies, and books; it isn't very nuanced and it's subjectivity is hidden by the very un-subjective number on the screen. I love this game because it can be played in long or short bursts, rewards concentration and patience, oozes style, and it leans so hard into its theme that it elevates past its core gameplay.
@Nyne11Tyme usually I like doing a similar thing to you but with the amount of 'must buys' for me squashed into the first half of this year some will just have to slip through the cracks until I have time/budget. Would have loved to support this game otherwise.
So here's the thing. I've bought Horizon Forbidden West and I'm going to get Elden Ring as well. But I've been playing some Sifu on my mate's PS5 and it's all I can think about.
There's just something about how it feels when everything comes together and you're pummeling everyone in your path.
I went with a 9. Really excellent game. Presentation is excellent besides some not so great voice acting. The 3rd stage in particular is my favorite of the game. Camera does get confused sometimes but not too often. Combat is top notch 10/10. The aging/death mechanic is honestly genius I hope other games take note of it. And finally the challenge is tough but fair and there really is nothing like facing down the final boss, realizing you have caught on to their patterns, and in return start taunting him to come at you knowing you are ready for anything he throws at you...there's simply nothing like it!
I do hope folks waiting for the easy mode at least try to complete it on the default difficulty. It's certainly not easy, but I don't think it's among the most difficult games out there. This isn't Ninja Gaiden.
The feel of overcoming the challenge is kind of the heart of the game as the story is pretty by the numbers. Without the balanced challenge of the game I'd probably drop my score down to a 6 or a 7 honestly.
awful game for its budget (less than 10% of hfw) but sold for half the price of hfw
Beat the game (without the credits / secret ending) so does that count??
Anyway, I give it an 8/10. Great game but definitely VERY difficult.
I have zero interest to play this game.
Put it on the back burner for now but i had a few hours on it. Dies alot to begin with then it started to click. Dont even bother with the counter mechanic. Too hard to time properly. Its all about the block and dodge. Beat the 2nd boss first go and got killed twice. Was alot harder getting to him than beating him.
Id give it a solid 8/10 so far and look forward to investing some more time in to it.
From being on the brink of deleting the game on the second level to getting all endings and being two trophies away from a plat I can certainly say it's one of my favourite games of the past few years and an early GOTY contender for me. The gameplay loop is extremely satisfying once you know what you're doing.
Yes the graphics may not be amazing but the art style is gorgeous and the soundtrack was stellar. The story and ending left a lot to be desired but I didn't make my purchase for Naughty Dog levels of storytelling. It was a bit short and as some said, parts of levels felt a bit hollow.
The foundations have been laid for this game to get post-release support. With patches to refine the gameplay further coupled with DLC, I can see Sifu growing and gaining a bigger fan base over the next couple of years- evolving from what it was at launch. I really hope this is the case as it would be a bug waste of opportunity to leave it as it is after a few hotfixes
@Zaiyan what? You are insane smdh, if you know this game will attack you and never give you platinum no matter how perfect you are, why keep on trying?
This is why this game is toxic and would never touch this game even if this was given away for free on PlayStation plus, i still wouldn't download it
I'll try this if its ever added to PS Plus
@Tchunga Yeah, I feel like it's one of those inside jokes by a group of people you just started hanging out with. You're sure it's probably funny but you don't have the context.
I’m a huge fan of the souls series so I know I’d really enjoy this. Unfortunately, at this point in my life, I really need to pick and choose what I pay for and play due to time constraints and what have you. I hate starting a game and then not being able to pick it up again for awhile. I don’t like when there’s a big potential for distraction or getting side-tracked by another game. If I’m not going to give it 100% and beat it I’d rather not even play it at all.
I did it with The Medium and I did it with Ghost of Tsushima and I’ll probably never go back to them now because I forget the controls and everything I was doing. 😩
Right now I have Elden Ring coming and well… I plan to get fully invested in that. I’ve been playing DS1 trying to prepare myself for the incoming punishment.
@huyi The platinum is definitely doable without being perfect at it. I should I know. I have it. It isn't toxic at all, challenging yourself to do better isn't toxic. It's just human.
@huyi maybe I could have structured my wording a bit better but please read my comment again. The game isn't toxic(?). It has a learning curve that requires patience and some repetition. As I said, I was close to deleting it out of pure rage myself before it finally 'clicked'. After almost 40hrs of play I'm still learning and experimenting.
Again, I truly hope the devs support their game over the next couple of years with content and refinement.
Could be a little controversial, but it seems people are noticing the PS plus symbol next to game on the "recent played" tab. Could be an error, but what if this is actually coming to plus? Quite a few people paid for this only weeks ago.
@CrushALL i think watching someone play something and playing it yourself is different though. Also out of curiosity, you said that you started dl2 and stopped to play hfw and plan on stopping that when elden ring drops, why wouldnt you finish dl2 and then get hfw or elden ring once you finished one game, as by the time you are done with dl2 hfw or elden ring will probably be cheaper, not a critisism just curious.
I've only played the first level before I moved on. I'll probably go back to it. Maybe. I wasn't really feeling it, honestly.
@Constable_What thank you! Exactly what I needed to know appreciate it!!!
Got the Plat loved the game...Felt they could've went further with the cheesy dialog as an homage to old black'n'white Kung-fu flicks. It was kinda low-key perfect though. Very pick up and play, unlike the slow start to Horizon FW. I can appreciate a game that's a simple but enjoyable as SIFU in light of games today aiming for you to spend 100 hours in the world. DLC for SIFU would be day one.
@Willbdon45 it depends on what you want to get out of it. If you can enjoy the game for the excellent combat and set pieces and not stress too much about dying or only having 5 (or fewer) levels to fight in then I'd highly recommend it.
What this isn't is a long low effort experience. It asks you to engage with the combat on a pretty intense level.
9/10 docked one point for the constant boss fight with the Camera 😅
So, the camera can be terrible, environments have somewhat limited interaction and the game is short. Despite this, it's easily a 9.5 for me. The combat is sharp, focused and fair. Regardless of the level, regardless of whether you're beating ass or getting yours beaten into pulp it just feels good to play and that's about the highest praise I can give a game. It asks you to engage with its well thought out mechanics on a very intense level. Once it clicks it's gold!
@Willbdon45 You're welcome!
I've fallen in love with this game. Just got the real ending, and I can't believe how much I'm still learning with the combat. Speaking of which, it is phenomenal and deep, there's nothing like parrying, avoiding and smashing your way through a crowd. I'd say the last couple of levels aren't quite as good as the first three, but no complaints other than that.
I haven't played Sifu yet, so can't give it a review score!
Planning to buy it on sale during November/December.
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