The eternally solid Sniper Elite series returned just last week with Sniper Elite: Resistance. Far from a revolutionary instalment, critics and players seem to agree that it's mostly more of the same — but it can still be a damn good time.
"Sniper Elite: Resistance serves as more of a stopgap than a full-blown sequel to Sniper Elite 5, so much of that experience — including its highs and lows — carries over two and a half years later," is what we wrote in our Sniper Elite: Resistance review.
"However, when that similarity is a fairly unique model in the first place, Sniper Elite: Resistance just about gets away with it," we concluded, awarding Harry Hawker and his freedom fighters a respectable 7/10.
Oh, and we also crafted a big Sniper Elite: Resistance guide, in case you need help finding all those collectibles.
But what score would you give Sniper Elite: Resistance? Give it a rating in our poll, and then look through your scope into the comments section below.
Comments 17
9 - Excellent
I'm biased though, love the series 😉
I love the sniper elite series but because I've Been busy since it released a wk ago I haven't had chance to buy and play it yet ,are the maps quite big like elite 5 and 4?
A five, disappointing level design which pales in comparison to some of the levels in 5 (map 3 especially. The difficulty is nowhere as difficult as previous games either, it seems to need adjustment. Also, why does Harry Hawkers eyes look so weird? He looks like Danny Dyer on the surface of Mars gasping for air! For me, this game feels like it has been palmed off to a less experienced 3rd party team and it just shows in how weak the game looks graphically at times. Online survival mode can be very laggy and frustrating to endure.
Not tried it but had look on gamepass but reviews on Xbox were quite bad alot saying feels like dlc basically like mw3 n that graph etc basically everything is a step down from last game. just an heads up for anyone this kig buying it maybe AV a look at videos reviews etc
It will never, EVER, get old for me shooting Nazis in the balls. However, this series is long due for some innovation. I know it it ain't broke, don't fix it, but we're going on 10 games here.
Solid 8 for me.
It's good but I feel a little bored at times. The maps aren't that great.
I got bored very quickly, doesn't seem right without Karl Fairburne. I would like to see maybe a complete rebuild of Sniper Elite V2 using the new engine used in SE5, completely open world style maps in Germany.
I've only played a couple of levels so far, and the gameplay loop is fun if a bit over familiar. But I can't stand the voice actor of the protagonist. Admittedly a very personal complaint, but his voice is driving me f-ing nuts!
A solid 7 from me. I just wish to get through authentic difficulty you needed to be a sniper rather than a stealtherer. A game that's way more fun on lower difficulties which is a shame.
7. Too much sun. And I'd be a lot more interested in a sci-fi or original setting. Or maybe let me shoot modern day nazis. Very done with WW2.
Yeah this is spot on - maps a bit smaller and not quite as good (visually/design-wise), difficulty seems lower (fewer enemies and less cunning placings). There is one very good level (the fort) so far, but all in all a little bit of a case of diminishing returns and needs a freshen up, think it's a 6 or a 7 realistically.
@BusyOlf My thoughts exactly. I know the series is long in the tooth at this point, but they can at least try to innovate or even just perfect their formula by now; this just smacks of laziness.
I'd love it if the next "proper" instalment moves out of WWII. Still, I did love that our Danny Dyer mannequin man also sounded like a not so subtle Jason Statham rip-off.
"Ahhh long grass, itchy.... but stealthy!"
Have been playing on PC and it is almost literally the same game as Sniper Elite 5. I really liked Sniper Elite 5 so its not a complaint. I mean, it is showing its age graphically - on the plus side, the engine is so old now you can play it on handhelds really easily and it looks great. So I went for a solid 7.
It gets a steady handed 7 from me. Good fun as always sniping Nazis but the maps are def not as epic in the main games which is absolutely fine, and its a bit gentler on the difficulty scale, all in all a good time is being had!
Played the first few levels last weekend, I liked it . Agreed with the 7/10 score.
Maps seem big enough... Took me 2 hours to clear each one, but I did keep getting invaded which slowed me down somewhat until I turned the setting off. Not as engaging as Lost Judgement tho, so I find myself booting that up instead...
Another copy paste where you go after a "wonder weapon" and pay for dlc to go after a guy with a moustache, rebellion milking this franchise so much
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