Another quality State of Play, another poll to find out what featured games tickled your fancy. Before we even begin, we think we know which title will monopolise the votes (it begins with God of War and ends with Ragnarok), but hey, there was still so much to like about Sony's latest showcase.
Rise of the Ronin was one heck of a nice surprise, as was Like a Dragon: Ishin!, and the full reveal of Tekken 8. Slightly smaller, but still great looking games like Synduality and Stellar Blade added a lot to the event, and we even got a couple of PSVR2 titles to whet our appetite for Sony's upcoming, next-gen headset.
We think it was a damn good show, then — as we've already said in our State of Play Reaction article — but now it's time for your input. What was your favourite game at September 2022's State of Play? Vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 70
Rise of the Ronin, but sadly about 2 years away.
This year's GOTY, God of war Ragnarok
Definitely Stellar Blade. It looks so good, especially gameplay wise
Could be a ton of fun
Ronin, hands down, partially because it was a complete surprise. Team Ninja are superb devs, this game I think will be one i can put my faith in being good.
Hard to choose one, both God of War Ragnarök and Rise of the Ronin for me.
I didn’t want to see any more on GoW so I skipped that trailer.
Stellar Blade has the potential to be pretty good, depending on how much of a pure action game it ends up being. If nothing else, it's VERY pretty.
Stellar Blade for me.
I'm totally God of War'ed out.
If Ragnarök wasn't there, Rise of the Ronin and Like a Dragon: Ishin would be neck-and-neck winners for me.
Chosen Ishin cause thought it would never see the light of day outside of Japan. Rise of the Ronin is to far away but looks so good and we all sort of know what to expect with GoW
@Tharsman One the plus side, there's a decent-ish chance ill have a ps5 by then!
Rise of the ronin. Love when they integrate crazy almost anime-like combat into games with a more "realistic" art style like in ffxvi too
@Fyz306903 That is indeed a strong positive for anyone still having trouble securing a next gen console.
God of War, the choice of a calm and reasonable person.
I think the question should be,
"Apart from God of War, What was your favourite game at State of Play?"
Don’t pre-order much games anymore but GOW R is one of them. Always loved the Tekken series but when they started the whole DLC route I stopped buying them. I waited to buy T7 + DLC only when they released the complete edition on 50% (sadly no next-gen upgrade available)
God if War basically wins by default, but Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade and Synduality are all really strong runner-ups in my book.
Rise of the Ronin without a doubt followed by Ishin and Hogwarts Legacy.
Like a dragon Ishin, for me by far the most interesting game shown.
GOW Ragnarok for sure! Looks amazing
I've stopped watching and reading anything about God of War Ragnarok. I want to go into that game as fresh as possible. So I didn't watch the part of the State of Play.
Because of that, my favourite thing I saw shown was Stellar Blade.
Difficult choice but I went with Stellar Blade. New IP and it looks pretty unique. I really like the art direction that game has going. My most anticipated next gen only game for sure!
Ishin. The trailer was such a surprise and I've been craving more Yakuza.
Gonna be in minority here but getting to see a new Yakuza game coming out was fantastic news for me.
God of war ragnarok and rise of ronin for the win.stellar blade.and like a dragon ishin looks excellent also.word up son
Really? God of War which comes out soon and was long known.
For me it's a tough one. I chose Tekken, it was first vid3o footage plus a surprise that it looks so stunning.
But Stellar Blade looks absolutely sick as well.
God of War, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin and Hogwarts - I'm hyped for all of these now.
Synduality has my attention but I'll need to see more I think.
Stellar blade for me. Looks like a very ps2 gen action game and I'm all for it. Can't wait to play that.
God of war is looking good. I'm still personally concerned with some elements of it but hopefully it'll turn out great.
Rise of the Ronin looks like a cooler Tsushima to me. Looking forward to seeing more.
Tekken 8 just looks sick!
It’s a close call between Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin.
Ishin for sure, followed by Rise of the Ronin.
Rise of the Ronin. GoW is nice, but it's more GoW, which is nice but not groundshattering.
I'm biased so.....TEKKEN!!!!
I mean. Gow is the only choice
Rise of the Anorak 👊 be warned!
We all now Ragnarok is coming and will be amazing and I'm sold, so any further promo just feels like excess. Ishin, Ronin, stellar and synduality have got me hyped for next year.
Hi there fellow gamers.
My favourite PS5 game shown, God of War: Ragnarok aside, was defenitely Rise of the Ronin. Another open world samurai rpg, sign me up. Follow up by Stelar Blade, Tekken 8 and Like a Dragon: Ishin, wich all look pretty awesome.
Really good State of Play for me at least.
Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all
As if you even have to ask...
Too bad they revealed the first story trailer in such a casual manner though, without any of the fanfare this franchise deserves.... I would have preferred this SoP to be a full blown Showcase instead, with GoW-R as the main "attraction" ... but it seems we won't be getting a Showcase this year.
Ishin! Been waiting to play that and Kenzan forever...maybe one day we'll get the other too.
Voted GOW: Ragnarok cuz........yeah. But also wanted to vote too Stellar Blade as it definitely caught my eye and I was fairly impressed with it.
I’ll be the only person to vote for Hogwarts. I really liked what I saw.
Removed - unconstructive
TEKKEN 8 for me
Rise of ronin followed closely by rise of ronin
Voted for God of War Ragnarok because that trailer was just sooooo damn good! Loved that moment when Atreus fired the arrow into the sky and the very ending with Thor. Really impressed me
Had God of War not been on it, then I'd have went for Tekken 8 for another impressive trailer that blew me away. It's a hard choice with Hogwarts Legacy, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade being hard competitors for my favourite trailer
Stellar Blade, even more so than GOW Ragnarok to me.
Honestly while I'm definitely most excited for GoW right now (because it's SOON), I didn't really need another trailer for that - so it's between Stellar Blade and Tekken 8 for me (I voted SB)
Wish yall would have excluded PS Stars. That was my favorite showing out of everything.
Rise of the Ronin. Looks even better than GoW Ragnarok in my view!
Lots of good ones to choose from but my biggest surprise has to be Pacific Drive. Really interested in that one.
Syn Duality, Tekken 8, Like A Dragon: Ishin, Rise of the Ronin, Steller Blade and GoW Ragnarok. Great show that highlighted some great looking games. Team Ninja is on a roll! And the guys RGG can’t miss!
Tied between God of War and Ishin with Tekken 8 and Stellar Blade right behind.
Ragnarok is coming…Boi!
Pacific Drive
The ronin game looked sick but it aint out for years. At least they werent announcing it for this winter like some companies would. Gow looked good but its a top teir ps4 game. And it looks like the exact same game in a few new locations but people will hype it like its jesus coming back.
Ishin. Yakuza / judgement / FotNS is my favourite series and always wanted to play this. Would also very much like Dead Souls please.
Stella blade looked good too.
Synduality was a nice surprise. My interest was definitely picked by that one.
GoW: Ragnarok looks like another heavy-hitter.
Stellar Blade and Tekken 8 for me. I need a PS5 so badly now.
None of them I like.
There was no kids games at all.
Ishin for sure. That series is an entire platform of it's own.
Ragnarok is the mainstream blockbuster for sure but with so many interesting games from Japan this year I doubt that'll hit my backlog until the ps6 8k patch drops.
GOW:R won it for me, but man, I cannot deny how impressed I was with Stellar Blade and Ronin. Both looked like Day one games!!! Tekken 7 graphically was also very impressive.
For me, the best announcements were Tekken and Rise of Ronin, with Like A Dragon: Ishin close behind. Really excited to see how those turn out.
GoW was purely a hype generator, but I was already sold on the game and not really looking for more content prior to release, so it didn’t make as much of an impression as it might have(though it was a pretty good trailer).
@UltimateOtaku91 Can you also tell me the lottery numbers for November, mr future man? Lol
No brainer that GOW:R trailer was fire!
But there was plenty of other interesting stuff from Rise of the Ronin, Like a Dragon Isshin, Stellar Blade (Projecr Eve) & synduality. Pacific Drive looked like one to watch and even the Hogwarts Legacy mission looked worthwhile. A good show all in all.
Though was a shame the VR stuff looked pretty average, hopefully they’ve got better stuff to show nearer launch
@RBMango Agree very much with you!
For me, the best PS4/5 announcement came out of Nintendo Direct - Octopath Traveler II!!! 👍🏼 😸
days gone 2 wasn't there 😂
@mariomaster96 same
Rise of the Ronin
That God of War: Ragnarok was one of the sickest trailers I've ever seen, so that's an easy choice even though all of the games looked very good. I'm looking forward to alot of them.
Tekken 8, God of War: Ragnarok, Rise of the Ronin, and Like the Dragon
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