Wow, it's been quite a while since we've seen a State of Play elicit such a positive response. Sony's latest show — which aired just last night at the time of writing — was expertly paced and packed with big games. It started with Resident Evil 4 and finished with Final Fantasy XVI, for god's sake!
As explained in our State of Play reaction, we've been left very impressed (and very hyped for 2023). But what games really stood out to you? What games are now firmly planted on your most-wanted list? We've published this very poll to find out.
If you need a quick recap before voting, you might want to check out our State of Play round up, which has links to all of the announcements and updates. Once you've picked a favourite game, vote in our poll, and then attempt to explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 74
I'm mega torn between FF XVI and Street Fighter VI
Easily FFXVI for me, but I've never played RE4 so the remake really had my attention.
Also Callisto Protocol and SF6 look phenomenal!
Loved the whole show, but I think Street Fighter 6 for me. Really tough to pick, though!
The Callisto Protocol looks exactly how I wanted it to be, really excited and glad that the team behind Dead Space is back.
The Callisto Protocol took the crown for me, only because I wasn’t expecting it to look so good.
I guess I already anticipated SFVI and FFXVI to impress.
Definitely Final Fantasy for me but Street Fighter also looked amazing and so did Horizon VR. I'm also very excited for Stray and Tunic on PS and the horror games all looked cool too but I'll probably won't play them because the chances of a heart attack are only getting higher with age
The Callisto Protocol, despite being cross-gen was way more impressive than Resident Evil 4, a supposed current-gen only game.
Tunic though I was hoping for a Switch version to be announced shortly after the presentation which doesn't seem to have happened. Stray is a close 2nd.
I voted FF XVI, but it was a very close call, I really liked Stray too. Loved what I saw from Season too, seems like a very relaxing and comforting game. That would be my third pick.
The State of Play delivered, but scary stuff and Street Fighter are not my thing, so some of the other major announcements were not for me.
@Grumblevolcano Yeah, Tunic would be a perfect Switch fit. The visuals should also work with 30 fps and and lower resolution.
Between SF6 and Callisto for me personally.
Final Fantasy for me, but there was a lot there that I really liked.
Resident Evil 4 got me really excited and I'm looking forward to exploring Castle Dimetrescu, I mean RE Village in VR.
To be fair I liked pretty much all of it and Stray is another I'm looking forward to and Callisto Protocol
Stray is my No.1 game shown last night, indeed if GoW Ragnarok isn't released this year than Stray is my most anticipated remaining game of 2022.
Really liked a lot of other things shown but especially the Big 2: Final Fantasy 16 and Resi 4 remake.
Good variety on show but still not enough to cater for all tastes, maybe missing a FPS or online game for some.
I’m interested in both The Callisto Protocol and the Resident Evil 4 Remake. It’ll be interesting to see what they add or remove from the RE4 remake.
The Callisto Protocol looked like Deadspace, so that was nice to reminisce over, even though it’s new haha. So I’d go with that, and Stray.
I don’t have any of this seemingly fashionable desire to adore everything Japanese. So I don’t care for Final Fantasy, which is quite the irony really considering they keep bloody releasing so many and there’s nothing final about them.
Resident Evil remaster is just that, something we’ve had.
Resident Evil in VR could be compelling, but it’s still just the same old series.
Horizon VR looked fun but janky, pretty, but still janky.
I haven’t played a fighting game for years, probably for the best due to not having a 10 year olds reaction haha. But from what I saw it seems like a prettier version of fighting games gone by.
Oh and Spider-Man on PC is lovely, but I’ve played it on the PS5, using technology that makes the most of PlayStation apparently, oh and every other generic off the shelf part available.
So yeah, that’s all I remember, and it seems good for many on here, so I’m happy with everyone getting something. As I’ll give Deadspace but not a go and then Stray I’ve been waiting for.
I really would have loved to see some FPS and more quirky games like Stray.
It’s just I’ve played and had FF and RE around, along with Street Fighter all my life, and frankly they kinda stopped being my bag when I hit adulthood. I’m just not one to get excited by the same old ideas and games essentially being in a big showcase.
But hey, I’m impressed, with the two I mentioned, and I’m glad others are so happy!
@truerbluer absolutely my thoughts as well. Calistio Prot. was my game of the show. Seasons also looked very nice.
For some reason I thought the RE4 remake graphics seemed downgraded, compared to RE 2&3
I picked SF6 but Calisto and FF16 were right behind it!
Rollerdrome does look pretty sweet
The Callisto Protocol for me, hands down. I've been really looking forward to this since it was announced and especially since it's being made by some of the creators of the original Dead Space. Absolutely can't wait to play it and then the Dead Space Remake.
Final Fantasy XVI hands down the best part. Can't stop thinking how awesome it looks
Horizon Call of the Mountain comes in second place. I'm interested in Eternights too because of Persona
Final Fantasy XVI was the star of the show for me.
Eternights was the biggest surprise.
PSVR 2 showcase has me sold.
Street Fighter 6 might get me back into fighting games.
Not really an RE fan so those announcements didn't do much for me, but I can't deny that they look great.
And they sent us home with the HFW update I've been waiting for.
All in all, splendid showing here.
The Callisto Protocol, by a long mile.
Only game they showed that interested me was the Callisto Protocol so therefore I had to vote for that...
The callisto protocol for me.word up son
RE4 Remake and The Callisto Protocol.
But let’s get real, it was all amazing.
Unless I blacked out during the street fighter 6 trailer, it only seemed to show about 6 fighters??
Read a bit later that it's rumoured to have about 20 or so fighters.
But I bet it'll follow the SF5 release structure.
Some people love it I guess.
I just want all fighters available, not trickled out over 2 years.
Hate that the fighter game scene uses seasons and character packs.
Paying somewhere over £100 for full game plus a number of seasons, not for me.
Totally unconvinced by it.
FF16 gets my vote.
This trailer of Final Fantasy XVI brought the hype I was expecting!! Visual spectable, epicness, incredible battles!! That's Final Fantasy!! I'm in!!
If you did not vote for Stray, you are a bad person.
Tunic for me. I love the focus Sony has been making to get these quality indie games on Playstation soon as they hit there time exclusivity on Xbox. Now hoping The Gunk makes its way over soon.
All the PSVR2 stuff
@Skywalker1080p they can't just the whole roster from the beginning. They need something for DLC.
RE4 vs. SF6
I went with SF6 just because it looks like such a great entry.
Callisto Protocol! That’s all.
FF XVI looks absolutely amazing. From art, music and combat everything is just epic.
I voted for SF6, looks every bit like the step forward the franchise needed. Bit disappointed that the VR games are getting low votes. Hopefully Sony can bring a lot more fire to it later in the year.
Stray all day baby 😻😻 it’s off the track
Stray all the way!
None of the above.
Spiderman on Pc.
FFXVI the only choice for a guy like me.
Shout Outs to rollerdrome and stray
This is a little off topic, but it'd be nice if someone could help me out. What was the name of that game announced during the PS5 unveiling back in 2020 - it had to do with an astronaut and a little girl in some weird version of times square, NY? I think Capcom was publishing it? For a moment I thought it was the Callisto Protocol but I think it's something entirely different
Protocol to me since i loathe asian themes
Difficult to say since nearly every game here has the potential to be amazing but for now my moneys on SF6, Final Fantasy 16, Stray, Calisto Protocol and Horizon VR. Eternights looks pretty wild though so sleeper hit maybe? On a side note it really speakers volumes that of all the games here Walking dead and No man’s Sky VR received no votes whatsoever.
For me Re4, sf6, the VR2 stuff and Spidey for PC.
@Keyblade-Dan Same for me with FF16, but Resident Evil 4 Remake instead of Street Fighter 6.
I'll eventually give SF6 a try when it's dirt cheap, but have always been invested more in the Resident Evil universe.
Can capgod aka capgawd be the best moment?
Were the highlights for me.
I didn't vote, as I couldn't see an option for...
'None of them'.
12% of PushSquares audience made the wrong choice in pet confirmed.
🐕 > 🐈 .
FF16 is the highlight but there’s like 7 games that I would play.
Biggest surprise is Eternights as a Persona fan. It doesn’t look that bad. Keeping an eye on it.
@KidBoruto Same Resi is one of my favourite series but I never really cared for RE4 so I'm way more excited for SF VI 😅 (although the RE4 remake does look like it's going in a more down to earth serious horror direction which would fix one of my bigger problems with it so I'm definitely gonna try the Remake)
@Keyblade-Dan I've never played the original RE4 before, would you recommend me playing it first before experiencing RE4 Remake?
1. Street Fighter 6
2. Final Fantasy XVI
3. RE4 Remake
I would say yes. It still holds up.
It was the last major game I bought for my GameCube, and I sunk a billion hours into it. It’s a very fun game.
I will say that the dialogue has not aged well, though. So get ready for some really cheesy dialogue from all of the characters.
Interested in almost everything, but VR Horizon especially. Resi4&8 would be up there too, but I know from playing 7 that I’m just too much of a coward.
Gotta give it to Eternights as it was the only actual New game announcement apart from rollerdrome. RE4 remake doesn't count for me because we already knew it was a coming.
For me it's without a doubt Final fantasy Xvi. I'm not a big fighter game and horror fan. Sometimes I buy them when on a deep salw to try the out but would never buy one of those day 1. Stray seems OK but wouldn't have bought it, I'll try it since it comes to ps plus. Since I'm a fan of jrpgs eternights and ff xvi are the ones I'm looking most forward to with ff xvi taking the crown, the combat looks exactly like the type I enjoy and seeing it is made by the same studio as ff xiv gives me hope
Street Fighter VI for me, with FFXVI coming right behind it. But there were a lot of interesting titles!
I don’t understand the excitement for RE4.
@pyrrhic_victory I think that one was Pragmata.
Hard choice, but in the end I went with Callisto Protocol - it's been a while since I played a game of this genre, and it's coming in 6 months (if it's not gonnna get delayed as it's the trend)
Horizon Call of the Mountain - first impression I got from the trailer: it's weird to hear a male voice for the main character in this game It will take some getting used to.
The reason I didn't go with it is because it's VR only (a hefty extra investment if I want to play it...). Also, there are many unknowns about it, like how long is it gonna be? HL: Alyx is only 12h long for example... this makes investing 400-500$ only to play for a few days totally not worth it. Here's hoping Horizon will end up being much longer.
The graphics are very good looking and all but I've become reticent to get excited about that, because... Same was done for Forbidden West, the graphics used in State Of Play actual gameplay videos were much more better looking than the ones used in the final game, even on Quality setting. Not to mention the disappointing necessity to make the choice :
Quality for better graphics but @30fps
Performance @60fps but lower graphics and resolution
RE4 - never got to play the original, so I want to give the Remake a go.
Stray is interesting too, and it will launch soon... I'm gonna keep an eye on it, to see some reviews before I decide if it's worth a try.
@DeepSpace5D Yes that was definitely it, thanks that was killing me
1. Resident Evil Village VR
2. Horizon: Call of the Mountain
3. Rollerdrome
Can't lie, the only FF that bugged me was Type O. I never minded the real slow change of mechanics. Resi 4 has been remade as ports for a few times now. Ashley screaming for Leon all the time is not something I want to revisit. I assumed Village had VR support already consider 7 had the same on their change of direction. Wasn't impressed on villages blatant pilfering on Character Design. I used to play street fighter 20p a go in the pubs growing up in the nineties. Not much incentive to play when the character choice is more padded than soft cell cover album
Damn hard to choose. Callisto, ff16, re4 all look amazing. I guess I'd pick ff16 because re4 and callisto didn't show as much.
Meh... nothing I'm really interested in. Maybe in the bargain bin.
@OmegaStriver That's how scarce new AAA releases are these days. We get overly excited about remakes, retrogrades, and all that crap...
@tselliot I owned ever system for years except the Xbox One and I’ve been waiting and hoping that Microsoft gets back to the point to where they release games that I’d really like that way I’ll be able to jump between Sony and Microsoft AAAs like I use too. I feel like I’m constantly waiting for the next big thing and smaller titles don’t fill the void as most of them bore me quickly. I’ve been gaming since the 80s and most games give me a been there done feeling. Taking breaks doesn’t help either. I can go play a SNES game that I haven’t played in 20s years but shortly after starting it’s like I never quit and become bored. So, RE4 doesn’t do anything for me. Considering it’s been re-released like 15 times.
It was a great show, felt like there was several things for almost everyone. Even the ones I’m not interested in like SF6 looked great and I know got a lot of people hyped.
Best for me FFXVI, Calisto Protocol, RE4 remake, Stray, Season. Tunic is brilliant, might even get it again to support the dev.
Though as someone who’s never played No Man’s Sky PSVR2 support has me pretty excited. On paper seems like a great fit.
I felt like Stray and Seasons are the most interesting. The rest are that same games we’ve all played before.
@KidBoruto I think so because it looks like RE4R is going for a completely different tone to the original so you probably wanna check out the OG game to get the genuine RE4 experience. If you do I hope you enjoy it more than I did 😅 (don't get me wrong I know why so many people love it but it just doesn't do anything for me personally)
@OrtadragoonX I can handle cheesiness, recently binge watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Seasons 1-3.
@Keyblade-Dan Hmm so they might change how the story plays out like FF7 Remake?
@KidBoruto It's possible I mean RE3R left out half the bloody game 😅
@Keyblade-Dan That's fair haha! Here's hoping they don't pull that again.
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