It's been a pretty slow week for news, so let's enter the weekend with a potentially interesting poll: when do you think Final Fantasy XVI will release?
The PS5 action RPG was first revealed during Sony's next-gen showcase in 2020. Since then, we've seen almost nothing of the game, barring a few screenshots and concept art. It feels like we've been waiting an eternity, but producer Naoki Yoshida has gone on record saying that the project is now in its final stretch. What's more, a new trailer is coming "soon", apparently, and this news has rekindled some people's hopes of a 2022 release date. But could it actually happen?
Well this is where things start to get a little muddy. As we've said before, the term "final stretch" is deceptively vague. We would assume that core development is complete — Yoshida says that the team is working on polishing and optimisation — but it could still take months and months for the game to hit a stage where it's ready to ship. It really all depends on the scope of the project and how smoothly things progress.
Again, though, we want to know what you think. So vote in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 49
Given what we know now, I'd say there's probably a 50/50 chance that it will release this year. Which is something I never thought I'd be able to say.
I still think it's coming out next year. March/April/May 2023 is my guess.
I'll give it Spring 2023 and maybe Summer 2023 if there is a delay. The game needs more marketing this year for now. Well, that's what I'm hoping for at least so I can have more time to get a PS5
FFXV released at the end of November in 2016. I see FFXVI launching around the same time in 2022.
Not sure why Q1 2023 is not an option? Don't games release in those months?
June 2022, launching as a PS+ essential monthly game.
Yoshi said when the next reveal happens it will be released soon after so I expect it this year. Maybe in december one year after ffxiv endwalker.
@Voltan A fair point, I've changed the answers slightly!
The Square Enix rule goes: Whatever you would think is reasonable given Square's statements, add 3-6 months. These statements give the impression of a game ready for the holiday, so I say Spring 2023.
@LiamCroft same
I'm not too much hyped yet because there is so many games I'm playing right now. And I'm more anxious for Forspoken and GOW R first. But I will get FF VI when the time comes!!
Honestly, I'm more curious about the Final Fantasy 7 remake part2 They are not releasing any news
I think around March/April 2023, Square Enix releasing 2 PS5 exclusives in late 2022 would be very counterproductive and Forspoken releases in October.
I'm trying to contain my hype. The sensible part of me knows it's 2023.
But the FF nerd in me knows it's August.
A new FF and it's I believe the first not cross-gen JRPG for PS5? Yup it is pretty difficult not to be pretty excited to see it. As long as it's not August or September I'll be happy. I don't want to choose between Soul Hackers 2, Trails from Zero and this!
@Korgon I think Neptunia ReVerse is the first non-crossgen JRPG on PS5. Unless you don't want to count it since it's a remake of a Vita game that's a remake of a PS3 game.
I’m hedging a bet that we will have a Sony event in June just shortly after the Xbox event which will feature and announce FF16, Ragnarok, and Hogwarts release dates, all three of which will be staggered releases in November.
Yeah I was referring to specifically designed for PS5. Sorry I probably could have been a bit more clear!
Logically i think November. Square always said they wanted to release the game soon after the next reveal. That said, i wouldnt be surprised if the Forspoken delay pushes this into spring 2023.
Square are also have infamously high sales targets, which no doubt cant be met whilst supply of PS5 is so low. They will inevitably be looking to hold the game off as long as they can to increase console availability in homes
I'd be more hyped if I didn't dislike FF7R as much as I did. But luckly it's handled by another director so there's hope. As long as Nomura isn't evolved it's fine
Feb 2023 seems like the spot for me. People are forgetting that another Square PS5 exclusive is coming out in the holiday season—Forspoken—and I doubt Square wants to cannibalize sales. That’s being said, I am immensely hyped for this and if both Forspoken and FF16 are home runs then I genuinely will try to buy a PS5 way earlier than I anticipated.
2023 in June sounds right after a huge trailer comes out first.
I think it may come out this year. I'm going to say November!
I'd be very surprised if it comes out this year. They've already got Forspoken coming, space your big JRPGs out a bit. Give us something at like the midpoint between Forspoken and FFVII-2
Novemeber, purely because Yoshi-P loves me and wants to give me a nice Birthday present.
With Nomura on the case it’s a candidate for 2026 at the earliest.
Sony needs to buy SE and put Nomura on a leash. He’s a great designer and visionary, but every project he’s been in control has had a disastrous development cycle.
Would be great to see it launch this year. Hopefully later in the year, well after XBC3 though. I am excited!
November seems reasonable if it's as far along as they're saying it is.
I'm not confident at all that I'll like what I see, but I'm still interested in learning more about it regardless.
I honestly can’t wait for remake part 2 it been that long Ive almost forgot the part 1 ending 😂
I'm rational. I expect ff16 around Q1-2 2025, max Q4 2024.
There's going to be a major delay to figure out how to integrate NFT's into the game, To heal in-game you need to accumulate 10 Cactuar NFTs, and then to revive you need to sell 5 white mage NFTs.
@sonicmeerkat Don’t forget to be on the lookout for the FFXVI special edition Cup Noodles; Flamin’ Hot Chili. They each come with a code to redeem one consumable fireball spell.
I am hoping for a 2022-Q4 release, but expect it to be early Q2 2023.
Q1 2023 if I were to make a guess
I was very hyped at the prospects of this game on announcement. It's been so long it fell off my radar, but here's hoping it was all worth it. Square Enix's quality is consistently inconsistent.
Haven't cared since FF 7.
"I'm hugely hyped"... and probably 2023.
I have a good amount of jRPGs on my list for this year. So no problems if next year.
Hopefully Sony has the PS5 stock situation under control by whatever date it comes out on.
I'd be more hyped if it looked like a Final Fantasy game, and not DMC with Chocobos
From what I've seen of this installment I'm a little worried that they're trying to chase after FromSoft. Not that From has a copyright on the genre or anything, but I must admit that I'm starting to get burnt out on grimdark medieval-fantasy settings.
well star ocean meant to be out this year and im pretty sure ff16 changed development teams like 6 months ago very unlikely its out this year , plus the fact SE just lost big by selling western rpgs to embracer group and losses from the poor mans destiny game and avengers, i don't see it coming out til next year unless it like late November/December
Day one for me. FF series is my favorite because of the trully immersive worlds and great stories, also excellent music and varied but great gameplay (mostly).
@Hundred_Hand_Slap And a Patch that fixes the ending in early 2023
I really really thought we'd have FF16 by now but square love to make us wait and now KH4 on the train too! We never getting these games lol
I think somewhere in the first half of next year. They have Forspoken this year so they wouldn't want to release both games so close to each other. We should be due a FF7 Remake part 2 game so maybe they could save that for holiday 2023 or sometime in 2024
After the launch state of XIV and XV I have no hype at all for FFXVI. At best I expect I'll play it 12 months after launch when hopefully it will be somewhat closer to a good FF game.
With all the noise about Sony buying Square I'm missing the hype, For me Square "failed to meet my expectations" over and over again in resent years, at least for its larger productions. Now Capcom, that would be news. Capcom has been hitting it out the park over and over again lately.
I'm going to guess later in 2023, sometime September-November. Makes no sense to release it this year and take away from Forspoken and waiting until next fall gives SE a lot of time to polish FF XVI up.
I would love for Final Fantasy XVI to release this year around Fall/Holiday 2022, but it's sadly more likely to drop sometime in 2023.
Personally I think it will shoot for a Nov-Dec release this year. By pushing into 2023, the game will be in 'unforeseen territory' regarding having its release clash with BOTW2.
The original BOTW largely overshadowed the original Horizon... and should definitely be a lesson learned for any developers that are considering a suitable release window.
By slotting it in to 2022-holiday period, this avoids any clashes - and keeps the spotlight firmly on FF16.
(Disclaimer - I am massively excited for both BOTW2 and FF16, but do believe that a similar release window would potentially be to the detriment of both games... although I think FF16 would probably 'come off worse')
Either early 2023 or December, 100%
The week after Horizon 3.
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