Now that we've all had a little bit of time to think about it, we want to know if you plan on nabbing the refreshed PS5 model. Announced last week after months of consistent leaks and rumours, the reworked console is set to release in November. It's 30% smaller in terms of volume — which could be quite noticeable considering how much of a behemoth the standard PS5 is — and it's been given a slight visual redesign. You can also add to the new digital edition with an attachable disc drive.
Sony isn't pushing a price cut with the new models, however. In fact, in some regions like the US, the aforementioned digital edition is actually more expensive than before. In other words, the Japanese giant's found ways to lower the price of production — but it ain't passing the savings on to you. At least, not yet.
There's a conversation to be had about the lack of a vertical stand, too. In a move that feels like Sony is gouging its more hardcore fans, you'll have to cough up an extra $29.99 / €29.99 / £24.99 for said stand if you want to place your shiny new PS5 on its base.
But before we get too negative, we should point out that we do happen to like the PS5 redesign — and anything that makes the console smaller is a win in our eyes. What do you think, though? Are you sold on the PS5 'Slim'? Vote in our polls, and then give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Will you be buying a PS5 'Slim'? (3,158 votes)
- Yes, I'll be buying one at launch
- Yeah, but I'll wait until later
- Maybe, at some point down the line
- Nah, only if my current PS5 breaks
- No, I'm not interested
Does the PS5 'Slim' look better than the standard PS5? (2,860 votes)
- Yes, it looks way better
- Yeah, it's better
- Eh, there's not much difference
- Nah, it looks worse
- No, it's nowhere near the original
Comments 103
You can put it up vertically without the stand. Don't understand the commotion. I now stand on its base without the vertical stand attached.
And coming black Friday, the consoles will be discounted lower than their original price. US has been spared from a price rise before, and even now they have been spared of the price rise of the disc version where the price is raised in the rest of the world. (Although where I live, I blame the high tax of UK- 20% is ridiculous).
Id certainly get one if I didn't already own a PS5 , I actually think I prefer the redesignd model.
Obviously it doesn't actually do anything different though , so it would be a pretty pointless upgrade at this point in time
Weird survey since this isn't a cheaper model you might buy as a 2nd model for a kid or your bedroom, where I got my PS3 Super Slim for, and it also isn't a better model like a Pro. So the question can simply be asked - are you planning on buying a PS5 this holiday, and if so the disc or diskless model. No need to upgrade or buy this as a 2nd, it's just a new design.🤷
Would only get it if I want an additional or replacement due to fault. Obviously not going to switch my launch model for no reason.
So there will def PS5 pro down the line for 600 bucks
I’d by a pro in a heartbeat but I don’t care about a slim really
My coil whine got pretty loud when playing. I’ll have to see some reviews when it comes out about coil whine. Then maybe. Used to only hear it when you put your ear up to the system. Now it’s pretty loud and pitch changes while scrolling around Spiderman map.
unless there is a sizeable msrp drop and sony manages to build a solid lineup of ps5 exclusive (ok and pc) titles, then i have no interest in picking up a ps5 this console generation. currently, i do not feel like i am missing out on much with my ps4. spiderman 2 may mark the TRUE beginning of the console cycle in some ways (it feels like we are 3 years behind) but they have a lot of work to do still.
oh, and the ps5, slim or not, still looks ugly. perhaps we will get a 3rd revision where they actually get it right?
No point in a new unit, since I already have the OG version. I do like the redesign though and this is a great option for people picking up a PS5 for the first time.
That said, when the PS5 Pro is inevitably released, I'll be picking that up.
@Porco You are aware that there was a global pandemic and a chip shortage right? Games also take longer to make now much like movies. I'd say Sony are in a far better place with exclusives than MS are.
I got my physical edition day one, if I didn't I probably would. Although it's unknown if the faceplates are/will be customisable and I've ordered the Silver ones for January along with the controller for those Satin Silver PS2 vibes. And can't wait to put them on.
Holding out a little longer for the Pro reveal next year. If it's not happening (doubt it), I guess I'll snatch the Slim.
Launching a "slim" unit that is more expensive than the base seems quite unintuitive. Will wait for a pro reveal and hope that comes with a digital edition.
Happy with my OG PS5 purchased a year after release, not going to bother with the Slim
Not fussed. Got a butt-ugly 1200 series disc edition hidden mostly by the TV unit and this is just as butt ugly (maybe even more so, if that's possible?)
Wont sell my FAT PS5 disc edition for a version which isn't really that small and prices Blue Ray Drive at 120 dollars lol.
IMHO it as an option for new PS5 customers. I'd go "the slim" if i didn't have the original PS5
I've been waiting for a new model to finally get a PS5 and now I'm probably going to purchase the original. I need to stand mine vertically, but I'm not about to pay more for that basic feature. It really all depends on the black Friday deals. If there's a good enough deal on the slim I'll get it, otherwise I'll get the OG and put the savings from not needing to buy the stand into an M.2 SSD for extended storage.
In terms of looks, I think the digital edition looks just as good, but the disc version is uglier with that really pronounced bulge. Though, that's the one I'd be getting.
I will wait for the ps5 pro.word up son
My only real complaint is the change to a glossy plastic. I swear some glosses plastics scuffs if you look at it wrong.
Won't be getting one but it's nice there's a slim refresh out there just incase and it offers a solution to the digital version being completely locked out of physical. If they end up doing this rumoured Pro, you'd have to imagine this current new PS5 slim be reduced in price, on or around the release of the Pro?
@playstation1995 same.
I'm planning to buy a ps5 when the next generation will be announced officially so maybe a super slim revision, but I'm afraid it will be only a full digital version so maybe I'll get this slim one sooner or later.
I'll be getting a digital version for my room. Smaller version, will look better, on my TV stand.
@Smiffy01 how long are we going to blame the pandemic and man-made inflation for the current state of the world? the tech in the ps5 is now 3 years old; the components have come down in price for sony but that is not reflected in the pricing of the slim models which is quite baffling. they even incresed the price of the slim digital model and are charging an additional $30USD for a vertical stand that should be in the box. at this point i can only call that insulting.
as for the lack of "exclusive" content on ps5... well, sony made a conscious decision to take the "cross gen" route (and hold games back graphically). being 3 years late to the party was a business decision and could have been avoided but sony preferred to go after the short term gains and release on the ps4 as well. i understand the situation with the chip shortage, but by not forgoing optimal software sales for 12-18 months (which they would recoup back anyways once supply improved) and encouraging innovation in their games, they made a mistake in my opinion, reason being most 3rd party developers have also gone that route, easily making this "generation" of gaming the worst in playstation history.
Not in this economy. Even if it was a Pro, I still wouldn't get it in a million years. I've firmly decided to only get next generation upgrades no matter how long that takes. No mid gen refreshes and especially no slim models ...and it's doubtful Sony will even be on my radar if they continue porting all my reasons to get their hardware to PC and further their focus on remakes and 'duh live service'. It's just wasteful to me now. My old model I bought before inflation got wild will last at least half a decade longer. Saving all my spare change for the Switch 2 next year instead.
Will only get this if mine breaks, but tbh i am unwilling to give Sony more money after having to buy a second system when my launch console stopped working just outside of warranty.
I do like the look of this, but again it looks a bit odd if its displayed horizontally when the disc drive is attached, which i guess is why much of the marketing material shows it standing vertically
I already have a PS5 so there's no reason for me to get this new model but even if I still don't own one, I'd still get the Fat model. Not that I hate the slimmer design, I just have a history of owning the OG PS console designs since the PS1 era
I’m not even sure it was worth me buying my original PS5.
Anyone who actually wanted a PS5 and waited 3 years for this wasted their time. I knew it would be mediocre.
Honestly unless you’re a hardcore Spider-Man fan I wouldn’t even buy the console at all at this point in time tbh. $500 for 3 year old technology.
@Porco I'd recommend waiting another year or so. There are maybe four games that you'd miss out on right now with the PS5; Returnal (also on PC), Demon's Souls, Ratchet and Clank, and Baldur's Gate 3 (also on PC).
I still don't feel like this generation has really gotten started yet.
For my lil brother but I don't need one I already have 2 with black and red plates
@Porco So Microsoft and Nintendo were pumping out NEW and original ip's during that time ?. Is the earth flat in your world by any chance ??
I like my systems thicc
@Rob_230 I think it looks better horizontally when the disc drive is attached, well the original at least I haven't seen this one 'in the flesh' yet.
Makes it look more like a console that Im accustomed to.
Matter of opinion though of course.
at some point i might consider getting a 2nd ps5 digital only for my bedroom.
Only if my origional one broke. I see no major improvement for us origional adopters. Infact i dont like how the disk drive kicks out at a aharper angle than the origional one does. Only thing i like more is the stand which is compatible with the OG PS5 anyways.
I'm waiting for PS5 Pro.
Not interested in a PS5 of any kind until I see a roadmap of games in development. It's been 3 years and the only worthwhile first-party game that isn't a remake/remaster/cross-gen/ported to PC is Spider-Man 2. I need concrete information on what first-party games are in development. If the majority are GaaS titles and the gap for PC ports doesn't increase to at least 3 years then I won't be buying a PS5 at all unless it's severely discounted.
Why does everyone assume there will be a pro? They have literally only ever done that with ps4 and that was because they wanted to add 4k (sort of) to match the xbox. To make a pro that out performs the base model it would need a noticeable improvement and I don't see how they could do that and still keep it console priced. Anyone willing to spend a thousand or more on a gaming system probably has a pc instead so a pro makes no sense for this console generation
I never got into buying variations of essentially the same hardware for anything and my wallet is so glad for it.
@supergurr it says PlayStation on the box, people will buy it
@Smiffy01 A “global” pandemic? As opposed to what? A local one?
I’d only get one if my PS5 broke, but I’d probably be up for a Pro as a back up (I liked the PS4 Pro). And I think the ‘Gouge’ crown still goes to Nintendo for no 3DS charger (that’s fairly fundamental for a proprietary connection!), and a Switch controller holder with no USB connection! Everyone that gets a Slim will just get a £9.99 knock off stand from Amazon
I just got a PS5 so definitely no
@Mythologue yea, by the end of year 4 or 5, the software lineup should be in a much better place than it is now. but with all the pc ports, it begs the question whether or not a console is still worth the investment, especially at the high asking price. i'm due for a new pc one of these days so i will be debating what to do. ratchet and clank is also on pc, so it is just demons' souls that awaits (and spiderman 2 of course) haha
I don’t like the look of either PS5. But i prefer my Digital PS5 with the Black Sony plates to this refresh. If i didn’t have a PS5 or mine breaks and they aren’t releasing a PRO, i would get one of these obviously. If the Pro is coming in 2024 as rumored then i am selling my Digital and getting the Pro and skipping this all together. Overall this is a small change and one that benefits Sony more than the consumer in most way’s.
@species Apologies wordsmith i'll correct that - A Semi pandemic if you will due to some countries and certain dark corners of the internet denying its existence.
@truerbluer that's a good point. most people purchased a ps5 completely blind and based on FOMO and manufactured hype. in reality, there have been very few experiences that can only be found on ps5 to make the investment worthwhile. best to wait another year or two to see what sony's studios have been cooking and make a decision based on that.
@Porco PS5 started out good the first year besides the lack of availability. When they confirm Horzion and God of war were cross gen that’s when things started going downhill imo. Also when that steam leak was released and we learned everything would be ported.
Was going to get this but figured there would be more resale value for my og ps5 if a pro arrives.
I think its unfortunate this one has the slits, that's why looks of the OG is better for me. Size wise, I would like it for my desk but yeah rather get the Pro and keep gaming on the OLED in the living room.
This is a pretty underwhelming alternative to be honest. Does nothing to make me want an "upgrade," especially given it still has the same general shape, and how they're trying to nickel and dime the vertical stand.
i would buy a ps5 pro, but never got into slim consoles. At least, not unless something breaks and i cant repair it.
I already had a PS4 slim and it was crap, so no thanks.
I said yes if mine breaks and yes it’s much better looking
Got a disc and a digital fatty, so no need for a new one, but I like the look of the revision. Mind you, I like the look of the fatties too.
Im not too sure why the thread is partially highjacked by those who seem to think thats ps5 only plays first party exclusive titles? Ive enjoyed them immensely of course, but theres been a ton of fantastic 3rd party titles this gen Ive also enjoyed and was glad to have a ps5 to play em on.
If I ever get a PS5, then it may as well be the newer slim model. However, since nearly all the games that I'm eager for have also been released on PS4 or PC, it hardly seems worth it for me. If things continue as is, then I'll be perfectly content with skipping this generation.
@Jimboss @Titntin i'm with you guys too. I've loved all my ps5 games so far and i've no need for either of these revised models but if anything befell my original full phat ps5 i'd purchase the disc based version in a heart beat. My ps5 is still super silent apart from when the disc drive first spins up and i have zero coil whine. My only gripe is my dual sense pad's battery is pretty much none existent and i have it plugged in all the time.
@Tr3mm0r Yep only thing that makes sense. Only a Pro version would make anyone really want to upgrade. Selling your current version to get something slightly slimmer is just a waste of time.
Here's my thinking: I do like the look of it, but I dont really need a new console. But when these fully replace the old versions, there will maybe come a time where people still want to buy the older ones, for whatever reasons (build quality, preference, annoyance at Sony for the cost etc) And then maybe I'll sell my old well-used PS5 for a better price than the current second hand market would allow, and i'll just eat the cost difference and replace it with a shiny new, slimmer, sexier, under-warranty PS5.
If there is no movement of people wanting the older versions, I'm not bothered. I'll end up with one of these eventually if it's needed. If the pro isn't already out by then 😁
Wrong here! I bought a PS5 because I needed to replace my PS4 and why would I just buy another Jet Engine for my living room when I can have a future-proofed new console? I did not do the PS4 Pro as it seemed to me to be an upgrade that I could do without. Also, the PS5 was backward compatible with all the PS4 games I already owned and lots of them would look better than what they did on PS4. Now I can play 2 gens worth of Playstation content without worry.
I love how hating on PS5 and Sony has become a Meme. It's the whole toxic fandom that happens with everything that is too popular. Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, MLP, Star Trek, Assassin's Creed, etc etc etc. Why can't everybody just let people like what they like? I am tired of the gatekeepers insisting that everything is crap and if you like it in this crap state you are a loser, poser, or late to the party.
Nah, I'm good with the digital edition I got at launch.
I'm not really interested in supporting Sony anymore. They've turned into such a nickel-n-diming company, and in 4 years haven't really managed to give much reason to buy a PS5. Microsoft are no better either.
The PS5 is the single ugliest console from a hardware perspective I’ve owned. And it’s impractical as hell. This is a mild improvement but it still looks like it needs a banana taping to it before shoving it in a modern “art” museum.
@mrbone You -can- but you shouldn’t as it helps with ventilation and stability, and the fact that all promo images are of the PS5 in vertical position WITH the stand the very least they could do is to include the $5 stand with the console and not trying to sell it separately for $30…
It genuinely shocks me how hard some people try to defend this BS.
The slimmer is still ugly, but now it is smaller. The extra cost vertical stand reminds that I have yet to understand the vertical thing with Playstation consoles.
This gen I will probably pass on Sony and go MS. Then maybe go back to Sony when the PS6 is released.
I'm still on PS4. While still saving up for PS5. Hope to snag it during Days of play or Promotional season drops
I'm exceedingly happy with my "first-gen" PS5. No problems or complaints at all, and no reason to replace it.
I’m still rocking a PS4 Slim, and don’t really see a compelling reason to upgrade to a PS5 yet. I was hopeful for a better looking Slim version, and a price drop, so I guess I’ll hold off for another year or so…
I'd like a second one since my fiancé and I both play, so will probably pick this up at some point when there's a good discount.
@IOI well defend? I mean I have standing like this for 2 years with no problem with heating. I couldn’t just bother to install the stand. The stand itself is so low, I am not sure how it would helps with ventilation. That’s what I thought and I am so shocked someone would accuse and judge based on this. Disappointing!
The looks and size are not atributes i switch for. When PS5 PRO comes out, i will upgrade.
Apparently they cut costs with the cooling system and now will be worse than the current consoles, your should point that out in the article, way more important than the design
@MikeOrator i see. that's a unique use case. if my ps4 suddenly died on me, i might resort to that as well. thankfully, i have never had a ps console fail on me and i own 8 sony consoles including three handhelds.
I'm going for the digital edition 😁😁😁😁
I'll see what the tech analysis types think of it, first. I really want to know how hot, loud and power consuming it is. Also, I know we'll never know this, but I'd love to know if it gets a(nother) die shrink to be shrunk some more
My PS5 is huge and ugly but well it gets the job done. This take slightly less space, and i hardly ever use the Blu Ray drive but still i dont need it.
The ps5 slim looks fine,I'll be sticking with my launch day ps5 ,it's been fantastic so far ,silent as well,only if mine failed would I then get a slim ,but if the pro does actually end up releasing next year and it's got the specs to make it worth while upgrading then I'll go for that instead, happy gaming all, 😀
@rjejr Indeed, the current one works fine. The reason to REPLACE your current one if it works fine are so niche. e.g.
I'd splurge on a Pro model. Ideally it would be powerful enough that it could run current "Fidelity Modes" at a steady 60FPS. But I'm happy enough with Performance Modes as they are at the moment.
Actually, I would get it... If the architecture of the system turns out to be better than my launch model, which means: it uses less Voltage, gets less warmer.
But so far, it doesn't seem to be an improvement besides the slim size.
Should be another choice of “no, I’m waiting for a PS5 Pro”
@Beerheadgamer82 My guess is the PS5 slim with disc will drop to £400, and the pro will be at least £150 more than that.
@Nintendo4Sonic We'll have to wait for the likes of Digital Foundry to know that for sure
@Fyz306903 yh that's what I was roughly thinking too, sounds ideal coming close to those prices
Getting it day 1 with discount through work. It doesn't look much better with the design IMO but a fresh new PS5 is always a good thing.
I will just sell my current one for half the price of the new Slim.
But yeah, I rather had a Pro instead of a Slim this year.
If my PS5 breaks, sure. If it doesn't then no.
I would like to have this one instead, but there really is no reason to invest on it apart from aesthetics, so no.
I will ponder when there is a pro. Even that seems less attractive to me nowadays. The PS5 seems to run games just fine.
@Ward_ting Why not wait for PS7? It will be stronger than PS6 and PS5 Pro.
There is genuinely no reason to buy these. At least for myself. I have the disc version with 1TB SSD installed..
@Tr3mm0r because I’ll be really really old by the time PS7 is out 😢
Problems with stock have made this a bit strange cause I couldn't get a ps5 at the beggining and now I've got my hands full with the other platforms.
Will still buy a ps5 (and therefore a slim) at some point since things like GoW etc. are must plays, but I'm in no rush.
I was hoping the Slim model would be a lot slimmer than this... it's still too big and ugly for me.
I'll wait for the pro.
Nope, console revisions have always been priced lower than OG hardware, I get it has a larger SSD but that cost has dropped too. Modern Sony are like PS3 Sony, their hubris is off the charts.
Same way I did not buy a Switch OLED or a PS4 Pro or a 3080 12GB.... They all get 1 purchase each generation.
Gotta be a fool to pay more for less, and I don't mean that about the physical size.
No, now will you please stop asking questions?!?
@themightyant I'd be ok w/ more storage being a decent reason to buy one if it went to 2TB. Going up from 600 to 800 or 800 to 1,000, whether you want to compare actual or useable, is basically 1 more game, so you're still going to add an extra SDD, or at least an external HDD, anyway, or you aren't. Basically it's irrelevant.
FWIW I have my disc PS5 in my media center, it fits. Mine doesn't have a front so I don't worry about it overheating. We also don't smoke and no pets so I don't even clean it. If Sony were able to squeeze the discless version down to the size of a book, a true Mini, then I could see people wanting it for her space savings. And maybe they would have been able to if not for the need to add the disc drive inside the console rather than externally.
So to me, this is a slight redesign, plain and simply. You buy it b/c it's what they are selling.
Though you did give a few niche reasons, but not enough to justify a survey I don't think. 🤷♂️
I will get PS5 Slim when the machine is already released and I have to prepare the budget to purchase PS5 Slim.
Well I probably will buy the PS5 slim........... Only IF OR WHEN my current PS5 breaks AND hopefully that won't be for a number of years yet
I already have a PS5.
Not too keen on not having a disc drive.
That said, i do really like the look of this. I would probably buy one, And the attachable disc drive - if I did not already have my “original” PS5.
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