Developed by Chinese studio Game Science, Black Myth: Wukong has garnered a lot of attention since its unveiling back in 2020. After years of unbelievable trailers and gameplay footage, it's now just a couple of months away. Such is the excitement around this title that, after emailing the team as soon as we were able about a booking at Summer Game Fest Play Days, we were told there were no more slots available. Thankfully, the studio was able to accommodate us before we left Los Angeles, and we can now say we've played its upcoming action RPG. After about two hours, we think this is easily among the most exciting games heading to PS5.
Based on the seminal Chinese story Journey to the West, you play as Sun Wukong, a legendary monkey that's a master of both magic and martial arts. We played an early portion of the game in which you explore Black Wind Mountain. Running in Unreal Engine 5, the game looks stunning, with the forest ruins populated by various animal-based demons to fight.
We'd hesitate to call this a Soulslike — it's more Souls-adjacent, with some elements of that action game subgenre, but a touch more forgiving. Enemies, aside from bosses and mini-bosses, respawn when you die, and you can rest up at specific points within each location. However, you don't lose all your earned XP when defeated, instead simply losing a small percentage. You can pause whenever you like, too, and can upgrade yourself in the skill tree from the menu. The environment design feels more linear here, with some fairly wide spaces to explore but no sign of locations wrapping back onto themselves. In terms of difficulty, we'd say it still provides a very stern challenge, but Wukong's abilities give you a significant leg-up.
Hitting enemies with your basic combo builds up Will, which can then be spent using a heavy attack. If you land the hit, you'll gain back a small bit of health. Dodging is your main source of defence, with no block or parry in the demo. We had access to two of Wukong's three stances. Smash feels like the balanced, all-rounder type stance that'll serve you well with its simple combo and basic heavy slam attack. The other stance, Pillar, changes your main combo a little, but its big difference is the heavy; Wukong will climb to the top of his staff and it'll grow in size over time, getting you out of harm's way before you release it with a powerful smash. Both feel good to use, with the Pillar stance's heavy being particularly satisfying to land.
It isn't just melee strikes at your disposal, though. We quickly gain access to a spell called Immobilise which, as its name suggests, freezes the enemy temporarily. This allows you to smack them around for a few precious seconds before they're freed, which is an extremely handy tool to use in boss fights. Magic attacks like this one restore over time, meaning you can't cheese fights with endless Immobilise castings.
Speaking of bosses, the demo includes several. Some are large, intimidating beasts, while others are formidable human warriors. Guangzhi is of the latter type, and upon defeating him, you gain a powerful transformation spell, allowing Wukong to temporarily turn into the warrior and utilise his weapon and abilities. It seems this transformation feature will be a big part of Black Myth, and it feels like a natural part of the already solid combat. The cooldown on this is longer than for spells like Immobilise, but it's a great power trip that can melt enemy health bars if you use it right.
Our favourite boss we fought is a highly aggressive, giant, wolf-like demon, which you may remember from Black Myth's debut. This feels like a real test of all the game's systems: chipping away with the staff, hitting with heavy attacks when the time is right, freezing the boss with magic, and transforming to Guangzhi for some bigger punishment. All the bosses we sampled feel fraught and dangerous, though comfortably surmountable once you learn their patterns. As with all action games of this ilk, it feels brilliant when you get into the groove.
Aside from fighting bosses and regular enemy mobs, we visit numerous shrines at which you can rest and adjust which abilities you have equipped, and partake in a peaceful meditation sequence that offers a break from the action. This is where the gorgeous visuals really came into view, with the camera cutting to various picturesque shots of the environment. The game also ran wonderfully throughout our playtime, but we should say we were playing on a PC; the PS5 version will hopefully be able to keep up, but the jury's still out on that front.
We concluded our demo butting heads against a very tough opponent, getting within a couple of hits of defeating them but never quite managing the win. If we'd only had 10 more minutes, they'd be dead, damnit. Black Myth: Wukong has the same addictive pull of all your favourite action RPGs; through repeated attempts, you'll gradually learn how to deal with each boss, and putting it all into practice and finally coming up victorious is just as satisfying here as ever.
Though we didn't quite finish the hands-on demo, we thoroughly enjoyed our time. If the PS5 version is just as slick and performs just as well, Black Myth: Wukong could well become a 2024 favourite for many.
Black Myth: Wukong is coming up fast, releasing on PS5 on 20th August, 2024. Are you looking forward to it? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 53
Wait, this game was initially revealed in 2020?
Boy, that doesn't help with me feeling old lol.
Anyways, I'm super interested in this game. I hope it turns out to be good.
Hold on now! Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was also pretty good, you know.
Most probably a day one buy for me.
Really looking forward to this one, especially because it’s Souls adjacent rather than Souls-like. I’m hoping to really like the combat. I want something with weight, but… more fun? I dunno, I’m hoping this one hits the way I wanted Stellar Blade to.
Black myth wukong is going to be incredible.word up son
So I take it there's no proper difficulty settings?
Was thinking the push square preview squad would have been given a ps5 version to test... although maybe it makes sense as to why not 😆 There is no way it can possibly be as smooth or defined as the version you got to play on, let's face it, a stacked 4090 beast of a PC, right? Right? 😉
But with that out of the way 😅 how was the overall checkpoint forgiveness upon failures, were there lots of runbacks or was it a fairly local respawn? And you mentioned death bringing foes back, but does resting also do the same?
Ever since Elden Ring I've always thought any game that leads you to boss fights has to really deliver on those in both number and variation, and it is almost like a new era in gaming where the standard has been set now for all those in the mainstream and beyond. So I'm hoping I'm still up for that kind of punishment in games, as this seems like something that can deliver on that 😁
I'm really looking forward to this game!
What a year for action games.
I teach "Journey to the West" as part of a World Lit class and very much look forward to including this game, along with the several excellent film interpretations, as potential extra credit analysis for that unit. Thanks for the update!
Think I will wait for a full tech analysis on this one. It looks like fun, but UE5 and the fact a PC version was shown as a demo to a Playstation site rings MASSIVE alarm bells!
Nice to hear some real impressions of this. It sounds awesome!
I’ve left multiple soulsclone at boss fights. I get fed up with them and might come back after some months, only to come up against the next boss if I’ve managed to beat em then same deal. it’s effectively gamebreaking for many developers will have to consider that because it’s frankly boring when your critically acclaimed game won’t let you progress 🤬 yeh dat right
I've seen this story told quite a few times let's see if this one lives up to its predecessor's
Day one buy for me! Dragon ball inspiration
I can't really identify with this monkey man, as a Satan.
If anyone remember Saiyuki: Journey West for PS1, a TRPG ala FF Tactics, i think it's also a pretty solid Journey to the West game. And anyone who still have their PS3 or Vita, you can buy it on PS store as PS1 classic. I think it's around $6?
Easily my most hyped game for the rest of 2024. Been excited for it since its reveal and each trailer has been fire.
You have me at “If you land the hit, you'll gain back a small bit of health. Dodging is your main source of defence, with no block or parry…”
As a ‘dodge-preferred’ gamer, I’ve been unsettled by all these parry-dependent games lately.
Not a fans of soulslike but im definitely will play this one. Look so amazing and beautiful
Seems like my jam. Chinese mythos are so cool.
@Perturbator Came here to say that this headline is pretty offensive. I loved that game.
@Th3solution Yeah i've grown very tired at this big focusing on parrying lately in action games.
Not a mention of the dev’s attitude towards female gamers. Or the fact recruitment featured a poster saying ‘fatties should f**k off’. Etc etc etc. It’s one thing to cover a game, that’s expected. However, the lack of even a passing mention of the issues at the studio while mentioning that you made initial contact with the studio and they were essentially gracious enough to host you, that raises questions.
@amatmulisha but it isn't a souls like. It seems as though every arpg these days is labeled as "souls like." This just looks like a really great game more in line with the ninja gaiden series...Are we going to start calling them souls like now as well?
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As others have pointed out Enslaved:odyssey to the west was an awesome adaptation of the story. And I don't see how the ps5 version won't be up to the job either (I know you didn't flat out say it but it was insinuated) as it will have scaled back graphics etc and we have already seen the ps5 version running in early builds which looked stunning to say the least.
Hoping a demo will be available, as I'm excited for this game, but I will need to try it out to see if the checkpointing is generous enough for me, especially since enemies respawn at death (I hate having to play large sections over and over again in order to learn the moves of the boss at the end).
Oh, and count me in the pro-Enslaved camp
Agree on enslaved, great overlooked game.
@Th3solution me also. Don’t mind blocks and dodges but ‘perfect’ parries. Nope.
Think Jedi fallen order also had a trophy for it.
(Listen for the sound of my soul crying out in anguish)
I just hope you guys at Push Square will be as nitpicky when reviewing this game as you were with Rise Of Ronin so we the readers can start to learn what way you see these games. Right now the reviews are all over the map, doesn't makes sense to me. As you been hyping up this game since day one I guess it will get 10/10 but will it REALLY be a 10??!!
Personally it seems like a bossfight marathon without real levels inbetween, but I haven't played it, just seen the PS showcases...
No love for Monkey Hero eh...
I appreciate it’s a bit more forgiving, but for me this all comes down to something very simple: does it respect my time?
For example, if you die on a boss how quick and easy is it to get back to said boss? If it’s not quick and easy, is fighting mobs again at least helpful for the xp, or do enemies scale with you / is grinding for the next ability effectively impossible as experience from bosses is so over scaled that this is the only way to effectively gain new abilities as you progress?
If it’s simply a trial and error game, where you have to learn boss patterns and animation timing, but between tries you have to just repeat a load of the game again to no benefit, then this is not the type of game for me. I no longer have that type of time or patience.
So who remembers Monkey King: Hero is back? lol
Oh man that game was terrible, I remember watching the news about that game being a ps4 console exclusive and I was kind of hyped because it looked like a platformer like Jak so I watched the movie and I remember clearly "This movie s*cks ..." and the game came out like two years later and it also s*cked.
Anyway, PC demo huh? Yeah this game for me was always a pc game, I didn't even know this was going to be ported to consoles. If they are intelligent they could use the xbox delay to sell this to those who like console exclusives like how Larian did the marketing of BG3 using Starfield but the fact that they are showing only a pc demo ... Cyberpunk but with monkeys.
@Perturbator One of my absolute favourites. Still excited for this though!
Hmm I was looking more for a pure action game rather than a souls like so I will have to watch a lot of let’s plays to make sure the game play is for me.
@Rich33 I fully agree with you.
“If the PS5 version is just as slick and performs just as well”.
To quote Max Verstappen, if my mom had balls she’d be my dad.
@Perturbator completely agree, but not to make you feel old, but that game was like 13 years ago. We're overdue another one 🤣
It's nice to see single player AAA games from korea and now from china, if western AAA games still develop the same slops, western devs will be surpassed by their asia counterpart.
@thefourfoldroot1 So much agreed on that last part. It's why I didn't get along with souls including Hollow Knight.
I’m not really much of a souls like fan but I am really look forward to this.
Hoping this does have some difficulty options
I’ve been keeping an eye on this one. It’s refreshing to see games like this coming out. I am looking forward to it.
And to be fair the fact that the writer included this info is very good, but also they may have had the same alarm bells ringing!
Game seems amazing and would normally be a pre-order/day 1 for me. But because of the joke that is the physical edition I’ll wait. Code in a box? No, thanks. Hopefully they really are working hard on the disc version so we don’t have to wait another year for it.
@UltimateOtaku91 I also wondered this. May be the deciding factor for me.
@Wormwood23 which would you suggest film-wise?
@bind4 I quite liked the monkey King. Donnie yen plays sun wukong. Really good movie although I have not seen the 2nd movie.
@SystemAddict couldn't agree more, all this soulslike crap just destroys the fun in gaming for me. Can't stand when you fight for your life to kill a boss. Only to be killed instantly from the next, because you can't level up or haven't got a particular power. For some it may spur them on for me I just get pissed off & walk away.
Was looking forward to this for a long time, nice to hear it actually plays good.
In the Worlds before Monkey,
Primal chaos reigned,
Heaven sought order.
But the Phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.
The four worlds formed again and yet again,
As endless aeons wheeled and passed.
Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
The moisture of the Earth,
And the powers of the Sun and the Moon
All worked upon a certain rock – old as Creation,
And it magically became fertile.
That first egg was named Thought,
Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha,
Said, ‘With our thoughts we make the world.’
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch,
from it then came a stone Monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!
I just wish they dropped a public demo for us customers to play.
I hope the previews are wrong and there is actual exploration of the world in this and not a glorified boss rush throughout.
Any sign of the whole gang in this; Pigsy, Sandy, Tripitaka and Horse?
(Bonus point for getting Horses real name)
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