Persona is all the rage nowadays, so it's no wonder independent developers have begun filling the gaps as we await the sixth mainline instalment. Eternights, the debut title from Studio Sai, represents the crème de la crème of this new push from the indie world, with stunning cutscene visuals that would look at home in any Atlus game as well as an intriguing plot with various dating mechanics. With Persona 3 Reload not set to launch until next year, let Eternights fill the void in September.
We played the game's opening 45 minutes at Summer Game Fest Play Days, which gradually introduces the story and some simple combat mechanics. Playing as the "Protagonist" (they're not given a name, at least in the first hour), the first sequence introduces you to the game's dating apps before a sudden change signals a retreat to an underground bunker as the end of the world looms large. Some dialogue comes across a bit too pervy, but it's here where you shall begin a life equally split between dungeon crawling and searching for love.
The initial stages are obviously quite light on relationship building, so our only exposure to the dating features came as dialogue options, both in person and on the Tinder, Bumble knock-offs. In the full game, you'll be able to romance up to five characters, with deeper and more meaningful bonds unlocking new abilities for battle. These speech choices were always engaging, offering witty, thoughtful, and occasionally creepy responses. The demo also featured the passing of time and day changes, hinting you may need to secure a date before a certain threshold.
Most of our hands on session was instead spent exploring the underground bunker you've retreated to and fighting the monsters lurking within. You see, a gigantic wall has suddenly engulfed the city of Seoul and its inhabitants are now putting up a fight having been twisted by... something. The main difference between Eternights and Persona is the former opts for a hack-and-slash combat system rather than turn-based action. You're able to freely encounter an enemy and then get straight into a fight, bashing them about with a sword growing out of your arm after it was severed in half.
A lot more mechanics will likely be added as you progress, but the opening 45 minutes of Eternights keeps its combat pretty simple with combos to perform via a single button as well as a dodge which slows down time ala Bayonetta. You're also able to land a powerful blow should you stagger an enemy. It's impossible to accurately judge the depth and complexity of the title's combat systems based on the first 45 minutes, though, so we'll need to wait until the PS5, PS4 launch in September to learn more. The PR representative sitting next to us told us we were one of the better players on the day, though, so we'll take that as a positive sign.
What's so striking about Eternights, though, is its unbelievable cutscene visuals. The game looks fine enough during gameplay — at least a notch or two below a recent Persona title — but it really shines when control is taken away from you for a story sequence. These graphics would give Persona 5 Royal a good run for its money, with gorgeous colouring and eye-catching character design. It's really impressive that an indie developer on its first game could make something that looks so good.
We'll need to wait until the final version lands in our inboxes, but Eternights from Studio Sai is shaping up to be a worthy alternative to the Persona franchise. While it lacks the budget in some areas, we're intrigued by its story set-up, dating mechanics, and action-focused combat. With some wonderful visuals when the cutscenes hit their stride, Eternights deserves a place on your PS5, PS4 wishlist.
Eternights launches for PS5 and PS4 on 19th September 2023. Are you interested in this different take on the Persona series? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 28
Too bad the Demo is PC only
I thought this looked good when it was first announced, but this write-up has totally changed my mind on it. I can't do the weird anime perv 'em up thing.
I'm really looking forward to this one.
And if you're looking for a good hack n' slash Persona-like in the meantime, Tokyo Xanadu is a really great option.
@johncalmc I'm also skeptical after this. I can accept the perv-level in the Yakuza games (though they wander a bit close every now and then for my tastes). Hopefully this stays on the right side for me, but it doesn't look like it, though
This is great for playing in the living room in front of your family.
@FuriousMachine My tolerance for creepy anime hijinks is pretty low. I can handle a few weird comments in an otherwise excellent Persona game, or something like Danganronpa with an excellent story that occasionally veers into weirdness, but considering this is half dating game my spider senses are tingling on this one.
@johncalmc Agreed. I've only ever played Persona 5, and still have P3P and Persona 4 Golden unplayed in my library, so at least I'm not hurting for content while I patiently await Persona 6
@Enuo good to see someone repping Tokyo Xanadu. Falcom need to do a sequel, I prefer it to Ys.
Cautiously optimistic about eternights, simply because I've never heard of the studio making it
Looks promising, though I'm not sold on it just yet. It sounds as if dating has a much higher focus than I was expecting, which could possibly get awkward.
@johncalmc I thought it looked interesting as well, but now that I know it’s a weird anime perv’em up thing, it’s been preordered. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Heh.
Ehhhhh, dating sims can be fun if they’re written by well-adjusted humans but this definitely veers enough into the dodgy territory that I’m wary.
@Amnesiac LOL, respect, mate!
Games like these are why Yoshi P distances himself from the JRPG label.
And I don't blame him because I do the same. Grew up FF and DQ, but no thanks to pervy anime JRPGs, which is basically everything else.
Does this game have a silent protagonist? Whenever I’ve played a persona-adjacent game with a fully voiced protagonist (Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Tokyo Xanadu), I’ve ended up hating the guy I’m controlling.
As others have said, Persona does a generally good job of walking the edge of pervosity without falling off. So similar games with less restraint make me nervous.
I’m looking forward to this and I like supporting indies! It’s fine with me if the game has kink but it just needs to not be hateful (eg bodyshaming, anti queer) or creepy (eg age and consent issues).
The next games in this space I want to play are Trails into Reverie, this game, Tokyo Xanadu, and Metaphor. Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles.
I've completed senran kagura games so this is nothing on the scale of anime "weirdness", this is a game obviously aimed at proper anime fans and not the casual JRPGer.
This is definitely a day one buy for me, especially considering it's only £25 on the PlayStation store.
I've been really looking forward to this since it was announced last year. Does anyone know if there's a physical version planned? Couldn't find anything online
@turntSNACO The protag doesn't speak - I just played the demo on PC and it's pretty good!
After playing the PC demo I am looking forward to this even more!
@Darylb88 Lucky you, how was the demo? Was the combat decent and is it English dubbed or just subbed.
@UltimateOtaku91 Was pretty good considering the what the price tag will be! VA Language options are English, Japanese and Korean. Most of what I have played so far has VA.
@Magnus_Selene The demo is very short and consist mostly of (ultra cheesy) dialogue, but I reckon it'll get better, along with a few combat encounters. At least it gives you a rough idea how the combat will feel and work.
Look forward to this still.
I'm really liking the look of this game. I'm not hyped over the moon or anything for it but it should make for a nice appetizer for P3R.
Whats going on here? This comment space feels like it is full of old ladies acting like pearl clutching prudes,lol.
Anyway, this game doesn't seem interesting tbh, it seems low quality? I will try the demo out,because what's important at the end of the day is if it plays well and clicks.
@Cordyceps Most sane anime hater.
@rachetmarvel When I was like ten the scifi channel would run some classics in the morning like Akira, Roujin Z, Record of Lodoss War, Vampire Hunter D, etc.
I'm not going to lower myself to Azumanga Daioh. I'm not an elitist. Just snooty. With all media really. Art house D-head here.
I'm still on the fence about this game, will need to see alot more gameplay and wait for reviews.
Also would help if the developer pushed the PC demo to console owners so they can try the game out too.
@Magnus_Selene Indeed what a shame. I have a PC but it has terrible specs for modern games.
Hopefully consoles will receive the demo before the September launch.
@pyrrhic_victory Sadly the game seems to be digital only in the USA at least, unsure about other countries.
@Darylb88 I know this is still somewhat considered an unpopular opinion online, but I'm very glad it seems to have a fully voiced English dub. Thank you for sharing!
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