"How did it feel being back up there? I don't know... nostalgic, I guess?" Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth summarised our feelings with one simple question. We love the original game but when Final Fantasy 7 Remake opened the door to some dramatic changes, nothing was guaranteed moving forward. Thankfully, Rebirth feels like a natural evolution that continues walking this precarious path with grace, and right now, it's mixing that nostalgic familiarity with a renewed uncertainty.
This isn't the first time we've previewed Rebirth. You may recall we went hands-on last September as we explored Mt.Nibel and Junon's surroundings. This time, we played Square Enix's latest preview build for roughly three hours, and because it featured the Mt.Nibel segment once again, we're mostly focusing on what's new — our first look at the reimagined Kalm and its nearby grasslands.

For anyone unfamiliar with the original Final Fantasy 7, Kalm is a fitting location to start Rebirth — Mt.Nibel flashback sequence aside — as it's the first town Cloud Strife and his friends reach after escaping Midgar. Compared to that dystopian Shinra-led steely metropolis we spent all of Remake in, Kalm's vibrant scenery offers a pleasing contrast that's highly appealing, and nicely symbolises the group's new chapter.
Much like Remake's Midgar, Rebirth significantly expands Kalm by giving this once-minor mining village plenty of additional activities. That creates an interesting introduction to Rebirth's new features, the most prominent being Queen's Blood, a deck-building card minigame. Reminiscent of Gwent in The Witcher 3, you can challenge people to win new cards and unlock different opponents across the game's world.
Queen's Blood involves strengthening your power across three lanes, placing down cards with different power levels that add to your lane score. Every card shows position tiles in the middle where you can place further cards, though you can only draw cards that are equal to or higher than their rank, indicated by a pawn symbol. You're only awarded points if your final lane score beats your opponent's. While we needed several tries to understand the basic rules, it's an entertaining minigame and we enjoyed challenging people across Kalm.
Elsewhere, party members were all dotted around the town. Like before, your conversation choices affect Aerith, Tifa, and Barret's affection for Cloud, though it's too early to know what this will bring; perhaps something special at the Gold Saucer? Regardless, we're keen to see where this leads, and what's more intriguing is how character relationships are reflected in battle. While it's not revolutionary, Rebirth does a good job of adding to Remake's combat through Synergy Skills.
These abilities let two specific party members team up for some appealing skills, ranging from offensive moves like Tifa's Synchro Cyclone for an aerial attack, to Barrett's Iron Defense. They're are unlocked by spending skill points to augment 'Folios', and it would be more accurate to call this a skill core rather than a skill tree. More Synergy Skills options unlock when your party level increases, and that's achieved by tackling challenges or helping people. We also briefly played as Red XIII in combat, who's become one of the more interesting combatants thanks to his unique vengeance meter; it charges through blocking incoming blows, offering useful speed and attack buffs.
Our biggest concern is whether Rebirth's crammed open areas will provide a meaningful story expansion, or simply feel like padding. Between visiting the Chocobo Farm, clearing timed fiend quests, activating towers, and scanning crystals to obtain regional data for Chadley — plus an ill-fated encounter with Midgardsormr — there's so much to do. Though we certainly tried, we didn't have nearly enough time to see everything the Grasslands offered, so any definitive judgments would be premature.
Still, Rebirth's seamless open world is visually impressive on PS5, and reaching the Grasslands reminded us of visiting Rosaria in Final Fantasy 16. We've come away from this preview even more excited to continue Cloud's story, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth seems to be building upon Remake's foundations well. So far, it's looking like a strong sequel.
How are you feeling about Final Fantasy 7 Remake as we creep closer to release? What are your hopes and dreams for this highly anticipated sequel? Start scraping the rust off that buster sword and join our party in the comments section below.
Comments 45
Man I wish Persona 3 and Granblue didn’t come out right before this. 100% gonna buy Rebirth but not at launch. I really liked XVI, but there was something whimsical about 7 remake that wasn’t in XVI. Going back to FF7 will be magic.
The amount activities, minigames, and content just feels so unreal to me. And as I was wanting the demo is meaty and allows us to explore one of the regions due to how massive the map is.
Aerith has shades, Barret has his sailor suit, and Red XIII has that swagger in the Shinra uniform.
The game looks absolutely jam-packed with things to see and do!
That seals it. FF7 Rebirth is my most anticipated game of all time. This is going to be LEGENDARY!
I am even more excited for this game. I expected more of the same as Remake, which would have been awesome already, but Rebirth looks like it is greatly exceeding my expectations.
@Deoxyr1bose Out if interest, how far are you through Granblue? Because it's just a 10 hour story, quite a weak one, then it's just endless grinding for the sake of it. A kind of MH lite. I say that as someone who bought it after eagerly anticipating it. I doubt think it'll keep you away from Rebirth, basically.
Yeah looks like I'll be putting my playthrough of Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth on pause when this comes out. Easily my most hyped game in years
I do hope im not premature in saying this, but from everything i'm seeing i really hope this becomes the blueprint and benchmark that Square refers back to for future FF titles. This seems to have a bit of everything and looks absolutely phenomenal. They seem to have nailed what FF is all about
No mention of Gilgamesh possibly being in the footage?
@Matroska I haven’t played Granblue yet. All my efforts been in Persona 3 Reload and I’m about 10 hours in. If reviews are like stellar stellar, I’ll probably pick up 7Rebirth over Granblue, but as of now Granblue is my next priority after Persona. Then again I’ve played the Granblue demo and not the FF7 one yet
This game fr might be TOO BIG (that’s what she said) and idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
@Matroska Yeah, I finished off the Granblue main story in about 15 hours, and that's all I'm going to do with it. Fun combat and character designs, but not worth the absolute grind it would be to get to the true ending. The story was weak as it was.
I am a huge FF fan, the first game I ever completed was Ff7 way back in the mid 90's and I really enjoyed the remake (played it from day 1) however I never felt the need to go back to it until a few weeks ago. Again, I enjoyed it (probably more the second time) but I'm strangely not all that hyped for the next part. I don't get it, the combat was great, visuals were utterly beautiful, story was still really strong and I even enjoyed the little tweaks and added extra's. Yet, I can't put my finger on it but something is missing. There's a piece of the puzzle that just doesn't fit.
I'll still buy Rebirth on day one (I have a distinct absence of a back log these day's) but I'm not hyped for it in the way I thought I would be. Hopefully my first few hours will increase my enthusiasm.
"nostalgic familiarity with renewed uncertainty". Couldn't have put my feeling better with this remake series.
I skimmed through to look at the map of a Planet with only one hemisphere showing. So you telling me we will get new lands in the 3rd installment or what?
Anyway, exited to get my collectors edition in the mail. Crossing my fingers I get it 5 days early like when the first part released
It's looking good! Sounds like a must-have. Hopefully the pacing is improved, Remake kinda dragged at some point, the tension built up to a level that felt like the end of the game, only for it to continue for many chapters yet.
The Nibelheim demo was exquisite. I can’t wait for more. I just can’t believe… after all these years… Final Fantasy is peaking yet again. I have high hopes this will top even 16…
Welp, time to finally play the first one!
Like Maximillian Dood said, GOTY has been locked in and it's only February.
@Elitepatriot there is a point in the trailer where they show the full map with all regions. Looks huge.
Part 2 of the Trilogy was always going to be awesome. Cosmo canyon, gold saucer, Costa del sol are all legendary locations in the Final Fantasy series.
The challenge for SE is Part 3. Less exciting locations and the story in my opinion goes off the rails into borderline jibberish. But that's a problem for another day... for now, it's Gold saucer time!
@somnambulance it'll walk all.over it imo. 16 didn't even feel like a Final Fantasy game
@somnambulance Topping FF16 should be easy enough considering this is everything FF16 isn't. I'm just hoping its better then FF15 as that's game open world dragged it down.
I'm a little torn as if I get the demo or not. I won't buy the game on launch, as I am a little busy this year and there are games to complete before I can add a huge game like this. The financial aspect plays a part too. But I will get Rebirth this year anyway, I won't resist haha
Can you romance a Chocobo? Shame if you can't.
@Andy22385 @DennisReynolds I loved 16 (it was almost my GotY last year… til Alan Wake 2 topped it), as unpopular as it is, I loved 15 too, flaws and all. I’d say both 15 and 16 are my favorites since peak era FF with 6 and 7. I do prefer the combat in 7Remake/Rebirth to any of the titles though. It hits the sweet spot between being action oriented and turn based for me. I’ve got the feeling I’ll be playing this one for a while, totally happy with it. I’m expecting a better reception on this one than Remake.
@freddquadros The demo is 50gb so i'm leaving it, i got the game pre-ordered so its not like i need that extra push.
Physical version is already preordered for the bonus steelbook. Hope the store doesn't screw me over like they did with FF XVI and not deliver the steelbook.
Like a Dragon, Persona 3 and now this..
Pray for Mojo...
I am currently juggling P3R, Like a Dragon IW and FF7 Remake this month.
If all goes well I will be free for the launch of FF7 rebirth and I can add Rise of the Ronin and Unicorn Overlord to my plate. I will also be dipping in and out of Taxi Life (I sometimes hate having such a broad taste in games as it's expensive in time and money).
This looks really good. Should I play the first one (which I can get on PS Plus) or should I just jump into this one?
This is the best bit! Arguably Midgar, despite being the most iconic part of VII is actually the worst bit in the game. Finally getting to the world map is up there with Hyrule Field!
I am still so confused as to what the difference between FF7, FF7 Remake, and FF7 Rebirth are. Not being a huge FF guy, I would imagine there are more like me. I did play and liked 'Remake' but not sure what the story differences are...if any.
Side note I would really love a separate game for Tetra Cards doesn't have to be mind blowing but I found myself playing that a lot in 9 longer than I probably should have.
@somnambulance I completely agree with your assessments of FFXVI and Alan Wake II. Alan Wake II was my GOTY, followed closely by FFXVI and Spider-Man 2. FFVII Rebirth looks like it'll raise the bar even higher than those 3 titles. And while I'm not the biggest fan of FFXV, I like how it's combat system (and even going all the way back to XIII) laid the foundation for 7 Remake's/Rebirth's battle system. I kind of like Final Fantasy experimenting with different styles. It makes XVI and VII Rebirth feel like fresh, but with underlying commonalities.
@theSpectre I couldn’t agree more. I like how Square is literally giving us the best of all worlds right now. Want something new for the series? Here’s FF16! Want something old for the series? Here’s the Pixel Remasters! Want something in between? FF7R’s got you covered. I can honestly say, as a fan of the series for longer than some forum dwellers here have been alive, this is one of the best, if not THE best, time to be a fan. I’m loving it.
And yeah, Alan Wake 2 was so incredible that it sort of ended up dwarfing FF16, TotK, and Baldur’s Gate for me. I was really surprised it didn’t win hardly any GotY awards, though lapped up other awards.
As someone who really wasn't a fan of the Remake part 1, im actually happy to see they improved on what could have worked better in this.
Ubisoft towers, I hope the side quest are better.
I'm most excited for the 400 song soundtrack. That's a staggering amount of music.
Final Fantasy 7's soundtrack is the best part of the game - that's a fact. The story hits some highs, but generally becomes a big old mess of nonsense in the end. The characters are well developed and interesting, but it all goes a bit trippy towards the end... I mean Sephiroth goes from al ltime greatest villain to absolute garbage. The locations include some of the best, for sure, but the later areas really aren't so good or interesting (I'm hoping the third game will pad these areas out more as the original game seems to have lost momentum).
The soundtrack though? What an absolute masterpiece from start to finish. Everyrhing about it. From Underneath the rotting pizza to one winged angel. Tifa and Aerith's theme. Cosmo canyon. The main theme! The whole thing is utter brilliance. Even what should be simply a filler track for a minor location is brilliant - Farm boy is a good example.
The game I'm not so fussed about - although Gold Saucer is going to be great - but the soundtrack with all new songs in keeping with the original? And 400 of them?! That's the thing we should be drumming up more. It's going to be amazing!
The trailer is epic. Need to buy this just to support the developer. I hope they remake FFX in the same vein. Hope to play the blitz ball in all of its glory.
@somnambulance FFXV was fantastic imo (royal edition) but it actually felt like a FF game. 16 just felt like a decent action RPG with FF name slapped on it. So many series staples are missing. But they're all back for rebirth
This one leads directly on from the first one, so yes you should play it or else you might be a bit confused.
FF7 is the original game from the 90s. The remake is split into three games; Remake, Rebirth and whatever they decide to name part 3.
@Agadoin Rmake, Rebirth,..Revelation ?
I would have said reunion but they was stolen by crisis core 🤷
looks like an improvement, no doubt. but it is a shame and missed opportunity in not having the option to load your save file from remake. it is immersion breaking to be forced to level up your characters from lvl 1 again. not to mention grinding the same materia again... did s-e put any thought into this?
why not start the characters off at lvl 50 for rebirth (with all of their battle abilities and limit breaks from remake) and scale the enemies from there? why not allow players to import their materia from remake? offer the option for players to purchase level 3 materia from shops (at a high cost for balance) if they don't have a save file. who wants to grind all over again from scratch? i mean, as it stands, rebirth will feel like a completely different game, rather than part 2 and continuation of the story.
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