If you were raised on a diet of Japan Studio oddities and quirky PlayStation published exclusives, then Stellar Blade is the game you’ve been praying for. Developed by Korean studio Shift Up – the infamous outfit behind the wildly popular smartphone shooter NIKKE: Goddess of Victory – this single player PS5 console exclusive feels like it’s stepped straight out of the PS3 era, and we mean that in the most positive possible way.
You play as Eve, a top-heavy tough girl in a skin-tight latex outfit. Set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi future, where Earth has been conquered by an aggressive alien race named the Naytiba, you represent one of humanity’s few remaining hopes – and you have all of the acrobatic acumen to overcome the odds against your intergalactic enemies.
Enormously inspired by anime, the demo – which documents the opening hours of the campaign, and will be available for everyone to play from 29th March – is stylish to a fault. It opens with a fleet of pods descending on Earth, as Eve and her allies spring an attack on their Naytiba nemeses. This beach scene is seriously impressive, as buildings collapse, space ships soar overhead, and trees wilt in the wind.

While the Japanese-style character designs may lead you to believe this is a character action game akin to Bayonetta and Devil May Cry, the combat is actually much more deliberate than that. While it doesn’t have the stamina system of Dark Souls, you’re forced to play cautiously, as hammering the attack button will consign you to an early grave.
The gameplay, in these opening exchanges, relies heavily on counter-attacking with perfect parries. You need to read the movements of your opponents, and react appropriately. Timing your guard just right will lead to a perfect parry, and sometimes you’ll need to chain these in quick succession. It’s rhythmic and challenging, but it feels sublime when you get it right, and we can already imagine the “pro level” gameplay streams that are going to come out of this.
Each time you successfully execute a perfect parry, you’ll remove a point from your opponent, and when these are all gone, you’ll stagger them. This is the perfect opportunity to unleash a flurry of attacks, including your Beta abilities, which recharge each time you execute an offensive action. While these represent the core systems in the game, there’s a lot more going on under the hood.

Indeed, it’s clear that combat will be dramatically different at the end of Stellar Blade than it is at the beginning. A robust skill tree, filled out by earning and spending Skill Points, teases Street Fighter-style depth. For example, coloured attacks from your opponents can be countered by pushing forward and dodging when Eve’s sword glows, enabling you to get in behind your enemies and follow up with mass damage. You can also perform perfect dodges, by tapping out of the way at the right moment.
While it will initially feel like your fingers are overcome with options, finding the rhythm is refreshing and satisfying. It’s hard to draw direct comparisons, because the gameplay relies on timing much more than something like Elden Ring, but it also doesn’t quite have the same kind of combo-based combat as a Devil May Cry. Perhaps the closest point of reference is a release like God of War Ragnarok, where timing those parries perfectly is so important in the tougher boss battles.
In between all of the action, you’ll be exploring an abandoned Earth, which still harbours the remnants of humanity, among all of the destruction unleashed by its alien invaders. The visual presentation is absolutely stunning, and it’s enhanced by excellent use of the DualSense controller, which conveys the subtle pitter-patter of raindrops through the pad – as well as the clash of steel when you snag those aforementioned perfect parries.

The excellent presentation extends to the audio soundtrack too, which improves on Shift Up’s stunning work on NIKKE: Goddess of Victory, with a soaring vocal soundtrack that will have you bobbing your head. You unlock camps as save points throughout the campaign, and each of these has a record player which allows you to simply stop and enjoy the music away from all of the chaos of your main mission.
The only thing we’re not so keen on is the English dub, which feels detached and lacks emotion. Fortunately, you can switch the talking to the game’s native Korean, and the actors put in a much more meaningful performance here. We suppose the options should be appreciated above all else, so if you really can’t get on with the English voice acting, you can toggle it from the main menu at any time you like.
We’re impressed overall, though. Stellar Blade is not quite the game we were expecting – it’s more difficult and deliberate than we’d anticipated based on the key art. But it’s clear there’s a dense combat system at play here, and it’s backed up by a beautifully rendered world and some authentically anime cutscene direction. Most importantly, this feels like the type of game fans have been demanding from PlayStation for a while: original, single player-centric, and gameplay focused. Next month can’t come quick enough.

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You’ll be able to try out Stellar Blade’s demo for yourself on 29th March. Any progress you make in the demo will transfer across to the full game. Will you be giving Shift Up’s console debut a stab? Somersault into the comments section below.
Comments 144
Outside of FF7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade was always my most anticipated game of the year and I can’t wait get stuck into the demo on Friday. All being well, this will be my next PS5 pick up. Looks great.
Just wanted to congratulate Sammy on the name check in the screen shot. I had no idea you were big in Korea! Annyeong haseyo!
Can’t wait! Is looking great
Heck yeah. If it was even half as good as it looks I was interested. Also nice to see an action game that isn't a "souls-like" for a change
This game looks pretty decent and I can't wait to see how it runs in 4k supposedly @60fps..how nice would it be if its true..
Language Timothy, err I mean Sammy.
I was really hyped until I heard the emphasis on perfect parries and perfect dodges. That's the one mechanic I have no chance on and mostly ignore those moves in games because they're not going to work out well for me. Depends how flexible the window is. FotNS I'd get perfect channeling maybe 25% of the time at best. Bayo I can hit witch time maybe 40-50%. Hifi rush I can do much better probably because there's a music beat to keep up with.
Just WOW! Already have the Deluxe Edition pre ordered! I bloody can't wait until friday!
Any questions let me know!
Sounds fantastic! This has been my most anticipated PS5 exclusive basically ever since I first saw the game so its good to hear its shaping up quite nicely. Looking forward to it next month!
Looking forward to the demo. I really want to try this one out after middling previews for Ronin, it’s refreshing to see positive opinions early on for Stellar Blade.
@get2sammyb do you know what the surprise is at the end of the demo that they're teasing?
"original, single player-centric, and gameplay focused"
Was almost sold before now I'm super sold! Didn't think between this and Rise of the Ronin that Stellar Blade might be the better received game, hopefully after the first two hours the game gets even better!
Looks great, but at the end of the day, why should it matter that it's an exclusive!? It surely changed the entire discourse here around ff16. Exclusivity should finally die.
Very much looking forward to this, but I have the feeling that if it turns out to be a ‘difficult game’ , that may put some people off of it. Hopefully there are difficulty settings. I, personally, don’t mind the challenge, but some people do and avoid tougher games because of it.
Am I really going to buy 2 launch games (DD2 as well) back to back?
I... I think I am...
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Finally some good food? I've been stuffed since February!!!
Very excited for this game.
Tell no more, I’m definitely sold now! I was planning on not buying anything in the coming months because of my huge backlog, but I’ll probably make an exception for this one if it doesn’t have too many bugs at launch.
Very excited and have been since announcement! Performance was not mentioned though so I'm praying it can handle a steady 60fps. Also praying its not too hard. I despise the Souls games that take pleasure in torturing players.
Regardless...bring on Friday! Sheesh! Still not done with FF7R and still need to hit up Dragons Dogma 2!
@Specky agreed. Exclusive games sell consoles. Something some people need to understand. They've been a part of gaming for as long as I can remember and I'm 40.
I might have some disability but when I see a game with "perfect timing" and similar mechanisms I already know it's not for me Sad because I really like how this games looks. So I don't know, let's see the demo and I pray for easy settings can be good enough for me
Alright, well that sounds really promising!
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy. I know you mention it in the article but would you compare the game to a Soulslike or God of War when it comes to the combat. As a guy who isn't into Soulslike games that's been my one worry with Stellar Blade(combat and difficulty). God of War is more my cup of tea when comparing the two.
This sounds incredible — and I’ve been waiting for this game for years. In fact, it’s one reason why I bought mine several years ago. I’m glad to see it have that PS3-era feel (possibly my favorite era in gaming) but with that modern touch that we are used to. Evil West did this recently, and I cannot recommend that game enough. I’m really looking forward to Stellar Blade, and what’s more is that it releases a couple of days after my birthday so that is stellar news.
There’s some real potential here. I’ll definitely give the demo a whirl. The combat system sounds right up my alley and a graphics showcase is always welcome.
@ChakaL00T The IGN preview breaks down the story mode difficulty. Sounds like the game replaces some of the timing cues with quick time events.
@Americansamurai1 There's a trailer and there's a boss you can try with more abilities unlocked.
@Optimus That's interesting! I played a little bit on Story Mode after completing the demo on Normal and didn't notice more QTEs.
Not saying they're wrong, I'll just have to investigate more!
Seems my faith in this game is continually justified
@QBGaming12 There's a Story Mode difficulty which doesn't necessarily change the gameplay (still need to corroborate what @Optimus said as I didn't notice that personally) but makes it more manageable.
You can't really just hack and slash even on Story Mode to be honest, so it's still that deliberate style of counter-attack gameplay. But if you can do the parries and stuff in God of War, I think you'll be fine.
I feel the subheading is weirdly harsh since I think 2024 has been a banger for exclusives.
1) HD2
2) FF7 Rebirth
3) Pacific Drive
4) Granblue
5) Ronin (despite this sites harsh criticism has been pretty liked by players here)
and now Stellar Blade which is shaping up to be great.
@breakneck Haha, I'm just messing around. It's been a great year so far, you're absolutely correct.
Was more jokingly referring to the fact that this feels like more of a traditional, old-school exclusive from Sony. I know a lot of people have been asking for a game like this for a while from Sony!
This year feels like there's a new and better game coming out every week. No doubt it's one of the best of the generation.
@tameshiyaku There's a few reasons why exclusives are important but the most important I would say is that without them then console makers have less incentive to subsidize when they make a console, actually why even make a console at all, they may as well just make expensive PC's.
@get2sammyb I just re-read the preview. Looks like it’s an accessibility option
@get2sammyb Was the framerate fluid, or did you encounter noticeable stutters? How long did it take you to get everything worthwhile outof this demo?
Ok, I was curious before, but now colour me extremely curious. Will happily check out the demo on the weekend.
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@get2sammyb how's did the performance seem? Is it linear, mission based, open or semi open?
@get2sammyb True this does have a very strong Playstation game feel to it. Can't wait for the demo
@tameshiyaku I disagree. Exclusives show their respective consoles at their best levels. Games like Mario Odyssey, botw, SM2 and God of War are so good because they are built exclusivity in mind. They push the console while utilising unique features, they run well, they look great and carry a level of polish that even the best third-parties cannot produce.
You had me at
"You play as Eve, a top-heavy tough girl in a skin-tight latex outfit."
@The_Pixel_King Hope you enjoy the demo on Friday. Give it a bit of time to settle in, as it took me a few tries to really get a feel for it.
@Amnesiac Thanks! Shift Up just knows I love 'em!
@Northern_munkey It's a beautiful game artistically. Some really nice architecture and loads of stuff going on on the screen.
@NEStalgia I haven't explored the accessibility options yet but there may be a way to increase the timing windows. Will investigate!
@ColdHandGee Wish we were getting the vinyl here that they're getting in Korea!
@breakneck I was about to reply too, but you seem to have stated everything I was gonna say!
Exclusives mean there's some chance of using a machines unique strengths. In a world where everywhere is MacD and Starbucks, I go out of my way to eat at unique places. I certainly don't want all my games machines to have the same design, and actively support games which use unique features. Right now that amounts to little more than the controller functions, but they can really add to a title if designed in form the beginning instead of being tacked on to a multiplat at the last minute!
N.i.c.e. its like dark souls with the enemies respawnding.but it like like bayonetta.devil may cry.and nier automata.the boss fights looks amazing.and those cinematic moves looks amazing.word up son
Thanks for a positive and well written preview.
Not keen on your tag line for this piece as its just not true and clearly playing to the usual Push troll brigade....
@Juanalf I think Stellar Blade will be basically a different game by the end. There are SO MANY abilities to unlock you can't access in the demo.
@tameshiyaku I mean, one thing I will say is this is clearly using all the features of the PS5. Really great 3D audio and DualSense integration for starters. It also looks pretty stunning in places.
@QBGaming12 It reminds me of the valkyrie fights in God of War Ragnarok. Where you have to really rhythmically parry the opponent to find openings.
@Optimus That makes sense. Interesting to include that as an accessibility option. Should open up the game to more players to enjoy, as the timing is tough!
@Titntin Yeah, as I mentioned above, I was more referring to the fact that this feels like a more old-school, PS3-era exclusive. I know a lot of people have been waiting for a game like this from Sony.
I can see how it might be misunderstood in hindsight, though.
Totally agree the release schedule this year has been amazing.
I can’t wait for Friday for the demo and i can’t wait for the game’s release this is a game I know I will enjoy
Sounds perfect. Dont know if Ill play the demo or wait for release. I got a strong feeling this will be my GOTY.
There are too many good games to play. I officially give up. I am going to add this outstanding sounding adventure to the pile and then spend eternity imprisoned within my backlog never to return. I will be like Sisyphus, except with games instead of boulders.
@BIG3 Looks like you're ready for launch day with your avatar!
So damn excited for this. Shift Up did an amazing job with NIKKE both gameplay and story wise. So really looking forward how they’ll do in a triple a environment. Clearly have a talented team.
Not a big fan of perfect parry games. Just not my skill set. If the parry window is big enough I may give it a go on a sale at some point.
@rawzeku NIKKE is a super underrated game. I kinda wish they'd port it to PS5.
@NEStalgia Yeah when @get2sammyb first mentioned PS3 my brain went to "Vanquish" and "MGR: Revegeance" and I got all excited but the parry stuff ain't my thing. I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima on "Easy", whatever it's called, and I've still almost died a couple of times. 😩
Maybe I'll watch my kid play this at Christmas, FF7 Rebirth is going to take all summer I think.
Actually since this has a physical edition, thought it was digital only for some reason, I can borrow it from the library, see how it goes. 🤷♂️
Still feel like we need a "Vanquish" sequel though, preferably mixed in w/ the "Binary Domain" sequel they teased at the end.
@get2sammyb how can a game be "wildly popular" and "underrated" at the same time?
@get2sammyb OK thanks for responding. That means I'll give it a try. I was hoping it wasn't a soulslike so it seems to me that is isn't. Which is a bonus for me.
@CaptD - Nice Sorry! reference there...
I definitely was thinking this was just good old hack and slash and not strategic combat. Not sure how I feel about this.
@get2sammyb You know it! Game has always looked incredible to me. I've had that avatar since they revealed the name change from Project Eve in 2022. And now, reading the combat might have some similarities to GoW I'm even more hyped.
@get2sammyb Thanks! Definitely interested to know!
@rjejr Yeah, PS3 era was kind of a golden age, but the parry thing. Some people have fast reflexes. I'm that gif of the kid that swings the bat 20 seconds after the ball went by. And it's not just "aging reflexes" - if anything I'm better now than when I was a kid, lol. Never had great reaction times like that. Though I'm a platformer purist....I think because that's pattern/rhythm based rather than pure reaction reflex.
Ghost, I don't have issues mainly because I play stealth. I pick them all off from a distance and slink around so I don't often hit sword fights lol. But it also means it takes like 600 hours to beat a 60 hour game so I ended up stopping half way through and promising I'd get back to it again someday and haven't.
IDK about a Vanquish sequel. With the way Platinum does business, basically begging publishers for money, they could be a loooong wait. Though I guess XVI is this gen's fix of hack and slash action.
@rawzeku What kind of game is NIKKE? I havent checked it out at all.
This is my most anticipated game, since we saw the first teaser ages ago. Happy you write good things about it.
Now, can we preload the demo? DD
@get2sammyb A couple of people already asked but how is the Performance (locked 60fps?)
I wasn't really sure about the game as good as it looked but now I think it'll actually be my next purchase. The game sounds amazing
It really is underrated. It looks so shallow on the surface but the game is actually really deep and satisfying.
I am honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet, considering it has a PC version already.
Have just preordered this today because of how much it has pulled me in. Its a long time since I've bought a game with little knowledge of whether it good or not so I hope it lives up to the hype🤞
@Deityjester Sorry, I meant in the West. It’s very popular in Asia, but I don’t think many people know about it in Europe/America.
Really great to hear that this is shaping up to be something special, but between this, FF7 Rebirth, Helldivers 2, Granblue Fantasy Relink and Rise of the Ronin, hearing all this talk about playstation having a bad year makes me feel like I'm going insane.
I didn't realize this game had a parry-based fighting system. Oh well, probably not for me. Looks good though
The weaboo vibes put me off, I did see some of the enemies, that looked amazing tbh, and the parry stuff sounds good. I just hope it has multiple difficulties or is a challenge.
The combat will be nothing like God of War, that's an awful take, God of War is like controlling a tank with an Axe, also has very forgiving parries.
I'm still undecided.
Seems to be a cheap knockoff of Nier Automata to me. The only thing this game has is how the character looks. Everything else about it seems mediocre at best.
I'll play if the gameplay is good enough. Nothing else really appeals.
Wtf is a exclusive enthusiast
@get2sammyb Is there a photo mode?
Asking for a friend 🥸😂
@GigaGaia @mkr Personally, I don't find the main character all the appealing. The design is so ridiculous that it ventures into the realm of parody.
I find it funny. I was cracking up when I first saw the full character. I would play this game if it was self aware (which I doubt it is), but the the character is too immersion breaking for me to enjoy.
@Barry_vV Seemed like a slick 60fps to me.
@BIG3 It's like a very simple smartphone third-person shooter. It's a gacha game so you collect different characters over time.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I didn't see a Photo Mode in the demo but would be surprised if the full game didn't have one.
Downloading the demo will be the first thing I do on Friday. Can’t wait
@tameshiyaku with that logic all corporations should give up the rights to their IPs! Oh and Ferrari should give its V12s to all manufacturers. No one is entitled to IPs that they don’t own. Exclusivity must stay in general for PS as, Sony and Nintendo don’t have the backbone of software revenue like windows. I seriously don’t understand modern gamers mindset that everyone needs access to IPs for this hobby. If one cannot afford multiple platforms it is what it is. Gaming is just a hobby.
Looking forward to the demo come Friday.
@Fangleman32 It's just a bit cheesy, it's that and the conversation is always entirely detached from whatever the situation is in a entirely surreal manner.
I'll give it a shot when the demo comes out and see.
@get2sammyb Question. Is the English dub weak because of bad VO performance, script or because it's British? I personally really enjoyed the British accents in the Xenoblade games.
@MrMagic @breakneck @get2sammyb @MomsSpaghetti exclusivity deal money vs reduced exposure, doesn't hold the scale usually. Also, most hardware beyond the switch is very samey and a game taking advantage of an overpowered pc would never pay off. Don't get me wrong, every Sony/Nintendo owned studio can make games specialized for their console, but I wouldn't get tribal over where third party lays their eggs.
@get2sammyb Seeing how Im currently knee deep into Helldivers 2 I'll have to check some gameplay out and wish for a PS (or xbox) port.
Thanks for the preview! Exclusive or not, this is one of my most anticipated games this year.
@tameshiyaku Yeah but 3rd party exclusives are necessary to fill in the gaps between 1st party, especially now that games take so long to develop.
@Jayslow My cupboards are so full, I'm not sure i'll be able to finish everything
Push Square weren't overly enthusiastic about FF7 and Rise Of the Ronin, but damn if i'm not satisfied.
Stellar Blade looks to extend this run!
I've still got multiplat stuff like Baldurs Gate 2 Resi 4, Persona 3, Like a Dragon 8, Alan Wake 2 to play......
Eiyuden, Elden RIng DLC and SMTV coming up. How will i finish?
@MrMagic yes 3rd party is necessary, but they don't need to be exclusives. Sony should rather focus to make their system the preferred place to own any game on rather than just hold a few third party games hostage. I'd like my games on the go for example or more rights over digital licences.
@tameshiyaku If exclusives didn't exist only Nintendo would remain and they would have complete control over gaming. Exclusives are the reason PS and Xbox are around and why we can get high quality games like this or Spidey 2 and so on. Exclusives matter.
It is also dubbed in Italian and French, this game has my name on it! Glad to hear is kinda on the “harder” side in terms of difficulty
Hmmm, the gameplay doesn't sound like it's for me. Maybe I'll play it on easy mode some day.
@tameshiyaku Exclusives do exactly what you described and it is better than competing on things like power because consoles prices would have spiraled out of control a long time ago and the same can be said for constant R&D in an attempt for non stop innovation, which is much more risky than the tried and trusted exclusive method.
@MrMagic not talking about power but better service to the consumer. If I can get the same dish for the same price from multiple restaurants, I'd go for the one that's cleaner and has better service. Valve has understood that
Wow. Sound amazing. Im definitely will try the demo and decided if this is day one purchase or not.
@GigaGaia you played it already?
@tameshiyaku Except that comparison doesn't work because Steam still has exclusives and Valve is only where it is because it got there first.
@NEStalgia That's what kinda just killed my excitement for the game. I like more hack/slash games. These Soulslike games I'm terrible with. I had no clue it was that style until watching the above video.
with it's code name being Project Eve... as a Parasite Eve fan, I am really hoping their is homage in form to a costume for Aya or even Eve haha. I'm not holding my breath though.
Excited for this game nonetheless. Hopefully I can finish both FF7 Rebirth and Peach in time for this.... with Paper Mario and Elden Ring not far behind 🥲
@Jayslow Im basically bloated at this point.
@get2sammyb You mention that the combat is not what the game initially looked like it would be, and that's very similar to Bayonetta/Devil May Cry. Is it as difficult as some of the Souls games or others like that? I'm not a fan of Souls games at all as I find them far more frustrating than fun, so I would unfortunately have to pass on Stellar Blade if it's much more like them than initially thought.
Good thing a demo is coming out. If the gameplay is more Souls than Devil May Cry/Bayonetta/Ninja Gaiden, I'm going to have to pass, unfortunately. I have zero patience for Souls type games.
I am very glad to hear that it has difficulty settings and that the parrying and such is more God of War than Souls-like. I truly despise the lack of options for the player to choose difficulty settings in Souls-like games. On the other hand, I’ve played and beaten both of the modern God of War games on the second-highest difficulty settings; and while I often got my *** kicked many times in fights, it felt like a fair ***-kicking (unlike Souls-likes). So this game has just shot up very high near the top of my list! Will be pre-ordering the physical edition (These days, I try to buy physical whenever I can in order to support those companies who continue to offer a choice between physical and digital).
It defo has 60fps mode, looks great too.
@Chibbie Playstation access compared it to Sekiro. Video on their YT channel.
Wait, 120 comments and nothing about the outfits or the body of the main character? I will happily try the demo, but from the video posted I still find that the world looks bland and generic. I don't know, in Nier or Elden Ring, there is a strong artistic choice that makes you feel that you are evolving in very special places. From what I see in the videos, I just have this feeling of deja vu.
@get2sammyb why top heavy? She has very small bewbs and a bug bootay.
anyway how is the story? Everything looked quite forgetful in the first reveal.
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This sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to try the demo on Friday!
@get2sammyb Since you said that the combat uses parry mechanics and it also has a lot of skills/abilities to unlock, how would you compare it to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's combat, especially Cloud on Punisher Mode? Would that be a good comparison?
@tameshiyaku But if a Big console manufacturer is helping you by providing extra development money and a team to do all the ancillary stuff (Xdev did all the localisation etc), while also supporting you in marketing at the cost of a little exclusivity period
Why would a studio making their first Console game that too a AAA not jump at such an offer while also building a relationship with such a big player?
I'm happy to see good news about this game.
It makes me want to see a more Devil May Cry type game which I feel isn't as popular as the Souls like gameplay they've gone for here.
Can anyone recommend a DMC-like game that uses the same R1 lock on centric combos system?
Not interested, tbh. Not a huge fan of parrying as a primary mechanic, the creatures are gross, and the world is apocalyptic/destroyed and depressing; as a result, it's not a setting I want to spend time in.
“If you were raised on a diet of Japan Studio oddities and quirky PlayStation published exclusives, then Stellar Blade is the game you’ve been praying for“
This, is what I been waiting for the ENTIRE generation. Japan Studio was the only reason I liked Playstation in the first place, and I despise with every fiber of my being the Westernization of the Brand
The last demo I downloaded and played began with an F and ended in orspoken which was unistalled within 10 minutes. I have a feeling this is going to be decidedly different...
Great write-up, can't wait for Friday!
@NEStalgia I'm playing Ghost of T on easy so I mostly just stand off everyone and kill them where they stand. Though not always. The game does a pretty good job at getting more difficult enemies the farther you go on the map. And at least it has an easy mode, I'd probably never play it on normal, I don't like dying.
Last night my kid made it to the final pit in the original FF7 and died about an hour in, so has to start it over now. I'm considering telling them forget it, let's just watch it on YT, nobody has time for that. Hard to believe that was my favorite game for like 20 years, so many issues.
It took me 100 hours of grinding the opening of Elden Ring before I started playing/ 300 hours later still couldn't beat the final boss, even with called in help. Probably should watch that too. I'm skipping the dlc.
FF16 is a Platinum game, watched my other kid play that one. I'm waiting for turned based DQ12, announced 3 years ago, not a peep since. Guess it's waiting for Metroid Prime to release first. 😂
Definitely Rdy! Stellar Blade and Helldivers 2 are my go to games until Star Wars Outlaws hopefully releases.
@rjejr Somehow "I Play GoT on Easy" and "When I played Elden Ring for 300 hours" in the same post is making my head hurt. I play GoT on normal and have never even seen a Soulsborne final boss lol
Yeah my pet peeve in gaming is games not respecting time. And those old school Japanese games had no qualms about making you redo an hour of work. Multiple times. Heck even modern Japanese games do that too many times. Yakuza games, "Final chapter" always means "strap yourself in, because you can't save for the next 3 hours and if you have to stop you're going to redo everything." And Soulsborne. It's really why I don't like Soulsborne. Time wasting. I don't mind the hard bosses if I can keep retrying it. When it sets me back and makes me redo the same corridors I have a problem with it and I lothe it. I despise redoing something I've already done successfully. I did it, it's over, it's time to move on. It's not a concert piano performance that requires repeating perfection night after night.
Yeah, 16 is....not FF. The stans will defend it. It's a DMC game. Made by the guy that makes DMC games. I don't know how that rimes with FF. Kind of a cool DMC game, but a DMC game.
With Toriyama having just died, I fear DQ12 might be a looooon g time away. And based on Square's prior talks, is probably also a DMC game.
@NEStalgia I told my family Toriyama's passing shouldn't matter b/c they announced the game 3 years ago so his part should be done. Could be wrong though. And I read somewhere the director said it's staying turn based b/c that's what they do. They then said "adult" themed which freaked everyone out. Then said nothing for 3 years.
I probably could have played Ghost on normal and only died a few 100x the problem is when I scream and yell and curse and throw my controller at the $1,000 75" tv it freaks my wife out. So I'm playing on easy. And yeah I really thought my throwing the controller in anger phase had ended decades ago but I died a few times in Spiderman 2 against a couple of hipsters on the side of the road and it broke me. Spiderman can survive super powered villains, armored warriors and pyromaniacs but a couple of muggers and he turns into Aunt May.😝
Elden Ring was only difficult if you tried to fight anything. If you just rode your horse around the map then summoned in other people to do all of the fighting for you, no problem. 🤷♂️
@rjejr Yeah, they said "adult" around the same time they said ffxvi would be adult and look how that turned out. I haven't felt too optimistic about dqxii and those comments, square in general, but with Toriyama gone I really have low hopes for it. Didn't the composer pass away too? Nobody left on dq that knows dq.
Lol I'm picturing this controller throwing and laughing far too much. Though getting killed by hipster peaceniks in Brooklyn is probably the most insulting way to die in any video game ever so I feel you were in the right.
That's why I love vr. The controller is strapped to your body and throwing it is actually part of the gameplay. "I'm not throwing my controller, I just used a sword throw technique, it made me do it!"
Lol elden ring without fighting. I never even considered that possible!
Once you mentioned deliberate combat as opposed to button mashing - I was sold!!!
I often find the Sony exclusives technically amazing but not enjoyable to play. With the exceptions of Nioh 2 and Bloodborne… I hope this changes my mind.
@rjejr your elden ring strategy sure sounds boring. No offence. But I wanted to search everywhere and fight everything (when appropriately levelled) - and co-op play is annoying in that game. You’re travelling around the country side with a pal and then you can’t enter any dungeons or castles without disconnecting. I preferred to play it solo.
@HighSenpai Hmmm... gonna be honest, I dont think I have ever seen any character action game besides DMC has a lock on centric combo system and that surprises me lol
I hate it when games force a reliance on parrying. I was hoping for the fast but less technical combat of something like NieR: Automata.
Definitely less excited now.
Combat based on Parrying? Well at least I can take another game off my to buy list.
I pre-ordered it just to support the studio and help fund the change I want to see in gaming. After this preview, I'm looking forward to actually playing it
@NEStalgia " Lol elden ring without fighting. I never even considered that possible! "
It's the best horse in any video game ever, bar none. The horse in Ghost is really good, comes when you call it and if you'e lucky you can grab on as it runs past you, but the Elden Ring horse, especially playing ti right after oh so broken Roach in The Wticher 3, well being able to summon a horse that actually appears under you running at full tilt, never runs off the edge, and comes equipped w/ a built in double jump to get you out of all sorts of trouble, well that's pure gaming sightseeing my friend.
It's just too bad it took me so long to learn how to use it, I had to ask for help. 😂
Edit: Basically my entire playthru of Elden Ring, horse stuff, and inventory management, at the beginning.
@NEStalgia PS - While I know I can technically play VR in the headset while my wife watches on the tv, we tried it a couple of times, but it's weird, so we don't. Still haven't hooked up my PSVR 1 to my PS5 despite getting the headset adaptor in the mail from Sony. It's just too much work. I do want to finish Astrobot Rescue but it's been so long since I played the first half I'd probably have to start over, and there's just too much else to play.
@Arnna Know how some people like to take long walks, or long car rides, or sit on a blanket on the beach or in a park all day? Well I find those things boring, but millions of people seem to like to do them. In video games I like exploring. Now if From had made a normal mode in the game I may have played on that, but I've never ever once felt in my life - hey, I know what I want to do, I want to play a video game for fun ON HARD MODE.
Life is hard enough, I want my games to be fun. 🤷♂️
Finally a 3rd person action game. It's what we've been waiting for people!
Whoa. Demo sold me.
@DoomGuy_117 Yeah just finished it and it was exactly what I was hoping for, especially the Boss Challenge with a fully decked out EVE, was not expecting full blown Sekiro style parry patterns... Man that was fun.
Was curious about this game as graphics are amazing but after playing the demo, I can easily say that I didn’t like it, so not one for me. Combat didn’t feel fluid and some animations are questionable.
I mean as someone excited for Bayonetta 3 that found it pretty eh of some fair Astral Chain continued ideas and some eh modern gaming skill trees I didn't need it was passable.
Stellar Blade seems a fine game but to me it's not PS5 exclusive enthusiasts a game they NEED. It's a fair game but that's the most hilarious headline Push Square.
The hyping is just a joke. Write a better headline or article. I get it third person exclusives will fill out the periods till the first party are ready. It's nothing new. XD
People that know they are into Stellar Blade are.
Question it like I am because I was hyped but the demo made me go yeah I know how this feels to play/fine world with crazy stuff in it. The gameplay made me dislike it. As the target audience for it into action games like the one it was inspired by they didn't take some aspects from it or Platinum and even Nier Automata plays better then Stellar Blade let alone Bayonetta, even some other old or older action games of this type. I was not impressed. They need to balance it more but I know they won't. Modern gaming is what it is for time to make changes, or heaviness of character feel or even just design.
Or people go maybe it isn't for them if they had no interest in the first place and that's totally fine.
For all those saying this game looks great and you can't wait. Why is that? It looks like a less creative version of Bayonetta or am I missing something?
@GoingTheDist There's a free demo. You can decide for yourself instead of hearing from random strangers.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@GoingTheDist Try playing the demo, don't know where this "less creative version of Bayonetta" is coming from lol
Loved the video. It was like James McAvoy was reading the script. Sure gave it some pep. 😁
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