The curtain has closed on what was, in this author’s partially informed opinion, probably the strongest Xbox Showcase in recent memory. This wasn’t a total knockout on par with some of PlayStation’s best ever E3 presentations – is such a thing even possible now we’ve effectively transitioned from live audiences to trailer montages? – but it was very, very good, filled with an eclectic selection of both first-party and third-party titles, across a spectrum of different genres and themes.
Perhaps most surprising about this presentation was the sheer strength of its third-party content: Sony has historically done an incredible job of signing marketing deals with the industry’s biggest names, but Microsoft brought the heat with a selection of major, traditionally PlayStation-centric series, like Persona 3 Reload and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The strategy from the Redmond firm’s outreach team appears laser targeted at titles with historic Sony association, which makes sense.
Elsewhere, while trailers for Clockwork Revolution and South of Midnight lacked substance, it’s clear that Microsoft’s substantial investment into acquisitions is slowly beginning to bear fruit. There were a lot of first-party games in the livestream, including Fable, Hellblade II: Senua’s Saga, and Avowed. Some will point to the absence of meaningful release windows outside of Starfield and Forza Motorsport, but that doesn’t mean their presence should be ignored.

And all this comes after an underwhelming PS Showcase which left Sony’s roadmap of PS5 exclusives looking uncharacteristically light. We know that it’s partnered with Square Enix to secure console exclusivity for Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but outside of those two there’s only really Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Helldivers 2 to look forward to. Yes, it’s publishing Death Stranding 2, Stellar Blade, and Rise of the Ronin, but it’s fair to say we’re largely being left in the dark.
The platform holder attempted to use its presentation last month to introduce new studios Haven and Firewalk, but neither Fairgame$ nor Concord really whet the appetite. And with Marvel’s Wolverine being the only other publicly known first-party project from the ever-industrious Insomniac Games, we’d argue it’s time for the cloak and daggers approach to the organisation’s upcoming titles to end. The next time Sony takes to the YouTube stage, it’ll need to deliver.
Of course, context is crucial here: PlayStation has not been cruising, and it’s been releasing major, Game of the Year calibre exclusive games for many years now. And we know that the likes of Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studio, Bend Studio, Guerrilla Games, and more are all busy beavering away on new projects for us to enjoy. That’s all reassuring; not even the most cynical enthusiast would attempt to argue there’s any danger of a PS5 drought, even with so much left unknown.

But with its main Redmond rival beginning to reveal the goods, the time to peel back the curtain – if only a little bit – has now come. Last month’s PS Showcase was not a disaster by any stretch of the imagination, but it was easily the weaker of the showings in a summer gaming season that’s once again failing to capture the spirit of the best E3 years. After the platform holder effectively took a year off in 2022, it needs to understand that fans now expect – and arguably deserve – a more meaningful roadmap from its many first-party teams.
How are you feeling about the PS Showcase in the aftermath of Microsoft’s big show? Do you think Sony’s presentation managed to stack up, or are you still disappointed by the lack of first-party projects on show? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 262
Biggest surprise for me was the new Capcom game day 1 on Game Pass. As a usually platform agnostic company and unlike Exoprimal not looking like a multiplayer service game, that was genuinely unexpected.
Didn’t really change my opinion.
I’m sure a couple of people here are gonna get an Xbox just for Starfield? The only game that can compete with Tears of the Kingdom this year.
Blew Sony out the water. I’m buzzing for the new Spider-Man for sure but I saw a load of exciting new games coming from that showcase of interesting and diverse styles. It remains to be seen how they turn out but that was a very strong showing. Made me quite jealous of Xbox owners over the coming year!
Listen it isn't Sony's problem, Sony will do what works and last time I checked PlayStation fans wants linear, cinematic, comics and Spiderman.
They don't demand Sony to make games like Tears of the Kingdom, Starfield which both games gives you freedom, the fans demands cinematics all day, because they think gaming is cinema.
Syphon Filter was cinematic, but that game had more gameplay than any modern PlayStation games that the majority praises.
I agree ,and I'm sure they will ,we all know the majority are on ps5 also,but what kind of money must have ms handed over to secure these games for their showcase ,especially like a dragon and persona ,Sony need to respond they have a multitude of first party studios that we haven't a clue what they're working on ,its time to bring out the big guns.
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Unfortunately, most of the games that interested me in that showcase are going to come out on Playstation (or Switch). As usual, the Microsoft games left a lot to be desired. Avowed didn't look very good and Fable was kind of meh, as well. There's maybe 2-3 Xbox exclusives that are actually interesting, but there is still no big reason to own an Xbox, since those games are coming out on PC day one, too.
Microsoft are showing games that are more than 12 months away and it's working for them so I think Sony should start doing the same.
Also it seems all the third party content shown today will be coming to playstation as well. So it ended up being a good show for both sets of fans in my opinion.
There haven't been a lot of games on Xbox over the last ten years or so that I truly love. However, I adore the Fable series and I am beyond disappointed with the new direction. I get it, they want to modernize it and I appreciate that. However, nailing the Fable vibe was still a must for me and I don't see it. Exactly what I was fearing the most. A British accent and corny jokes alone just don't do it. It might still turn out as a great game in the end but from what I've seen so far, it doesn't deserve the name.
I think overall it was a very solid showcase although not a whole lot from 1st party spoke to me apart from Clockwork Revolution. Unfortunately, I am not too much into Bethesda RPGs, so Starfield will be a pass for me but I am sure this is the game that every Bethesda fan was hoping for and more. Kudos to Xbox for ramping their game up this year.
Still, looks like I'm good without the console for at least another 2 years but I am open for that to change anytime.
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Agree, sont has 19 studios or so, start showing the games. Also let some of these studios work on smaller projects to feel the gap between big releases.
Hopefully Sony run another show in September. Definitely felt like they were holding something back.
I would like to see Sony announce a proper first party showcase in the future. There is nothing wrong with showing 3rd party upcoming titles, but I really expected to see 10 or so first party titles at Sonys showcase.
Many will sell their PS5s for Starfield for sure and many more for Elder Scrolls 6.
Now it's becoming clear what Sony lost with Bethesda acquisition by MS and will lose with Activision in the future.
That was a proper showcase. Even if there wasn't as much gameplay as I liked, it gave you a strong sense of what was coming out on the platform over the next year or two.
Plus the Starfield blowout as well.
Xbox fans had a really good day today.
@nessisonett Lol, seriosly their showcase sucked because this is what PlayStation fan(boys) asked for.
PlayStation has more Ips than any other publishers and yet, fan(boys) ask them to make the same games over and over since PS3 era.
I remember ND from PS1-PS2 and PS3 they made 4 different games for each gen, and yet they want them to burn their talent in Uncharted or Last of Us. Probably I'm the only one that want to see something different from cinematic by ND, same goes to Santa Monica, Insomniac, Asobi and many more.
Before I say anything else, when it comes to first-party games XBOX has spent the last 10 years making me apprehensive, while PlayStation has spent that time earning my trust.
To the content of the article, personally I enjoy watching Sony play the sneaky cards to their chest game. And while I sometimes poke Sammy for worrying too much, I have to admit that even I am getting a little hungry for news.
As for this showcase, it was good.
I was was really looking forward to Avowed and Fable. I felt deflated by Avowed for reasons I can't quite put my finger on yet, but I was encouraged by the humour shown in the Fable trailer. It feels like that team knows what it's doing in that regard at least.
Metaphor was the only new game on display tonight that I'll be adding to my own wish list, and while it didn't blow my mind I thought it was still a strong show.
Far from a knockout punch by any means, but very good all the same.
(But I thought the PlayStation show was just as good so what do I know? 😂)
Saying all of that, I won't be surprised if Sony announce another show in a month.
I'm sure this show tonight will have the PlayStation marketing crowd raising their eyebrows and scratching their chins.
I'm not at all worried about first party or exclusive games on PlayStation.
For now I have FF XVI, Spidey 2 and FF VII Rebirth to look forward to.
All is well.
That Xbox showcase was mid but still better than ps showcase lol.
I had it on in the background while playing Breath of the Wild. It was fine, I wouldn't say it was any better or worse than the PlayStation and SGF ones. Across all presentations there are plenty of games coming for all types of gamers!
I found this to be a thoroughly whleming showcase. The heavy hitters were all the games we already knew about, and given Microsoft's track record, I don't have a ton of confidence that these games will come out and be good. Or at all.
Sony may be a bit defensive right now, but I think they can afford to be if Microsoft's big game-changing showcase ended up being this standard.
@PenguinLtd It also had way more Japanese Games which is ironic lol
I do think they had the strongest showing from all the recent presentations! I want a strong Xbox so Sony don't fall asleep on the wheel, they need strong competition. Also I'm still not over the awfully named Fairgame$, that alone made me pick Xbox's event over Sony 🙂
@Sil_Am No one is selling their PS5 lol they will just get an Xbox console as well, and get the best of both. It may persuade people who don't own a console yet to get an xbox first, but people don't usually sell thier consoles to get the rival console over one game.
Xbox showcase was solid, and that's only in comparison. Smh. That's actually not good.
I would love to play Starfield but not enough to buy an Xbox. PC is a no go as well. I have tried to get in to PC gaming countless times. I'm just a console guy.
@Shepherd_Tallon Avowed looked surprisingly rough imo. I was looking forward to seeing it and I love my fantasy games but I guess I was hoping for it to be "darker" in tone? I think that's what left me a bit disappointed. The color palette and the whole vibe just didn't quite hit for me.
I understand why people are liking that Xbox showcase, I agree that I'd love Sony to stop being so cagey and I mean it in no hating way, most of what Microsoft showed just doesn't interest me. I want those mega AAA, single player story games that I can count on and that PlayStation has come to be known for.
The Xbox showcase was better than Sony's, but at the end of the day for me, after this whole "Summer Game Fest" is done, I'm rolling with FF XVI, Spidey 2 & FF7 Rebirth over all that other stuff every single time.
I fail to understand what people are wanting from these showcases now.
First people complained of CGI trailers/ lack of gameplay from Sony's showcase but MS has pretty much done the same thing here and both finished their shows with deepdives of their autumn games.
So are we just wanting Sony to announce games so far in advance just so we can have a game to talk about?
Sony should take their finger oot.
It was better than PlayStaton's trash but even then it was still mid imo. Talking from a 1st party/exclusive perspective, that's what I mostly judge these showcases on.
@dschons You got it in one - It just looked rough.
I had that exact thought while watching it.
I'm not giving up on it yet, but I'm genuinely disappointed after seeing it.
That first teaser trailer was so good.
No lol.
Nothing has changed
I thought the 2 showcases were pretty bad. The fable/avowed trailers were awful. The Xbox show had a bad habit of promoting updates/dlc for existing games. And a lot of no gameplay trailers. Sega carrying Xbox with the only japanese games there aside from Capcoms weird game that didn't look particularly interesting aside from the aesthetic all of which are most likely coming to PS anyway
Starfield looked great though. Definitely the one game so far that makes the Bethesda takeover sting. I would have absolutely bought it on PS and I really don't feel like sitting at my computer to play it
@AdamNovice I was going to make this point too but my own comment was already too long 🙃
Edit: I think for many they want to see something new, and others just want ammo so they can fire shots at the other fanbase.
For myself, if I get one new game out of these shows I'm happy.
But when it comes to the timing of announcing new games, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Publishers get slammed by the core fanbase for announcing too early, and they get equally slammed for not revealing a strategy that goes years ahead.
Xbox absolutely outshined Sony with their showcase, I wish Sony would be less secretive and show us what they’re working on.
Honestly PS Showcase was a B, that Xbox Showcase was a B+, purely for gameplay shown too.
Xbox just played nearly all their cards whilst PS held back their First Parties…
#InJimWeTrust ✊🏻
@Shepherd_Tallon That doesn't stop your Bamozzys from doing 50 paragraphs per comment, I think you would have been fine.
@UltimateOtaku91 May be, but most people can't aford 2 or 3 systems and Sony lost massive grounds on western RPGs with Bethesda and Obsidian, soon with Blizzard. People will sell their PS5s for these Xbox exclusives.
Not worried about JRPGs, those will be mutiplatform for sure.
Avowed looked rough. Very rough.
Fable is looking 2years away. There was no release and Phil didn’t mention it when he listed other 2024 titles.
There was no real surprise showing either at Xbox show. It was very solid and has promise.
But again with them a lot is a long time away. And showed a lot of cinematic too. All the 3rd party stuff is on PS anyway.
I think it’s just more Xbox is catching up with releases. (Because games pass since January has been lacklustre)
Never been a better time to own multiple consoles imo.
@Sil_Am people won’t sell their ps5 for an Xbox outside of a handful of people. That’s frankly unrealistic thinking on your behalf there.
@AdamNovice 😂
I edited my first response to you to get my point in.
All their cards? I don’t think you know how many Xbox studio’s there are at the moment.
Sony doesn't have anything to show obviously.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner As I said other times, Elder Scrolls is GTA level of brand power.
Massive L for Sony on Bethesda, but that was a private company, they couldn't complain to regulators, like they are doing now with AB.
Yea I just started the Xbox saving jar as yes i am one of those that will buy an Xbox just to play Starfield, afraid I have zero loyalty to either Sony or ms. Unlike Sony's showing they actually had a game I want to play. And still have the PS5 for when Sony has something I want to play.
Honestly, while I will say I liked Xbox’s presentation better, we still have no idea when Fable is coming, and the majority of the reason Xbox’s is better is because Sony plummeted to o depths on theirs while Xbox kept to a 7/10 tier for the majority of it. I wouldn’t say I walked away from either presentation with a big surprise game that drew me in. In both cases, the games I already was excited about are the games I’m still excited about. In Sony’s case, I’m not sure I’ll play any of the other titles shown (unless they’re free) and in Microsoft’s case, I’m glad I can just try the new games on Gamepass and see if I want to invest my time. Therefore, the Xbox approach does seem to be safer for 2024, even though FF7R2 seems to be the only game I’m 100% interested in next year at this point. Starfield looks far more interesting than Spider-Man 2 as well. But let’s also be honest here, it’s going to take a miracle for any game to top TotK as GotY.
My feeling after this showcase though was, man, does Nintendo have anything planned after Pikmin? I feel like Nintendo would’ve “won this year” for me yet again.
@Sil_Am elder scrolls that’s on pc and also probably years away with starfield just coming out.
But as has been pointed out more people go for second consoles. Especially with prices for series S
@InvaderJim This is what I'm saying, we're starting to see the effect of the Bethesda acquisition. Western gamers will move in droves to Xbox.
MS can buy marketing for as many JRPGs as they want, but that wont make a dent.
Holysh#t MS blew Sonys showcase out the water. Wow this is the first time in along time I've felt the itch to go back to playing an Xbox over Playstation again.
I do think that while this direct is strong Xbox and PlayStation have opposite problems. Xbox talks big but has been failing to deliver pretty consistently across this generation. Remember we’ve known about many of the first party titles for many years so I wouldn’t be surprised if delays happen to some of them. Sony however is extremely tight lipped about what they have in the cards but regularly delivers much more than PlayStation
Sorry but the Xbox showcase didn't show anything to suggest that Sony needs change any part of its strategy. Does anyone really believe that the Xbox will start to outsell the PS5 for several months straight because of this showcase?
I expected (and hoped) that Microsoft would be even more aggressive this year, because Sony needs to get out of its comfort zone. But it gives me the impression that the PlayStation brand has really reached that Apple/iPhone level where even if they don't do anything very relevant for a while, it's not going to change anything in the big picture.
For me Xbox’s conference was better if we’re talking about what was shown at the conference. However the only games I was interested in was persona, yakuza metaphor and they’re cross platform. Oh and fable but that’s only 1 game and probably won’t be out for another 2 years. Xbox exclusives just seem samey to me :/
@Ocat oh sorry I didn’t realise we was counting games releasing in 2026 and beyond
I'm glad the new Xbox studios are finally starting to get these projects in order. I saw tons of games I'm excited for. It's going to be a clash of the titans between BotW and Starfield for the Keighleys, me thinks.
I think I'm gonna have to buy a Series X for Starfield.
I was quite impressed by how ambitious that game seems to be, the amount of systems, options, worlds etc. is mind-boggling. It has character building and upgrading, spaceship building and upgrading, base building and upgrading, normal combat, space combat, docking, etc. etc. Like they just kept on going showing stuff you can do.
Obviously we all need to await how everything fits together and if it actually plays well but this game seems to be willing to push the envelope, to elevate the industry to new heights, just as Nintendo did with TOTK. Games that invent new systems, allow players to be truly creative, etc.
And what do we get? A lot of remakes, cross-gen and sequels that barely change from their predecessor (HFW, GOWR, and likely SM2). Sony seems to be the only one who are just milking their franchises and 'playing it safe' rather than trying to push the industry to new levels. The whole GaaS push is obviously a money-milking effort too. I think the direction Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst are taking Sony into is quite concerning
Guess I am in the minority but I don't think this was any near for a knock out to Sony even with their latest awful showcase just like I expected from Xbox Showcase. It was business as usuall for their side which other than 3-4 title I didn't care much. Another point is I don't think -except Starfield maybe in terms of richness- none of their shown 1st party feels any level near to classic 1st party stuff from PS if we don't count bs like gaas ones.
@grimgaming Same here. Measuring up space under the TV for an Xbox X. That and a Game pass is a no brainer
I think it’s more of an emphasis on Xbox ongoing partnership with Sega than anything else. Oh and I guess Capcom too, seeing how this showcase revealed Capcom second new IP in recent memory yet again landing on Game Pass day one.
@Scottyy Well said. I'm also not the target audience, but this 1, 2 punch by Zelda and Starfield in 2023 will make Sony reconsider their future plans.
Really enjoyed the conference, it was alot better paced than playststions by a huge margin.
But this is the reality and the article says it.
No matter what Playstation shows or doesn't show, we know the studios exist. We know they all deliver, we know the games are being worked on.
Xbox showcase really didn't give much in the way of the here and now, apart from starfield and its probably just me but the game just seems like a last gen game graphically with the stiff npcs, it really didn't get me to go oooooo I need this game.
But does it really matter what these showcases show.
Because come end of the year beginning of next Playststion could and should juust come out with a presentation and go
And here is the road map.
Every first party game being worked on in one showcase and this would just totally blow xbox conference out the water anyway, nothing apart from forza and starfield are this year everything else was either a vague 2024 or no date.
While I didn't "love" today's Xbox showcase, it was leagues ahead of what PlayStation showed off and easily Xbox's best showcase in ages. Some of the new exclusives they showed off looked awesome.
it was ok, theres 2 real games this year Starfield and Forza motorsport finally got a release date. The rest Avowed, Hellblade 2 it's the same story 2+ years later. still no fable nothing in the Halo universe, no State of decay 3, Ark 2, Gears of war, Everwild, Outer Worlds 2, Stalker 2. I'm looking forward to Starfield although I'll probably do the main story and call it a day I mean what use is all of the customisation and Creative building if there's no online component for anyone to see your creations in such a massive world.
I only bought a Series X last year due to how PlayStation has been handled in recent years.
I’m glad I own both a PS5 and Xbox, because I think both ecosystems are pretty damn weak compared to their previous generations, and by owning both, I can good a great game here and there.
@twinspectre90 You okay?
@Sil_Am Well you can get a PS5 digital and a second hand Series S for £500 so people are missing out if their spending close to that just on a PS5 disk or Series X.
No gameplay: The showcase
I swear game journalists just need a flashy title screen to claim "Best presentation ever!"
Not gonna lie, now while playing Zelda and tonight with Starfield I would like to see a game this HUGE from Sony. Their 3rd person action adventures are my jam but just one exception maybe would be nice with their quality.
I thought the presentation was great, and it was certainly better than PlayStation's showcase, but as mentioned above, I saw a lot of condemnation of Sony for showing trailers with no gameplay, but it's something to celebrate when MS does it?
Fable - No gameplay or release date
Hellblade - No gameplay or release date
Avowed - Looked extremely poor graphically and the gameplay
was very rough, also no release date.
South of Midnight - No gameplay or release date
Clockwork Revolution - No release date
Towerborne - No release date
All of the 3rd party shown, some of which looked really good, is likely coming to PlayStation as well.
Forza looked amazing, it always does, and there's a new one almost yearly if that's your thing.
Starfield though, I thought that looked excellent. Even the combat which Bethesda are awful at, completely overhauled and very impressive looking. I've had no reason to purchase a Series X up to now but if it reviews well I definitely will.
It was a strong showcase for Xbox. There was quite a lot I was interested in. Hopefully Sony has a bunch of things in the works behind the scenes, as their recent PS showcase didn't inspire much confidence from me.
@Sil_Am it kinda has to. They see their 2 main competitors putting out games that are pushing the boundaries / elevating the industry, while Sony is still busy with remakes, cross-gen and sequels that don't do anything new compared to their predecessor. Sony is becoming a money milking machine
If Starfields delivers on everything shown then it's going to be some achievement. The size was really impressive
@practicein2021 First party studios have multiple teams working on different games at the same time. Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Guerrilla are working on three games each right now
@UltimateOtaku91, @Scottyy Personally I'm not interested in either Zelda or Starfield, ES, Fallout. I'm just saying that it seems like Sony needs a competitor.
@Sil_Am I know you see it as all doom and gloom for Sony and that you believe millions will sell up and buy Xbox for starfield.
But how many kids etc are going to want a ps5 for SM2? A lot, the reality is as good a draw starfield may be (and I’m looking forward to playing it and FM) Spider-Man is a bigger IP. And then of course both FF games.
You want all the games, you have to own more consoles… because Nintendo also.
@nessisonett if you have a PC then it's no real reason to be envious. TBH it was an okay show, too many trailers, not enough gameplay and little to no release dates
So the first hour was pointless. Should have just showed starfireld and skipped the CG-trailerfest.
@crimsontadpoles my biggest problem is not much coming this year.
Got it. I never played ES&Fallout but Starfield will be first because of Gamepass. Zelda is cool though, give it a try someday. As an idea, that much freedom could bring something else from Sony's side too as a nice try.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I'm speaking as a PS fanboy, am not a xbot troll. I just want PS to not fall behind.
Starfield looks better than any Sony game ever made imo. The rest looks just fine. On par with Sony and Nintendo.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner who cares about sales. SM2 may sell 50 million copies, if it's not a great game I'm not interested. Starfield looks like it will actually be something truly next gen, I have not seen that same energy from Sony
@practicein2021 They showed something running on a PC engine that looked too good to be true. A year later when running on a Series X they show nothing. As an update do you not find that a little strange?
I think the tide is turning the first time in a very long time. This showcase was a win for xbox, Playstation's live service model is going to ruin their portfolio and road map of top quality single player games.
It was a solid alright, a solid 6/10.
Let's be real, most people only watched it for No Man's Skyrim and the game wasn't as near as mind blowing as they said it would be.
@tselliot Continue to applaud cinematic experience instead Videogames goodness experience. There must be a reason why Elden Ring dominated both God of War Ragnarok and Horizon at the Game Awards, because y'all call greatness limited cinematic experiences.
EDIT: I'm tired with modern gaming simple because gamers are NPC and they must follow a script like "We want Spiderman 2,Wolverine,DaysGone2,Last Of Us, Uncharted, GOW, Horizon".
@Triumph741 honestly it reminded me a bit too much of No Man's Sky in the way that they were promising the Galaxy (literally). Let's just hope that they don't follow the same fate or have another "It just works!" moment. Launch Fallout 76 made me wary of any future developed Bethesda games.
Congrats to Xbox for doing what PlayStations been doing out the gate. Them doing well will also get PlayStation fired up.
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@ATaco NMS was always an indie game at heart. Bethesda are probably the most ambitious SP AAA developer or at least second most after Rockstar.
And the best part? Whatever problems the game has due to it's scale will get fixed by modders.
@practicein2021 I'm not talking about comparative power. I incorrectly said the previous trailer was last year but it was actually 2021. It was very impressive and was supposedly showing in engine gameplay that was clearly running on a high end PC. 2 years later they show nothing with no release date. I think the game will be great, but I have a feeling it won't look remotely like what was shown 2 years ago when it releases on the xbox.
@twinspectre90 Dude, you're trolling too much. All other comments are constructive, but yours clearly are not.
It was ok. A bit better than Sony's. Such a shame Starfield isn't coming to PS5.
I'm just surprised that Microsoft still hasn't shown off the Indiana Jones game; especially with the new movie about to release. I'm betting it's vaporware at this point.
Inxille's new game looks amazing
@CielloArc if this was 6 then the Sony one was a 2
Nobody does cloak and dagger better (or should I say worse) than Nintendo.
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Two new first party announcements (one merely publishing at that), a few known quantities, and a few CG trailers with no real gameplay. And y'all walked away that impressed??? I don't understand people.
@MFTWrecks They showcased plenty of Starfield and it looks like it's the game of the generation so far. Everything else kinda blends together.
Lol at these reactions. So many people not grounded in reality.
Xbox needs more than just Starfield. One good showcase again and you will all flip flop. So many guillable people here. People are not noticing the bad AI, empty worlds and short gameplay cuts lol. This game very deliver or it's the end of the box. Spider-man and FF16 (ahem single player) will have more pull and sony will not showcase crap because of this. They have ff7 rebirth and I bet they have more stuff for 2024 from first party besides concord.
@practicein2021 Blame the consumers not the studios. When people continue buying cinematic linear games and bloated Ubisoft crap instead of less polished, but more ambitious games it makes no sense to invest millions in the latter.
@GodofCapcom if it delivers as promised - Starfield is obviously a major goty contender to Zelda. Nothing else looks remotely close in quality to those two. For me it would be SF6 but that doesn't seem to be selling all that great - because it is tethered to two failing systems.
It didn't.
The PS showcase had
FF16, SF6, Granblue Fantasy, Dragons Dogma 2, MGS3 Remake and Foamstars.
Xbox had
Persona 3, Persona 5 Tactica, Re Fantasy, Yakuza 8 and capcoms new game.
@Sil_Am "I don't want to hear bad thing = trolling".
If You want constructive criticism I will give it to ya.
What I hate about Sony's first party is that games feel linear because you have to follow a script, meanwhile Play Tears of the Kingdom and I'm 100% sure Starfield will also give you freedom to play how you want (Videogames) I bet Spiderman 2 having a huge city will also feel linear and most of the time some section will be super scripted and unskippable, because they want to give you a cinematic feel. MS showcased what Videogames are, they gave us Japanese games (these aren't exclusives), but gave us a sense of "don't worry we are also focused on giving you Japanese style games", Sony in other hand shut down Japan Studios (the only team that knew how to make games) for what? for Jade Raymond's game? give me a break. With the library they have they are focused on releasing the same damn games, Do you remember how PlayStation fans made fun of Xbox when they showed only Halo, Gears and Forza, guess who's doing the same stuff MS did? PlayStation and people are happy? 0.01% ask them to do better and 99.99% "we want [insert what the script is telling them here]". I don't blame PlayStation, I blame the community.
p.s Comic books sucks
The show itself was much better than the PS showcase but nothing from Xbox first party interests me. The Atlus stuff, Yakuza 8 and Phantom Liberty looked great.
@TheTony316 From that list Only SF6 and GBF is Japanese, the rest are inspired by the western world.
According to whom? You? lol
They're japanese games made in Japan.
@practicein2021 It is absurd how a old hardware can give you experience like Tears of the kingdom, meanwhile a console with more power invest all their resources in facial expression, so they can sell you that cinematic experience.
@TheTony316 Not me, but do a Google research and see how DD is heavily inspired by western fantasy, how FFXVI is trying to be Hollywood, they said it not me.
MGS3 Kojima loves Hollywood movies, and last time I checked Hollywood isn't Japanese.
Sony shutdown Japan studio since people there didnt want to work. Sony tried changing management but no change. So they closed it down and took those that wanted to work and put them in other studios.
@twinspectre90 "just a bunch of comic book crap." This is not trolling?
In what world is Spider Man and Wolverine comic book crap? Maybe in your distorted world.
@Neverwild Or people didn't cared about their original ideas? they wanted that Hollywood cool aid.
Cool but that doesn't make them any less japanese.
I mean if you go that route than Yakuza 8 isn't japanese either because it looks like it'll take place in the US.
Hell, Mario isn't Japanese because the main character is an italian plumper.
Zelda isn't Japanese because it has a medieval european setting etc.
Many japanese games are inspired by western european culture but that doesn't mean they're not japanese unless you think japanese games are only about anime.
I saw 3 games from XB, Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight and Fable, that peak my interest but they haven’t shown enough for me to get excited yet. They hit similar to Redfall and we all now how that turned out. Also, Starfield looked very mid. Appreciate the effort they putting into it but doesn’t look fun.
Welp, I disagree. Bethesda does freedom and exploration pretty well, but gameplay looks eeh. I think ff16 looks better.
@Sil_Am Explain me what's great about a comic books?
Did I offended you because I said bad stuff about your favorite super heroes?
All I'm getting from all of this is "If you love Videogames you must also love comic books"
EDIT: Sorry, but I did screw up here, lol
@GodofCapcom If you mean visually then Yes, I agree with you.
It looks like Playstation just isn't for you anymore. Just move on to something else, lol.
Have to disagree. It was a solid showcase, better than the recent PS5 one, but nothing special and certainly didn't bring enough that Sony has to feel even a slight bit threatened so it can continue to cost along.
Honestly - Avowed looks like it could easily have been made for the Xbox360.
That aside, the first ten minutes literally grabbed the audience and said ‘this is going to be a proper showcase.’ I’m not convinced the rest of it lived up to that and there was still a fair amount of dross/filler. There’s no doubt it was better than Sony’s though, which was 80% dross!
Gameplay too. Looks simplistic.
@nessisonett Calm down. Most of it will be on PlayStation and even more of it will be on PC.
… and as for the Starfield deep dive - I came out of it not having a single clue what to think. It felt like I was watching a showcase on about 6 different games. At times it looked stunning, at others just pixelated. As an experiment in fusing procedural generation with curated story and narrative it IS going to be fascinating. I’ll give it that much.
Did I miss something? The XBox Stream was a pain to watch. It was depressingly smashing all my hopes I had. Bad trailers, which didn't give any real informations or unexciting games.
Sorry, the Sony stream was definitely better.
MS killed it tonight in my opinion, Sony really need to step up.
@GymratAmarillo waste
I thought it was a mixed bag. Some really good stuff but also many problems like
While I thought it was good, all-in-all if wasn’t the slam dunk showcase I thought it might be
@Hrommar Whilst foamster art style seem all over the place to me, an probably will only get worse as everyone from Spiderman to Aloy to cloud shows up in the future, the game play itself looks at least as fun as splatoon.
Yes. By a lot.
@tselliot you are right, I'm not going to edit it because it was the phone not me but you are 100% right.
Honestly, the only thing MS did better was how many games are on GAME PASS...Like I'm seriously getting Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, Yakuza 8, and P3R on Ps5, and P5T on Switch.
Always find it interesting when certain people on the internet refer to gamers as "xbox fans" or "PS Fans". I think the majority of PS owners own an Xbox and Switch or they should try to with all the amazing exculsives coming out on each platform.
The Xbox showcase really impressed me today but I am also waiting for that FF16 demo drop so I got my eyes on everything.
I think Sony’s show was a C+ and Microsoft got a B or B+. Neither were stellar but there were more games in the Xbox showcase I wanted to see more of. Most weren’t exclusives.
@Triumph741 But again, nothing truly new. We've seen Starfield gameplay before. Less of it, sure. But it's not like it looks like anything besides a Bethesda RPG. Maybe that's "game of the generation" to some people, but it literally does nothing for me.
Every single one of their games comes out and is an overhyped, glitch-ridden mess. They have never delivered anything that didn't need a thousand updates.
Nothing Bethesda does will ever impress me until I see how it performs out in the wild. Their track record is one of great ambition and horrendous attention to detail in regards to their systems and gameplay.
If Sony or Nintendo put out a big release with half as many problems as Bethesda RPGs do, they'd be the laughing stock of gaming. But for some reason, Bethesda always gets a pass. And it's bonkers to me.
So no, sorry. But Starfield doesn't move the needle for me the tiniest bit.
That Starfield presentation was very good. Debatable whether it will look that good on release but Bethesda have certainly upped their game in the graphics department.
@KaijuKaiser A few years ago it was suuuuuper negative around here. There were a lot of trolly voices in the comments and a lot of folks seemed to be looking for reasons to be miserable about PlayStation.
It got so bad I deleted my account and went searching for greener pastures.
I promise you, there are none 😂
So after a few months I came back with my tail between my legs, made a new account and started to use the ignore button.
Being completely honest, this is one of the last two gaming sites that I visit regularly. (Gematsu is the other one).
I really enjoy the banter with the writers and with most of the community. There are some great characters that I enjoy talking to (such as yourself), and for anyone who goes too far either trolling or griefing I just hit the ignore button.
Also, while I don't always agree with Sammy's view on the state of things, I do like getting a different perspective. He's a passionate PlayStation fan who wants to see them succeed.
I just wish he'd be happy for once 😂
All of that said, I'm watching the FF XVI livestream and I couldn't be more hyped about PlayStation.
I said I wouldn't watch any more media stuff but I can't pull myself away.
Demo is live tomorrow. It let's you start a new game and carry your save data over to the full game when it launches.
Even better news - Torgal plushie pre-orders are live.
Times are good.
@MFTWrecks First of all if you didn't find Starfield to be the most ambitious game of the generation by a mile then your standards are too high. Nothing will ever impress you ever until humans evolve to experience things in our brains that can affect our hormones directly like in sci fi movies.
Second of all Bethesda games are nowhere near as bad as you are making them out to be. Their success even a decade+ after launch is testament to how well crafted they are. Their modding tools alone elevate them into legendary status. There is so much quality content coming out all the time that talented people have invested countless hours into.
@themightyant I think they've seen the backlash Sony got for including too many indies in their showcase.
Starfield looks mediocre at best and all the other games look ok but nothing too good. Hellblade 2 looks good but this trailer was pretentious and boring.
I am still glad I own Series X and will be able to play most of these, but nothing in this showcase was better than even 5 seconds of Spider-Man lol
Come on guys, it's been 30 minutes since square enix announced a Final Fantasy 16 demo for later today and you haven't made an article on it.
This site is unfortunately one of the "specialized" sites in playstation that most flatter the Xbox, the failed Xbox conference should not even be mentioned here, it only demonstrated Microsoft's desperation before the playstation by showing games in the initial phase of development, the Xbox is the biggest technological failure and it shouldn't even exist anymore, if it depended on the money from the xbox division this garbage would have gone bankrupt years ago, it only exists because of the money from the other divisions of Microsoft, it is worst than dreamcast... I would call it a trojan horse site
@dschons Yeah i was gonna say the same. Sony have plenty on the backburner, they just either chose not to show it, or it wasn't ready. It's a poorly kept secret that Santa Monica are working on a new Sci-fi IP single player. As for Naughty Dog, the rumours say a new IP set in a fantasy setting and possibly The last Of Us 3.
After today, I'm planning on picking up a 1tb series s when the xbox exclusives begin to drop, and i'm not worried about Playstation lacking good 1st party stuff. We must be patient.
People are placing too much importance on these showcases. These weren't the first and last showcases for either of the platforms. It isn't the end of the world. There will be more to come and not all of them can be bangers. Games take time and need to reach a particular state before they can be shown to the public. Xbox has been hyping and showing the same games since the Series X reveal before they even started development. They have games to show because they haven't released anything for years. Sony has been releasing games steadily, so they have less to discuss. Ultimately, these are just one of many showcases; not the end of the world if one doesn't turn out to your expectations. Just relax and play the games. Don't you guys have any lives, school, jobs, and chores to do instead of bickering on the internet over video games? It is just a form of entertainment/hobby/past-time. Treat it as one.
Sony has absolutely nothing to worry about. almost all MS games didn't even have a release date.
Spider-Man 2 > everything MS has.
See, i don't think the problem is the presentation, but rather what they are putting their resources on.
This obsession with live services and VR games simply leads to a weaker line-up of console seller titles. That is what Xbox showed today and they have been lacking and fired in several fronts. Now, Xbox has a better line-up of exclusives for next year as far as we know and i don't expect this to change drastically as Sony wastes their developers on what will be a plethora of failed live services in search of lightning in a bottle and missing that what they were doing was working and in pursuit of greed they will lose on that and what they established. It's a risky game they are playing. The PS6 will feel the brunt of these actions and i predict a PS3 like situation at the worst time possible.
I am gonna outright say it. Leadership has to go. Jim Ryan and the new head of OS studios are gonna run down Sony.
Greed is a horrible thing when you don't have perspective.
Start? They never stopped! Sony has never revealed any "big" game with less than 12 months ahead of release. OK, Infamous Second Son was announced 8 months from release. Spider-Man 2 was announced 26 months before its release date, as was Ragnarok. Horizon Forbidden West 21 months.
The shortest announce-to-release cycles they ever had were Knack, Knack 2 and Infamous Second Son at 9 months, Miles Morales and Lost Legacy (both smaller scale spinoff titles) at 5 months, and Ratchet and Clank on PS 4 at 10 months.
It is the norm for Sony to reveal things very very ahead of time. Ghost of Tsushima was 33 months, Days Gone 35 months, Uncarted 4 30 months. I am also betting none of the announced service games (Fiargames, Concord, Marathon) will launch within 12 months of that showcase, given none showed any gameplay. Sony didnt announce more games during that show either because they dont have anything to show, or they just wanted to show what they showed.
For what its worth, Sony seems to show games twice. An early tease, often years ahead of expected release, and then again once near the release year. Post that second show they start the high marketing cycle with interviews and what not.
I honestly don't know why many people seem to have an impression they "first announce" games only when its near release time... I see that misconception very often.
@Sil_Am Nah, seems unlikely. These showcases take months to put together. More likely is people have been complaining about “Xbox has no AAA exclusives/ system sellers and what are all their first party studios up to” this answers that. But I love the big indie announcements. Partly because they are usually one of the biggest surprises but also because it gives them a platform on the biggest stage. I suspect they will show some at the extended showcase but then they won’t get the same high profile stage. Not the end of the world but was just something I noticed.
Thank you!!! At least someone is paying attention!!! I'm a big nerd so I made a spreadsheet a while back. Median Playstation announce to release is 22 months.
It's funny how no one is talking about the price hike of Series S. If this was Sony this would've been all over the internet. The media is just mad at Sony cause they didn't show more games that are more than a year out like MS did. I think it was a good showing of what's to come with very little game play. I think that Sony is in great position with Spider-Man 2 and FF16 this year
Well, I will say, it's a great time to be platform agnostic.
So many great games released and coming across all 3 platforms!
I guess the Xbox Showcase doesn't make me more annoyed with Sony's lack of a road map, it just makes me frustrated once again Microsoft bought so many devs I like. I hope my PC is solid enough to run some of these titles. Obviously I'd like to try Starfield, but Clockwork Revolution also looked really rad to me.
I think they also had some cool 3rd party stuff, as you said. Atlus' Metaphor and the new Capcom Japanese folklore games looked awesome. They're both likely also headed to PlayStation, but having them certainly changed the tenor of the show.
@practicein2021 Exactly. I would love if PlayStation has its version of Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom.
They could reboot Colony Wars, and then I think they would turn it into a cinematic crap and It gets me worried.
I think it's not really a case of Sony hiding stuff, more a result of the way the lineup is. Wolverine's likely the big single player 1st party PS5 game of 2024 (it was announced in 2021 and Spider-Man 2 is 2023) but naturally you wouldn't want to bring it up again until after Spider-Man 2 releases.
So pretty much I think the showcase is more an indicator that outside of a few live service games and a bunch of PC ports, Sony's already announced their 2023-2024 lineup.
@MFTWrecks And I bet for you Spiderman 2 or Wolverine is a game changer, right?
@TheTony316 My dude, I paid for the console like all of you did, don't you think they should also offer something different? like c'mon.
What happend to PlayStation = Veriety that people used to say in the 360 era?
@GodofCapcom Don't get me wrong even tho I hate what they said about FFXVI, I also read the game is also for casual gamers, which means the gameplay is going to be dumbed down to please them.
@GymratAmarillo Duck yeah!
Because they didn't...? They announced a new model with more memory and higher price, but the old model is still available at $299 (and very regularly discounted).
If they silently discontinue the 512 GB model, then that is news worthy.
@Triumph741 I have a feeling starfield will be just like No Man's Sky, 1000 empty planets
@Ragdoll72 Didn't you watch the showcase? There is more content in Starfield than in the entire Naughty Dog library of games combined.
I'm a PlayStation guy, but Xbox's Showcase was damn good and put the PS Showcase to shame. Not a fan of Jim Ryan's PlayStation. They need to get their act together. Cause today felt like the 360 vs PS3 era.
Starfield only runs at 30fps.
I don't care anymore about starfield. I will be playing FF7R.
@UltimateOtaku91 What time is it coming out(EST)?
I'm surprised Sony didn't come out with a "also releasing on PS5" image like Microsoft did...because a number of third party stuff shown will be coming our way. The three xbox first party games shown looked okay, and still a while to wait for any of those, so I'm not giving up on Sony any time soon. I do hope this gives Sony the kick up the bum to show off games that are more than a year away.
Hopefully this is the wake up call that sony desperately needs. While they do make good first party games, they are also rather stubborn. They need to start bringing back some of thier more successful first party titles, resistance, socom, sly raccoon, reboot killzone. Etc. While at the same time start making a strong bond with 3rd party studios
If you had to pick one would you choose resistance or would you choose killzone?
Xbox had a really great showcase, and showed games I would want to play..! Though again, not sure about their pipeline and ability to deliver based on the trend. Could be another shock and awe approach with no substance in the end. Time shall tell
@4kgk2 You don’t say!!! At least we finally seen a tiny bit of Unreal engine 5. Which both consoles could show off some crazy graphics on. Told you a while back which i am sure you have forgot, we have seen little from either on true next gen engines. Sony will explode in 2024, Xbox shown some next gen stuff today even tho it’s not ready. But the fact remains UE5 is a beast for dev’s to finish projects on, due to graphical work times and the delays of Covid while working on new tech. You ripped me for giving Xbox a pass on moving to UE5 and having nothing to show a year or so ago, but i knew we would have to be patient. Xbox has the luxury of only leaving behind 50 some million players on Xbox One while Sony had 11o plus million they wanted to service. 2023 shows showed a little bit of both decisions.
@XenonKnight Resistance, still one of my favorite shooters to not do big numbers outside of the king of shooters TitanFall. Would have loved for both of them to be huge successes. Loved both series a lot.
I'm a slow gamer and I've only bought a PS5 recently to play through the exclusives' backlog, so I can do with a dry season for the console actually. My main platform is my PC anyway.
I honestly don’t care about MS buying up marketing rights to third party games as long as we still get the games. That’s not to say I think it’s honest for any company to do it, and I’d welcome either legislation or public pressure to stop a practice that’s intentionally misleading, but it’s no big deal for those of us who care enough to know what’s what.
As to the “first party” output. Nothing on the Xbox or PlayStation side has interested me for a long time outside of VR. As such, even the couple of VR games at Sonys show made it the better one for me on that score.
I do agree that Sonys marketing and communication is the worst out of all three platform holders. By far. I could honestly do better personally with no qualifications and little experience, and I suspect we all here think that at times when Sony are making stupid decisions on what they say or don’t say. It is laughable.
Some folk on this site are so thick it’s embarrassing. 3rd party cgi trailers and they get praised?? Sony do this and you dog them gtfo
Xbox Series X doesn't have upcoming kids games.
I'd rather playing PS4 / PS5 kids games instead.
@XenonKnight https://www.gematsu.com/2023/06/final-fantasy-xvi-demo-launches-june-12
I think it’s fair to say that both the green and blue sides of gaming have struggled to have a continuous run of games this generation. The pandemic didn’t help, but you also feel they’re stretching what is realistically possible with man hours to make pretty graphics, and checking for bugs. Neither side has really put out an original idea in a while that really justifies why we bought new consoles. All the promises for 2024 mean nothing- 2023 has proven that.
Luckily I have my ‘last generation’ Switch that has kept me amused with a pretty good run of games recently. I shudder to think what happens when Ninty goes next gen.
It was definitely better than the PS showcase
But sadly I don't think we will see most of those Xbox studios games anytime soon
Clockwork and Fable will probably go MIA for another 2+ years if we are lucky
They showed gameplay for Avowed so I'm suspecting that'll be the next big game after Starfield to come out... maybe the gameplay definitely needs a little work
The whole showcased made me wish Sony showed us more of games not coming out anytime soon
The old gloom and Doom days again..like playstation has no games to play and vr2 is already dead.
@PenguinLtd I'm worried that 60-80% of what Sony has is LS games. I'd be pretty annoyed if they only release 1 SP game a year from now on.
@Triumph741 when did I mention Naughty Dog? All I said was I feel like it's going to be empty or possibly extremely repetitive planet generation
@practicein2021 personally I can understand collectors edition not including the disc as many users have digital only consoles and you don’t want to cut them out entirely. I think the steel book makes sense.
However in a perfect world you would get a disc and a digital copy, or maybe a choice at checkout. (Though that complicates the supply chain and could lead to issues)
@KaijuKaiser Max was very funny during the combat gameplay last night.
I chuckled watching him quite a bit.
The combat looks amazing though. It looks like there's so much going on but at the same time it's all very accessible.
And when you see someone playing it naturally the screen isn't constantly littered with combat effects like in the trailers.
I'll skip the demo though. I've booked time off work to play the game and I want to play it for the first time on my first day off.
@practicein2021 For those who want the physical game specifically there is the option to buy that separately. It's not perfect but better than having a physical disc, no code and completely ignoring all the digital only console owners.
Besides I think a steelbook is more a collectors item to put on a shelf and not just to store the disc. Those will be fine in any standard case.
I agree that a lot of the games they showed look good, but they need to deliver the goods when they're actually released. I'll probably pick up a Series X/S someday to back up my PS5 as a GamePass machine, but it's going to take more than one game for me to get there, even if Starfield is a 10/10.
@Ocat They will not get Xbox once the news that Starfield only supports 30 FPS on Microsoft's consoles reach them. They will keep their PS5s and get a gaming PC.
I think showing no gameplay and offering 2024 and 2025 release dates is what Microsoft has always done with their 'just wait message'.
I enjoyed the show, but no gameplay and no release dates has been what MS has always been criticised for, so its just reverting to type
I far prefer the route Sony have taken, by the time most of em are announced they are less than 6 months away and the game is normally delivered on time. That works for me as a consumer.
Of course if were an editor on a PS website, I would want them announced years in advance so I could write endless articles, but in this case I believe the route they are taking is better for us with far less 'let downs'.
For many people buying a PC is just not an option. Starfield is probably a good reason for many people to get an Xbox with Gamepass to get the exclusives.
Starfield for me looks like the epitome of the kind of game I no longer have time to play. Too many systems to get my head around, too many options and too many menus to waste too much time in. Based on recent output, I also have zero faith in Bethesda to deliver such an ambitious game without it feeling like it's all held together with gaffer tape.
There is at least one game coming out on PS5 per month for the rest of the year that I want to play - that's about all my schedule and my wallet can handle right now so I'm not too bothered by SONY keeping their cards close to their chest. What I am bothered about is that MS's showcase basically said one thing over and over - we've got tonnes of money and our strategy is to throw it at developers until they give us exclusivity. Why else would classically SONY centric titles like Persona and Yukuza be debuting at an MS showcase. So much coming to GamePass day one as well, when MS have been fairly open about the fact that GP is not a viable business model long term. It all reeks of just chucking money at the problem until their competitors just roll over.
I trust SONY to have multiple great things in the pipeline considering the caliber of their first party studios. The vast majority of my favourite titles from the last 5 years or so have been SONY exclusives. If they don't? I might finally start to make a dent in my ridiculous backlog...
@Ragdoll72 But they showcased the content during the showcase
The kids games I meant was the multi console 3rd party kids games which available on PS4 / PS5 / Switch / XBOX Series X such as The Smurfs Kart, Paleo Pines, Paperman Adventures, Dolphin Spirit, Paw Patrol World, etc.
Oh, actually I played those kids games as an adult gamer.
I don't have kids.
I'm 38 years old single dude.
I only play kids games.
That's why I only looking for 3rd party kids games on PS4 / PS5, doesn't even care with AAA games since I hate every single rated M games.
Wow... This site really needs nested comments. What a mess.
I didn't think the show was any better or any worse than Sony's. Outwith Starfield and Spider-Man 2 there was nothing in either show that was likely to persuade you to buy either console. Starfield looked great and seems very ambitious, if they pull it off then it will indeed be a contender for game of the year. I'm still getting strong feelings of No Man's Sky whenever I see it though and I do wonder just how populated those 1,000 planets are going to be. Most of the other games we either already knew about and didn't really see much more of, and the new announcements showed so little that I have no idea what the games are actually about.
Ultimately though, both shows lacked that big surprise announcement that would be a real talking point and generate some hype. I guess the Persona announcements were supposed to do that and the early leak ruined the surprise. Although there were already rumours so I don't think that would be really been a mind blowing announcement if it hadn't leaked.
What was that like a dragon infinite wealth? A spin off or something? I was confused. Even he was confused. Not sure if I should be excited for this game. But I am for the man who erased his name and like a dragon 8.
Move over Sony and Xbox...
Out of curiosity, @MasterVGuides, have you played the original Fables?
Infinite Wealth is Yakuza 8
Strong showing? It was terrible.
"Solid" Xbox Showcase shows us three exclusive games we already knew about with a new vague release date and an extended look at one exclusive game releasing later this year. Sounds exactly like the Playstation Showcase lol
Great time to own a decent PC to play all of their offerings
I disagree. This was almost comparable to PS Showcase. Both weren't great.
@practicein2021 Lol just because I put it in my bio doesn't mean that I'm gonna be discussing that here unless there's an article that's actually relevant, but in summary we have a wide variety of them so there's no central definition for that one. Anyways relevant to the article itself, I hope that Sony pulls a ninth gen equivalent of E3 2016 asap, as I do still want to see my PS5 getting some action down the road once I finish my backlog.
The biggest problem for Sony is Day one with xbox game pass, even me a hard-core Sony fan, started questioning myself why I do have to pay for new games when I can have xbox game pass and play them almost for free?!
@practicein2021 Maybe because there's PS5 and Series that are digital only? so instead of investing for 2 different versions, they will do 1 version and call it the day?
@Gamerintent55 Realistic looking NPC >>>>>>>>> Gameplay. Am I rite GAMERintent?
@XenonKnight This is all your knowledge about this medium? because they had better games that were released on PS1 and PS2 era, ya know?
PlayStation 3 isn't just a name, but it means a third iteration of PlayStation console.
@Therabidraccoon With people following a script they will keep doing the same cinematic limited experience.
@OtsutsukiBoruto Stop it with the comic book super heroes crap.
Much of Sony's silence in the last 2 years was a result of lack of opponents.
Xbox show was excellent, and I'm very happy that competition is back.
A successful Xbox means a better gaming industry for everyone.
Sony are shockingly bad at presenting their products well, State of plays are very amateurish, showing us cinematic instead of actual gameplay etc etc
You should just go and write for the sister site at this point. Xbox showcase was nothing special, preferred the PlayStation one.
Oh, and there was no cringey tweet from PlayStation afterwards showing all the games that will also be playable on PS. I still can't believe everyone loved that classless move from Xbox.
@Triumph741 Which does me no good on PS5. Thanks, though.
@twinspectre90 No. Spidey just looks like more Spidey. But I know that won't launch with a thousand glitches. So there's that, at least.
It felt more like an E3 shower which was cool. I hope Starfield sticks the landing. I have as much trust with Bethesda as anyone but I like what they are trying to convey.
My real concern is just the spiralling dev time for new AAA releases. If major studios take 3-4 years on average to release 1 title, that means that there just isn't the output to regularly showcase. Xbox is no exception. Most of these games we were aware of a long time ago and are still a year at least away.
@Triumph741 yes they showed us hand picked content, not a game of someone who's already put hours into it. Imo I feel it's going to get repetitive real quick, but that's just me.
The xbox show case really wasn't that good just the Sony showcase was worse starfield 30 fps just isn't acceptable on the X. the X and eco system are hampered by that S model
I'm glad I'm not the only one kind of shocked by Avowed... it just doesn't look compelling at all. Of course it has time to come together, but nothing about it made me interested in playing it.
@rpawlos15133 100%
XBox seems to have more titles of interest for me at the moment. 'Course it's a bit difficult to say when Sony announce nothing....
I'm really interested in fable since I like the first and second game back on xbox 360 but I'm kind of disappointed with the previews, it just a CG trailer rather than full gameplay, and the art is kind of ugly.
@GodofCapcom i am the real flip flopper, i bought my first 3rd party game on a PS console in years. Like almost 10 years i think. Anyways i grabbed Street Fighter 6 on PS5 and am loving it. The menu’s are the only thing i feel like could use some love. They are some of the worse menu’s I’ve seen in a modern game. But the game is a 10, i need to get a fighting stick. So now i have SF6 on PS5 and of course Diablo 4 on Series X. I will admit it is fun to watch what one game can do for a company. Looks like many people will be picking up a Xbox for SF. That’s competition and that’s what the industry needed. Long live the Big 3!!!
i'm not really too worried , sony will make more announcements during the year , which is easier to do now then ever. but i loved what i saw from spider man man , and was surprised to see a trailer for ff7 rebirth. i'm sure after ff16 release we'll start to hear a lot more about rebirth. and once spider man comes out they'll go full throttle with wolverine. i feel like people just need to be more patient ( i know its not easy) , if it comes to sony , or any other console for that matter.
@TheTony316 oh why? Why did it change name?
@SV22 uhm well I don’t know how much games you play but Xbox game pass is not for free?
@CKFilms yeah except that - in my opinion - that Xbox exclusive game is extremely ambitious and looked like it might define the generation whereas the PlayStation exclusive game looked like it’s predecessor with a few tweaks and upgrades
I'm not worried about the PS5 games tbh, but Microsoft have definitely helped me in making my mind up about finally investing on a series X. sold my one x last year and have been patiently waiting on a return.
@nessisonett ...buy an Xbox ?
@KingPev Skint myself for like two years saving for a PS5. It really is not as simple as just buying an Xbox.
@grimgaming i know that, but if you pay for a year you have all new free games, whereas with Sony you pay and play old games
@grimgaming don't count your chickens until they've glitched, mate. Can't define a generation with something labelled "Skyrim in space", and with a 'modified' creation engine to boot. I'd be worried about what state it will launch in first and foremost.
I've been with PlayStation for over a decade now, but this Xbox showcase was possibly the first time that I've genuinely thought I might be on the wrong platform. They absolutely crushed it: the much anticipated Fable, leaning into comfortable territory with Forza, then Payday, Avowed, Starfield, and those are just the ones I recall. Sony need to up their game for sure. It's clear Xbox aren't playing around anymore.
My honest opinion it was a typical Xbox showcase it was kinda similar to the Sony showcase but the only difference is Xbox showed a little more with their exclusive.
Good for MS. Still have zero interest in an xbox, since I barely have enough time to play the games that I've already bought (or got through plus). Is everyone else done with their backlogs and are considering a second (if not third) console? Makes very little sense to me with all the options we have of awesome games nowadays.
@Avalanchee Nope. The ps4 did wonderful without much competition. So did PS2. And so far, with little to no competition, Sony has released some excellent games on ps5 (some also on ps4). Sony doesn't need competition. It's not like they're not greenlighting games because they think if gamers have no other option, they will buy their games. Simply put, it takes longer to make AAA games than it used to. They may be forced to announce some games that are in development, but the actual games they're making aren't going to change.
@naruball You make good points. However I can't imagine Sony aren't a tiny bit concerned now, realizing how massive Starfield is going to be. This has to put some amount of pressure on them.
if we are judging the showcase as a showcase and not by how many TRUE exclusives xbox has, then i would say it was a good show, especially by microsoft standards. it was much better than sony's last effort and the world premier of metaphor, persona 3 remake, persona 5 T and the various yakuza games were great. those games alone were better than anything that sony showed as far as NEW announcements are concerned.
@MFTWrecks It is more of the same + cinematic
@Avalanchee I understand that. But realistically, what can they do? Greenlight a new game? That's going to take 5 years to come out. By then it will be too late and it would seem as if they're doing nothing. Buy a publisher? That's incredibly expensive.
The only thing they can do is buy some 3rd party exclusives, which is basically paying a lot of money to keep other console players from enjoying a game on their consoles. Their options are limited.
@CKFilms yeah you're right. but if it releases in a good state it could very well be the game of the gen imo. So many systems, so much depth. Sony unfortunately doesn't own a studio that is able to produce something like this
@naruball Obviously their pipelines are full, probably for the remainder of this console generation at the very least.
I am not suggesting there is anything they should be doing differently in the immediate term.
I'm mostly talking about the long/strategic term. Lack of competition lead to stagnation and uninspired projects.
Seeing a game such as Starfield ought to spark innovation and creativity deep within their various studios.
I'm only saying a healthy Microsoft makes a better and more envelope-pushing Sony in the years to come.
I'm starting to get the feeling starfield is going to end up like redfall. Before redfall came out everyone was saying it was going to be a great game and we can now see it's trash. But Star Wars Outlaw looks good.
The game will launch as "Like a Dragon 8" in Japan and as "Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth" in the west.
The same happened with Yakuza Like a Dragon. In Japan it launched as a numbered title.
I guess Sega doesn't want to use numbered releases for the west anymore because the franchise is relatively new to western audiences in terms of popularity. Having the 8th game in the series could scare off new customers.
It should come out named Yakuza 8: Like a Dragon not Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth.
Idk about that. Xbox had one good showcase after years and years of disappointments. One good (or bad in case of Sony) showcase isn't enough for me to question my platform of choice.
More importantly, Almost every game that Sony has announced in the last 3-4 years is already out. The only two exceptions are Factions 2 and Wolverine. 60-70% of first party games from yesterdays showcase were announced 3-4 years ago. Fable, Avowed and Hellblade 2 are old news and don't even have a release date yet. Let alone Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Everwild, Contraband and more.
@practicein2021 Well I'm mainly a PC gamer girl so there's that but the few exclusives the PS5 still has as well as will have should be able to justify me turning it on for at least a year or so.
Crazy thing is that Microsoft has currently 20 announced first-party projects while 2 of them are slated for 2023 and 4 of them for 2024 (albeit the indicated that there will be more in that year)...
...and we still don't know what games are in the works in studios like
id Software
Double Fine
Tango Gameworks
Arkane Lyon
Arkane Austin (they released Redfall recently though)
Second MachineGames game
Racing team at Playground (probably Forza Horizon 6)
The Coalition (probably Gears 6)
add in ActiBlizz and whoa.
@Ocat Starfield looks to be everything I want in a game so I'm currently puzzling over how to get a Series X without being forced to sell my PS5 - which I've owned since Day One.
@practicein2021 it's definitely got something to do with it because everything has to work on it
I think Starfield looks great. Disappointed there won’t be a performance mode for the console versions (it’s locked to 30fps) but the game seems genuinely ambitious.
But that was really it. Nothing else there was interesting to me besides a few multiplatform games. So I give Sony and Microsoft’s presentations a D and a C respectively from an exclusive standpoint. Microsoft at least had Starfield and that’s a genuinely good looking and innovative game. It’s a lot more than Fallout in Space which was what I was thinking it was going to be when it was announced years ago.
But it’s not enough to make me invest in an Xbox. If I wasn’t having a son in November I probably would invest in a Series S just to play it. But I suspect my time will be far more limited than it is now once he comes along so there’s no point in investing money in something I won’t have time to use.
@twinspectre90 sure buddy lest pretend ghost of tsushima, horizon and GOW don't exist
@LordBakemono Sorry, I don't remember the discussion
Would love if you show me what I said
If it is about "more of the same + cinematic" then Yeah, I still think these games are all the same with different designs.
@Sil_Am not even phil spencer is expecting that to happen but sure buddy XD
@Cashews i really really don't get why so many are calling a game that hasn't even come out goty contender, starfield is locked at 30fps and most likely will be a bugfest at launch, but yea sure. lets call a game that isn't out yet "game of the generation" XDXDXDXD
I disagree. There was nothing in that showcase that should get Sony worried. And I haven't seen any streams that have anybody not in Xbox camp saying they are buying into it tomorrow. Even Xbox fans say it was a good show, yet like every year, they just don't see how it would get anybody not into Xbox, suddenly on board.
Don't worry. Like a week after every Xbox showcase every year, the high will wear off. In this case, fans will wake up and realise that Forza and Starfield, 2 games Phil said would be out before June, are still coming and.......................... that's it, what else did they show that has a specific release date or even month or even year???
It will just be back to waiting forever as usual.
YEAH SONY, YOU NEED TO COPY THAT. And bring all your games day one to PC and have a whole year without a single release and release a weaker console then your main PS5 console that slows down development and delays all your 2020 games from even having release dates or RAW GAMEPLAY 3 years after they were announced.
@LordBakemono If it works correctly and gives people what they showed during the broadcast it will be an easy goty contender. Everyone knows this.
Street Fighter
That's the race. Other games will be mentioned but they aren't really in the race. Certainly nothing Sony exclusive. Terrible year for the playstation. Terrible generation really.
@Cashews everyone =you
naaaa starfield is going to be buggy as hell, looks like people didn't learned their lesson with cyberpunk 2077, wich was going to supposedly be the game of the year and well, EVERYONE knows how that panned out XD
@dschons Yeah, I'm not a fan of Bethesda games precisely because the actual combat is extremely boring/dull to me. Starfield looking like it plays like an acutal good shooter where you can customize everything is a breath of fresh air from looking at the stiff Skyrim combat. I know it was special back then, but coming to those games years later, I just couldn't get into them. I might get an Xbox just for Starfield, it looks that good, if the story is great, man...we're in for an amazing 2023.
Speaking of, I still have to play Witcher 3, missed out on that classic too.
Spider-man 2
SF6 (has me addicted already)
This year is great! Don't let Helldivers 2 be just as good as Returnal! My wallet!
@OrtadragoonX Congrats buddy!
@andrewsqual This is coming from a Sony fan, but their recent reveal sucked.
Minimal games, and trashy peripherals like the project Q(or whatever it was called). If it wasn't for square releasing some big titles later this year Sony would be in for a world of hurt
Solid showcase indeed, I'm looking forward to these 18 games!
Even though I currently don't own a Xbox Series X or capable gaming PC.
Sea of Thieves x The Legend of Monkey Island event - July 20
Starfield - September 06
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC - September 26
Persona 5 Tactica - November 17
TBA 2023
Jusant - Fall 2023
TBA 2024:
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Early 2024
Persona 3 Reload - Early 2024
Still Wakes the Deep - Early 2024
Dungeons of Hinterberg
Metaphor: ReFantazio
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Star Wars: Outlaws
Clockwork Revolution
Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
South of Midnight
@grognar all Xbox games are usually on gamepass cloud gaming, so can can just get gamepass ultimate and stream it on the cloud. So don't need an xbox
If you can be objective, its hard not to admit that gamepass was proven to be even more of a massive value after their showcase.
This is where Phil Spencer was technically wrong in that recent interview. Sure they may not be able to TAKE market share away from Sony or Nintendo, but they absolutely have, can, and will share the market with those that ultimately want to play the big first party and third party games coming day 1 to gamepass and pick up their console or play via pc to do so; in addition to playing bangers that come to PS5. The kicker here is not just exclusives releasing day one on their sub service, but the major 3rd party titles that can be played for free via gamepass day 1 as well, or shelling out $40-60 on the PS platform.
Its really a no brainer for many that play games once or want to try some titles but not shell out the hefty price tag on a gamble.
less than ten games in that price range pay for picking up the other console alone. It's just a massive value despite some bizarre attachment to its profitability for the corporation as some means of justification on the model. There were several games in that showcase alone that I would play on gamepass.
Following Sony's awful showcase and apparent roadmap, along with Xbox's starkly contrasting future, I am absolutely getting the other console for the first time in any generation, or building a pc come fall (although its unlikely the pc route with the overinflated price gouging in the pc hardware space, and the lackluster performance of nearly all recent games released in the space as of late). That aside, It's a pretty good time for the unbiased gamer indeed.
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