In the tedious and predictable aftermath to last week’s State of Play, a lot of column inches have been written about Xbox potentially publishing more games on the PS5 this year than Sony.
It makes for a dramatic headline: one which paints PlayStation as a complacent competitor, coasting while it soaks up the rewards of its rival’s imploding console business. It’s also something this author saw coming at the start of the year.
“I think Microsoft will be PS5’s biggest publisher in 2025,” your humble host navel gazed in our January predictions post.
Since then, the Redmond firm has announced Forza Horizon 5, Age of Empires 2, and Age of Mythology for Sony’s system; the rumour mill says Hellblade 2, Gears of War Trilogy, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and more we don’t even have time to list are coming.

With the trillion-dollar tech titan not only bringing new titles from its portfolio but also porting old ones, it’s looking like a particularly big year for Xbox Game Studios on PS5.
But the idea that the Team in Green is outperforming PS Studios on its own platform grates a little. No one makes these comparisons for other third-party firms like Take-Two or SEGA, two publishers which also look poised to have particularly prolific years on PS5.
In fact, while the very idea of Xbox Game Studios bringing more titles to PlayStation than Sony itself makes for an eye-grabbing headline, it also strips the story of context. Microsoft is plunging deep into its back catalogue and porting old favourites on top of releasing new games; Forza Horizon 5 will perform well on the PS5, but we can’t ignore the fact that it’s already almost four years old.

And it also ignores the most important context of all: Microsoft aggressively and unprecedently gobbled two historically third-party publishers. PS Studios, with its paltry 14 or so teams, cannot and will not ever be able to compete with the scale of Xbox’s operation – mismanaged live service push or not. That’s just basic maths.
So, this isn’t Sony scaling back in the face of reduced competition; in fact, it has a pretty strong lineup planned for 2025, including anticipated sequels Death Stranding 2: On the Beach and Ghost of Yotei. It just dominated DICE with 10 awards from its 2024 output, and posted record-breaking financial results.
Obviously, the changes that are occurring at Microsoft warrant discussion, and it looks like Xbox Game Studios has a particularly packed lineup planned for PS5. Bring it on!
But the way this is being framed, without context to make it look like Sony is spinning its wheels, strikes us as unreasonable.
Unless the Japanese giant goes out and gobbles up a couple of publishers of its own, expect its output to be dwarfed by the multiformat Microsoft practically every year from now onwards. It’s not a gotcha, it’s simply a sign of the times.
Do you think it’s bad news for PS Studios that Microsoft is poised to have a bigger year on PS5 than Sony first-party itself? Is this all just a sign of the times? Are you surprised by how this generation is developing? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 122
Wait really?
The company that owns the most studios, will make the most games?
Who ever would have thought?!
It’s like saying if Sony decided to port all their old games to a competitor they would publish the most for that year.
Also most like Mircosoft have bought 1/3 of publishers/studios. But hey if we PS players keep getting their great (subjective) games to play along side our own exclusive games, then go fot it.
to be honest the article is very well written, but I don't know how this situation will evolve and what will it mean for the PlayStation brand.
"When everybody plays, we all win."
Hrmmmm, reads to me like @get2sammyb wrote this on his XBox.
I get where you are coming from with the mostly older games angle, @get2sammyb, but what you are not factoring into your argument, is that ports take time to be made. So, there is a vast difference in having to make ports of old games, and making the game multiplatform from the outset.
This time last year, we were told that Microsoft would assess how well the first 4 games did before making a decision regarding subsequent games. So, if it takes 6 months to develop a port, utilising a small team, and the majority of the recent Xbox back-catalogue was greenlit for porting, then it will still take a fair amount of time for that back-catalogue to be ported as the teams can only work on so many games at a time. However, if games are developed for the Xbox and the PlayStation from the moment the games are green-lit, then it totally follows that the PlayStation version can be released the same day as the Xbox, or anything from weeks to months later (as was the case with Indiana Jones), before then moving to day and date on both platforms...
Believing that Forza Horizon 5 being released 4 years after it was on the Xbox is unrealistic. Indiana Jones is more likely the template that Microsoft will utilise.
As a PS fan there are zero downsides to this, I would be a little peeved if I was on team green but I think most sane gamers accepted this reality a long time ago.
I don't mind giving MS money for good games, I welcome it!
The safest of safest predictions that there. 😂
This is the most asinine story I've seen lately. People were completely ignoring that Microsoft spent over 75 billion on two huge publishers to have the honor of "publishing" the most games on PlayStation.
Is there a chance for Rare Replay or at least some of the games in Rare Replay to be released on PlayStation?
All of it is more money for Sony without really having to do a thing so it's an entirely winning position for them.
As Xbox's hardware business shrinks and they make record profits selling games elsewhere it is hardly a surprise to see certain sections of the gaming community try and spin this as a negative for Sony.
However I think it is just people trying to cope with the changes and trying to make it seem like a Sony problem while everything is rosey in the Xbox garden.
This should be obvious, it's one publisher vs three....
That's what spending unrivalled amounts of money will get you, way more Studios means way more games to release. But with Sonys single player games it's quality over quantity.
Of course, Xbox shills like Jez Corden and Ryan McCaffrey wrote more copium drivel like this. They've got to find some way to evangelize Microsoft, the company they have shamelessly and unironically proclaimed their deep love for.
The reality is that Playstation's own published games have always likely being the minority of the overall amount of games that people play, and were only ever an added benefit of playing on the platform. Whilst Microsoft having more games is merely a result of their acquisitions
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Even if it was a gotcha, it’s not a gotcha for PlayStation players… were the ones getting all the games smh 🤨
So i get to play my PS games and third party games as well as the xbox ones on PS. Oh no what a tragedy. I wonder when the day will come when paid media shills to this degree will end. It will never end but hopefully one day will lessen
Go back to 2017 and the landscape was very different - MS only had about 5 Studio's and Sony had more than double. Sony too have added to their Studio's (as well as closed some) - inc Bungie which was a 'Publisher' too - hence cost much more, Insomniac, Housemarque etc. Whilst that may not be the same as 'buying' Zenimax and certainly not ABK, its not as if Sony has been 'idle'
The narrative has still been Xbox has 'NO' games and that was still being said a year or two ago. All that 'money' spent on Studio's, Publishers, IP's etc and NOTHING to show for it. Now it seems Xbox has so many games coming to Sony, let alone the 'exclusives' it has for Xbox (even if just timed) that they can release more games than Sony will for its own Platform.
Its not just the 'numbers' of Studios though, its more the situation we find ourselves in today. It 'seems' like Sony haven't really got a 'lot' coming in the next few years - with numerous projects being cancelled losing 'years' of work.
A decade ago, MS E3 shows would show off many more games than Sony - however, the majority would be 3rd Party or 'indies' so Xbox had 'no' games of their own - now it seems that Sony is in that position. Its not as if Sony themselves don't have 'older' games in their Catalogue they too could 'port' to Xbox as well as PC to make extra Revenue and get more Gamers into their IP's.
From my perspective though, it has never mattered to me that 'others' who prefer to play on a different manufacturers 'box' get to play some of the Games I enjoy on my prefered 'box'.
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“One which paints PlayStation as a complacent competitor, coasting while it soaks up the rewards of its rival’s imploding console business”
Is the statement wrong tho?
I understand that moving forward there’ll be no way to compete with Microsoft’s 30+ studios but isn’t Sony being complacent right now launching $700 consoles and having more remasters and remakes than new games?
And sorry but this is the second article in a few days that reads as “stop criticizing Sony please!”
Well yeah very well should be the biggest if they're committing to going 3rd party. They own way more studios then Sony so of course their output would greater, its what happens when you own both Activision and Bethesda.
The reality is neither the output of Sony or Microsoft interests me at the moment. The entirety of triple A gaming bores and depresses me with cliches, overused game mechanics, predatory business practises and gloomy presentation.
Hoping Nintendo can have something to cheer me up with the Switch 2.
If not for the recent spending spree, most of these games would still be on PlayStation, just without the MS label.
It's an interesting time, with MS almost going the Sega route, but so far this seems like a good thing for both parties.
I saw some people worried that this would lead to Sony releasing fewer games because 'they don't have to anymore" but I don't think this makes much sense for their business.
Also, a lot if these comments stem from people expecting more games from Sony but it's worth noting that the numbers are not that different from the PS4 in its first 4 years (excluding the various remasters)
For me its more a sign of Finances Team getting fed up than a sign of times.
Anyways, raw output means nothing if most of your games aren't good enough. A small constant output of good quality games is what makes a platform sell, look at Nintendo.
@IOI it’s not that they are being complacent imo.
They made a bet on live service games. Which failed. It’s going to take time to recover from that. It’s not like games are made in 12months - we are starting to see the upcoming projects.
@IOI Yeah we should expect Sony's studios to hurry up and release these big AAA games we're all demanding and not worry about finishing them or doing QA 🙄
Take away the remasters and Ghost 2, Wolverine and Intergalactic still won't come any sooner. Remasters are not the reason we "don't have new games" the reason is the push to a now failed live service future and the AAA Sony games taking forever to make now, its why Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog will most likely only put one new game this Gen as these types of games take years and years to make.
Circumstance doesn't change how embarrassing this can be seen for PlayStation. Microsoft is supposedly the weaker publisher, yet they are pushing way more games. Even ignoring Acti-Blizz, if we wanna try to be more fair, Microsoft has more coming out. And just saying it's because of Microsoft's legacy titles doesn't make much sense if we're counting Days Gone or Until Dawn for Sony. EDIT ADDENDUM: And, even though it wasn't at the same scale as Microsoft, it's not like Sony didn't just acquire a bunch of teams too — it's equally disingenuous to say they've a paltry 14 studios, as though 14 isn't a lot.
I'd say it's not much indicative of Microsoft being praiseworthy as it is of the thing many have been saying for the whole generation: PlayStation doesn't put out enough games.
@MrGawain gotta agree with you here. Maybe just me growing out of games in general but I'm struggling to engage with anything right now.
X box is now PlayStation best publisher.😄.who would think about that 4 years ago.word up son
@RBMango You missed out Jeff Grubb the Scrubb
they are anyway losing money or breaking even on these boxes... they are going for ubi deal with Sony.. gamepass everywhere
Sony is couching and enjoying well deserved win.
"But the idea that the Team in Green is outperforming PS Studios on its own platform grates a little."
Aww poor you, getting all the Xbox games to add to the PS exclusives...
My heart bleeds.
@Sergo what win?
@GeeForce lol. Terrible times indeed! 😂
@ZeD Well, Xbox was the best, exclusive titles only for them... Now, PS have theirs and they do not have PS ones. They wanted to be the main console and they lost. Cant be more clear.
And the best laugh is that all this CoD thing will not matter.
@ApostateMage I'm converting my Series X into a funky modern lamp base and selling it for quadruple the price I paid
@Sergo still no idea what you are on about. There was no "battle" between any one. No one is winning or losing... actually the true "winners" are gamers as we get to play games where ever.
Or are you one of these gamers who believe in "The Console Wars"? If so, you need to grow up
THE RESOURCES!!! Won’t anyone think of the resources!!!!
Why do some people think that if Sony puts a team in some live service game that it’s the reason why an announced single player game isn’t releasing sooner? Do you all think the same 10 people work on every game that gets made?
@ZeD no wars? Please explain the exclusive deals then? the lawsuits with CoD. I am grown enough. made money on the stock market on that CoD crazyness. all is about money. Always.
Thank you Xbox and Microsoft ❤️👍
I'm ready for a new Dishonored and/or Prey.
Is Harvey Smith still at Arkane? Such a wasted asset imo.
It a sign of the times of bad Xbox management. Xbox management has completely failed at making good exclusives to draw people to Xbox. The buyouts were bad ideas and didn’t go as hoped. It’s a sign of disaster, and while Halo on PS is fun, it’s ultimately gonna be bad for the industry and having good competition for Sony.
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Xbox has become the single largest video game publisher on the planet by an enormous margin, so no surprise they're putting out more games. There isn't really much more to see here.
I don't mind one bit. Sony can keep doing their remasters of remasters and all of Microsofts studios games can release games on ps5. Something for everyone that way.
Who didnt see this coming. MS got the most studios and are porting a part of their older games, would be worth an article if they still didnt publish most titles. Now its just stating the obvious.
The games they are publishing to Playstation are games that have been out for quite some time now. It's not like they are making all net new games.
@charbtronic Even if you count out "late ports" Xbox is vastly outperforming PlayStation this year on PlayStation. Like...It's not even a contest.
Sony have/will have - Ghost of Yotei, Death Stranding 2 and MLB plus Marathon probably. There is always a chance for more, but I would not hold my breath
Xbox will have - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion remake, Ninja Gaiden 4, DOOM: The Dark Ages, The Outer Worlds 2, COD 2025. And there is a chance that Fable and Gears of War E-Day will hit PS5 day one (if they manage to come out this year). And of course chances that Xbox will manage to port Avowed and South of Midnight on PS5 during this year are pretty high.
I hope I'm wrong but this article seems to me like one written by Xbox fanboys to incite console wars, something like "PlayStation has no games"... totally unnecessary.
@ApostateMage You think anyone who give up their calculator for that? Please set realistic expectiations.
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I guess the goalposts are now moved to whoever publishes the most games 😂
Xbox releasing more PlayStation games than PlayStation is funny, and I get why plenty of people are saying it, but it's certainly not any kind of gotcha, and it's certainly not any kind of victory. The staunchest of Xbox fanboys might try to have you believe otherwise, but secretly they're weeping into their cornflakes because everybody knows what time it is; this is a massive capitulation on the part of Xbox.
And so yes, Sammy has nailed it here. As amusing as the idea of Xbox releasing more PlayStation 5 games than Sony is, it's really just a third party publisher with lots of studios releasing lots of games, no different to any other. The real story is that Xbox has basically given up trying to "win" and is instead settling for making publishing money, while PlayStation is winning the console war by default and will make free money from Xbox games that their once fiercest competitor paid for.
"Xbox Publishing More Games on PS5 Than Sony" is not something that is even actually happening.
Some current and upcoming PS5 titles published by Sony:
Demon's Souls
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment in Japan)
Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Astro's Playroom
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Destruction AllStars
Final Fantasy VII Remake (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment in Indonesia)
The Nioh Collection (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment outside Japan)
MLB The Show 21
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut
Death Stranding Director's Cut
Call of Duty: Vanguard (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment in Japan)
Nioh Remastered (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment outside Japan)
Nioh 2 Remastered (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment outside Japan)
Ghost of Tsushima: Legends
God of War Ragnarök
Gran Turismo 7
Horizon Forbidden West
MLB The Show 22
The Last of Us Part I
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
Final Fantasy XVI (Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment in Asia excluding Japan)
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
MLB The Show 23
Firewall Ultra
Horizon Call of the Mountain
Astro Bot
Helldivers II
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered
The Last of Us Part II Remastered
Lego Horizon Adventures
MLB The Show 24
Rise of the Ronin
Stellar Blade
Until Dawn
My First GT
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach
Days Gone Remastered
Ghost of Yōtei
Lost Soul Aside
MLB The Show 25
Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet
Marvel's Wolverine
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake
And I'm sure the list is incomplete. So no, MS does not now, and will not ever have more games published on PS5 than Sony themselves.
Definitely doesn’t help Sony's cancelled so many projects recently either…
End of the day, what Phil says is that they wanted people to buy their console. Because of course 100% of the profits is always better than 70%. But since they cant convince people en masse to choose their console, they had to do this.
That Xbox is now one of the biggest publisher is only natural after they bought two of the biggest publishers, at this point i would certainly hope they have the largest output. Would be a bit tragic if they didn’t.
However Sony usually delivers some great exclusive games every year, even if they're not first party. No one playing those exclusive games actually cares if they're 1st party or not.
The way i see it, it’s not a bad sign at all if Xbox publishes more games. Playstation gamers still get PS games and on top of that get all Xbox games. Cant see anything but a win for PS gamers
They might not have the sony logo but Sonys been also investing in game studios as well phantom blade and lost soul aside both look incredible
Do we not need Healthy Competition to stop Runaway Software Prices....? - You need at least 2x Big Players Duking it out to continually push themselves to Better, Faster, Smoother Machines, Controllers, VR etc
@Godot25 If you count Oblivion and NG 4 then you can also count Days Gone remake and Lost Soul Aside. Ofc MS will still have more titles since they have way more studios now after buying ABK and Bethesda, but the list from Sony isnt that bad this year.
I think it's possibly going to be true even if you don't factor in old ports of games. Between Indy, Doom, Outer Worlds 2 qnd Ninja Gaiden 4. That's more than Death Stranding 2 and Ghosts of Yotai.
That said, I doubt that's really all Sony have this year, it's just all we know about for now. Marathon is almost a guarentee for example, and then if they have anything else it's equal.
All that said, it's alot less grating grating than all those years of "Xbox has no games" stories, even though it was only really true in 2022. They just had less games. I suppose the notable thing here is just how quickly the stories have flipped? Hardly a surprise given all their acquisitions, and no coincidence it's coming true about 6 years after they started their acquisition spree (aka, the new standard development cycle length.
Xbox ≠ Microsoft. Games published by Bethesda or Activision are separate from Xbox Studios division, but all fall under Microsoft. So a more accurate statement would be “Microsoft is publishing more than Sony”.
Also, I can’t help but notice how the other gaming websites mentioned in this article say Microsoft in their headlines while this one has chosen to say Xbox. It’s like PushSquare is trying to stoke console wars or something.
@Fiendish-Beaver Making new games takes longer and cost more money than making ports.
I got my comment removed for making a joke about Xbox even though I own one. These fun police are no fun at all.
What kind of screwed up historic revionism are you playing at? And to what end?
It seems obvious that Xbox and Playstation were direct competitors for decades until Xbox made a pivot to becoming a publisher mainly.
It's fascinating to see how the Xbot trolling has evolved over the last 5 years. It's gone from "Nananananana you can't play our games!" to "Have fun playing our games on your precious plastic box!"
@EfYI well yeah, they were/are competitors but I just don’t see how one side won, that is all. PlayStation players get Xbox Studio games and MS get their money from it.
If anything (like I’ve said before), the ones who are really winning are the gamers.
Xbox I have no issue with now they have finally started to release games and the road map on pure Xbox looks pretty dam good.
Slowtendo continue to frustrate in a way and I hoping for some big in house studio AAA games for switch 2 on release day, hopefully in 2025 and not remasters.
Sony, well they had to get over Covid like other studios but arsed around with GAAS and I just long for the PS4 release schedule and first two years of the PS5 release schedule of amazing Sony in house studio AAA games to come back and less remasters.
But they won’t be firing on all cylinders probably until the PS6 releases as it takes so long developing games.
What if the ps5 goty of 25 Will be a Microsoft game? What a time to be alive!
The ironic thing from this situation is MS main purpose behind Bethesda and Acti-Blizzard acquisition was to kicked out Sony from gaming industry 🤣
All I'm personally expecting over the next few years is a fresh new legal battle. Epic have set the trend on mobile and I don't doubt it will come to console.
Epic and likely Microsoft, possibly (though unlikely) even companies like steam, Amazon, netflix will be looking for the potential to have their own storefronts for sales and streaming.
I'm still fairly confident this is the end goal for Microsoft. Tie it in with game pass and their soon to be very large rollouts of mainstream western games and they will be hoping to become a platform for game purchases across all places to play games.
They will still sell consoles just for the optics and the die hard fans. Probably while saying that they are the 'best' place to play their games.
One thing that the industry has shown in the last couple generations. Players follow their friends. And many people follow their old library.
There used to be nothing stopping a swap in company gen to gen but once back compatibility and achievements took off along side the rise of console multiplayer it was the perfect time for Sony to win and Xbox to fumble and things to snowball from there. Microsoft probably see this as their last real chance to turn that tide utilising the next generations interest in mobile gaming and a look at a future of streaming to do it.
XBox putting its games on PS is indeed a sign of the times. Games cost too much in time and money to develop for exclusivity to have any value. That has been increasingly self evident for the past decade and more.
But it is also true for PS which has not only openly committed to a multiplatform strategy...PC first then Switch and then elsewhere...but is also increasingly adopting a day and date strategy to maximise sales and the impact of marketing.
Look at the recent SOP....not one exclusive and while you can argue a couple of games won't be on XBox (at first) some of the games shown are Day One on GamePass.
But is it unreasonable to suggest XBox games on PS is a sign Sony is "spinning its wheels"?
Yes....things aren't that good for Sony. Many Sony 1st party games, and 1st/3rd party exclusives already suffer disappointing sales. And now Sony is being crowded out by a flood of XBox releases. Every dollar spent on Forza or Halo is money not going to Sony. The market for GAAS on PS is dominated by XBox...where is the room for Marathon?
Sonys record breaking financials showed high revenue, but also continues to show low profit. Sony sells more consoles but XBox is more profitable.
Sony needs to up its game before its too late. And that includes acknowledging games like Death Stranding 2 as 3rd party releases that are just timed exclusives. Let Sony do its own damage control
It’s just common sense, Xbox is going third-party and they have more studios.
Pushsquare in mea culpa mode these last few days?
@TenakaF “Every dollar spent on Forza or Halo is money not going to Sony”
Literally 30% of every dollar spent on Forza or Halo is gonna go to Sony (without them having to do anything)
@OmegaStriver Common sense? It's not even something that is actually happening. MS are NOT publishing more games on PS5 than Sony is. I can't understand why people blindly believe this nonsense. You can easily find the number of PS5 games available that were published by Sony, and that list is significantly larger than the number of MS published titles on PS5.
The only people coasting are the writers highlighted in those links.
Was surprised none of them where from Forbes though.
And the console wars rage on but who really cares? I don't give a crap.
@LogicStrikesAgain There's another dishonest interlocuter for the list! So many whoppers in that person's one post...
I would definitely like to see more Sony 1st party single player games like the PS4 gen but I think having Microsofts collection of games come over is great for PS players and MS's bank balance. It takes nothing away from Sony so everyone wins in different ways.
Please give me Fable.
@ZeD xbox players can’t play ps games
@jorel262 i think sony still does honestly
@Dodoo yup, they don’t even have to try anymore so why not cancel games 😕
@Almost_Ghostly For most people’s arguments, they only apply that to first party developers.
@Almost_Ghostly Call of Duty: Vanguard wasnt published by sony? It was Activision
@Almost_Ghostly this year! People are saying this year Jesus defensive much
@Toot1st It appears you have some reading comprehension issues regarding CoD Vanguard. Go back and try more slowly next time. M'kay?
@Toot1st "Defensive much"... said the guy using exclamation points and "Jesus" as an expletive interjection. Hypocrite much?
@ButterySmooth30FPS You’re right. Honestly, i don't even care about people bashing Playstation or Xbox, i’m not here to defend them. I’m just battling cognitive bias and dissonance. Its crazy how far some people are able to twist logic and ignore reason. It’s like the olympics of mental gymnastics. Some will go so far to deny logic that their arguments becomes so convoluted, i’m not even sure they understand what theyve written.
I know that sounds arrogant, and i dont mean it to. I’m not claiming to have all the answers and i know i’ve had my own dumb takes too. But still…
Reading through some of these comment sections is making my head spin 😅
Ok? All those games and still nothing that interests me. 😅
I find it bizarre. I especially find it bizarre how much the mainstream is playing the "spin". Now I'm seeing popular IGN people on Twitter saying that console gaming is still suffering because the PS5 (with pandemic, inflation, bad economy and without price cuts) is behind the PS4 by 1.5 million units.
It is shocking. Yes Sony cocked up with it's stupid 10 GAAS games initiative but the games are still there and they're still great.
Another thing I wouldn't have done is shutter Japan studios (I know it's a restructuring) and maybe would've made their games 40-50usd AA titles to pad the output and maybe get the occasional cultural hit.
Well Microsoft really does have more than double sony studios so it's not hard to realize there gonna release make more games
It fills in release periods, it gives Microsoft more money, they bridge a gap, they are third party and 1st party at the same time offering a platform to still release for. I don't have an issue with it.
Besides it changes competition for third parties and Sony/Nintendo. The Crew/NFS have Forza Horizon competition.
Shooters maybe don't with Halo/Gears but either way. State of Decay, Crackdown and others may or may not go anywhere or if on other platforms would they compete with other games maybe? Not I don't know. Compared to Dead Rising, Last of us or many other games even besides it's angle.
Let alone other games and their angle to things. Not sure.
Ori made sense, most Metroidvanias people would get on other platforms anyway. Genres, IPs or whatever that suit other platforms makes sense.
Sure some of us get arcade/sims on Switch but I mean. They are more ideal on PS/Xbox/PC anyway. Analogue triggers or wheel support or just more racing games of that type on those platforms. But I still enjoy them like GameCube third party ones even if on other platforms having them on GameCube was interesting and different. Meaning we either just get them whereever and don't care or whatever we think suit something more of an impression.
I don't care where I get games really, just whatever copies exist or discounts, that's it. Valkyria Chronicles 4 on Xbox One and 1.0 disk, why not.
Sea of Thieves I think just approaches itself so well it makes sense to be on multiple anyway Live Service or not then a 1 platform one. Just how it handles content/updates/community, etc. Never looked at it besides the early days (never played either) but just guessing.
Other third parties get assistance with marketing or other funding or whatever for their higher then ID@Xbox Indie budgets.
Or those Indies can go elsewhere later like we saw with Cuphead/Ori.
I think it changes things, they get the money but are showing the rules of console only was never there. Sega did PC alongside Saturn?Dreamcast anyways.
Microsoft did Gameboy Color versions of PC entertainment packs even.
Rare did GBA/DS games during the OG Xbox/360.
The rules are clear of how open things were and how unclosed they actually were it's just how far they were willing to go.
Let alone Sony games that did or didn't go to PC like Jet Moto or so.
It's if companies choose to and the contracts. Fans get choices where to buy/play it. It's up to them.
The Xbox isn't just a under the TV device. Software and hardware can do many things, always could.
We could have got Genesis VR/Jaguar VR, but they were cancelled. Tech evolved. Timing being more suitable as well.
@LogicStrikesAgain Right there with you! It's one thing to just not like something, but all the twisting and spinning and distorting to make things seem worse than they actually are in order to dislike it more is just... baffling.
Quality over quantity. 😜
But seriously, of all those Xbox games, I only have interest in Hellblade II and Indiana Jones. Maybe Gears of War.
Compared to Ghost of Yotei, Death Stranding 2, I think it’s not really a comparison. Throw in Lost Soul Aside, Where Winds Meet, and some of the other third party console exclusives and I really don’t have time for Xbox games outside of those two (Indy and Hellblade 2, which apparently isn’t even very good but I loved the first one so much I feel like I have to play the sequel)
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@Jaz007 To be fair Playstation management is a lot worse than Microsofts....by my count Microsoft would have put out like 10 games in the past 12 months where you have Hermen Hulst thinking Concord would be Sony's Star Wars/Marvel....now that's poor management....also apparently he was demoted too
@PuppetMaster Who said that reason for ABK purchase was to kick Sony out of console industry? Jim Ryan?
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@PuppetMaster Yeah. That's why Microsoft publicly stated their intentions of keeping Call of Duty multiplatform same month as they announced ABK purchase lol. And they offered Sony, Nintendo and Valve a deal. Valve said they don't need a deal, Nintendo signed it, but Jimbo saw it as opportunity to get deal blocked so he kept bitching about it. Sony then signed it when they realised that all their attempts to block the deal failed.
And yeah. SEGA was to be kept multiplatform. Or you are denying that it is stated in leaked documents from Microsoft?
Of course Sony can't hope to match the amount of games Microsoft is publishing on PS5 in 2025; if an in-development game was live-service they cancelled it, and if was one of the few in-development games that was single-player it costs $250 million and takes seven years to make.
Its just a massive port-a-thon from MS though.
Microsoft has no choice. Some time year ago it became clear to them that their attempt to monopolise gaming is not panning out financially, and gamepass is a money burner. They need to recoup at least some of the losses. I'm sure, some time later they will be deciding on the topic of simultaneous cross platform releases in the future to maximise sales, thus making them just one more publisher.
It's only a matter of time before they change the branding to, Microsoft game studios, and get rid of the xbox name altogether,
@viktorcode didn't they say they wanted to buy Sony out of the console business at one point ,how ironic that they're now helping Sony solidify their place in the console market, and a 30 percent cut of their games as well.
The sign of times is Microsoft has realised that the Xbox brand can't compete with PlayStation. So instead of throwing in the towel, they think F**k it let's just throw over our limited exclusives to PlayStation & make some more cash.
@lazarus11 Phil's already changed his Twitter profile to "Head of Microsoft Gaming"
@ButterySmooth30FPS and I presume it was xbox gaming before ? Interesting.
@Skorge1091 It’s gotten so much worse, but they had a good starting point so they’ve been able to coast to some extent. They’re count totally need correction too. This gen has not been as good from Sony as the last two for sure.
Sure, Microsoft is bigger. But the negative sentiment among PlayStation fans has nothing to do with that. Sony's slow output of late is the result of sheer incompetence, plain and simple, and it shows. Do I need to remind you of how much investment has been recently burned by a ton of horrible decisions from PlayStation Studios?
Naughty Dog wasted years on its online service game.
Concord sucked a truckload of cash only to be cancelled post release.
Then there's Bend, Bluepoint and so on.
"Oh, games are cancelled all the time!" Yeah, right.
@Art_Vandelay And despite that, they managed to deliver 12 exclusives last year alone, with many of them winning awards and even 1 game winning more than 100! GOTY awards. On top of that they have a great year financially. If this is Sony at their most incompetent, i cant imagine how it must be when they get their ish together
@LogicStrikesAgain Two things can be true at the same time.
While Astrobot is great, it's a project on a much smaller scale than the likes of GOW, Horizon, TLOU or Ghost. Make no mistake, the aforementioned bad decisions inevitably have an impact on Sony's output, and first-party has been meager as of late.
And please, don't mix "exclusives" with first-party. We both know they're not the same thing.
@Art_Vandelay Both are true at the same time, thats why i said despite.
About those exclusive titles. Clearly they had the business acumen to know when and how to supplement their first party lineup. That is actually a perfect example of good management in stead of bad.
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Good for Microsoft, good for Sony and good for gamers.
Going the Sega route just like I thought they would. What a shame if they actually have me reasons to buy an Xbox I would. They just keep giving me less and less reasons to do so.
@Art_Vandelay Negative sentiment in fanbase means nothing. Yes, games DO get cancelled all the time, and this is how this business is run. A publisher that does not cancel games in development will either have to start doing it soon or go bankrupt.
Also, the number of cancelled games say nothing of mismanagement and a publisher success. For instance, the mobile powerhouse Supercell cancels about 90% of their games. The ones that come out print billions. Blizzard of old (when they were good) was also known for non-stop game cancellations, with some of them pretty late in development
@viktorcode C'mon, mate. Let's try to be honest here and compare apples to apples.
There are bad cancelations and catastrophic cancelations. It is always a "stop loss". The earlier you cancel, the better. But what really needs to be analyzed here is the reason why those Sony games were canceled, when they were cancelled (Concord), and the size of the investment ("Factions", Bungie).
It was obvious from the start that this trend chasing towards live service games was a fool's errand. Sony bet too high on the wrong horse. Just look at Nintendo: they've stuck to their guns and ended up as the most successful of the big three this generation.
Diversifying one's portfolio is fine, but calibrating your bets is paramount.
And negative sentiment in fanbase means nothing? Really? Alright, then.
Sign of the times but then again 1 per month or so is something, but thing is they need to step up their marketing.
To me I am fine with games on any platforms, Journos/fanboys can say whatever narrative they like I don't care. XD Whatever is more convincing of 'look they offer 'MORE' yeah and? So what a handful more games then Sony, wow. Why not. Why should I care. XD The strategy is clear. You pick them up or you don't. Competition is being pushed, why not.
I still don't remember Towerborne/Contraband enough let alone some of the other niche ones compared to the big IPs on the roadmap.
Microsoft has coverage for Gamepass and other consoles for wide releases/money coming in but they either aren't all clear with marketing, memorable or I don't want to play any of them regardless of platform and own all platforms already. XD
For those excited enjoy , for the competition with Sony or even third parties & Forza Horizon/Crew/NFS or action adventure, RPG, whatever of games/worlds/done to death mechanics, etc. Microsoft can compete in now on both platforms not just PC/Xbox.
It's a challenge and people are clearly willing to buy them so why not.
Microsoft is doing what they always did with their software anyway just to games. I don't see a problem. Oh they push things further then people's imagination or how businesses can go or stuck in their gaming only mentality, well things can go either way anyway.
So they can keep trying for appealing to people, getting sales but I mean eh. Cancellations who knows on Microsofts side, Sony doing what they can with some of their decisions/direction over the years.
The studios working at what they can. I mean eh. I'm not buying either Sony/Microsoft first party regardless but their ratio is what it is, how they handle things and just what they offer on the market.
But I'm still willing to watch just encase to see how things go even if I don't buy them.
I still own an Xbox for it's apps I can't get on Sony's platform like CD app or Soundcloud or other stuff due to it's PC/Xbox/HoloLens like apps. A platform to still put back compat or old Xbox One third party/1st parties in if I wish. Quick resume is fine on Series X. It's silent and not buying a PS5 just for silent feature to turn that on. XD Still got Impulse Triggers on either as well. The OS runs like garbage because of internet sucking storefront things but Microsoft removed customisation so it's their fault for doing so to advertise too much when PS4/5 runs better.
PS5/Series X are there if I ever care for them but not buying my own, family have them, they use them, I have no need for them I'm buying and beating PS2/PS3/360/Wii/PSP/DS games anyway most times so like I'm missing out. I get odd PS4/Switch releases for Indie or AA physicals I don't own. Some obvious annual racing games others random Indies, others AA Japanese games. It varies.
I get all my PS5/Series X third parties on Switch as I really don't care, PS4 copies are a pain physical to get and they mostly offer them digital usually so I go Switch instead. I know the types of releases I'm seeking won't be an issue on Switch anyway, if a bigger game sure but I don't buy most of those anyway.
Besides end of lifecycle discounts or eshop releases why not too.
Feels like Xbox is following in Sega's footsteps: dropping out of the console market and becoming a 3rd party publisher. I decided to skip this generation of Xbox in favor of Nintendo and Sony, which usually have games that are more my style anyway.
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