A smattering of hands-on Concord previews have just dropped, giving us more information on Sony's upcoming PS5 shooter. The game's full reveal at the latest State of Play didn't go down particularly well, with plenty of criticism aimed at its quip-heavy characters and familiar Overwatch-style gameplay.
Negative first impressions can be difficult to build upon, but we've been saying for a while now that Concord just needs to prove that it's a fun and engaging video game. Get that right, and positive word of mouth should follow, potentially repairing the damage that's been done.
With that in mind, these press previews make for an interesting read. Overall, those who got to play the game at a recent event say that Concord definitely has potential as a competitive shooter — but there are apparently some concerns that surround the core experience.
Let's start with the good stuff. Previewers generally seem to like the game's personality, and some are quite taken with the title's colourful cast of alien characters. And, as alluded, the gunplay is supposed to be nice and satisfying. The gameplay flow's another positive point, as the previews highlight fun hero-specific abilities and teamwork opportunities.
But some aren't totally sold on Concord's melding of live service structure and character-driven storylines. What's more, concerns are raised over the title's longevity. A five-on-five shooter that strives to be competitive simply must hit a homerun as soon as it possibly can within the current market — but it's obviously hard to judge something like that until the game's publicly available.
You can peruse a selection of these previews below.
"While I enjoyed my time in the limited hands-on preview overall, I have several concerns for the longevity of Concord and what it has to offer [...] the problem in Concord, at least in this preview version, is that it takes little pieces from games like Halo and Destiny and mixes them together in a formula that doesn’t quite come together for me as of yet."
Game Informer
"Admittedly, this reveal left me feeling blasé; it looked fine, but not necessarily something I hadn't seen before. However, after playing the game for a few hours during a recent preview event, I'm excited for more of the action. It feels like a mix of Destiny and Overwatch, but I am wary of the team's emphasis on lore and storytelling and if it will pay off in a multiplayer-only format."
PC Gamer
"I don't know if it'll be a Helldivers 2-level phenomenon, but if that's the multiplayer hit of the year, Concord could at least be the multiplayer hit of the summer [...] One thing about Concord that hasn't clicked for me are the characters' personalities. The developers emphasized that despite their fantastical, sci-fi backgrounds, these are just regular people. A bit too regular, maybe. It's like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but instead of neurotic eccentrics, we have a guy who likes hot sauce and sentient robots who developed normal personalities."
"Recently, VGC had the chance to spend three hours with Conord ahead of its beta release, and while it might not do much for players who’ve entirely written off hero shooters, its storytelling ambition is truly impressive, and could potentially influence the way live service titles tell stories going forward."
Are you looking forward to Concord? What do you make of these previews? Wait for the beta and forge your own opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 70
I think it's difficult to judge how the game will handle it's live service business till it goes live. All we can do before launch is try out the beta.
Curious to see if this game is successful or not. If it fails studio might be killed or absorbed into Bungie.
Not my type of game but, if I were to play them, I would like that we get regular narrative drops.
Still dead on arrival
The previews seem reasonably positive. Just a reminder, Sony liked this game so much they bought the whole studio during development. I tend to put some value on that.
Removed - unconstructive
Cross-play with PC would be fine if the game was PvE but this is competitive PvP where PC players gain a significant advantage with precision mouse aiming, unlocked frame rates for quicker response times, and ultrawide resolutions allowing a greater field of view.
It's also practically guaranteed that PC players will start another revolt against the PSN account requirement and the sales will suffer because of it.
To add insult to injury, it's the PlayStation players who get screwed over the most; only console players have to subscribe to PS+ to even play the game, but also get to receive a worse experience in every measurable metric.
@truerbluer the majority of Steam users have hardware worse than a PS5. Only a very small percentage of people have super high end hardware playing games at 120 fps and ultra wide resolutions.
The more likely scenario is that the majority of PC players will be turning down settings to low in order to eke out a stable 60 fps.
Also, cross-play will be optional I would assume, just like Helldivers 2.
Can't really judge it until the beta. The game is getting hate for no reason besides it being a Hero Shooter. I actually like the design of some of the characters(Robot, and the female Mage/Archer) so I'm excited to play the beta.
@ChrisDeku The mouse aiming alone is a huge advantage over the PS5 version, all the other advantages are just a bonus for those willing to pay for it.
You might remember Quake III: Arena on Dreamcast had PC cross-play and it was hilariously disastrous for Dreamcast players who would get destroyed trying to compete with a single analog stick.
Cross-play might be optional but it will probably be enabled by default and encouraged to be enabled, especially if the projected playerbase isn't going to be very high in the first place.
Sony should really give it a PS+ free launch or something. To get people to move from their current fleshed out hero shooters to a new unproven one, is hard enough, not to mention it also costs $$$
I'll be honestly surprised if it doesn't flop
@KillerBoy You've played it then?
Ask Suicide Squad how much a good story and characters matter to a live service shooter.
Of Sony’s live service shooters, who would have guessed that the one that’s a brazen rip off of Starship Troopers would be better received than the one that’s a brazen rip off of Guardians of the Galaxy.
Joking of course. Game looks solid. It’s not my vibe personally but I have a feeling that Bungie veterans might know what they’re doing when it comes to online shooters.
@ChrisDeku "Sony liked this game so much they bought the whole studio during development. I tend to put some value on that."
Well they also bought Jade Raymond's studio and she didn't even have a screenshot to show. All these studios (Firewalk, Bungie, Haven) were bought around the same time when Jim woke up one day and decided that it need to have more live service games or die trying!
Sooo dead dead before new year's eve. Got it.
@LazyLombax as an Overwatch faithful, the monetization for the game got SO much worse when it went free to play. It depends on how Concord is set up but it could be a lot better value for someone who is interested in this type of game.
The reality of this game is the fact thr trailers. The talk, the preview have all made it clear...
It's not got anything in it that says I'm here I'm new and I'm ready to compete.
It's a game what's been done a million times and probably better. Will it stick for habit yeah, will it stay probably not. The fact is they haven't made this game a single player game on the side which would be the selling point for many ps5 owners.
Helldivers 2 works because your a solider, you can play by yourself and even mulitplayer, your just fighting along side your conrads, for a common goal, your in the army.
This game is a 5v5 hero shooter so even if the gameplay is good, then you may not like the characters. This game has to much you could dislike about it and not want to play. To many elements which can decide whether you play or not
@Tecinthebrain Didn’t have a screenshot to show? What does this even mean? They would have access to everything developed and planned at that time(they were already the publisher). There would be huge amounts of prototyping and concept art and full development overview documents. Very likely a playable vertical slice.
I’m slowly beginning to realize I have no idea how the gaming industry works anymore, regarding what works and what doesn’t and which is the best monetization method.
Games like Destiny 2 and CoD that are $60 to start and then have yearly seasonal passes on top of that shouldn’t work, it’s way too much money to play a game, plus to have to pay to play online on console, when there are free to play games like Fortnite on the same console that don’t even require paying to play online. Then you have $60 live service games like Splatoon which are 4 v 4 but basically have no added expense besides the online. And then all of those Hoyoverse games. Who has time to play and pay for all of these games and how are we supposed to guess in advance what will succeed and what will fail?
So I don’t know if this will work or not, but I know I’m steering clear.🤷🏻♂️
It’ll find a core audience of the most obnoxious people possible, who defend the game against all criticism and eventually send death threats to the devs when the plug is pulled.
@KillerBoy I didn't realise you were a games journalist, so which site do you work for because you obviously got to preview the game right?
It's sad to see that there's a movement against this game, people want the game to fail miserably without even playing it. Infact people were dead against it before any gameplay reveal, I don't know if it's just because it's a live service game, or because it's a SONY live service game.
Concord is easily Sony's best playstation game to date
Removed - unconstructive
Removed - unconstructive
@KillerBoy Says who?
I am Groot?
@nessisonett Isn't that basically every Sony game though?
@Zemo55 it’s not even out
I watched some gameplay earlier. It didn't look as frantic as other 5v5 games, and the gunplay looked snappy like Destiny.
It gave me the impression that I might actually last a minute or two before someone dances on me.
I'll try the beta. If I enjoy it I'll keep my order.
I'm not that interested to play this game because 5v5 hero shooter arena isn't my cup of tea.
Why gaming journos can't do their job properly to explain and give good information to gamers about the games their preview when they got the chance to played it early than anyone?
And as always, IGN are one if not the most notorious when comes to failed their job. For this case, i've read IGN preview and the writer didn't give me a good explanation about Concord gameplay in detail like:
Is it working fine with Dualsense controller with minimal input lag?
I mean, it's a PREVIEW and with limited time what they should focus on is the gameplay. Sure they can talked a bit about graphics, story, characters, game modes, or music. But when comes to preview new IP, they should write if the gameplay is solid and good enough to separate the game from the competitors.
But not just IGN didn't give me a good explanation about the gameplay, but they already talking about live structure / longevity and then comparing with Halo, Destiny, or Apex then say "i don't get the formula". Like duh? You didn't get the full game and not even online so why you even talked about that and comparing with long running and established franchise???
Every time i see or heard IGN, i always remember the time they gave amazing games like God Hand and Alien Isolation a bad score. Or the time their editor generate fake news to get tons of click like they did with Amy Hennig and ND. This is why i rarely trust IGN or "gaming journos" preview or review when some of them can't even pass Cuphead tutorial and can't shoot anything in Doom Eternal🤦♂️
Glad it’s at least previewing well enough. It needs all the help it can get to find any kind of success. The PvP shooter genre is such a tough space and you need to have the special stuff to succeed in it. I’m not entirely against the $40 price tag if the cosmetics are cheap and generous with free stuff. But so far this game is just lacking that it factor to truly set it apart. Also find the focus on narrative to be somewhat strange when it’s a straight PvP shooter? Why not make it $70 and have it have a good campaign, could go a long way.
@PuppetMaster well everyone know IGN is a trash. No one cared a review/preview from them. They are not relevant anymore.
Seems like critics want to be more positive but don't are taking a more cautious tone. I guess the beta will be the true make or break for the game.
Feels to me as if I’m reading the previews for Foamstars.
And we know how that game is doing currently.
i’ll take anything at this point , i need more multiplayers!
I’ll try a free beta, but I suspect we’ve got Sony’s Redfall moment incoming.
Only after grinding hundreds of hours one might know if it's truly bad.
Removed - off-topic
@Malaise That's fair, sadly. Though Sony does tend to attract a certain element no other publisher does. The reaction to SSM just for a short delay was something else. Even Nintendo fans didn't do that to botw, and Nintendo fans used to be the unhinged ones!
I for one actually love playing mp games so I'll definitely try it out before bashing it.
Yeah because Titanfall 1 or Anthem as a story/multiplayer combo was a good idea. They were at the time cool and new (and Anthem ended up that way because Bioware + EA multiplayer demands) but not nowadays too risky and most people want the in and out fun not a story.
The reason people play multiplayer is for the gameplay and to get what they want out of it.
If you want a multiplayer story shooter do a Strange Brigade or something else more suited to it, a more co-op story game not a competitive story game with whatever factions and nonsense. Even Planetside 2 doesn't do that I think.
Not Overwatch [cutscenes sure but not during the main game]/Destiny Crucible (than the regular game) I assume but also make that not work too well either in HOW they go about it of maps.
As far as the footage showed in the State of Play at least. I have no idea how it will actually be but it looks like a typical multiplayer with story talking over and that's not a good idea because who can follow it or cares.
I think they are wasting their time. There is trend following and putting a spin on things, but making that spin worth something is why I get disappointed in the game's industry doing stuff like this is because I think it's the wrong way to put a spin on things compared to other more viable ways instead.
Then again Foamstars had 2 modes and a buisness model. I had more ideas then it's base had so it shows they cared for money and not a good gameplay model because they didn't care. Neither did Diofield either with an eh story and the gameplay was pathetic when 2018's Valkyria Chronicles 4 has more depth even for it having less depth then 2010's original game in some areas.
Same as why Lucid wasted their time with Destruction Allstars and forget most people don't care for vehicle based games or vehicles that's why the racing genre and vehicular combat genre aren't doing well is the creativity is dead for them.
Making it 'modern' doesn't save it if the appeal of it's core isn't there for their intended target audience and an audience that would be fine with those types of games aren't compelled either because it's so disappointing.
Game looks nice for those into it, but I don’t have ps plus so it’s not a game for me
So much ignorance in this comment section. It's like you've all sampled it for yourselves. At least wait till the beta before declaring it 'dEAD oN ArRiVal'...
@somnambulance this hasn't been rushed like redfall blatantly was. The preview footage alone knocks redfall back in it's hole. Have a little more sense. Ridiculous assumption.
@LazyLombax concord will fail even if it started as a free 2 play game.
I'm so curious how this beta is going to be received. It really does feel like everything is riding on that beta being great for this game to stand a chance. I'm honestly looking forward to giving it a whirl.
@ztpayne7 it's only paid costumes apparently..pity the characters are boring af
@rjejr diffrent strokes for different folks..that's why
@Zemo55 lol ..laughs in Stellar Blade
The comments on here are predictably negative, but I thought those previews - you know, the actual subject of this article - were actually fairly positive. Cautiously optimistic is perhaps the better term, but certainly on the other end of the spectrum than the relentless negativity in here.
Having said all that, games like these aren't for me. Just hope it turns out all right for the people who're into these things.
Not really. Personally, I was pretty happy with Sony's style of output - third-person, story driven - as there are plenty of third-party publishers for other genres (like FPS and multiplayer). And it's never been entirely true anyway - Gran Turismo, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank are a few that aren't in the same mold. Most to the point, I don't think anyone who was asking Sony for something different meant generic-looking live service games.
Well the characters look like something I don't want to play as. But that aside, I bought Overwatch and played it once before finding out it was not for me. Wish I got that trash refunded. This game looks like overwatch.
Just give me ‘Shoot The Cool Gun 13’ please
@ChrisDeku counter point: WB execs liked how Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League was turning out during its development that they were considering increasing Rocksteady’s staff as they thought it would become a billion dollar franchise. Just because some suits from the parent company think a game is going to be great does not mean the general gaming audience will enjoy it.
@daveofduncan Regardless of a rush, it looks like an outdated game that’ll flop with critics and players alike right now. The internet is already tearing it apart. Games that get shafted into this cycle rarely succeed
Apparently Bungie felt this had the “stickiness” that TLoU Factions 2 didn’t have, so we’ll see if their expertise plays out.
My take from these preview is that we can expect aimbot-level aim-assist to accomodate pc player matchmaking. which will ruins gunfight feeling on ps5 imo.... At least Valorant console part made the good choice on that part
Right now...
Concord looks bland and generic
It costs $40 to play and is entering an oversaturated genre filled with freebie games into which players already have a lot of time, effort, money and emotion invested.
Marvels Rivals, shown off in the same showcase, looked better and it is up against established games like OverWatch without having displayed any unique hook or selling point to attract and retain players.
More, Valorant is coming to PS.
Concord may yet connect with players and be a hit but right now, it appears to be a Dead Game Walking, Dead Before Arrival and on the quick path to failure.
The best outcome I can see is that it will maintain enough support to keep it open, but not enough to be the hit Sony needs
@LazyLombax "D2 is F2P"
Wow really? My kid has spent a whole lot of money on that game the past few years for a "free to play" game. 🤑
While technically you may be correct, what % of people do you think are playing it for free and what % are paying to play the game? I know some gatcha games get by on a few "whales" paying a lot of money while others skirt free, I have like 300 hours free playing Disney Speedstorm and I pretty much have and play everything, and 500 hours in Fortnite tho I did pay $8 for a season pass over 2 years ago that I keep rolling over, so I do think there is a very big difference between free to play where you get everything, like the Hoyoverse games, and free to play like Destiny 2 where people are paying season passes to get the new content.
Guess I believe in nuance for these types of things while the industry just wants to lump them all together.
@DarianStarfrog But "different strokes for different folks" would kind of imply that all or at least most games would get an audience, b/c of the different folks having different likes, but w/ many of the live service games failing as of late it's more like "few strokes for most folks and no strokes for a lot of folks".
I mean, there seem to be almost more failures than successes.
@PloverNutter Warner bros. Is primarily a film company with little specific expertise in the video game industry whose decisions will be getting made my money people based only on how to maximise existing IP.
Sony is one of the finest video game developers and publishers in the world with a massive history of producing top quality AAA games one after another. Studio heads and a lot of key executive staff are primarily video game makers with a history in creative rolls. The move to buy would have been contemplated for a long time and with a lot of feedback from all key gaming staff. Some dude in an office didn’t just decide to buy it one day without consulting the people that are actual experts in this area.
Being a strictly MP title, this game does not interest me. However, I hope it is successful for both the studio and because Sony does need to diversify its portfolio. I just wish that it had a SP campaign.
...and people go and buy day one and after few days they complain and stop playing...
Product sold, no refunds, good job.
@Americansamurai1 I don't believe that Sony will merge this company with Bungie if it succeeds, I also hope it won't hurt because Bungie is no longer as good as it used to be and it's better for Sony to have a separate company for online games from its own house. Bungie is also not really a PlayStation Studio company, it could be a PlayStation Studio FPS game company and apparently also be able to bring back past PlayStation FPS games like Killzone or Resistance
@Tecinthebrain but maybe Concord and Haven Studio’s game can be very good, I think we need to wait and see what happens with them after they releases
@Golem25 you can’t said that before the game releasing, I’m think we need to stop judge it before it’s coming out, maybe the game will can be a success
@LazyLombax I played a bunch of Destiny 2 b/c my kid plays it but I couldn't handle the platforming in first person view. My kdi said that was in part b/c I picked a character who can't double jump, like it was my fault. Anyway I don't have PS+ now so a lot of that "free" stuff is no longer free to me. And well I really just don't like any first person games.
Congrats on not spending any money.👍
Another Sony game no one asked for. Ugh. 🤦♂️
@LazyLombax "Although you could just equipped a sword and play in third person while platforming to make it easier on yourself"
My kid, nor anyone else, has ever mentioned that to me. Thanks. If I ever give it a shot again I'll be sure to do that. 👍
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