Today's the day Netflix's futuristic adaptation of Resident Evil hits the streaming service, presenting two timelines for fans to follow across eight episodes. It's available to watch now, but what do critics make of the show? Well, there doesn't exactly seem to be a general consensus forming given the review scores we've spotted so far. We've shared some of them below, but remember you can simply start watching now if you have a Netflix account.
GameSpot - 9/10
While this might not be the first Resident Evil adaptation, it's off to a strong start to claim the award for best adaptation we've yet seen. That's not a shot at the beloved movie franchise, but simply a nod to the idea that Netflix's take feels more at home in the video game world. Its storytelling approach of unfolding the plot at two separate points in time over a decade apart keeps things unique and engaging, while tracking the characters through an impending apocalypse in hopeful future seasons should be thrilling to watch--provided Netflix doesn't cancel the show as it has a number of other high-profile series (anyone else remember Cowboy Bebop?). In all, Resident Evil is well worth your time and, ultimately, you may be very surprised by how deeply it draws you into its web.
The Telegraph - 8/10
Resident Evil is a zombie caper that knows what it’s here for. And that is to fill the screen with rampaging hordes of undead and to reassure horror fans that there is life after The Walking Dead. Those boxes are ticked in dead impressive fashion.
Paste Magazine - 7.5/10
With the live-action future of the franchise in a state of flux, Resident Evil marks an ambitious new direction to start charting the next phase. Where the latest big-screen installment faltered by looking too hard in the past, Netflix’s entry finds its stride while looking to the future.
The Playlist - 5/10
It’s tough to say how the series will end up, but there’s a nagging sense through the show’s first four episodes that the show doesn’t have nearly enough kineticism. The same beats get repeated, neither timeline’s emotional journey feels all that tense, and the outbreak as a whole is far too drawn out. A zombie apocalypse stretched out over two timelines shouldn’t feel this overly labored and passé.
The Independent - 4/10
The whole thing is shonky. The writing, by necessity, is largely expository and clichéd (“Scientists said the world would end in 2036,” Jade’s opening monologue announces. “But they were wrong: the world ended a long time ago”), though they also find room for some weird asides, courtesy, mainly, of Paola Núñez’s very evil Evelyn Marcus.
Collider - 2.5/10
Resident Evil as a universe has such a rich history, with decades worth of characters, stories, and mysteries to dive into. Netflix's Resident Evil does its best to integrate these into a more expansive series but flounders under poor execution, awkward performances, and fan service that rarely works. There's a great Resident Evil adaptation in here somewhere, but like the zeroes scattered throughout this show, Resident Evil mostly just bites.
Will you be watching the show in the coming days? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 59
Plan on watching it over the weekend, keeping expectations low, hoping it's really just some decent zombie nonsense really.
Strikes me a bit of bubblegum TV as my mate calls it, nothing too serious, you can stick it on, not have to think to much and just enjoy it for what it is.
I’ll watch it but I’m not expecting much.
Far too spooky for me
Will get to it over the weekend once the rugby deciders are all out of the way.
I'm not expecting an award winner, but it's Resi so I'll try it.
Holy heck, how can something be this divisive? From 2.5 to 9 it's a huge range lol
Anyway, I have to admit I'm super excited for this, I kinda enjoyed the last Resi movie, much more than the other crap we had at least. Yes the movie was bad, but I had fun anyway!
And this has Lance Reddick in it so it's a win already
Sounds like gaming outlets rate it higher than film outlets. Which is... I don't really know tbh. Guess it could be ok for gamers
I'll check it out.
Some pretty decent scores there actually. Far better than I was expecting.
I’ll rely on the people to finalize my “will I bother with it” plan.
The films were devisive too..
Im not expecting much, but I do think im going to find entertainment here, so im up for watching.
Wow just a rapid decline each review lol that's crazy..but like I've always said reviews are people's opinions and usually all be different
GameSpot have clearly never played a resident evil game. The 2.5 review is spot on, this utter crap is not resident evil. It's box tickvil. Nothing else.
Resident evil operation racoon city is a good movie.might check this out.word up son
Nope I'm a big resident evil fan & I don't like how they're changing the lore
For such a huge RE fan I have zero interest in this. Not surprised considering every other RE that's not a scary video game sucks. I'll stick to RE7, RE2 remake, RE4 remake hopefully much scarier this time round and also hoping RE9 ups the scares over the 1 scary part RE8. Yh I pretty much gave up on RE movies or shows in 2004 when they turned Nemesis into Kung Fu panda in RE Apocalypse movie
It has to be better than those Cornball movies that have next to nothing to do with the games. The actors playing the popular characters in those look nothing like them and the made up ones are even worse. Like who the hell is Alice anyway? Awful movies. The first was sorta okay and i kind of enjoyed the second but after that a total crap fest.
I still need to play RE village. I never got around to it yet.
It'll no doubt be more entertaining than Welcome to Racoon City; at least this has a bat-sh*t crazy tone that'll hopefully keep me somewhat engaged.
Gaming sites seem to be the ones with the more favorable reviews. I’m giving it a shot.
Just watched the first 10 minutes and it’s BAD. Really bad. I know one shouldn’t judge prematurely but first impressions count.
Clearly every single person involved in the making of this show has never played a Resident Evil game in their life. They’re just using the name because it’s popular.
If you’re going to GameSpot for your TV and movie reviews, then I don’t know what to tell you.
@Resi32 God forbid black people exist.
@Tim_Henson There’s an ignore function for a reason.
With such a wide gap in the reviews it's definitely a "Give it a watch and I'll see what I think" type of situation. It would have been nice to have a general consensus but I like resident evil as a series so I'll definitely watch and formulate my own opinion
I didnt even make it to the end of the first episode... sure its got zombies but this is Resident Evil in name only. Hoping beyond hope that the Last of Us show will actually deliver the goods instead of whatever this is meant to be.
@PaperAlien what really annoys me is the way the zombies hang back or attack one at a time because the plot demands it.
I don’t mind that the zombies can run (although I do prefer the slow-walking variety myself). But to show them sprinting and piling on top of each other one minute and then standing back (so a single zombie can fight the main character one on one) the next really breaks the immersion. If you’re using fast zombies they should swarm the character all at once - that’s the whole point of having fast zombies 🙄
I’ve just finished the first episode (reluctantly). I like the guy playing Wesker but that’s about all the praise I can give it.
I am almost certainly never watching this show.
Netflix is like Russia... Take famous thing Screw what you can, Release as huge thing.
Yikes, I wasn't expecting such a low review score from Collider.
I may wait awhile before watching this show.
@Resi32 I agree.
@GagaOooLaLa haha I completely agree with your review of the first episode. The 1 zero v hero moments were so immersion destroying especially since the zeros tend to attack as a group. This version of Wesker is pretty cool. I think it's an interesting take do far but I hope the violence ramps up. There best be more giant monsters at they are the scariest in the games. Library anaconda anyone?
@djlard lol That's what the rest of the world says about America and anime.
the movies didn't do the games justice i dont think this will either and the remakes take or leave em,
im with the original games psx and 2 the rest are hmmm not as good lol
@nessisonett no no there's no issue with them existing, there's every issue with Netflix deciding to completely wipe the memory and history of a well established character. Not only is the character nothing like Wesker and has only been cast to tick a box, but wtf kind of background story have they given him too. Sure as hell isn't Weskers. Anyone who supports this crap, you aren't a resident evil fan.
@Resi32 How is he not Wesker? He’s playing the part of Wesker. He’s Wesker. His little script says Wesker. His chair in the studio says Wesker. In the credits, it says Lance Reddick: Wesker. He’s Wesker.
Watching it now. It’s fun to see how it starts vs how’s it going. Zombies are creative, maybe monsters more so, sinister science, wesker and raccoon city.
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
People are way too serious and emotional about this... as if Resi wasn't hokey to begin with. It looks fun with decent production value. If the characters and story work it's fine.
The boys strays way off of the comics, but it's a damn good show.
@Resi32 Genuinely tell me what you’re offended by here? Like specifically lay out what you’re so aggrieved by. Lance Reddick is a great actor.
Is pushsquare not reviewing it?
I have a huge crush on Ella Balinska so I am willing to give this a chance but to be completely honest I am expecting this to be a dumpster fire. Also Lance Reddick as Wesker I actually am excited for.
For it to be true to its roots, it needs fixed cameras, actors not able to shoot and moving at the same time and having to stop and turn 90 degrees before moving again, plus typewriters. Than I will watch it.. maybe.
Just popping in to say Lance Reddick is the man.
That is all.
Watched the first episode.. Aaand thats just about how much I can handle of it. More power to people if they can enjoy it.
@Resi32 don't mind him lol
Kinda wanna watch it cause of Ella, kinda also don't cause it's resi netflix.
It’s terrible. Unwatchable. Hateful unsympathetic characters making stupid choices and being grumpy. Note to writers; ‘Being angry’ is not a personality.
Yeah it's crap. Not even so bad it's funny. Just a steaming turd.
That GameSpot article mentioning Cowboy Bebop, as if it shouldn't have been canceled after that absolutely abysmal first season, is sus. Just stinks to high heaven.
As long it is decent I will be okay with it.
I was expecting Jade to start singing and dancing to Thriller at the beginning, but they threw in a giant caterpillar instead.
I managed to watch 30 minutes before I'd seen enough.
@nessisonett if you read up on the lore you'll know there's a very good reason why Wesker wouldn't be anything but white Ozwell E Spencer was a eugenicist & started project Wesker to develop an advanced race of human beings he was basically a white supremacist
@Would_you_kindly Considering that the 13 children whittled down by Project Wesker were specifically stated to have been adopted from around the world (One being named Hiro implying they were Japanese), it’s not unlikely at all that one of them was black. In fact, we only see Alex and Albert in person so we really don’t know.
@nessisonett they were sent around the world but I still think they'd all be blonde haired blue eyed white kids (Spencer's vision of the perfect race) & if a child is adopted in Japan I'd assume they'd be given a Japanese name
@nessisonett no one can be as cheesey as the original wesker actor in the first game!!!! gotta make sure his hairs in place 😂
@Would_you_kindly Given Japan is possibly the world’s most ethnically homogenous country in the world, I doubt you’d find many blonde haired white orphans in the 1960s. All this aside, does it really fundamentally alter the character? The whole Project Wesker stuff is deep lore from entries that were largely panned. Lance Reddick is a great actor.
@nessisonett whilst lance reddick is a very good actor as a big fan of the franchise I just don't like how they've altered or just plainly ignored the lore I hope they cast him as silens in the horizon series though
Im going to watch but with low expectations. I got to episode 4 of the Halo series before being bored off so lets see how far I get with this. Fingers crossed.
Movies/dramas/games/other entertainment are destroyed by political correctness. This drama fell prey to exactly that. Too boring.
I watched the first episode and it's ok so far. It is after all a movie of a video game which I always vision should then be a parody/comedy. The big bug popping out from under the pavement I found more comedy than horror and flashed me back to the many silly "Tremors" movies. I will watch at least one more episode.
One thing I like from watching the first episode is the cinematography and also that it is not in a panoramic 2.40:1, or wider, ratio.
@Truegamer79 Still the first Resident Evil movie adaptation was better then the utter crap we have now.
@nessisonett Yeah it does ruin it for me completely the other movie with that without the title i never would have known that it was Resident Evil. Make new characters dont change the lore but we all know that this would take effort.
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