While casually browsing the Nintendo Switch’s painfully slow digital storefront this week, one game in particular caught my eye: it’s called, amusingly, Gekisou! Benza Race -Toilet Shooting Star- and the typo-laden description explains that you’ll be riding a bog in various racing scenarios. The provided screenshots look scrappy, and the artwork borders on bizarre – but it got me thinking about a largely forgotten PS3 game, Kung Fu Rider.
By comparison, this Japan Studio (RIP) effort was relatively tame: you controlled a private investigator on an office chair, riding through surprisingly detailed Hong Kong districts. There were various obstacles you had to avoid, like people carrying ladders or trucks parked along the side of the road, and you had to duck underneath them or jump over them. Later, members of the mafia (Triads?) would try to impede your progress, but you could dash into them or kick them like a martial arts master. You’d later unlock a second character, in full traditional Chinese dress, named Karin.
It was, effectively, an endless runner – albeit an incredibly high budget one, with a surprisingly strong sense of style. Despite the fact you’d blitz past them at up to 50km/h, all of the environments were richly detailed, bursting with scenic detail, like vending machines, air conditioning fans, and convenience stores. The game was really amusing, too: the top left of the user interface included a close-up of your character’s face, gurning as the chaos unfolded around them.
Later in the game, you’d unlock different “vehicles”, all based on household appliances like vacuum cleaners and piano stalls. In addition, the levels would grow in complexity, allowing you to grind power lines onto the roofs of apartment buildings and through in-door malls. The stages were actually quite entertaining, although the release seriously lacked variety, and there’s no doubt this was a 10-minute tech demo stretched across a full game.
Unfortunately, the foray was let-down by Sony’s desperation for PS Move content at the time. Despite clearly originally being designed with a DualShock 3 in mind, the Japanese giant added it exclusively to the launch lineup of its motion controller, and it felt worse than some of the most offensive waggle-‘em-ups on the Nintendo Wii. While the peripheral was plenty accurate enough, the developer clearly didn’t have enough time to adapt the title’s mechanics, and it was borderline unplayable as a result.
But thinking about it does take me back to a time I sense a lot of PlayStation fans miss. This was 2010, of course, the early days of the PS Store – and the very beginning of the indie boom. I think over time, Sony has ceded these more outlandish projects to emerging teams, focusing its own efforts on the multi-million dollar AAA titans it feels only it can create. I’m a little torn over it: Kung Fu Rider was not a good game, but I guarantee it’ll live longer in my memory than the next open world fancy.
Did you play Kung Fu Rider? Do you remember this era of outlandish PlayStation published games? Speed through the streets on your seat in the comments section below.
Comments 30
Bring back Pain!
@sanderson72 This person gets it! 👆
So many great games stuck on the ps3 storefront sadly
@Americansamurai1 Yeah, all the Sonic racing games, the Motorstorms, LBP 1 & 2 and the much requested for a reboot Modnation Racers.
Sadly all falling on deaf ears as Sony can only remaster games from about a year ago, it seems.
Sony used to be fun - where did that all go wrong?
Thankfully I still have a very much fully working PS3 320Gb 2503 Slim, 3 official & fully working DS3s and a lot of discs.
That is something Sony is lacking in the last 2 gens the odd wacky games. PS1-3 had some really unique games like Parappa, Poy Poy, Bishi Bashi Special, Pain and Tokyo Jungle just dont see anything like that anymore. Hell I would take a new Buzz game!
Even I wasn’t crazy enough to cough up any cash for this one but it has always bothered me that Sony let all of these Move games die like Nintendo did with Labo. Almost all of the Move games, several of the better ones being on rails shooters, would have been good for PSVR. I guess Sony kind of went in on VR and let the Eye die but I do wish they could have kept some of them around.
I own all the Eyes and cameras since the first but really haven’t used them at all, outside of VR, since the kids picked up that Hogwarts wand game on clearance for their mom. Which she played exactly once for an hour. I’m ok with the Wonderbook line dieing, too niche even for me, but I need Dreadstorm Pirates back.
@sanderson72 “ Sony used to be fun - where did that all go wrong?”
Jim Ryan
@sanderson72 They're still fun!
But I think as I alluded to in the article, there was a period before indie games really boomed where they were making a lot of these "smaller" games.
I think they've chosen to partner with indies for that software now. (Tchia a recent example.) And they're putting all their energy into the AAA stuff which obviously is what moves hardware for them.
I'd personally like to see at least a few more of these projects developed in-house, but I understand their approach.
Question : Did you play Kung Fu Rider?
Me : Of course I do! 😃
It was hilarious to see skateboard with stool / baby Walker / vacuum cleaner / etc like what the heck was that. 😆
@sanderson72 I miss fun Sony a lot of unique games used to come out all the time
I got Asia version of Kungfu Rider PS3 and it dubbed in Cantonese language, sounds like watching Hong Kong movies. 😆
@Anti-Matter Superb! What an unforgettable experience!
@get2sammyb would love to see sony let their studios work on smaller titles in between the big releases. Like let housemarque work on a new arcade game on the side
@get2sammyb @sanderson72 Easy to make fun little games for your $40 EyeToy camera - yes we do own BOTH EyePet games - but not so easy to make fun little games to sell your $550 PS VR2 hardware. I bought my PS2 console new for $199. Gaming hardware at $500 w/ $550 accessories is too expensive for fun little games.🤷🏻♂️
It's games like this that make me sad Japan Studio is gone all over again. You never knew what you were going to get in the best way. I still hold Folklore in very high regard to this day.
I'd buy a remaster of that one in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.
@Americansamurai1 That'd definitely be really cool if the resources were there to make it possible. I'd love this, too!
@get2sammyb the headline sounds like a reason to get a MRT.
@get2sammyb yeah really curious to see what a smaller title would look like out of naughty dog and Santa Monica.
@get2sammyb @nomither6 Perhaps we should get a Pain reboot - comes with 2 initial characters; Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer
Sony were fun in the PS1 to very early PS4 era - but the PS5 era just leaves me cold.
Ah, Sony pre 2018. RIP my friend.
wow i never played or even heard of it ! i would try this for sure. reminds me those weird outlandish games like Tokyo jungle or Disaster Reports.
Ah yes, back when Sony made interesting games and had Japan Studio instead of the bland ass AAA games they pump out now after putting a bullet in Japan Studio.
@get2sammyb "They're still fun!"
Good joke.
@Sakisa and before they detached their roots and moved to california , now sonys americanized and focused on making serious movie productions 😂 their interactive movie games are just testing the waters first 😂
@rjejr Blimey, the EyeToy - precursor of the Wii waggle-a-thons or, more accurately, the Kinnect? Loved the washing windows and ninja kicking games.
@bindiana Only if they can get Jason Donovan back as the host! Loved Buzz on the PS3 - think there were PSP versions too?
Someone needs to make this game in Dreams for those of us who don’t turn on our PS3’s anymore
@sanderson72 ModNation Racers on the PS5 would be incredible. I spent a ton of time on that game - I bought it twice, as my day-1 disk developed a crack and wouldn't play any more. The artwork some people could put together using those tools were stunning.
No need to try to make it all hyper-realistic, just devote all that extra HP into allowing a bigger build budget.
And a Motorstorm compendium with a remaster of all the Motorstorm games would be stunning.
As for Kung Fu Rider...I remember trying it for a day and deleting it. It was pretty bad. But I enjoyed the Move controllers a lot for about a year - the content just failed to really roll out. I do remember playing one of the Resident Evil games (no idea which one) with the rifle adapter for the Move controller and the little navigation stick that could go with it, and that was one of the best experiences with Move I ever had.
@sanderson72 EyeToy was my first waggle Tennis game, Sega SupersStars. There was 1 zombie level from HotD where you had to hit zombies w/ balls to kill them. 😂 I still can't believe after all these years I traded in my PS2 OG model to buy a slim and I never bought a Slim, what a waste of an EyeToy game collection. 😝
Why I remember this of all the games I've played I don't know. 🤷♂️
The PS3 era was an under-appreciated era for Sony. It was the last time I really enjoyed the exclusive content they were releasing. Such a fun and quirky era for them.
After reading this article, I found a sealed copy on eBay for $5 and bought it. After years of curiosity, I finally got to play it, and I'm glad I did.
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