The new PS Plus tiers are only a few days old here in Europe, but they're already wreaking havoc on my email inbox (which, let's be real, is a total mess to begin with). If you don't know, every time you buy something from the PlayStation Store, Sony will send you an email receipt. Fair enough, but you can get absolutely spammed with these things if you claim a lot of PS Plus games — just adding titles to your library counts as a 'purchase'.
Here's the thing: the subject line of these emails has been striking fear into my heart once a month for the past ten years or so. When I log in to my email account for a quick check up, and I'm greeted with multiple emails that all say "Thank You For Your Purchase", I immediately assume the worst. Even if it's just for a brief moment, there's a thought that flashes across my brain: "Oh god, someone's hacked my PlayStation account!"
Then I remember that I added this month's PS Plus games to my library, or I bought a game that came with multiple DLC packs — some of which show up as individual purchases. But again, just for a second, it's panic stations.
And now, with PS Plus Premium, I'm adding more games to my library than ever before. I checked my emails last night and the entire first page of my inbox read "Thank You For Your Purchase" — I nearly fell out of my chair.
Obviously this Soapbox isn't completely serious — having a panic-inducing email inbox is an undeniable first-world problem — but bloody hell Sony, surely there's a better way!
Do you enjoy reading 'Thank You For Your Purchase'? Is Rob just a paranoid madman? Remember to vote in our poll, and then check your emails in the comments section below.
Comments 77
It's annoying!
This has been a complaint of mine for YEARS at this point. Getting an email like this every time you claim anything from PS+ or that is free is so annoying. If its something paid? Sure, it makes sense. But free? Nope. It needs to stop.
YES! My email is an utter mess now, it’s a minor annoyance but bloody irritating.
Thank you for your Whingeing...Lol...Sony..
It shows how little care Sony puts into the store - its principal moneymaker- that these emails are still labelled as purchases even though they technically aren't and risk confusing customers. Clearly 'add to library' is just categorized as a 0,00 purchase in the backend, hence the mails being triggered automatically as they would for a priced purchase.
If I set up email notifications like these for a customer I'd be looking for a new job before long. Just set up a mail with different wording, e.g. 'PS Store redemption successful'.
Oh Sony, you really know how to get people's knickers in a twist.
Keep it up.
One way to get around it is to not download a load of items in one go or the emails will keep coming, I only download what games I'm going to play, not bulk everything on the hard drive lol
and they spam your phone with notifications if you have the app installed . it’ll pop-up everything that finished installing , like when i installed mk11 ultimate - the amount of times the notification sound pop-up happened for each character and skin that finished installing was ridiculous .
i turned that ***** off .
@Ryany a simple option would be to turn off emails for plus games and extra, would help for the spam
I always found the massive array of e-mails when redeeming PS Plus games so weird.
it should not say Thank You For Your Purchase because i dont own them. they can remove the games so i cant play them anymore.
PlayStation - Thank You For Your Article.
Feeling entitled - The entitlement mentality is defined as a sense of deservingness or being owed a favor when little or nothing has been done to deserve special treatment. It's the “you owe me” attitude. Entitlement is a narcissistic personality trait. It's not known exactly how this mentality develops.
Definitely thought Sammy wrote this.😂
If you think it's bad now wait until you lads grow up 1 day and have kids, and your kid accounts - Steam, Switch, Gamepass, PS - are all linked to your email, so every time they download a demo you get the email. 😝
I really need to get my Steam account switched to my teenager. I almost never use it and they're on it all the time. But it's a pain on Sony and Nintendo too when you set up accounts for little kids then they grow up into older teens. Long term planning is not these companies strong suits. Both my kids made new PS accounts, left their old trophies etc in the dust.🤷
Worthing saving these emails. If you purchased it, then it’s yours. If I bought something and one day I could not play it then I would tap the seller on the shoulder and ask for it back. There is a difference between purchasing something that being able to freely use it in exchange say for a subscription fee.
Thank you for your many...many...purchases. Would you like to make more purchases? Thank you in advance for more purchases.
Emails on purchases, fine.
Free Plus downloads? No.
Not that hard Sony
Some people get so wound up by the least of things. Imagine letting it get to you like that.
The emails are a minor annoyance. Set up a folder and with a rule that puts them in that folder. Then turn notifications off on that folder. Purge it every so often if you need to.
Awaits people moaning they shouldn't need to
My six year old did the same thing downloading all the video apps he could to the PS5. He's surprising good at Astro's Playroom.
Bothers me not and, as others have said, easy to solve.
I always found it to be annoying before this newer Plus came. Thankfully I'm not getting the big spam yet as my premium is on an alt account at the moment.
It's worth saving them though. Someday in the future you might want to look back and see if you claimed something so it helps makes it easier to find. Imo it's better for them to be seperate emails than to be bundled into one. Set up a folder, highlight them all at once, click read at once without opening them and then leave them in that folder.
Little story from my Vita days. A game I claimed from PS+ eventually ended up delisted and I had a hard time finding it. Because I bundled the purchase with other PS+ games, I couldn't find it so I had to deal with Sony directly to help get it back and that took months. The email helped me find the date I claimed it
My old email adres 1900 email and after deleting them still came i think i deleted 3000 mails in total....
This is why you give these sites your "trash" email account. I made one specifically for my Hulu, Netflix etc because they absolutely love to spam your inbox with trash.
Haha very funny article, and it’s true! I also ended up with about 30 emails!
Always and typical Sony, dam lucky their studios make the best amazing open world games and story driven games else I wouldn’t touch them from a company and customer point of few.
If Microsoft had not messed up with the Xbox one and grown and developed their studios and managed them correctly and even now that’s questionable, I think Sony would have some serious competition on their hands, against the series consoles and game pass.
But that’s not the case, so for now they can slightly rest on their fantastic games and experiences, for now and who knows maybe a lot longer as Microsoft still can’t really seem to get their act together.
@Dudditz09 I think the article is definitely written in jest. No one’s actually angry about this! (Although it is a silly oversight on Sony’s part.)
Even Scott the Woz pointed out this problem during the PS Now days. Hate it when Sony does this.
@get2sammyb oh I know the article is in jest, some of the comments here though... Maybe not so much
It's always been a problem though, but I always do end up checking the price on each one just in case lol
There should be an option that says: Nope, I haven't subscribed to PS Plus Extra/Premium or Nope, I'm not downloading games like a lunatic.
And then we are surprised that casual users are misled into thinking their games are theirs to keep?
I mean you can just mass delete? 😂😂
I see your point though.
@Golem25 dang. You should be a politician. Yes it’s annoying but an easy fix. Something this simple reflects on the company as a whole?! Talk about a broad generalization. Yikes!
You can always filter it out into another folder. Filter subject is "Thank you for your purchase" and email contains "0.00". Problem solved. Those will go to the folder and not your main inbox.
It’s annoying. Another thing that really annoys me is that they still keep demos and trails in your game collection… tricking you into thinking you have the full game available to you.
I can see it’s also going to be annoying seeing premium package games as part of my scrolling through the extra package games.
Basically, the whole things pretty messy …which is a shame as some of the games offered are pretty decent. Just needs some better menu organisation
@Dudditz09 so when your account does get hacked and someone goes on a purchase spree you'll have no idea... genius.
Set up your email so you dont get notifications...i just delete them as it really dosnt take long and i'm pretty sure that the majority of people have much more pressing things to worry about..
"Here's the thing: the subject line of these emails has been striking fear into my heart once a month for the past ten years or so."
Yeah as someone who rarely makes ps store purchases, these emails momentarily startle me. I see "thanks for your purchase" in my inbox and immediately think "oh crap."
And suggestions to just filter your inbox really defeats the purpose of purchase notifications.
@Dudditz09 oooh be careful dude..i recently made comments about people moaning and being a tad miserable and i got flak for that..dont be logical or too happy here as it's frowned upon by some posters..
@zupertramp my online banking takes care of that for me, little things called notifications when I spend.
Genius right enough
Filtering does not counter the purpose of notifications. 1) you still get the notification, it's just in a different folder; 2) you still get standard purchases in your inbox. The only thing being filtered is the email with a "0.00" amount, which is the point of this article.
@Dudditz09 yeah, everyone should get your bank rather than Sony just addressing a somewhat broken notification system. Didn't think of that.
@lacerz and there is that.
If you know how to set up filters correctly it really is amazing what they can do. Genius you could say.
@zupertramp I'm sure more than my bank offer that service, probably most do these days.
@Northern_munkey it's just that the constant scolding from the "I've never once in my entire life complained about a minor inconvenience" crowd gets old.
@lacerz true, if you get that specific with your filtering parameters, it could work. Oor Sony (the billion dollar company) could just address it on their end. Kinda all anyone is saying.
@Dudditz09 why are you working so hard to miss the point?
@zupertramp can you stop replying to me, you're filling up my inbox with pointless notifications.
And I'm not working hard to do anything, I'm just sat here enjoying my afternoon.
@zupertramp i get it dude..but when you get the same people complaining about the same things over and over it becomes quite comical..but i hear you..👍
John Kimbell: "Stop whining!"
I have barely noticed any change. Plus for all the Karens like the one who wrote this article - there's something your mail does called "rules". Look into it.
I can't even play premium games, even though I've paid for it, so hopefully this is a big bug that will be fixed.
Thank you Sony, for ignoring me.
And the award for the ultimate First World Problem goes to...
Ever since Sony removed the cart option I have been griping about it due to the excess emails. As mentioned before it is especially bad if you get any DLC for games too. Along with others, I have always said that if it is an actual permanent purchase, then you should get the email (AFTER you fill your cart first and get everything at once. Multiple purchases also messes with my credit card, but that is another issue in itself). Anything that is a rental towards a subscription (PS+) should not get any email, since it is not yours to keep once you end your rental service.
Unfortunately these emails are the best way to check if a game in your library is a full license or PS Now/+ extra. So they do serve a legit purpose until Sony improves what info is available in the library.
It's not just Sony that this happens with, also, as a couple of other people have already mentioned, if it annoys you, set up an email rule.
Adding Extra and Premium games to your library offers no benefit so no reason to do it unless you gonna play them
Oh no, I just added Observation to my downloads and Sony sent me an email thanking me for my 'purchase'.
However will I cope?
Easy solution. Stop claiming games unless you are actually going to download them and play them. Maybe it's to make a list so to speak, but gasp, write it down or type it out on your computer.
I'll admit that they shouldn't send out these emails if you are claiming games on PS Plus++, especially since you can't keep them like on regular PS Plus, but at the end of the day you just simply delete them. Especially since you know that they are coming, there should be no need to be freaking out anymore.
Thank You For Your Purchase
I've never even had PS Plus and I still hate this. Every time I download a free demo, or a free media app, or claim some sort of giveaway, "Thank You For Your Purchase". All the mini heart attacks I've had surely add up to one big one by now.
This has been an annoyance for years. Go on a little shopping spree or, as you mention, add the monthly games and BOOM. Your inbox is stuffed.
It would make more sense of they sent you a grouped receipt for all the things you add in a session. Or at least only things you ACTUALLY buy. "Add to library" should not generate a receipt, as it's used for free items.
Give those first world problems a big old sniff 🙄
I don't worry about a hack....I worry about my child buying a bunch of loot boxes without asking. Every single time.
Dunno about other services, but in gmail, you can just search for all emails from Playstation, click to highlight all of the emails, and then archive them. It's a process that takes all of five seconds.
Lesson no.1 - How to raise your selling statistics.
1. Mark thousands of products as free.
2. Count them as "sold" with 100% discount.
Your sells will rocket jump.
Lesson no. 2 - How to lower your taxes
1. Sell as many products as you can with 0 profit (see lesson no.1)
2. Tag these products with highest initial price.
You have sold milions of products, but your profit is minimal, so you pay minimal taxes.
Anyway. When I'm buying some games, I also open email in my mobile and immediately delete any "thank you" emails.
I've cancelled Plus as everytime I got an email notification I was getting excited - I'm expecting an email from Nigeria regarding a rich dead relative I never knew
Its always been annoying, but its hardly news, its been happening for years.
Though I wish they didnt do it, its hardly crime of the centuary, and I dont think deleting a few emails will seriously inconvenience anyone, I have loads of crud to delete daily anyway! 😁
It's a nothing burger for me. My emails are organised to the Nines.
Just set up a rule on your email client of choice and redirect the PS ones into the bin.
@ShogunRok You could always create an email filter that stops alerts for any of those emails containing £0.00. That way you only get alerted by actual purchases.
I setup a rule, so anything from that email address goes into it's own folder.
1st world problems🤣
@SJBUK absolutely, I don't get all the people whimpering 'bout it. These days everyone is just looking something to be offended by.....
Every week I grow more convinced Sony has hired Nintendo to build their digital server infrastructure.
I share that monthly fear of seeing the purchase notifications for the freebies! I can't believe it's not just me. How can I assume my account has been hacked every month for years without instantly knowing what the reason is? IDK. But it happens monthly.
That said, I don't mind it for that. That really is a $0 purchase. You did actually complete the normal cart process as receive a somewhat normal retail license (as long as you sub.) But sending you purchase notifications for rentals?! PS Now didn't have that problem. Did they just plug the entire rental catalog into the monthly Plus giveaways redemption process and call it a day?! I'd point and say "Game Pass doesn't do that"....but "PS Now didn't do that, either."
I can somehow picture Jim "The Accountant" Ryan hand waiving someone that wanted to design licensing for the new service telling them they don't need to spend money on a new design when they already have plus giveaways. Just use that.
@djlard LOL, if it were any other company I'd assume tax fraud were the primary reason. But this is Sony. I'm pretty sure IT incompetence is the likeliest reason.
@rawzeku I wouldn't mind it if they let you add all the Plus games at once, like they used to several years ago, so it's a single email for all the stuff you picked up - or if it waited, say, an hour and if you were still "buying" free items it bundled them all together into one email.
If it's a real purchase with real money (including wallet credit), sure - send the announcement email immediately, and multiple announcements for multiple purchases. If it's a $0 transaction, queue them up and send them as a single one at the end of the day, or at least after an hour of store inactivity.
Can you not simply turn off notification for that app?
@nathanSF i said i did , hence “i turned that ***** off” .
@nomither6 Ah, ok, my bad. I read it as turned the app off, not just notifications.
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