Wow, what a busy week! Between the likes of Battlefield 2042, the GTA Trilogy, and the umpteenth re-release of Skyrim, we've really had our work cut out keeping on top of it all. It's always fun when the release schedule is so stacked, though, and here's what we've been playing.
Sammy Barker, Editor
It's looking like it's going to be GTA all day, all night for the foreseeable future for me. Obviously the issues with the GTA Trilogy are well-documented across the site, but I'm still enjoying my time revisiting these cult classics.
Liam Croft, Assistant Editor
Last weekend I was in the past, this weekend I'm in the future. I'll be taking Battlefield 2042 for a spin as I play the game for review.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
I'm heading back in time to read a 1991 issue of CVG magazine, and blasting through the Mega Drive shoot-'em-up Gynoug on PS5, all in the name of Issue 402's 'What Are You shmuPlaying This Wings of Wor Weekend?' merriment.
Short but sweet from the Push Square team this week, then, but no doubt you've got plenty to play, so let us know what you're up to in the comments section below.
Comments 101
I’ve been playing Diablo 2 this week, I’m actually following a build guide - not something I’d normally do but I am quite enjoying the process!
Cyber shadow, bought it at launch but distracted by other games, now I'm playing it again. Also the music in this game is really catchy
And unistalled marvel avengers from gamepass pc, I just want to play as the avengers (playing as the hulk is kind of fun), why the game keep making me playing as the kid, I don't care about her, I didn't even know her before this game.
FF8 Remastered (it’s still a bit rubbish), Football Manager 22, bit of Animal Crossing and NBA and I’ll probably start Arkham Origins. Plus I’m about 70% of the way through a Link to the Past/Super Metroid joint randomizer.
@wiiware Cyber Shadow is incredible. Really quite tough but after awhile it clicked with me and I got the Platinum on both the PS4 and PS5 version. Amazing game.
I am ploughing through Ken’s on master difficulty. I’m fairly early but enjoying the difficultly at the moment
How does one stop playing Skyrim after you start? Asking for a friend.
On PS5 I'll be playing the excellent P5 Royal. Currently in a casino.
Also razzing around Hawaii in the excellent Forza Horizon 5 on Series S.
FFXIV Endwalker prep for me!
@ApostateMage You should spoiler tag that casino
Didn't know which game to sacrifice to make HDD space to reinstall the updated Skyrim so maybe another time. Plus I've just accepted it's hard to put the masterpiece RDRII down. Apart from Arthur's throat animating while eating, just realized he kneels when it's a flat ground and squats on slopes tsk what a game! I'm an attention to detail kind of guy so if you aren't you wouldn't appreciate the level of details going on. Then it's probably GT Sport and anything else on the side.
I beat Guardians of the Galaxy (amazing) and Far Cry 6 (it was ok) recently, and now will be messing around in Call of Duty Vanguard's multiplayer, and a bit of Forza Horizon 5.
I still need to play through Shadowbringers this month!! @TraCuz-
Rise of the Tomb Raider, the best of the new trilogy. Just got 100% in campaign, so now it's time for time attack, I have to get a gold medal in each of the levels. wish me luck!
Elden Ring Beta... And Dishonored Death of the Outsider, after recently finishing Deathloop I'm still in the mood for Arcane Games..
@Mhoney I like that the game is hard but fair, the save point is never really far from the dangerous section of the game.
And the music man, especially the first stage, I want to buy the game soundtrack lol.
Had a busy week, so just a few matches of Apex Legends.
Being a veteran of the PS4 version of the game from day 1, I now started from scratch on PC with a new account, and damn... does it take forever to unlock those characters!
I'm using an xbox controller with PC, and surprisingly I'm doing better against (I suppose) PC gamers who mostly use M&KB than I ever did playing on PS4. Gone from a 1.0 K/D ratio to close to 1.8 and winning every third game or so.
Elden Ring Network Test
I really want to play the GTA trilogy but trying not to get caught up in the hype- which is actually easy with all the issues with it. Couple of months and a tonne of patches and then I’ll pick it up in an inevitable sale.
Shame because at this rate I wish I bought the PS2 versions that got taken off the store.
Just More Forza Horizon 5 again this weekend.
Forza 5 on Xbox ..Battlefield 2042 on PS5 and GTA 3 on PS5...... I can copy and paste this for the next 6 weeks I think!! Bye bye life
Have a great weekend guys ❤
@TraCuz- Oops! Edited that, cheers.
@Kalvort Enjoy it man! Have some tissues nearby haha
Returnal all week since I got it. This game is brutal hard but so rewarding. Just started Act 2. Will probably pick up Demons Souls and Kena soon. Also playing Guardians and squeeze in some Forza 5 on game pass. Loving the current gen consoles. Great time to be a gamer!
Valfaris a amazing indie third Person shooter.easily in my top 10 best indie games ever.dragon dogma dark arisen.easily one of the greatest games of all time.especially using magic as a mage.days gone ps4 best underrated exclusive.days gone is amazing.deacon st john is easily becoming my favorite protagonist of all time.im at the end of big daddy kane vs krs one battle.2 of the best mcs ever.watching good times.the Jeffersons.martin..saved by the bell.and watching my Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Lions and win theyre 5 games in a row.i will be singing and watching one of my favorite old school rap song video ever after Pittsburgh Steelers win.luniz i got 5 on it.and the remix also.word up son
Boomerang games have let me down (again) so I’m not playing Jurassic World Evolution 2...
So, I’m just working on getting the platinum in Far Cry 6. Only need a few collectibles and I’m done 👍
Been playing The Persistence and quite enjoying it. I almost managed the third objective yesterday but not quite so will be trying that again later.
Elden Ring beta. I can’t believe this is 3 months from release. It’s beautiful and fun to explore, but there are some seams split, monsters get stuck on environments (giant yeti thing at mountain gate) which enabled me to beast claw it to death. Love the trumpeter, not so much the 20 soldiers that come afterward.
COD Vanguard (PS5). That's it for now
And also.word to your mother.Its college 🏀 basketball season.so i will be watching my Michigan wolverines tonight.they are a 🏆 championship team this year.watching the movie gully and horror noire.and fear street 1978.word life.word is bond.word to god.word to your mother.word up son
Mass Effect 3. Exploring everywhere and talking to everyone. Just beat Vega's pull-ups record. At the end, I couldn't help but think "Why?".
Great game and series.
@Mhoney @wiiware I should go back to Cyber Shadow as well. Just like @wiiware, I played it at launch and liked it a lot but got distracted by other stuff.
I beat F.I.S.T. last night and will probably mostly stay away from games for the rest of the weekend, as I got some other stuff to do, ugh
Detroit: Become Human. Started it early in the week. I'd say I'm probably about halfway through it and I'm loving it so far. Loved Heavy Rain back on the PS3, kept putting off Beyond: Two Souls because of mixed reviews, and then kept putting this off too for whatever reason. I guess in a way I'm glad since I'm finally experiencing Detroit: Become Human now.
Skyrim & Tales of Arise. I struggled through the bugfest that was Skyrim on PS3. So glad to finally play a version that does this masterpiece justice!
Series S: Back4Blood with friends, Forza Horizon 5 and Forgotten City. Thank you gamepass.
Ps5: Death Stranding DC. Keep on keeping up!
Switch: GF playing the Pokemon Shield DLCs.
Have a nice weekend everybody!
Completed vanguard. Enjoyed the campaign-could have def been longer tho. As I also completed far cry 6, will mostly spend time clearing the maps & side quests. I still prefer far cry 5 to far cry 6. The story & characters of 6 was a let down from 5. Fun game to play.
Pushing on with Far Cry 6, the skies have been cleared, so it's time to take on supply drops quickly, then move the story forward a little.
I don't know if I'd call GTA a cult classic. Don't get me wrong it's definitely a classic just not what I'd call a CULT classic. That's like calling Call of Duty 4 a cult classic!😄
As for what I'm playing I'm still just chipping away at Far Cry 6 and Trails in the Sky 3 with a little Vanguard multiplayer sprinkled on top for good measure.
I have a horrible toothache at the moment, so I don't think I'll play anything today :/
However, I do plan to splurge on Monday and buy four or five games (Necromunda: Hired Gun and DBZ Kakarot for example).
Happy weekend everyone!
Still making my through the utterly incredible Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut on PS5. Over on Switch, I should have Metroid Dread wrapped up over the course of the weekend. Both games are insanely fun.
Started Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice yesterday. Interesting game so far, and the combat is weightier than I was expecting.
@KilloWertz Beyond Two Souls is criminally underrated! That game destroyed me emotionally, especially one scene where Jodie meets a certain person. Do yourself a favour and play it!
@Voltan FIST has been on my radar for awhile… waiting for it to go into a sale. It does look decent. So many games right now!
@get2sammyb I know it’s all about GTA now but will Push Square review Unmetal?
@kyleforrester87 i'm back on diablo 2 after a bit of a break..i'm still working on my holy hammer paladin build (level 35) nearing the finale of my first playthrough..also a bit of back 4 blood and a bit of warzone..enjoy your diablo 2 session..
i just got a brand new, bigger tv. Less than 24 hours ago, so, I'll be color calibrating it a bit and then playing a lot! Back 4 Blood, GTA Trilogy, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (which im way late buying, game is fantastic, unreal engine in the game looks awesome). I have tons of others I havent had time to get more than half way done with like Far Cry 6, Valhalla, Diablo 2 and more.
@Divergent95 sorry to hear about the toothache..necromunda is a pretty decent shooter regardless of the kicking its gotten in reviews..i've enjoyed it a lot in the way i enjoyed duke nukem/shadow warrior..hope your toothache clears up..
Disciples: Liberation will be what I mainly play, though I may dabble in a bit of Forza Horizon 5 and Gears 5 Horde (if my mate is about)...
Still got a bit to go on Mafia 3, which is IMHO a terrible port, at least visually and when it comes to loading times. Enjoying the DLC that's bundled with the definitive edition though.
I might take a break from it at some point to play First Class Trouble with my brother-in-law.
Nexomon and Nexomon Extinction. Good games, Pokémon but without HMs, and some features that Pokémon games should have themselves.
Ireland v New Zealand first.
Then some Skyrim, FF VII Remake on Hard, maybe some Demon's Souls or Horizon Zero Dawn.
Elden Ring network test and… BioShock! It’s the first time I’m playing BioShock ever and so far it’s been a real blast.
hopefully I’ll be finishing off Chernobylite. It was my game of the year till about the last hour or so of gameplay, had a save file corruption which I recovered from followed by the game crashing and the three auto saves it farted out just before the crash we’re all at the start of the game which was confusing. So I’ll probably be running through the last few missions on very easy difficulty.
Shin Megami Tensei V.
Been waiting so long for that game!
Hi there fellow gamers.
After finally finishing the great Tales of Arise on PS5, I´ve decided to go back to another great game called Rachet and Clank Rift Apart, PS5 exclusive extraordinaire.
I really enjoyed my time with ToA.
My favourite Tales of cast of all of them and that is saying something.
Also the ending was nice. Just wish the "main antagonist" was more interesting. But that´s just me personaly.
Overall, one of the Best JRPGs. Fully recomend to rpg fans.
So this weekend is going to be RC Rift Apart on PS5, maybe some GG Strive online and Forza Horizon 5 on PC.
Oh, and for those lucky few who got access to the Elden Ring Network Test, enjoy it. From the videos I´ve seen, the full game is going to be so much fun. Especialy a magic build. Can´t wait.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming weekend to us all
@Northern_munkey Thank you! My teeth are usually excellent, but from time to time, I do get a bad cavity lol. Last one I got was five years ago xD
As for Necromunda, I saw some gameplay and my trusted reviewers praised it to high heaven. Was kinda disappointed with Push Square's review. Yes, it was a bit broken at launch, but a 3 out of 10??
I have fallen down the rabbit hole of ESO yet again and I think I will be here until Christmas 😂. Apart from that will be heading back into Brotherhood and finishing the last few trophies in my quest to Platinum the AC series.
PS5 : GTA Trilogy
Series X: Forza Horizon 5
Bugs aside I am enjoying the nostalgia kick from GTA. The originals were a little glitchy anyway so not bothering me.
Going to hope into some battlefield 2042 and some Madden. If I got time going in to Deathloop. My VR has been staring at me for a bit.
Trying to get back into Sekiro after abandoning it about half way through last year. It’s still not clicking for me which is really annoying as I’ve beaten all the other From Software games. I want to like it but I think it’s just too different and I can’t get my head around the combat.
Hoping I don’t have similar issues with Elden Ring.
Shin Megami Tensei V. And it is glorious!
Hey I feel you, Sekiro was idd the first game since Demon's Souls on PS3 which I couldn't complete and get the platinum trophy, I'm not gitting good at it I'm afraid... Stuck at the owl encounter, maybe give it retry with 60fps as well on PS5...
Elden Ring seems to be far more in line with Dark Souls, although it borrows some of Sekiros gameplay elements (stealth, jumping), but it's way more enjoyable
Some more forza horizon 5, I don't think 30 fps has ever felt as smooth as it does in the quality mode of this. I'm feeling the urge to return to boletaria and play some more demon souls.
Not too much on the PlayStation side with unfortunately. I’ll mostly be on the Switch.
@Korgon Haha, that's fair! You're right!
I bought a switch and a dozen exclusives and while it's nostalgic to play the franchises that made me a gamer (metroid, mario, pokemon, zelda) nintendo has a real issue with revolutionizing its brands towards the future with the only exception being zelda. Nintendo Gameplay is great (except xenoblade and pokemon lets go seriously wtf happened to pokemon) but PlayStation has spoiled me to see games are more than just gameplay. Playstation is the king of console gaming currently
Just signed up for ps now and am playing heavy rain and dmc 1 this weekend
Yakuza 3, from the PS4 remastered collection. Took me a while to get used to the jump down from Kiwami 2 (although thank god X to move is absent).
Elden Ring Network test, when I can. It's awesome! Look forward to the full game in February. Also started Apsulov End of God's and finished Hellpoint.
My hype for elden ring and sadness that I didn't get to play the beta made me start up dark souls lol. Looking forward to it
Since I started Act 2 of Nier Replicant the combat has definitely opened up but I still feel the game lacks something in the combat department but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Maybe I'm just comparing it too much to Automata? I loved Automata to pieces so maybe that's why.
1. Forza Horizon 5 (PC)
2. Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
3. Bright Memory: Infinite (PC)
4. COD: Vanguard (PS5)
@Divergent95 yeah i think push square were unduly harsh towards it..enjoy
@Divergent95 I do plan on it at some point. Probably not right after Detroit because I tend to want to mix things up, but I'll definitely play it sooner or later now that I've loved two of their games.
BTW, what's your avatar from? It looks cool, but I have no idea who the character is.
If you consider the GTA trilogy "cult classics" maybe you shouldn't be the editor of a videogame website
After finally finishing LaD, I’m starting Lost Judgment. Enjoying it more than the first currently.
Finished outriders last week,throughly enjoyed than,now grinding thru crysis trilogy, enjoying it aswell in between doin an episode on the walking dead definitive edition
@BrotherFilmriss my latest attempt is on PS5 and it’s def smoother. The problem I’m having at the mo is that I’m maybe halfway through and am trying to relearn the combat after a long break. Currently stuck on some guy with a giant spear: lord of the Seven or something like that.
I’m optimistic about Elden Ring. It looks amazing. Have you played the Beta?
@Northern_munkey I’m following a guide for the sorceress. I had a level 20 barbarian but wasn’t enjoying it (my favourite class on D3). Sorceress seems a lot more fun so far.
As soon as I saw the title pic, I knew @JamieO was tackling Gynoug this weekend. I’ve only taken it for a brief spin, but the second stage boss was fantastic. Reminded me of the scene with the giant from Time Bandits. It’s another bare bones port, but good fun at a good price.
@kyleforrester87 i really like the paladin as its pretty much the same as the crusader in d3..i love that d2 is so much more of a challenge than d3 which as good as the game is was to noobified for me..i hope diablo 4 is more like d2 in terms of challenge..
Just started Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Also playing Battlefield 2042.
@Northern_munkey yeah it’s definitely a challenge compared to 3. But then 3 was very relaxing to just sit down and zone out with.
I agree I hope 4 is more challenging than 3, though.
@Northern_munkey Yeah. Sometimes we need to "understand" when a AA game is broken (at launch). No need to be super harsh on a small studio.
@KilloWertz You're gonna love it! And thanks for asking about my avatar lol.
Check out Othercide. It's a tactical RPG, and the character in question is Mother.
I have to get this in before its time for next weekends installment...i was hankering for some old school shoot em' up kicks so i just bought raiden v directors cut...bloody good but my eyes are hurting (they are old and bolloxed)..i was tempted by gynoug but nah...
Not GTA lol thank goodness I saved my pennies there!
Zero Dawn Game + and really enjoying it again. Probably also get back into Hitman 2 before Hitman 3.
Still Forza Horizon 5 and I started another play through of Jedi Fallen Order. This time on PS4 last time it was on XB One X. Have a great weekend!
Gta 3 for me. Just have some story missions on staunton to clear up (kingdom come was a beast) then over to shoreside vale to clean up the plat. Ten times better than the old version in every way, except for the rain.
Kept you waiting? Huh!
Little hope, Dark Souls 3, Don't starve together, and then GTA Trilogy.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Droid) - Daily challenges and random puzzles.
Bad Piggies (Windows Phone) - Still enjoying this take on Angry Birds.
Burn the Rope (Windows Phone) - Also enjoying this puzzle game as well.
On a side note: I'm having friends over tonight to watch AEW Full Gear. I'll be drinking beer and eating bbq chicken pizza to my hearts content tonight
Mass effect 2 on ps4. What a great game.
I'm playing The Medium over the weekend, which has been quite decent. I love the atmosphere & exploration, and laugh at the Thunderbirds style lip syncing😁
Still the same as the last few weeks. On Switch it's Metroid Dread (fourth playthrough), on PS5 it's Guardians of the Galaxy.
@CthulhuFhtagn Blasphemy...
Currently playing Dark Souls 2: SotFS. First playthrough, and I'm loving it. I'd heard it was the low point of the series, but so far I'm lapping it up. Just feels like 'classic Souls' to me.
@Tsushima I can't highly recommend Kena enough...fair warning though getting the platinum requires playing thru the story a 2nd time on a super hard difficulty level.
I started my 2nd playthrough of Kena on Master Spirit guide difficulty...still struggling to beat one of the early mini-bosses.
(the one outside Rusu's house)
@Divergent95 I better, otherwise you'll... well, I've got nothing there.
As for Othercide, I had forgotten about that one, but then I realized why I believe. Is it a rogue game where you have to restart at the beginning when you die?
@KilloWertz Lol!
It's not a roguelike game per se, but yeah, you do start from the beginning. However, you get shards that you can use to make your next "dream" easier. More health for your Daughters, and you can even skip a boss!
I do recommend you play on Dream mode. Nightmare is literally unforgivable and could cause a broken controller lmao!
Elden Ring network test ( Series X)
Battlefield 2042 trial (series x gamepass)
Bloodborne (experiencing for first time on my PS5)
@KidBoruto Excellent glad Kena is great. Ordered the physical version along with Demon Souls so I can carry on the hard game run after Returnal
COD vanguard zombies is dull
COD vanguard zombies is boring
COD vanguard zombies is rubbish
What you playing this weekend nathan?
a lot of COD Vanguard on PS5 and Halo 1 on PC.suspect i won't finish the master collection before the new Halo drops.
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