Following yesterday's launch of Sea of Thieves on PS5, Microsoft has now delivered on its initial multi-platform promise to bring some of its exclusive Xbox experiences to new consoles. Having made the surprise announcement in February, the firm has brought Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, and the aforementioned seafaring adventure to PS5, PS4 boxes as well as Nintendo Switch. During the presentation that revealed Microsoft's multi-platform plans, Phil Spencer and his team refused to discuss any efforts beyond those four titles. Is that it, then? Will Microsoft now return to releasing first-party titles exclusively for Xbox Series X|S and PC? Those questions can't be answered definitively yet, but probably not.
Having launched the quartet of titles to a positive critical reception — though how well each game has sold on the new platforms is still a mystery — the attention turns back to Microsoft as we await what's next. Realistically, the firm won't be sporting PS5, PS4 and Nintendo Switch logos in its trailers at next month's Xbox Games Showcase, but the June time period previously reserved for E3 may still bear fruit for those wanting to play Microsoft titles but don't own an Xbox Series X|S. Prior to the annual event, Microsoft has for the past few years shared a business update that covers various points it won't be touching on during the livestream.

Sort of like a text version of the recorded discussion that first confirmed Microsoft's initial multi-platform plans, this is the most likely destination for any further announcements concerning more Xbox exclusives making their way to PS5 and PS4. With the Xbox Games Showcase dated for 9th June 2024, the article is generally published in the days leading up to the event. If you're eager to learn what — if anything — comes next, then that's what you need to look out for.
Before that article arrives, though, all the signs appear to be pointing to this just being the start of Microsoft games on PS5, PS4 rather than Sea of Thieves being the end. After multiple Microsoft games made up the list of best-selling titles on the PS Store, CEO Satya Nadella said the company is "committed to meeting players where they are by bringing great games to more people on more devices". At the moment, those players seem to be on PS5 and PS4 just as much as they're on Xbox Series X|S.

It was also reported that Microsoft is using Sea of Thieves as a "key test" for more Xbox ports in the future. Depending on how well it sells, the multi-platform initiative may green-light more games on PS5 and PS4. In the weeks leading up to its PS5 launch, the three versions Rare has been offering for Sea of Thieves have all been some of the best-selling pre-orders on the PS Store, comfortably competing with Stellar Blade and Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. On that basis, the future seems bright. Nothing's official yet, but the chances of Microsoft all of a sudden wiping its hands clean of any further multi-platform releases seems slim. More seem to be on the way; we might just have to wait a month and change for the announcement.
Have you bought any of the Xbox games Microsoft ported to PS5, PS4? (868 votes)
- Yes, I've bought all four
- Yes, I purchased three of them
- Yes, I grabbed two
- Yes, I bought just one
- Not yet, but I plan on buying at least one of them
- No, I have no interest in any of them
Do you think Microsoft will bring more Xbox games to PS5, PS4 or is that it? What exclusive titles do you want next? Put your hopes and thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 123
I think Starfield will come over next in time for Christmas with its DLC, maybe also State of Decay 2.
Then next year we will see Hellblade 2 and Avowed as they are from teams which were already making games for playstation and we've already seen Obsidians latest game make the jump.
If I want to see anything from Xbox on PlayStation consoles, it would be the Gears and Halo series. Other than that, maybe Lost Odyssey or Blue Dragon, but I highly doubt that will ever happen, so I have no qualms playing those games on my Xbox.
I got sea of thieves yesterday and I’m loving it!
No matter how coy they’ve been about it, there’s obviously more coming. I imagine Starfield will be the next big launch, alongside the DLC.
I think Microsoft Flight Simulator will also come at some point.
@Jamesblob Because they’re a huge huge publisher now and basically need PlayStation’s much larger install base.
Sea of Thieves is already proving there’s a massive audience for their games on PlayStation. They’ve grown to such a ridiculous size they can’t afford to hold that software back anymore.
Member when playstation released games and sites like this didn't have to write articles begging for more from competitors?? Good Times...
I'll be surprised if Bethesda's main IP (TES, Fallout, Starfield) don't all continue to release on PlayStation maybe a year after they launch on GamePass. Avowed and future Diablo games too. These are the most obvious ones I think.
Other than those franchises the other one that I'm most eager to try is Sea of Thieves, but between Helldivers and the rest of my backlog I just don't have the time for it.
@get2sammyb I'd love to see Flight Sim make the jump, yeah.
It's such a chill time.
I'd assume the drip feed of older titles will continue, I mean if they are making money, why would they stop?
The hardest part was judging how their fanbase would react, but now it's been done, I don't see them holding back so much, although I'd be surprised to see Xbox staples such as Halo, Gears and Forza arrive anytime soon.
It will be interesting to see where they go from here.
I voted No, I have no interest in any of them - although that should be expanded to 'no interest in buying them on PS5' as I have a Series X, PC and Game Pass as well as my PS5.
It makes no sense to buy on PS5 when I can and/or have played these already on Xbox. It makes more sense to buy games I can't play on Sub Services.
Of course MS will bring more 'new' games to Playstation - games like Call of Duty or Minecraft will certainly release the same day on Playstation as Xbox.
I don't know about their AAA Single Player games as they are the Games that are likely to sell Hardware and Game Pass Subs. Its what they are likely to use in the same way Sony uses games like Spider-Man, God of War or Horizon. Online games though may well be better to release everywhere and grow the Community so that 'friends/family' can play together regardless of their Platform choice. Starfield or Indiana Jones are Single Player games so don't have Friends/family 'excluded' from playing together because of their Console preference.
Maybe Single Player games will 'eventually' release on PS - once they have served their purpose of selling Subs/hardware - much like Sony releasing their games eventually on PC when they think they won't affect their Console sales. But I won't hold my breath or 'expect' these at some point...
I would happily play Forza or Banjo Kazooie on Playstation! If there's ONE thing Playstation does do better than Microsoft, it's accounts. On the PS5, you can create a new profile for new trophies no problem (Or even a guest account for one session only).. No such thing on the Xbox. You have to jump through ALOT of loops to even make a new account :/
I'm guessing Forza coming to Playstation is never going to happen, but still. Dreaming is free haha.
Odd that Ori hasn't made it to PS at this point. Considering how old it is and how it went multi platform fairly soon.
I'm surprised how many people have no interest in the 4 released games. Hi-Fi Rush was a good time and Sea of Thieves is the most fun I've had gaming in recent memory.
I don't like what they've put out so far, but shiiiiiiiit would I be hyped if I could snag Avowed and the next Perfect Dark. I'd take State of Decay 2, as well. Always liked the first one, even if it gave me terrible anxiety.
@sentiententity Agreed. I thought they'd release more of their smaller games like Ori, or maybe even some of the console exclusives they got for Game Pass. Smaller, simpler stuff to port over (I would think). I was surprised 2 of their initial releases were larger-scale GaaS titles that themselves sort of compete with one another.
@Deljo Well we’ve had some great PlayStation games this year and Microsoft is clearly bringing more software to PS5 so this seems like a very relevant discussion to me.
Halo Infinite multiplayer would make so much sense, since it's already included with game pass, and if you wanted to play the campaign, you have to be on Xbox or PC (free marketing).
That said, there are no single player games on Xbox I want, Stellar Blade once again proven, that Sony exclusives, timed or not, are superior.
All the Forzas please!
I would pay full price day one for each and all of them.
A gears collection, master chief collection, and fable 1 would be nice. I think we might get ori next.
@Maubari I could see Forza Motorsport happening, it bombed badly at retail at launch but it's a good candidate for a soft re-launch to recoup some money now Turn 10 have quietly patched it into a best-in-class sim. A PS5 launch would be a good platform for that.
Forza Horizon isn't happening though, you're right.
I think Starfield will be on PS5 this time next year, once the expansion drops they will reveal a PS5 release for early next year.
I expect a marketing-led company such as Microsoft to be reluctant to discuss competitor ecosystems at or around flagship events.
For the time being I think they would prefer low-key if not stealth announcements outside of the "E3 window."
@Bentleyma Sea of Thieves is great if you like that type of thing but i can see why many would skip it. I tried it on Gamepass but while i could see its appeal i just didn't have the friends for it and its not ideal solo.
@UltimateOtaku91 State of Decay 2 is so good, i actually bought it in the end for my SS as i loved it so much and i may double dip if it drops on PS5.
I have a series X I've not switched on since last September, it's literally gathering dust. If I didnt play them there, then there's no hope for me buying it on PS5. Currently there are no MS IP's I'd buy on PS5 - but I'm hopeful that Avowed will be something I want to play!
I wish them well on their new 3rd party publisher future, but if they wish to compete on other platforms they are going to have to deliver a lot better titles than they have been. I feel sorry for the die hard Xbox fans, as MS are still not being clear with them and they deserve much better imo.
I bought:
Pentiment - Awesome
Grounded - Playing with friends, awesome
Hi-Fi Rush - In my backlog
I hope they bring more as there are some really good games I'd play on the PS platform. Made it a point to speak with my wallet.
Hexic HD please!
It's a shame this enthusiasm for Microsoft games wasn't strong enough for people to actually go out to buy an Xbox to play them.
@Titntin it was the same with me with my series x so I just sold it especially as I can see xbox games coming to playstation
I can see them trying to dig up that cancelled PS5 version of Redfall to try to give the game a bit of a Redemption Arc
I would love to see Rare Replay come to PS5 and PC. Banjo and Conker on PlayStation would be surreal.
Microsoft games in more places makes complete sense in the current development climate. Taking full advantage of the PlayStation install base to help fund new titles and subsidise gamepass seems to be working well so far. I fully expect more titles to come to PlayStation after a period of exclusivity on Xbox.
Sony have already said that the current cost of development for their triple A exclusives isn’t sustainable, so something is going to have to give. Either the quality, size and scope of their titles will need to go down, the cadence of new games will fall (as is already being seen) or they will need to release their titles on more platforms (day one pc releases, Xbox/switch 2/mobile releases). Will be interesting to see how Sony navigate increased development costs during the remaining lifecycle of the ps5.
@Deljo it’s not really what is happening, as you can see from the poll results. It’s more like Microsoft published studios “begging” to have an audience that justify their development (not to mention acquisition) costs.
The game discourse since the beginning of the year has been heavily centered around PlayStation exclusives anyways (Rebirth, Helldivers, Stellar Blade…) 🤷🏼♀️
Some more will definitely come but it won't be nearly all of them. I believe all games will have at least 1 year exclusivity and they will analyze review score and interest on xbox/pc before deciding if it's worth it to port to switch or ps5.
I'm still leaning towards it being smaller titles as the Starfields, gears, halos and Indiana Jones remain exclusive.
Their plans will be layered in mystery though so don't expect a formula for which games come and which wont. They want playstation and switch users to question each games exclusivity.
My guess is Hellblade 2 will be the next one to come in holiday 2025.
I've been saying for months, here and on Pure (and seemingly upsetting some along the way) that Starfield will release this Holiday season once the DLC has landed on the Xbox.
I fully expect games to have an initial period of exclusivity on the Xbox of between 6 and 12 months, and then, just as Microsoft did with PC games, they will quietly release them day and date on both systems (until the Xbox ceases to be a console anyway, which I honestly don't see being more than 5 or 6 years at this point).
So I would expect Hellblade 2, Avowed, and Indiana Jones to release on the PlayStation during the course of next year, and likely as not there will be many, many others, possibly including the holy trinity of Gears of War, Halo and Forza too.
It's a sad time to be an Xbox gamer, but it will prove a great time to play on the PlayStation...
This pole should be taken with a grain of salt. As interesting is it is to see the prevailing opinion of people on this website, we, as I have said before are not the entire gaming public. Most people who own consoles have no interest in who makes or publishes a game they see a game that their friends are playing and want it too. Fans of the individual consoles may pay attention to this stuff but the average Joe Consumer does not.
Bring Ori over. It’s the best Xbox franchise since Halo was at its peak. I don’t personally care about Gears and I didn’t buy any of the PS editions of Xbox games since I already own an Xbox. I would buy Halo if it were on PS5 though.
@get2sammyb as a Xbox main console guy and PS exclusive player. I find it odd how it went from Xbox games aren’t very good to what is coming to PS5 next with sales of Sea of thieves running wild and PS gamers talking this year more about Xbox games than Sony titles. Tides can change fast in this industry.
Id might bite at Gears, Flight sim or Rare replay but other that im not interested in anything at all MS has to offer.
All that Xbox stuff is covered by PC for me, so I have no interest in such ports, especially if it is from the game pass.
@Deljo We've had the following games as console exclusives so far this year on PlayStation and it's only May. Helldivers 2, The Last of Us Part 2: Remastered, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Pacific Drive, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Rise Of The Ronin & Stellar Blade.
@Titntin I think it’s clear. Xbox will be more of a PC next gen and they as they have said since 2019 every screen is a Xbox and they want to reach 3 billion gamers. MS’s plan is to own a huge chunk of gamings revenue. They are well on their way of that. Sure hardware is their next goal to tackle. But the rumored handheld and of course more PC like Xbox in 2026-2027 sure say’s they are here to stay. If they were selling 17-18 million Xbox’s i would say maybe it’s not reversible. But they will still end with 45-50 million in console sales. Now the question is how do they get that a little closer to 75 million which i think is the sweet spot.
@Smash41 the question is of all those games how many made their budget back? Exclusives are getting harder and harder to profit on one console. If that issue can be solved then sure, otherwise i say get those games and many others platforms and make money.
Nothing for now, i'm hoping they'll release conker and forza 5
@LiamCroft Missing the option:
Otherwise would have bought at least 2
I think anything from Bethesda and Obsidian is pretty much nailed on, otherwise their budgets will shrink and shrink as time goes by. MS won't just endlessly fund all the studios they bought, they have to be making money to get increased budgets. And can you imagine Elder Scrolls 6 on a cut back budget? 🫣
MS' own original-ish studios, who knows? But I'm not bothered about those ones anyway, or I'd have bought an Xbox at some point.
Also, I can't decide whether to pick up Pentiment on PS5 or Switch. Is it a game that is better handheld, or for big screen gaming? The fact it is not an action game I'm thinking handheld would be nice enough, but with lots of text maybe big screen wins out. Don't know what resolution the ps5 version is either? But switch will obviously top out at 720p1080p
I've had access to these games for years on PC. Just have no interest, really. Nothing Microsoft has published in the last few years has moved the needle for me.
Really sad to see what the Xbox console brand has been reduced to. I still have a bunch of 360 games. That was an awesome platform.
Just bring over Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey from Mistwalker. From its own Halo MCC and State of Decay
Now we need Arma Reforger, Halo and Gears of War
Why not the Ori games?
Gears 1-3 would be nice as have fond memories on the 360 especially of the first one.
Games like Starfield will most likely be next as it was in production for the PS5 before the M$ buyout caused t to be shut down. There's probably a dusty server still with the PS source code on it.
Apart from that, I'd hope for something like Rare Replay - a chance to experience some Ultimate classics would be most welcome.
As much as I'd like to see Gears, Halo, and Fable on Playstation. I feel like they will keep those exclusive to Xbox. I think anything outside of there staple franchises is free game though.
😂 The long list of games that people are naming here is hilarious considering Xbox has no games.
Fallout and Elder Scrolls are about the max of my caring. There just isn’t that much that Xbox publishes that I care about.
It's quite amusing how the ABK acquisition may have turned out to be a poisoned pill that kills the XBox as we know it.
Starfield. There's enough smoke to suggest there's bound to be a fire somewhere.
Hellblade 2. Why keep your sequel when the original was first on PS?
Ori Collection: people love their Metroidvanias and it's already on Switch
Killer Instinct: sorry to say but PS is where fighting games are at.
I absolutely LOVED hi-fi rush.
@HonestHick PlayStation gamers actually buy they’re exclusives unlike you Xbox fans that why Xbox exclusives coming to ps5.
@Jay767 FF Rebirth would say otherwise. I buy games on my Xbox and PS5 and Nintendo switch. I just think any game nearing $200 million to develop should be on all platforms to make as much money as possible. Sorry that triggers you if it did. But we are seeing far too many games not making back the dev cost.
@__jamiie The long list of games that people are naming here is hilarious considering Xbox has no games.
I already tried to get a few to come out and eat their crow. They ain’t biting. Save your time buddy HAHA
I think either the Xbox showcase ends up a fully multiplatform event like after each trailer you see the PS5 logo (and sometimes the Switch logo) or some other event like a Nintendo Direct or Summer Game Fest reveals phase 2 in May/June to be smaller in scope. The main thing being that whatever phase 2 is, it'll likely be announced by the end of June as Microsoft's fiscal year ends in June.
@HonestHick that’s one game you gonna ignore the rest of big exclusives that make a lot of money. You definitely a Xbox guy from all your comments defending and coping for Xbox here.
@HonestHick also you Xbox guys want exclusives gone because exclusives are currently hurting Xbox bad. Exclusives help keep consoles relevant that why switch and ps5 sell really well without compelling exclusive both of them consoles wouldn’t be selling as well.
I'd be curious to try starfield if they improve it enough,,but games like fallout 4 are pretty slow and boring a little, still immersive of course, kinda cool.
And i love sci-fi, space..
Btw, no psstore sale this week, not much good deals right now for me.
@Kraven ain't no way they'll ever port those two, that is like Nintendo putting smash bros outside of their systems, unless sony is willing to put the likes if uncharted and killzone on other platforms which they won't then i don't see how Xbox would out their major stuff on PS, Sony won't even put killzone or uncharted 1-3 on pc.
@HonestHick lot of hypocrisy in the comments for sure, I recall many people here calling starfield "starfailed" and claiming games like sea of thieves and state of decay were mediocre trash but now look all this speculation and excitement.
Shows a lot of people here only own a playstation and couldn't stand their platform being excluded. Can't wait to see "starfailed" come to playstation and have it be the #1 best seller, people gonna be paying that money to "con man" phil aa they love to call him.
@Jay767 i can see your here to argue and show aggression towards Xbox owners or in my case all 3 console owners. So i will try once more to show the business angle of this. I have been playing since Super NES. I am to the age now where it would be nice to have all my games or most of them in one place. Hence i am still considering selling my consoles and getting a PC. But ever since Steam got popular i have wanted that style for my games. Heck if MS said every game was coming day and date to the PS, i would be happy cause i would sell my Xbox and be down to two. But we all know that ain’t happening. As for FF rebirth being one example. Brother i could go back to the Vita days, i could go to even many more PS4 and PS5 titles that under performed on PS. Hence they have closed most of those studios and milk Marvel licensing now instead of making Sly Cooper, ICO, Dreams and little big planet. I get it… you’re loyal to PS and why not they have been largely successful with every thing they put out, it’s why i have owned them all. Well outside of the trash VR stuff. But again i would love to have all my non Nintendo games on one box someday and PC is looking really good even tho i have been a console guy for 3 decades. I think certain exclusives do sell consoles they are called Mario and Zelda and Mario Kart. Those all sold over 25 million copies. God of War and Halo can’t even begin to dream of those number's. What sell’s Xbox and PS is fortnite and FIFA outside of the 10-15 million of us hardcore that buy the exclusives. Good luck paying the bills with those numbers is my whole point.
@Jay767 @Deityjester Thank you Jester for seeing my points. When or if those games come to PS they will make up the money lost being on just 2 platforms instead of 3 which means we all win including the dev’s time and cost. PS fan’s are some of the biggest whiners in the industry cause they think supporting all screens makes you less of a gamer then playing games and enjoying them regardless of the console or platform you choose. I ain’t saying we won’t have exclusives for a time period any more, cause that does help sell your console in the launch of the title. But how much money could Sony make bringing 3-4 year old titles to PC and Xbox? A lot as we are seeing with SOT and others. Sony is a mid money making company outside of PS, so i don’t want to hear they don’t need the money and it will hurt PS. PS is going to sell with their games going to PC or other places. It’s just a win for the industry and the dev’s , this isn’t taking up for MS not selling more hardware. The next Sony CEO will have some decisions to make and they might not be what some on here expect.
Call me when they announce forza, fable, flight sim etc.
They could even just port older forza games (maybe one gen behind?) to make PlayStation money yet keep the Xbox faithful happy… I’d rather the latest release though of course! Such a shame they dropped project gotham too 😏
@HonestHick ps exclusives going to other platforms will hurt ps not help it lol. the pc ports have been selling bad besides from a few exceptions. You Xbox guys keep trying to put Xbox problems onto PlayStation is getting hilarious now. Microsoft can’t sell software or hardware to its fanbase that’s why they about to get out the console business and go third party Sony doesn’t have the same problem.
@Jay767 well you keep thinking that sport and we will let the adults talk money and when Xbox is still in the hardware game making stupid amounts of money on ABK alone not to mention the other 25-30 studios i am sure you like the others here will admit to being wrong and saying stuff for attention.
@HonestHick Microsoft couldn’t even sell 1 million consoles last quarter lol. You brag about abk when most of the money abk is making is coming from PlayStation not Xbox which shows more evidence of Microsoft going third-party. So you proven my point for me thanks.
@Jay767 wrong again it’s PC, then PS then Xbox when it comes to ABK money. And i didn’t even throw in mobile yet. Look dude ain’t no one saying PS sucks here. I play mine almost every day. But to say everything is running smooth and happy over there is just not true. They have issues to figure out also. I didn’t even mention they have zero talent in house to make online games. They gave Bungie 3 Billion dollars to come in and cancel games and release a dud of a DLC.
@HonestHick Sony Just release Helldriver 2 which is bigger than all Xbox live Service games not call call of duty. Stop with this fake neutral gamer crap we all know you a Xbox guy but to say Sony doesn’t have talent for multiplayer games is foolish. Sony have Firewall studios who have ton of former Bungie developers and haven which have a ton of former Ubisoft developers who Develop a lot of the great Tom Clancy games. You showing your true colors each comment you make so keep them coming.
@Jay767 i like HD2 and Sony should buy that studio cause they are working circles around everyone at the moment. Oh Sony has good online multiplayer devs? The PS4 and PS5 so far say otherwise. When yall were on here crying about live service, it was me saying yes yes yes, this is the Sony i want to see. Then all we got was cancelled, cancelled, cancelled. Show me anything from PS4-PS5 outside of HD2 which they don’t at the moment own the studio that has been a successful online or service game. You just told me they have one. Not to mention i don’t care or take offense that you think i am a Xbox guy. I don’t hide from saying i love Xbox. However i don’t not say that Xbox don’t know what they are doing sometimes. My true colors are good games and thats why i own all 3. However you are one contract (COD, 10 years) away from not having a console you enjoy. So be nice to MS will ya? 😊
@HonestHick gt7 there another one which sold way more than the last forza. Sony care about Quality control for their games that why they canceling some of the live services games that wasn’t quality. Sony still have fair games and horizon multiplayer game, bend new game and concord so stop acting like Sony doesn’t still have plenty of Multiplayer games coming.
@Jay767 Dude, you need to chill out. Your blind loyalty to a box is really off putting. You worship PlayStation like it is a god. We are all gamers. Liking one over another does not elevate your status in life. Leave Honest Hick alone. Like him, I own all consoles and own a PC just because I love gaming.He is not an Xbox fanboy. He is one of the most level headed posters on all sites.
@cburg I worship quality PlayStation and Nintendo give me a quality gaming experience unlike Xbox that doesn’t that’s why I own a switch,ps5 and don’t own a series x. I’m having a friendly gaming discussion with honesthick it’s no bad blood with him.
@Jay767 really doesn’t sound like it. Tone it down man. People like different things and that is ok.
@cburg I didn’t say he can’t like Xbox i just said Xbox isn’t doing well right now.
@Jay767 your new PlayStation boss said the opposite to your statement. If I remember correctly he said the average PlayStation user buys 2-4 games a year.
@cragis0001 most big third party games sell more on PlayStation if you look at all of the third party games breakdown by platform you see that.
@cburg “ Liking one over another does not elevate your status in life”
being a multi platform gamer does though 😎
@HonestHick I stand with you, brother! There is something so freeing about being platform agnostic.
Imagine being able to simply enjoy games for the love of gaming rather than which studio/publisher made them!
Even the buggy ones have their charm - though I am tired of the modern gaming mentality of "release now, patch later".
@Jay767 that didn’t exactly tell me they have had the talent nor ability since Ps4-Ps5. Now i do hope some of those stick and give me something others than action adventure games. I wish i knew more about concord. But again Sony isn’t the go to place for multiplayer nor has it ever been…. Maybe some on the PS2 and PS3, but Killzone wasn’t it, Socom died, and my favorite Resistance has been shelved for 1.5 decades. Now i give credit to any live service game that try’s as it’s a tough market to enter and have success. Maybe rare did do something right with Sea of Thieves after all eh?
@GamingFan4Lyf hey my brother, thank you for coming to shed some rescue for me here. I am drowning in Sony ponies that think Sony is running so smooth cause they outsell Xbox. You and me been on here a long time. You know i am all for gaming first brands second. But i have to say, i am 41 years old or young as i say. I am tired of owning 3-4 platforms and buying some games twice to support the dev, or play with certain friends, yes Sony used to block cross play. PC is just starting to grow on me from the idea of all games in one place. Now if anyone on here wants to call me a fanboy, they need to get it right and thats Apple. I love Apple, 20 years exclusive with them.so a PC user i am not. Out of all the exclusive games i can not live without it’s Gears of War, God of War, and maybe like 2 others. To play that i need 2-3 boxes under my tv, multiple service subscriptions, controllers, etc etc. i have the money. Not bragging but i have a $2000 dollar Tv and $4000 surround sound. I want convenience and choice. Cause tech has reached that point. It wasn’t that way with Sega Vs Nintendo. But you know saying these things grabs all types of internet Slag words and somehow i am the problem. Thanks for the comment my friend. 😊
@HonestHick stop acting like Microsoft Multiplayer games hasn’t been on a Decline halo gears and forza playbase and sales been getting smaller and smaller.
@Jay767 “i didn’t say he can’t like Xbox i just said Xbox isn’t doing well right now”
Brother no one is doing well right now outside of Mobile and Nintendo. That was my whole point. Is PS doing better than Xbox depends on what question you ask. On hardware sales yes. On revenue and profit? It’s impossible for Sony to beat what MS just bought. ABK and Bethesda and MS studios. That is software money that is insane. If MS leaves hardware to give attention to this silly narrative, they will be the largest money maker in the business software wise. That leaves Sony footing the bill for Hardware, online servers, cloud saves etc etc. you know what they will have to charge you for that? Thats not a good thing for us gamers. We need the balance. You just argue, only credit i can give you is you do it with me and not your wife or boss. Thats smart my friend. 😀
@HonestHick I feel you.
If Microsoft does go full on PC and is able to make it very console-esque in the way Steam Deck is very console-esque, plus makes it affordable and allows Steam games to be installed (and Sony doesn't somehow succeed in blocking its PC games from the platform - which would go over like a lead balloon), I will skip PS6 and get the Xbox PC. I don't have FOMO and have no problems waiting for Sony to release its PC games.
If Microsoft can't get that right and does go full-on third-party and publishes all its games to PlayStation, I will probably just buy a PlayStation from here on out.
I will still buy a Nintendo system, though. I will forever support Nintendo! If I am a "fanboy" of any of the Big 3, it would be Nintendo. I get so giddy at new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. releases!
At 43, I am tired of needing to buy all the consoles to play everything I want to play, but prefer couch play - which PC currently isn't....
I, too, am blessed to be able to afford it, but it doesn't mean I want a gazillion controllers and plastic boxes under my TV.
@HonestHick there's no way you spent $4000 on something as asinine as surround sound, you're absolutely trying to brag, though to whom I have no clue
@HonestHick Microsoft leaving the console Market won’t hurt nothing because they’re console barely sales. I don’t want a company in the console market just to be here Microsoft offer me nothing why would I want them here. Microsoft can gtfo of console market and give a Opportunity for another company to try to compete with Sony in the market.
@Jay767 You don't want an unchecked Sony, that's why.
Sony only tries (and succeeds) to be on top because it has something to contend with. If it is just free to do as it pleases, it will stop trying so hard. Why spend the money and effort when there are little other choices in the "premium console" market? Quality will dip.
@Jay767 @cburg
Cburg, i truly bottom of the heart appreciate that. Push and Pure is the best website for talking the industry and i love you all. Jay767 likes what he likes and there’s no bad blood, he labeling me a Xbox fanboy is silly cause i have owned every PS. God of War… what else can i say. One of the best. But i don’t mind attacking the weakness of PS cause they have many. Attacking Xbox is common place. Of course it is, they are backed by a 3 trillion dollar company that just now decided to compete. I get it. But to get this back on track, most games need to be in more places to be successful these days. MS isn’t wrong about that. Sony’s intern CEO said it. I mean it’s another MS strategy that Sony is coming onto late. They will be PC day and date before or at the start of PS6. But my main main point is everybody wins with this. Devs get more money, players get more options and the industry can get past being rivals and dissing on each other and playing more games. Again how i am wrong here?
@GamingFan4Lyf Microsoft isn’t checking nothing unless getting out 2 to 1 is checking lol.
@HonestHick it’s all gaming I love friendly debates enjoy what you want.
@Jay767 Jay i hate to break it to you bud MS don’t care what you want and neither does the 30-50 million Xbox gamers. Thats not how it works. What if a Xbox guy said i don’t want Sony here to make dad simulators and controllers with 6 hour battery life. Is he right? NO…. Opinions are cool and all, but MS much like Sony make a lot of money in this business and they ain’t leaving. Better yet what if a Nintendo fan told you Sony should leave cause they don’t have games that sell 60 million units and are Japans biggest company. None of that make sense my friend. Options are in the industry for a reason. I see you say 2-1, how will it feel that MS will out gross Sony 2-1 while losing 2-1 in hardware?
@Jay767 Sony still has to try. If it didn't, people would leave for the other choice and the stakes would be different.
Just because it's a runaway success, doesn't mean Sony can simply rest on its laurels.
Xbox 360 dominated the market until the tail end of that generation and PS3 picked up steam. That can still happen with Series consoles if Sony stopped trying simply because it's 2:1 ratio.
If Microsoft wasn't a "threat", then Sony wouldn't be pumping so much money into ensuring games don't release on Xbox (whether through exclusion clauses single out Xbox - as court documents revealed - or through third-party exclusives).
@Jay767 it’s all gaming I love friendly debates.
And it is all gaming, i played both my Xbox and PS today, but before you say friendly, i would recommend not labeling people something that you don’t know anything about them cause they said something that you may deem against your plastic box of choice. Cause remember now i will go to MS and tell them to void that COD contract and you won’t have a PS. HAHA JK 😀
@cburg really doesn’t sound like it. Tone it down man. People like different things and that is ok.
Hey i just want to say something into the open with you. I am going through a rough time family wise right now. Hurting me and causing depression. Gaming is my love and outlet, i think you know that. Saying what you said about me, helped me through this day. Never forget treating people well has impacts beyond what we know of the situation. I will be mailing you a Christmas card this year. I never forget anyone in this community and months and weeks and even days like i am going through is why i love this site and people so much. I have had so many people roast me on here cause i don’t bend the knee to Sony. I love my PS but to say it’s without its fault cause it sells more is like saying a president or ruler is perfect cause he won the vote. THANK YOU!
@tangyzesty i was in school at a early age for sound engineering. Music and gaming audio is my life. Well life i wasn’t able to make a career of. I have a 7.1 Dolby atmos system with in ceiling rears. I ain’t bragging bud, i am saying i have high end gear in my media room. Some days i would like to turn on one box and have it all just work without all the extra. Since you like to assume, I’ll give you a hint at what console sounds best? A second hint would be that same console has some lag in Dolby atmos that i really hope get patched MS…. Oops!
@HonestHick The last time I talked to Xbox Sound Engineers about Dolby Atmos lag (this was when the PS5 finally released its Atmos lag-free) they told me that Dolby has a firmware update that it never supplied to Microsoft that would reduce that lag.
Now that was a while ago, so maybe it was implemented and there is more to it that still needs to be worked.
But I have noticed something odd. My receiver isn't an HDMI 2.1 receiver, so I plug my Xbox into my TV and rely on eARC.
I actually don't get Atmos lag when using eARC but I do if I plug directly into the receiver. 🤷♂️
You could try switching to DTS:X as it should work the same minus the lag.
@tangyzesty since asinine is a word of your choice would you find it asinine that when i got divorced i left my city and moved to Nashville Tennessee to be around sound engineers? Graphics are great and all they for sure immerse us into the experience but it’s sound that makes media stand out. Most players play on cheap headphones or their TV and thats more than ok. But when you invest into sound you hear things you didn’t even know they programed in. The attention to detail in gaming audio and effects since around PS4 is insane to experience. Thanks for the comment tho. If you took it as bragging… i need to do a better job at describing passion.
@GamingFan4Lyf thanks, yeah i have tried that and i admit it got better around late 2022-2023ish. I think certain games to my ear still have a slight delay. It’s better than in 2020 at launch, wow that was bad. But i think it could use some more work. However audio is second fiddle to graphics the same way frame rate is to graphics. Red Dead 2 sounds so life like on my setup that i can hear animals in the background as if they were real. So sound has come a long long way. 😊
EARC is no joke. I have heard some sound bars that punch above their weight in sound to dollars.
@HonestHick Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider have INCREDIBLE Dolby Atmos.
@GamingFan4Lyf well now you’re just bragging!! HAHA sorry took a cheap jab at Tangy.
@Jay767 @cragis0001 your new PlayStation boss said the opposite to your statement. If I remember correctly he said the average PlayStation user buys 2-4 games a year.
Well wait a second, let’s go with the middle and say 3 that would be $210 a year vs $180 from those no good non game buying Xbox players spending $180 a year on GP.
It’s all good for a change the industry now has all 3 gaming platforms doing something different. Nintendo is well Nintendo they are on top. PS is doing well chasing the traditional old console model and Xbox is chasing subscribers and screens/ player accounts. Seems as if we might just be in the best option for us in gaming console history. I say this and i still buy all my games digital. So what do i know. But it seems like there is a lot of choice and i don’t see any of the 3 breaking from this soon.
I think so. There's a rumour that seems to imply that Xbox is going to pivot to being more of a Steam competitor+ 3rd party publisher. I wouldn't be surprised if that rumored 2026 console was closer to a steam deck rather than a traditional home console. It's bizarre that the 'big three' might all be in slightly different niches in a few years time. Portable gaming, home console gaming and (sort of) pc gaming. Sony wouldn't have a direct competitor.
Would definitely give Starfield a try. Would love to play Gears of War again after 17 years. And Forza and Halo series… But it seems we won't be getting the big guns any time soon.
All I want from MS's pre Bethesda/ABK catalogue is Gears Of War.
@HonestHick okay yeah I was wrong, clearly you're a passionate dude and know your stuff. Sorry for the assumption.
@HonestHick Best of luck with your personal life. I hope everything works out and I am sure it will. Stay strong.
@tangyzesty it’s all good buddy! 😀
Being invested into sound is nerdy but it has some cool perks. When my buddies come to my place and we play a game or watch a movie they are amazed at what sound is there that they never experienced before. I find some joy in that. Otherwise it’s just a personal passion of mine as I’ve said. 😊
@cburg thanks friend. These sites and the gaming community is something i lean into during the good times and even the bad. I value the community and conversations in a way that is hard to explain all the time. But i wanted to share a little with you since you gave me a really nice compliment and again thank you!
the Indiana Jones games is the only one I can think of that definitely interests me and its not even released.
I played all the games that were worth playing that you couldn't get on a PS via Game Pass and then sold my Xbox.
One thing worth mentioning now is that Microsoft faced a lengthy legal battle to acquire Activision Blizzard. If Microsoft had announced upfront that Activision Blizzard games would be available on all consoles, they could have saved a significant amount of money.
Maybe this indicates that Microsoft don't really know what they're doing.
@Jay767 well I'd hope so as PlayStation has the best third party support of all three console platforms. But in all truth the biggest spender is Nintendo fans.
@HonestHick Microsoft has said before the average Games Pass user buys DLC, Season Passes & other add ons for games running on the service. I myself have & I buy a ton of games due to Games Pass savings. So far purchased 6 games on Xbox this year. To 3 games on my PS5.
The more choice the better for the consumer in the long run. Specially in the challenging economic times.
The games I only really see going to PS from Xbox are Starfield and Palworld.
I don’t get why Xbox gamers are complaining that they haven’t had any games from PS when they have had the KH series, FFVII original, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX-X2 HD remaster, FFXII the Zodiac Age, World of FF, Stray, Oddworld Soulstorm, Ghost wire Tokyo, Deathloop, DQXI and No Man’s Sky.
FFXIV is going to Xbox same with Kena.
If anything Xbox has had more games from PS then PS has had from Xbox.
@cragis0001 absolutely, the choice we have across all platforms right now is truly great. There is something out there for everyone. I use GP as a way to find games i normally wouldn’t and i digitally buy all my must have titles. I have bought a little more for my PS5 this year than Xbox. But with the slew of titles they have coming up that will likely change. Options for all is never a bad thing and of course i take a beating on this site for speaking of it. 😊
I was thinking about this while reading an article about FORZA, GEARS OF WAR, and HALO coming to PlayStation and Nintendo consoles and, honestly, while it's available on other consoles, for the duration of time Xbox has left to make consoles Ill always think of those as Xbox games, just as I do with older SEGA games or how I associate Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil more with PlayStation than any other consoles or Dead or Alive more with Xbox as it seemed like a SEGA follow-up, I have a tendency to associate games with brands they originated on so, while games are available on all platforms, you only have so much space on your consoles HDD and a lot of Internet providers still have data caps that if you exceed those you're bill goes up, even if you use less data the next month so, I associate those franchises with those platforms. I'll NEVER buy a Tekken game on a console other than a PlayStation because it was always on PlayStation, which maybe other games think the same way which speaks to what Xbox has forgotten about, as far as their IPs, that they haven't revised. The Xbox, when it first came out remember was seen as a small PC so PC gamers expected PC franchises to be on it. Should Xbox decide to release Killer Instinct, that would be strange as it started on SNES but I suppose I would get that for Nintendos console at that time, even though these days it would fit more with PlayStation where PlayStation is now the fighting game console also associated with EVO that's big with tournaments now so, just because Xbox goes multiplatform and considers throwing in the towel on Xbox hardware (as I believe they should as Sony just makes better more reliable hardware and has an end-to-end ecosystem to support their hardware, and that Sonys services are more considerate of the customer saving them money and maybe finding other ways to entice the consumer rather than picking their last pennies they have) but there are still brands associated with Xbox and thus what I will buy for
I’d like Gears of War…
@HonestHick aye only dafties complain when they get choice of what to play where they want to play.
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