TV shows based on and inspired by video games are good now, so the weight of expectation upon Fallout's shoulders is heavier than what it would have been even just a few years ago. HBO and PlayStation Productions proved with The Last of Us that using a game as your source material doesn't necessarily spell disaster, then the latter followed that up with a more light-hearted Twisted Metal adaptation to just as much success.
With more TV and film projects grounded in video game worlds getting the green light now than ever before, it's Fallout from Amazon Prime next on the factory line, an entirely original story set in the post-apocalyptic universe of Bethesda's RPG series. It takes the action, story-telling, deep cast of characters, and twisted humour of the games to Los Angeles, where the wasteland proves more tragic than most — both underground and on the irradiated surface. Without any new video game instalments in sight, Amazon Prime keeps the franchise thriving with a series Fallout fans can be proud of.
The first season, which comprises eight 45-minute to one-hour episodes, tells its narrative from the perspective of three different characters, all of whom quickly become involved in one another's pursuits. Lucy, who overall feels like the main protagonist, is searching the wasteland for her dad after he was kidnapped from their home of Vault 33. Then, Maximus is a Brotherhood of Steel member and The Ghoul is a resurrected bounty hunter with a mysterious and important past.

What links the three faces is a bounty placed on the head of an Enclave scientist on the run, though that's just the tip of the iceberg — the story's charm, intrigue, and suspense come from how Lucy's decision to leave the safety of Vault 33 actually folds into a much bigger account dating back to before the bombs were dropped. It's here where Fallout really stretches its legs and takes the chance to explore the IP's boundaries, going beyond any of Bethesda's titles. The results are gripping.
The magic is that once Lucy departs the vault, the story below ground doesn't actually stop. In fact, the events that take place in Vault 33 following her exit are some of the most interesting in the whole series, with the repercussions leading to alarming revelations for its inhabitants. Combined with frequent flashback scenes, you get a much better idea of how events over the course of hundreds of years have shaped Los Angeles as a city before and after it became a wasteland.
They are probably the show's low point — each scene comprises a lot more talking that can get a bit long in the tooth — but they're vital to building a proper picture of Vault-Tec and some of the more sinister plans it had for the City of Angels as well as the entire world.
Lucy operates on a much smaller scale plot-wise — at least at first. Having left the confines of Vault 33, she carries her happy-go-lucky attitude into the harsh realities of the Los Angeles wasteland, adopting a positive outlook no matter the situation. Maximus, on the other hand, knows all about how unforgiving the desert-like badlands can be. Bullied daily in the Brotherhood of Steel, he's just about lost his faith and allegiance to the clan. Then there's The Ghoul, who brings the Bloody Mess perk to gory life during shootouts and presents a fascinating character arc when his guns are left in their holsters. Delving too much into his story would be considered spoiler territory, so we'll leave the show to do the talking.
Along with a solid cast of supporting characters, the three leads do a great job of presenting the post-apocalyptic world from different perspectives, from Lucy the newcomer to the grizzled veteran that is The Ghoul. You're given just enough time to learn of their plights and struggles before the main mission commences with smart vignettes setting the scene.
If anything, the Los Angeles wasteland is just as much of a character itself, though it leans more into the conversational side of the Fallout IP rather than the action. This is very much a character-focused adaptation that revels in its ability to translate the multiple-choice dialogue system of the games into a non-interactive form. Lucy — and even Maximus to some extent — prefer to settle disputes with words rather than bullets, while The Ghoul is the other way around. When he's let loose on a gang of raiders, the tempo picks up considerably for some tense and entertaining bouts.

It really does look and feel like a faithful product of the Fallout universe that sensibly walks its own path rather than leaning on a Fallout 4. References to the games are scarce, with in-world items like stimpaks and radaways being some of the most frequent callbacks. Without any familiar faces or locations, it works well as a standalone narrative that can be enjoyed by almost anyone. The only ones who might struggle somewhat are the complete newcomers who simply spot the show while flicking through Amazon Prime. While the TV series works on its own, it does feel like it assumes you have at least a very basic understanding of how the Fallout universe has come to be, with knowledge of the vaults and the wasteland above. Mum and dad might be a bit overwhelmed if they decide to give the show a chance with their Saturday night takeaway.
Fallout marks another showstopper in this new age of quality video game adaptations, then. In accurately capturing the overall direction of the games, it forges a new path the series can take without a controller in your hands, all the while replicating its tone and bringing back those classic tunes you had hidden away on your iPod more than a decade ago. We don't want to set the world on fire, but if Fallout is the aftermath, then maybe the LA wasteland isn't so bad. A totally brilliant adaptation of Bethesda's RPG series, Fallout is a canon story that more than holds its own against the plots of its video game counterparts. Series fanatics won't want to miss this.
Fallout is available to stream on Amazon Prime from 10th April 2024, with all episodes accessible that same day. Will you be checking the TV series out? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 61
Hey everyone, if you have any questions about the show, feel free to copy me in.
Video game adaptions are the new comic book adaptations it seems. Glad to see more effort is being put in and not just cheap cash ins.
Do we know what year it takes place? As an aside for anyone interested, here's a timeline breakdown from the Fallout Wiki so you can get an idea of what has and hasn't happened yet
Fallout 76 - 2102
Fallout - 2161
Fallout 2 - 2241
Fallout 3 - 2277
Fallout New Vegas - 2281
Fallout 4 - 2287
@JamieH I believe it's 2296, after all the games.
Thanks, any references to any of the endings of any of the games? I've always been curious what Bethesda (and studios in general) consider to be the canon ending when we're given choices
@Americansamurai1 Yeah, I think it's because the original game creators and writers, for now, seem to have more input in the direction of these TV shows/movies. Expect that to change once investors and executives start to turn away from the dry husk of comic book related content and focus their greedy eyes on game related media.
@IslandLogic yeah true. Really hope they do a good job on god of war. Curious to see who plays kratos
Nice. I liked Fallout 3 but didnt like Fallout 4 at all. Will give this a try.
looking forward to this
@Kidfunkadelic83 Care to explain why? I own F3, New Vegas and F4 and from those three New Vegas appeals the most to me, don't know why. I'm looking to start playing some Fallout but don't know which is the best one (I didn't play any of them yet)
@Czar_Khastik they are all kinda different. Fallout 1, 2 and brotherhood of steel are isometric RPGs, 3 and New Vegas - more like TES Oblivion but in post-nuclear-punk setting and with some fallout features (like VATS, different character development approach, etc.) and Fallout 4 as for me is even more of a shooter than RPG. They all have own weaknesses and advantages, so give a try to one you find interesting the most.
YEEEEEES!!! I am so, so stoked about this. Hopefully the PS5 patch drops soon too!
Cool, for some reason the games never looked appealing to me but the show looked great from the trailers. Maybe I'll even get around playing one of the games if I like the show.
@Czar_Khastik i dont really know why to be honest. It was a long time ago that i played Fallout 3 on the xbox 360 and i just fely that 4 felt very similar but more shooty and i guess i got bored of it. If im completely honest im not a fan of the post apocalyptic settings in my games. The drab browns and oranges dont really do it for me. I much prefer the bright setting of a Skyrim or Witcher. I will give the show a go tho.
Really looking forward to this!! Now the challenge is to try not to sink the full 8 or so hours into it straight away!
@LiamCroft everywhere ive seen states its out from the 11th not the 10th as stated at the bottom of the article.
@Kidfunkadelic83 The release was brought forward to today: https://twitter.com/falloutonprime/status/1777532118089793697
@LiamCroft oh right. Just logged in to prime and it says 0 eppisodes available to watch.
Forget that, its not 6pm yet 😂😂
I really gotta start subscribing to streaming. I haven’t consistently watched tv since the early 2000’s so I have missed out on most popular culture but between xmen coming back and this… may need to give up a few months of life.
Because New Vegas was actually written well as opposed to anything else Bathesda makes themselves
@Czar_Khastik Fallout is focused mostly on exploration and it does have some similarities with elder scrolls Oblivion. The story is not that deep and there are some big plotholes but the world gets interesting if you focus more on story and less on exploration. I would say New Vegas is the exact opposite. It has an extremely interesting story and well developed characters, but it's exploration is more limited although more cohesive. DLC wise New Vegas had better offerings. Gameplay wise they're very similar but New Vegas has a slight advantage by having true iron sights on its weapons.
Fallout 4 has the better gameplay of all of them, but it has an extremely dull story that is limited due to the main character being voiced.
It's very shallow in its systems but it does have good dungeon design and if you like that repetition of looting to get better equipment to go on another dungeon and do the same thing again, it's the game for you.
I personally prefere Fallout New Vegas, as I think it is the most consistent with its design philosophies and the most Role Playing of the games, but you're going to find people arguing for any of the 3 being the best. It really depends on what you focus on when you play a game.
Wasn't there supposed to be a current gen re-release of F4? Or did I dream that?
The world looks absolutely perfect but I'm really hesistant because the Lucy character looks really irritating, I'll give it a chance though, simply because Walter Goggins is awesome in everything.
@Tomato_Goose Brotherhood of Steel is actually an Action RPG using the BG:Dark Alliance engine. It’s basically a reskinned Dark Alliance.
Fallout died when Bethesda grabbed the licence💯
@Kidfunkadelic83 it drops 2am in the UK.
@LiamCroft Thanks for this. Looking forward to watching
@VanguardKaiser yeah just went to watch it and found that out. Thanks @LiamCroft for getting me all hyped for a 6pm release 😉
@Americansamurai1 no way it's gonna be good
I will not be going near this abomination, I still feel pained whenever I think about what Bethesda did to my beloved series after the amazing Fallout/Fallout 2. Never have I seen a game series so misinterpreted and butchered like that anywhere else.
@ChrisDeku yep, sure, you are right. My bad.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
Its good to hear that Prime has created a successful show. Looking forward to watching this. I was a bit concerned about this after watching Primes adaptation of Wheel of Time.
Genuinely stoked about giving this a go. As in some ways the last of us was a bit of hit or miss.
Watched the first episode at 2am this morning. It was excellent. And I think it was worth being tired all day.
@Pat_trick @Specky @Kidfunkadelic83 @Tomato_Goose Thank you all for taking your time and elaborating on these games. I will most definitely play New Vegas first because I'm more of an RPG with a good story type of guy and you all were very convincing regarding this particular entry. Also, can't wait to see the show!
Only 3 episodes in but so far, it's bloody great.
I watched the first 2 episodes last night and I gotta say, we may have a banger on our hands. It has great production, likeable characters, and a wonderful MacGuffin setup. But for me, it's the world building. It feels like these characters are really living in this world.
Loving the series so far. I really like how they close everything looks like Fallout. Even the story beging and original story is great too.
Only three episodes in so far, but it's a strong contender for best video game adaptation to date outside of anime. They did an amazing job capturing the look of the games.
I did not have the kid who played Rico Suave from Hanna Montana as my favourite Fallout character on this year's Bingo card.
I've always thought that games adaptations are better served as a series rather than a film.
Imagine trying to cram The Last of Us into a 2 hour film.
I also hope this trend continues as there are some amazing stories and worlds out there in video game form only.
For anyone who has watched any of it, do you need to have played a lot of the games to follow the story?
I don't feel like you do. Playing the games would help to understand the in-jokes and easter eggs but the show does a good enough job of world-building that you will appreciate what Fallout is about.
I am shocked by how good this show is. I’m three episodes in and it captures the vibe perfectly.
Absolutely amazing show!
@Terra_Custodes Didn’t like new vegas? It supposedly has plot points from the original fallout 3/Van Buren.
In Prime Video we trust.
Side note, I really need to get into Fallout. I know about the discourse that Fallout 1, 2, 3, New Vegas, 4, and 76 fans have against each other, but I do not care honestly. I just want to try out all the games for myself and determine if I like them or not. I'm also looking forward to watching this show like five years from now because of this fun little thing called procrastination.
Episode 3 so far and am liking it a lot. Love the little Easter eggs like the bobbleheads . Is it just me though or is the Brotherhood of Steel character totally unlikable? Won't reveal much so as not to spoil, but after the things he does in first few episodes, seems like a real slimeball .
Just seen the first episode and I’m absolutely hooked. Really surprised at how strong a start it is, captures a fantastic atmosphere of humour, horror and absurdity that fits the game source material perfectly while forging its own path.
Looking forward to seeing the inevitable deathclaw.
I watched the first episode and it was ok. But, it's not the same. That vault story would've fit a game much better.
I found the other stories less interesting.
I will probably watch more and see how it develops.
I'm shocked at how good this show is.
@MikeOrator bethesda fallout, or actual fallout?
This is like saying Rockstar Grand Theft Auto or actual Grand Theft Auto.
I don't make a distinction because the vast majority of the world's population has no idea there is a difference and of the very few that do know most of them don't care.
So to answer your question. The Fallout that most gamers "actually" played and know.
Fallout 1 and 2 came out so long ago as to be considered like Dig Dug or Frogger. Something for grandpas to rave about while they say things like "back in my day" or "get off my lawn"
@Radekbejbl1 Agreed 100%, altho try New Vegas if you havent.
For me fallout is 1,2 and NV.
@Terra_Custodes Ouch, well sometimes them’s the breaks. Sucks when a franchise goes into a direction you can’t enjoy. But I think it happens to everyone at some point. Mass Effect and Dragon Age’s sequels were that for me. (Actually at this point I am grateful Bioware never made a sequel to Jade Empire) So I get it. Hope you find a new franchise to love.
@MikeOrator I think his disgruntlement is valid. Sometimes a franchise swerves really hard or just loses that magic that might have hooked a person initially. That gets unfairly chalked up to nostalgia sometimes when that isn’t always the case (I do think angry pokemon “fans” just out grew the series and won’t move on so I am not dismissing a person making more fuss than it’s worth.) And the fallout series had a huge upheaval not just from the tech but the writing and the scope. And when that happens a lot of the foundation of the original series is lost. (Kinda like song sampling through generations.) So a person that played the first two games especially if done during the original release when they were doing something fairly novel at the time, will make it harder to stomach all those changes or ignore recency bias. As long as one doesn’t run around raining on everyone else that enjoys what the series has become, then yeah those feelings…that grief is valid.
However, when Fallout is spoken about in broad circles, "real" Fallout IS Bethesda Fallout. What's the point of coming here and gatekeeping a franchise because of two entries from 25 years ago?
@MikeOrator you made me feel old lol, is 38 grandpa age? Maybe so. I was a bit harsh though you're right, whilst there's many things that sets 1 and 2 apart in positive ways (grittiness, atmosphere, writing), they are special to me as I started with them. Of course others will feel that for 3/NV/4. I just wish more people could play the first two as well, especially with the CRPG turn based renaissance we're experiencing. Even a HD update and a console port would be fantastic.
Its all good. I get heated sometimes and I was probably a little overzealous in my response. I will say that I have not played the first 2 so I cannot even judge that. I did however redownload Fallout 76 because of the show and guess what...It's crap. If Fallout 4 was a mess it was at least some sort of fun but 76 does not even have the fun left in it. Fallout 76 should be called, "Over-Encumbrance: The Search for Caps". Why tell me, in my menu, that a gun is worth 63 caps if I can only sell it for 3 caps which is 2 caps less than it costs to buy 1 bullet...??!?!??!?
@MikeOrator it's OK you were right to call me out. And yeah Fallout 4 was a fantastic game, but a bad RPG and Fallout title which is a strange contradiction lol. I've got 600 hours logged on it. I never went near 76 due to the bad press, monetisation, no next gen version and simply being over MMO games. Gramps here was a vanilla WOW player xD
If you get a chance YouTube the soundtrack from Fallout 1 and 2, it will give you a sense of the tone of those games. They were dark and extremely gritty, even haunting in places. "Desert Wind", "Industrial Junk", "Radiation Storm", "Underground Troubles" and my favourite piece: "Khan's of New California" just show it. They had quirky humour too, but they were genuinely desolate, scary worlds too. Bethesda completely derailed the original vision (NV, 3, 4, all had varying good points regardless but it's a fact).
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