It's the nature of gaming enthusiasts to always be looking ahead, squinting into the distance and getting hyped for the titles that are yet to come. And while 2024 has already offered up a slew of highly rated experiences, we can't forget that we're only halfway through the year.

Just to highlight how busy the latter half of 2024 is shaping up to be, our resident video producer Aaron has put together an audiovisual offering that covers 31 (thirty-one!) super promising PS5 games that are currently scheduled across the next six months. To be frank, it's an embarrassment of riches.

From hardcore action games like Black Myth: Wukong to heartfelt all-ages platformers like Astro Bot, there's something for everyone here. RPG fans are no doubt eyeing Metaphor: ReFantazio, while Assassin's Creed Shadows should satisfy those looking for open world adventure.

But again, we're covering 31 titles with this video, and listing them all in this article would take way too long. So give the video a watch, and then tell us which games you're most looking forward to in the comments section below.