Believe it or not, there are some people out there who haven’t yet picked up a PlayStation 5 (and not just because they’re still a nightmare to get hold of). Alex Olney from our sister site, Nintendo Life, is one of these misguided souls. He claims to not need one seeing as a lot of first-party PlayStation exclusives are still coming to the PS4, but that won’t stop Video Editor Aaron from trying to win Alex over.
From the haptic and adaptive wonders of the PS5 DualSense controller, to the incredibly immersive experience PSVR2 is expected to offer players later this year, no area is off limits when trying to convince this Nintendo die-hard why he should purchase Sony’s next-gen console. Similarly, Alex does his best to convince Aaron to sign up to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscription – you can find a link to that video debate in the description for this one.

How well did Aaron do with his reasons for buying a PS5? Alex certainly proved a tough nut to crack…
Comments 45
Why would try and convince a Nintendo fan to buy a PS5 when I can't get one for myself 😂
Fun video! We have a regularly updated stock guide if @AlexOlney needs one!
Hey @Pushsquare, @Nintendolife, & @PureXbox, this video is a great example of collaboration between these 3 sites. Are that plans to do more collaborative? (Maybe for 2022 Goty we could do a 3-way run on all sites?)
Interesting crossover. I also wouldn't mind seeing people cross the divide between sites a little more often.
Unless someone is a BIG Playstation fan, someone with a PS4 Pro, Series X, and Switch is probably set for the time being.
Switch and ps5 make a great combination, switch for indie and nintendo games, ps5 for AAA 3rd party games
The Switch being an awful piece of hardware with minimum third party support is all the convincing I need to get a PS5.
@Just2Milky I'm sure you'll see more stuff where relevant, yes!
Multiplatform is the way to go, always. I have every nintendo console and handheld except for the SNES and virtual boy, I have all 7 playstation consoles and handhelds and I have the og Xbox, the X360 and a Xbox Series X. Couldn’t be happier. (Also have a dreamcast, mega drive and CD-i. Still want a saturn, master system, neo geo pocket, neo geo, gamegear, atari jaguar, wonderswan and Nokia Ngage.)
Thing is, I am a Playstation fan, but there's not a lot to convince me to get a PS5.
As someone who loves Nintendo the most but is platform agnostic, I love my PS5.
I just came her to say that Wario land 4 is fantastic 👌👌👌
Nintendo fans when they learn you can have a game be good AND have good graphics
I'm with @Kopite. Why would you try and convince someone, who doesn't particularly want one, when there are plenty of us PlayStation fans unable to get one. It's like holding a steak night to raise money for the starving.
Im not a Nintendo fan.i do love the sega genesis.been with PlayStation since day 1 in September 9 1995.word up son
@eltomo PS5 seems like such a small upgrade, but whenever I boot up my PS4, it just feels archaic. The DS4 feels to the DualSense what a controller without rumble would feel to the DS4, like there is missing something. I don't miss the load times either! I'm glad I managed to get one day one.
I love the PS5 so far having spent a week gaming on it but it is really hard to convince people to spend £450 on one when while there are good games on it a lot of them are cross gen and the only next gen exclusives that come to mind worth while are Astro's Playroom, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Demon's Souls and Returnal. I could only really recommend it right now to someone that's a massive PlayStation fan like myself or if you've had a PS4 for years and it's on the way out. The very few games I've played have looked and played great, hoping Sony starts announcing more games this year that will be PS5 exclusive and we're jump into 2023 with plenty to look forward to. I believe that third and fourth year will be a period where PS5 peaks with hits similar to PS4 and gets lots of people on board. I'm really excited for the future of it.
Was that ps5 sold on hooky street?
For me the Switch is a great hand held console, I have a Lite and play it a lot, just as its so convenient. Would like a PS5 but I'm just waiting until its simple to just buy one. Annoying the the pro is out of production too though, my launch PS4 broke and a while ago all I could really find as a new console was a slim.
This dude trying to say hd rumble is anything as close to what the Dualsense does is hilarious! I need to be convinced to keep my switch. Haven’t bought a game in quite awhile.
I have Switch to be able to play on the go and I have PS5 for my big TV. Perfect pair
I mean i played both Nintendo and PlayStation machines, so PS5 machine will be my choice after it get Slim version with cheaper price.
the switch has way more noteworthy exclusives than the ps5 at the moment. it is no contest. even 2 years from now, we will likely still be getting cross gen games on ps5 so there is certainly something to be said about nintendo's TRUE exclusive lineup. it is enticing and far more appealing to me at the moment. the only curse is that i want to wait for the switch pro before pulling the trigger!
loving the ps4 all these years later and will extract every last drop of the console before getting a ps5.
I've said it on here several times, but I just haven't seen enough interesting exclusives. And I especially haven't seen the IPs I've liked from previous consoles show up yet (Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Gravity Rush, Knack), but I'm usually enticed to PS5 by new IPs instead of old IPs oddly so that might be the same for the PS5. I'd want at least like, 3-5 good exclusives before jumping in.
And unlike Alex, I don't have a Series X because their exclusive lineup is even worse. Just neither next gen console really has anything worth buying for yet.
Shouldn't you be trying to convince them to get a PS4? That's a more appropriate comparison since the switch has been out forever and a half and has had time to build up it's library.
That being said, my switch is going to start seeing a lot less use once the steam deck comes out. Nintendo first party games do little for me nowadays.
I have both ps5 and switch. Also stadia.
I have said it before but if you have a PS5 & you ever go back to PS4 (I still have my Pro for VR) it feels outdated and slow, the SSD alone should make most gamers want to jump aboard but each to their own.
PS4 is a great machine and if it is not your primary gaming platform then sure the 4 will do but if PlayStation is your number 1 machine then a PS5 is a must.
Great video though guys, more of those collaborations please
Honestly, there’s no great reason to get a PS5 yet. That great reason will come when PSVR2 is released and, perhaps, games are being made in UE5. For now I just use mine to play PS4 games mostly. Admittedly the reduced loading times are great but not necassary…
I got a switch OLED and a PS5
they are nice
I'm keeping an eye out for a PS5 for a buddy. Nintendo fans are on their own.
@Mostik Have to disagree. Shove a decent SSD in the Pro and you've then got significantly reduced loading times. Sure it won't be as quick as the PS5 as the PS4 isn't expecting to find an SSD but it cuts load times no end. Quieter too.
I've owned every generation of Playstation and this is the first generation that feels a bit 'meh' to me. If the PS5 starts getting some truly next-gen titles then all well and good but for now, PS4 Pro is fine.
OLED Switch and PS5 user myself. They’re too different to be competing against each other. Nintendo/Switch exclusive games & 2D titles for Switch. Everything else on PS5. I enjoy No More Hero’s and Animal Crossing, Eastward etc but sometimes I want a 3D cinematic game like Guardians of the Galaxy or something deep like Elden Ring, Dying Light 2. Sure, there are some like that on switch (dark souls & Witcher 3) but they’re already old games and now that the PS5 is out with 4K HDR, those type of games are just a better experience on a PS5. So no reason (besides $) a gamer wouldn’t own both.
I agree, there is a big difference in framerate.
Tgere has to be a ps5 update or else i don't even bother for backward compatibility.
Imo the ps4 was not realy nextgen simply because most games where 30fps 1080p, tge ps5 however feels nextgen for the first long time. I realy have the psx feeling tbh.
@sanderson72 Fair point mate, though the PS4 doesn't come with an SSD so you have to add at extra cost but appreciate this is still probably much cheaper than the PS5.
I think my point was more that I can't go back now I have changed but appreciate the improvements presently might not be enough to make some people jump, but when you do, you are in for a treat
@PALversusNTSC That's where I am at mate. Absolutely love my PS5 and whilst it might only be a small difference it just sticks out to me. It is a great bit of kit and will only get better as we get more next gen games and of course PSVR2 😎
@HeroYoshiko sounds daft but I am seriously tempted by the OLED version but my Switch is all good and the only real reason to upgrade is so it matches my PS5 by the TV being a similar white colour scheme! Did you have the OG Switch and if so are you happy you upgraded?
@Mostik Yes, it is an nominal upgrade cost. I think the Crucial 3D NAND 1TB that I have in mine retails for about £75 so not too expensive but makes a noticeable difference.
I've said on these forums many times that when the PS5 gets some next gen only games that I'm interested in, I'll start looking. The way things are at the moment, I suspect the supply chain might've improved by that point - maybe the Ikea wardrobe might have made way for a smaller case too.
There really should be a podcast with reps each week from the three sites! I listen to a what feels like a million different gaming podcasts from IGN every week yet never go on their site. It would be nice to hear more from the team writing all the articles on these three sites that I actually frequent.
Good video though
@sanderson72 🤣🤣 It is big no doubt about that.
Supply is definitely getting better, and as you say the more games we get the more tempting it becomes, that and PSVR2 of course.
@frabbit I would love a Push Square podcast 😎, not sure if you listen to it but Nextlander is a brilliant podcast as is the Trophy room.
I tried Sacred Symbols but it's a bit preachy although some good stuff in there. Giant Bombcast is also good especially now they have Danny O'Dwyer on there but they spend too long on emails for me!
@Mostik Hi, yep, had the OG Switch and the v2 version, I feel hardware wise, it was a bigger upgrade from the OG switch to the V2 switch (runs much cooler - which seemed to help with the FPS since it wasn’t throttling- and a lot quieter. Plastic turned all brittle and broke on the OG too - probably from the heat), than going from the v2 switch to the OLED. It’s literally just a V2 Switch with a better screen.
The screen does look nice on some games, SMT V, Metroid Dread, Tetris Connect and some 2D games if they’re colourful and use a lot of black. But some games don’t look different- No More Hero’s and animal crossing comes to mind. The larger screen is nice.
If you can get a good trade in price or resale on your old Switch and not struggling for money, I’d say go for it. If money is tight, you’re absolutely better off spending that money on games as you’re not really missing out on anything from a games point of view. And no, not daft at all, no harm in wanting things in your home to match and look good. People harp on about “materialism” a lot, but you know, we work hard for our money and you only live once, no shame in spending it to make yourself happy, not everyone wants to be like a monk and live in a hole in the ground.
3rd option could be to just buy the white dock. Depends if you mainly play it portable or docked. I mainly play portable, but found the Lite screen way too small to be usable.
@HeroYoshiko Thanks for the detailed response buddy, I too am on the V2 version so as you suggest it sounds like the best option might just be to get the docking station as I generally just play mine docked and very rarely in handheld mode.
Totally agree if we work hard then money is ours do with what we want and gaming is what I want, so why not! You have convinced me I am not being materialistic and should upgrade probably just the dock for now!
Nice one 👍
I am seriously concerned that Noone in these comments got the reference to the greatest TV series of all time. Doesnt bode well for the future of intelligence.
If missing out on like 90% of the games out wont do it... there is no reason to try. If not a PS5 you definitely need an Xbox or PC.
I’d like to say - lots of us use all three sites and own all three consoles. I’d love to see more cross site content. Breakdown some of the more hardline borders like we don’t like the other brands. Most of us like all plastic boxes that play games.
I don't think Sony is having trouble convincing people to buy a PS5. It's finding one that's the issue.
@Mostik hey, yeah dude I listen to Giant Bombcast and Sacred Symbols although I agree it is actually a bit preachy. On occasion I find myself agreeing with Colin Moriarty and simultaneously thinking “oh, shut up will you mate”.
Nextlander and Trophy Room are new to me so I will definitely check them out! Thanks
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