Platinum Trophies are the immensely popular reward for gaming completionists that love to boast about their achievements. It’s a digital manifestation of one’s love for a game, where you have combed through each and every inch of content that it has to offer. However, Platinum Trophies come in varying levels of difficulty, with the most rare featuring intense collectathons and impossibly difficult combat challenges. With so many tough Platinums out there, it makes it hard to break into the game.
But that’s why we’ve crafted up a video over on the Push Square YouTube channel, covering the exact kind of Platinums that are perfect for new trophy hunters on PS5. However, we haven’t just gone for the easiest out there. This isn’t a list of 10 “tap this jar of mayonnaise” type games. Instead, we’ve opted for a sliding scale of difficulty going from 1 to 10, with each platinum getting that little bit harder.

The plan overall is to include games that are approachable and fun, because you don’t want to put yourself off with a Platinum hunt that is way too intense. However, if you work your way through these 10 PS5 Platinums, you will be primed and ready to take on the more difficult challenges.
Regardless of whether you continue on your Platinum pursuit, you’ll have an absolute blast working your way through what also happens to be some of the best games available on the platform. Let us know down below which Platinums you would recommend and why.
Comments 75
I’m so early the video is still private/unlisted.
EDIT: And it’s visable.
The fact that people see obtaining a "platinum trophy" as akin to beating a game is so strange. Especially with how little you have to do to even achieve them nowadays.
Take Spider-Man. You don't even need to get Ultimate on all the Taskmaster challenges or complete the game on the hardest difficulty. How is getting the platinum for that game "100%"ing the game?!?!
Some people just play for the "ding"
Is there a list for the folks who don't want to watch the video?
I def looked for a list, but idk if i really care about platinums. I just want to play the game and have fun. Im on a limited time as well with family, so i dnt have as much freetime to pour into the hunt as i once did. Ive only got 1 plat, and thts for rocket leauge, but it took years to get it.
Tbh I only own two Platinum Trophies: Spider-Man and FFXV
Most of the time getting the last view trophies simply is tedious and therefore not fun. And as Reggie Fils-Aime once said "If it's not fun, why bother?"
@pip_muzz I see beating the story, reaching the credits or in games that have neither like a puzzle or rhythm game doing each level once as beating the game. Getting the platinum or 1000gs is completing/100%ing the game for me. Everything beyond that is fully 100% completing the game to me.
@darkswabber As a mathematician I have to take issue with your two different versions of 100% 😂 sorry
I don't try to aim for the Platinum, unless I manage to surpass 70% of Trophies earned by the end of the game AND I enjoyed the game so much I want to continue playing more of it even if I've completed the game, such games that come to mind are Days Gone, A Plague's Tale, Cuphead, Bloodborne, Spider-Man, Dragon Quest 11, Persona 4 & Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 & Birth by Sleep, MediEvil Remake, Concrete Genie, Little Nightmares 1 & 2, Sly 3 and Infamous 1, 2, Second Son & First Light.
But in most cases I don't go out of my way to get the Platinum Trophy, I just play a game until I've finished the main campaign, and then I might play a bit longer (Completing Side-Quests & Gathering Collectibles) until I decide I've played enough of the game and are ready to move on to the next game.
@pip_muzz I’m gonna add the term “fully 100% completing a game to the extreme” for MP completion just to have 3 different 100% criterias 😂
@darkswabber I just say it like hollow knight ish, play is 100% 100%’ing everything in the game I call 120% lol
There was nothing “fun” about defeating the last Valkyrie in GoW. Even on the easiest difficulty. I thought he said this list would be fun.
Deathloop is not that easy to platinum, this guys lying lol. I go for them if I think I can do it. Got one for Elden ring, both Spider-Man games, and like another 6 I can’t think of but my favourite was sekiro. That’s the main one I feel something like pride for.
Anyone that desperate for easy platinums will just pick from the mountain of shovelware in the store.
@darkswabber "criterias"
As a philologist, I have to I have to take issue with this plural of "criterion" (j/k).
I've got plats for diablo 3,outriders,ghost of tushima and assassins creed odyssey..i'm not a trophy hunter but if i think its within my ability to get it i'll give it a shot..
I like having Platinums, I see it as a "completion" list. Or rather games I've enjoyed more than others to an extent. It's satisfying but not without annoyances. I currently have 69 Platinums, working on number 70 but I keep getting distracted by different games lately.
I never cared for trophies I just want to beat the game and earn trophies naturally.
@naruball sounds like one of many knowledges
@naruball as someone with dyslexia I have to say i em very sorrie! (I do actually have dyslexia btw.)
@Recover20 nice.
To each their own when it comes to trophies and Platinums (more to the point). Some don't care at all about 'em, some love to hunt 'em and some are of the mindset that it's nice to get 'em but they're not going out of their way for 'em. As for myself? Welll..........see for yourself:
Like I've said before... Those who care about trophies compared to those who don't, trophies seperate the men from the boys. Those who don't care about trophies are the boys, and those who care are the men 😄
Where do you find the time to comment on articles? Good lord that’s a lot
@Snake_V5 I live getting a Platinum but if its something like be the number 1 in the world with multiplayer then its easy to say F*** it and move on. I want them to be be fun but doable. I did get the Demon Souls remake platimun where they made the Platinum fun. It takes time and its not to easy but totally doable and fun.
@Flaming_Kaiser I hate multiplayer trophies too.
@Northern_munkey I was thinking of going for the diablo 2 platinum, but then I saw the hardcore related trophies and grabbed my coat.
A nice list of games to play and platinum 👏 Let's see how many I have of these
Astro's Playroom ☑️
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart ☑️
Life Is Strange: True Colours ❌ got the 💯% on Xbox though
Spider-Man Remastered ❌ not yet, I do have all the PS4 trophies though
Deathloop ❌
Guardians of the Galaxy ❌ another 💯% on Xbox
Horizon Forbidden West ❌
God of War ❌
Ghost of Tsushima ☑️
Destiny 2 ❌
A list of this type that doesn’t include a Yakuza game is scandalous! Lol, no, but seriously, they are my favourite platinums - they mix challenge with completionism (but few tedious trash collection challenges thankfully) and make it fun throughout.
@DETfaninATL damn dude, impressive 👏👌
@thefourfoldroot1 Kiwami 1 and 2 were so fun to Plat so I fully agree!
@thefourfoldroot1 aren't all the Yakuza games notoriously hard? Doesn't seem like something for a beginner.
Here's some easy PS5 plats:
*: Be a true trophy hunter and use Subnautica's debug mode instead of playing naturally.
@LazyLombax I think it's just L1+R1 in the pause menu. But you'll want to look up a guide because some of the commands disable trophies.
platinums have been ruined by the shovel ware buy a platinum for $0.99 games
I consider myself a bit of a completionist in games, but that's never really translated to concerning myself with a trophy.
@pip_muzz Platinum trophies are generally a nice mid-way point between beating a game and obsessively maxing out every last counter and mastering every mechanic available to you. It keeps people like me who would otherwise move on after the credits invested for longer.
Also, it's fun to get a little badge for achieving the platinum trophy requirements. Kind of like a child collecting stickers for doing good work, you know?
I consider myself a more casual trophy collector. I don't go for a platinum in every game. I refuse to do the cheap ass click trophies, the ps4/5 double dipping and I don't do platinum when the game is to grindy, had multiplayer trophies or a difficulty modifier trophy then I'm out.
It's just like @Ralizah described, it keeps me engaged after I finish the story and it feels like I get rewarded for doing everything there is to do in a game while also enjoying it.
Ghost of Tsushima is an excellent example of a Platinum 'benchmark' IMO.... it doesn't obnoxiously ask you to spend 100s of hours finding every last collective, and most of the trophies can be obtained just playing through the main game (Which is a pleasure).
@DETfaninATL ....!!!! Jesus Christ thats a lot !!
There's some seriously hard plats there. I've got 8 plats and about 4000 trophies ( though i do have a 116,000 Gamerscore too )
Your list is makes me feel inadequate ( my Mrs. always tells me I am )
@Swirly Hannah Montana The Game one of them then ? 🤣🤣
A beginning trophy hunter isn’t the same as a beginner games player. I don’t think this is an “easiest games” list.
But, regardless, no the Yakuza games are nowhere near the most difficult trophies. They take a long time sometimes, 100-200 hrs depending on the game, but usually only have 1 or 2 hard trophies within each game. And none of the trophies halt progression in any area, so you can always flit in and out of any of them whilst enjoying one of the greatest games of all time.
The reason I recommend them is because they show what great trophies can be: a way to get people to try all aspects of a game, complete optional tasks, and experiment with various different ways to play.
@KingPev no, but 3of them are the 'mayo' games 😕
@Snake_V5 big strong alpha trophy-men. Grrrrrr 💪😬🎮
I'll happily be a silly boy, because I care so little about trophies I barely acknowledge their existence (unless the trophy video captures some funny gameplay or a unique moment I.e Me and Alexander the Warrior Jar spinning in tandem as the Fire Giant vaporises)
I honestly like nothing more than wrapping up a game's story having done plenty of side quests and optional content with about 30-65% completion. So satisfying 😁😁 and I bet that annoys people! I'm not going back to re-do a bunch of things differently and mindlessly do in-game chores just to get what is in essence a precursor to an NFT 👀 I enjoyed the game, I immersed myself. I'm not going to go and ruin my immersion with a check list.
For me it boils down to "Games as a fun hobby" or "Games as a serious challenge" and I'm firmly in the fun hobby section. But if people's hobby is "the challenge" then I agree there is crossover. But I still don't quite understand how it can be fun playing a game reading a list of tasks to complete, instead of just being immersed and living in the moment 😁
@pip_muzz Absolutely agree. I feel like sometimes unless I get the platinum I'm not done with the game. This happens on steam quite a bit too. I'm slowly trying to phase that out. As much as I enjoy the "ding" I miss the days without them. Just beat a game and move on or play it again for its story rather than the "ding"
Love my trophies, I don't/can't platinum them all but I try with most games. If I really enjoy a game then I almost always go for the pat, games such as GOW, Horizon, Sleeping Dogs, Sifu all great platinum's. Whilst I would love a GT7 plat I just can't do multiplayer trophies as I don't have the patience for play 1 million races or win 100 races. Trophies are for me so I don't approve of such multiplayer ones, fair enough if it is just try online out or a certain mode but nope for the grind. Each to their own
My one and only Plat is Returnal,never gave a sh*t about them,but it was a really good excuse to just keep playing...
i hope a game as good comes along and makes me car about the trophy again,but seeing as im game for 4 decades now,i cant see it happening ( cue Housemarque's new game reveal)
I do not care about trophies, but I liked the spirit of the list- games that are generally approachable…count me as one who loves easy mode/ games that are easy to learn but hard to master…
@darkswabber @theheadofabroom
hahaha. Awesome replies.
@thefourfoldroot1 they may not be a beginner to games, but still if a game is too long or difficult they'll just give up on the platinum saying why am I spending so much time on this game, I could be playing other games.
Sure, if they aren’t enjoying the game. But this is exactly why I recommended Yakuza, the best gaming series of all time.
“ For me it boils down to "Games as a fun hobby" or "Games as a serious challenge"”
Except that, as you later got on to imply, trophies are part of the game that can be fun and rewarding in themselves.
I personally don’t understand people who say “I’m not interested in that developer given challenge or side activity because, if I do it, they’ll give me a trophy!” When doing so is actually fun and rewarding and they’d happily do it if some in game collection of polygons asked them to do it because he’d hurt his polygonal leg…
“ still don't quite understand how it can be fun playing a game reading a list of tasks to complete, instead of just being immersed and living in the moment 😁”
Sometimes people (not you personally) get on their high horse about trophies ruining the purity of the game without thinking it’s just a bunch of developer set 1s and 0s like everything else in the game.
And it’s not uncommon for “in game” (if that’s how people wish to differentiate for some reason) tasks to include a checklist of things to do throughout the game.
@thefourfoldroot1 you said it too "can be" fun. And if it is, then that's good. And I'll attain those trophies through my gameplay naturally.
You don't have to be defensive I'm not against people enjoying it. I just personally don't. And play differently. Because I like playing games for narratives over anything else. Same as reading or watching movies. But I do understand a large part of gaming is a separate entity of entertainment, pacman and arcade games past are not based on story as such, just skill. And that has evolved into a large part of modern gaming too.
Who says they aren't interested "because they give you a trophy?" Though. That seems very anti logic. I'm not interested because I'm not interested, if I get a trophy I don't mind that I got it. But I won't go out of my way to try unless it sounds interesting to me.
And I don't care about any people on high horses, you shouldn't either. If you enjoy something, enjoy it!
I just know I will never have the desire to look at a check list and think that will add to my gameplay experience if I complete it. And that's okay too lol.
This is a pretty good list, I have 6 of these 10 platinums (although some of them are on the PS4 version of the game).
A couple other good platinums for those who are casual trophy hunters on PS5 are A Plague Tale: Innocence and Control: Ultimate Edition. Both have great PS5 ports and are fantastic games in their own right and have very achievable platinums.
The thing is, your distinction
between narrative and checklists is, for most people, actually a distinction between narrative and gameplay. Those “checklists” are tasks set for the gamer to do by the developer. Some give a trophy, some don’t, they are all of equal value (that is to say none).
And I completely respect and get that, as you say, you consume a videogame as you would a book or a movie, I get that and it’s fine, but what distinguishes a videogame as a form of entertainment is it’s interactive nature.
This is why I said that my comment wasn’t aimed at you personally.
I DO find the opinion of others very strange (and this is not me being “defensive” in the slightest) when they say that they do not even think about trying some of the tasks a developer gives because it’s not given by some collection of polygons representative of a person in the software, but rather is given as part of a platinum campaign. That’s where my comment that some people don’t complete tasks BECAUSE that task give a trophy came from. They somehow feel like they are above wanting a reward for a task in the form of a trophy, without realising that the trophy challenge is not about a so called “reward”, but is just a fun (or not so fun) task given by the dev the same as any other fun or not so fun task.
oh yay, an article saying to go watch a YouTube video. Next you guys should make a blank YouTube video with a link to an article in the comments.
@pip_muzz if getting a plat isn’t akin to beating a game then what is not getting a plat?
@thefourfoldroot1 I'd consider gameplay as anything I can do in the game, not a specific set of circumstances that lead to a trophy. But I don't know.
Yes it's interactive, and I will interact how I want to also, I won't just exclusively do set quests, for example, I'll do whatever I think is fun at the time. But personally I've never felt the need to complete gameplay in a certain way, or check beforehand whether doing something would be worthy of a trophy, when I can make my own decision in game and be as creative as I like whilst doing what I want to do.
I've never known anyone to ever say it's wrong to get enjoyment from trophy hunting though. It plays off certain habits and tendancies of some gamers more than others, I suppose and great joy can be got from it.
For me if it's something like following menial tasks like collect 100 backpacks or whatever it is, in Spider-Man for example. I'll just grab them if I'm swinging by and take the upgrade points, but I'm not going to go out of my way to make sure I get every single one just because I might get a trophy for it.
If it's win a fight in a certain way in a game, I won't know about the trophy as I won't have looked beforehand at every single thing, and I'll win a fight in whatever way I damn well please, thank you very much 😁😁
Gaming gives us a freedom, some trophies (or just bad repetitive side quests and activities, to be honest) can take that freedom away, from my personal experience.
That’s fair enough and is internally consistent at least. I just have a slightly different perspective. When I start a game I do so with the idea to get as much from that game as I can, experience all I can, encounter and succeed at as many experiences as I can. That is my end game. Maybe it comes from being an older gaming who grew up in an era when you would get maybe 3 or 4 games a year as a kid and have to get the most out of them you could, who knows.
The idea of playing a game and maybe missing 30% of it because I didn’t do certain subquests, or deliberately avoided certain tasks…is just anathema to me. If I was playing a game in such a way, knowing I was missing large chunks (and that includes trophy challenges) I literally would not be able to enjoy the game.
Plus, as I said, tasks are gameplay to me. If I wasn’t enjoying the tasks given to me, I simply wouldn’t be playing the game.
@thefourfoldroot1 oh, if I like a game it's getting 100-200 hours easy. So in that way we are similar. I just spend time in it differently, I guess, without worrying about missing something. I've never missed anything substantial, but once I've wrapped up a story and look at trophies and it's just stuff that seems like busy work to me, then I will finally lose interest and move on. Post credits games always feel very dead to me. But I pack in as much as possible early and mid game and don't like finishing the narrative without doing everything I see that seems interesting to me 😁
Side quests and even activities are important to me, but some side stuff in games can be tedious after doing the same thing a few times. So the lure of a trophy isn't enough to draw me in to doing something I'm not enjoying.
I guess we aren’t so different ultimately. I’ve given up on lots of trophy campaigns because the final trophies were too much of a grind (Diablo 3 is one that springs immediately to mind). It’s just that what I find fun compared to tedious must be different. And I sometimes don’t even start games if it seems like the trophy campaign is underwhelming in any regard. I just find such campaigns too much fun.
I've always said for years, Ps4/5 Xbox, we should be able to enter something, text, game completed etc the trophy achievements box of a game, either some sort of drop down menu, which is visable for people that are bothered, some games are completed at say 9 percent. Just a thought.
@Montgomerywick PS4 has (used to have?) an activity feed that's sort of that. I've had some people comment, congratulating me on a plat before.
@Milktastrophe it would be good just on the achievements trophy list though.....
@ppitchfork Facts!!! Not a fun or easy plat. Plats shouldn’t be easy but dang, those Valkyries were not joke!
Games that require more than 2 playthrus or allow u to miss trophies that u can’t go back and get without playing the entire game over, are games that I don’t go for plats. I enjoy going for plats only if I’m close to them after beating the game.
As someone with nearly 300 platinums...
Trophy noise good. Very solid list. I also recommend the latest Resident Evil games (2,3,7,8) and the BioShock series for the trophy-curious. Otherwise, just play whatever clicks with you.
@pip_muzz Salty gatekeeper alert
I like trophies they add something to a game, but when to get a platinum means doing something not connected to game I wonder the worth. Take GTA Vice City, one of my all time favourites. One trophy is doing keepie uppies and another doing a wheelie, not part of the story.
@Snake_V5 If its a fun achievable trophyset its not a big issue but be number 1 in the world WTF.
And the smaller games with no big online community. I still have nightmares from the Tombraider reboot boosting because it was dead and boring to do.
Nothing is worse then booting up a game knowing you will never get everything because its dead online community or make 100000 kills to name something.
The best thing would be to make it a separate list. But then its not possible to force your consumer to play it.
I can see how those would be ok to go for. I only have three Platinum trophies. The Walking Dead, Horizon Zero Dawn and Astro’s Playroom. Who knows if i ever go for any more. But we will see. Maybe Miles Morales could be a good fourth one. But i dont really care about platinums im more concerned with trophy level.
The Order 1886 was probably the easiest platinum I ever got. There's only like 12 trophies and your can get them all in one playthrough
I am by no means a trophy hunter, but I do admit I have gone after a few just cause they seemed fun. Out of the years of playing so many games, I have only ever earned 7 platinum's (technically 6 since Spiderman doubled up on it when I transferred my PS4 save to the PS5 for the remaster).
In order:
FF XIII-2 (would have had it in the first game as well if my cousin didn't "borrow" it and lose it)
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 (with 3 almost done, but got burnt out and moved on for a while)
Astro's Playroom (feels like cheating putting it on this list with how easy it was)
Genshin Impact (Would say cheating as well if it was not for the Spiral Abyss)
Spider-man and Remastered
@Recover20 I have quite a few Platinums that more or less made me hate the game instead of loving it. Demon Souls was awsome to get but i dont want to play it again for a long time after finishing it 3 times in a row.
Generally I avoid platinums that take multiple playthroughs to achieve... although I'm certainly not adverse to save-scumming multiple endings in order to attain (Elden Ring, I'm looking at you...!)
I only have 5, but they were/are all games I love - Returnal / Demons Souls / Ghost of Tsushima / Elden Ring / Nioh(1)
I used to do platinums, even to the point i got stressed out about obtaining them. I got quite a few of them, but looking back at it it wasn't really any fun a lot of the time.
My gaming time got 200% more enjoyable when i just turned off all trophy notifications and don't look at them anymore.
I even did get 2 more platinums this way (you can see that in your profile on the ps5), but it was so much more relaxed playing without that constant carrot on a stick
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