Last week saw Far Cry 6 finally launch on PlayStation 5 and PS4, allowing players to set off on another sun-drenched and chaos-filled first-person adventure – this time set amongst the vistas of the Cuban-inspired Yara. This got us thinking, though: what are the best Far Cry games leading up to this point? Video editors Aaron Potter and Liam Richardson both have their favourites, and so decided to battle it out in this inaugural edition of Franchise Wars.
Each host makes a case for what they think represents the height of the Far Cry franchise, judging their chosen entry on story, world, and weapons. What game did each choose and who came out on top? That’s for you to decide in the comments below. Also let us know what you think of this new video format. If you enjoyed watching and want to see more, we’ll be sure to make it happen.
Comments 52
The first farcry...nothing like it before and having the ability to set traps was water effects too..ground breaking.
There is only one Far Cry was mental.
Also agree with the first Far Cry. Best story and, honestly, I prefer that to all the open world stuff. Especially now that it’s become so overused.
FC3 is so overrated. Bland island, wasted villain, awful cast except for Vaas, restrictive missions and runs like utter sh*t on consoles. For me out of the main series FC4 is the best one (though FC6 is getting there) as it does what FC3 done but much better plus its map is far better.
Overall though i think Blood Dragon is the best and its not even close, it nails everything and doesn't outstay its welcome something every FC outside of it has a problem with.
Did anyone even play New Dawn? 😂
3 has the best scenario but far cry 6 is the better game.
I voted for 6, brilliant 🤗
Far Cry 2 was my favourite. Loved the setting and loved that the malaria and gun jamming would strike at inopportune times to ramp up the tension.
It's no contest. The first one. It created the genre of open world shooter before Ubisoft bastardised it.
Far Cry 3 for it's gripping story and phenomenal villain, Far Cry 5 for it's great cast and diverse environments, and Far Cry: New Dawn for it's more exhilarating gameplay.
Couldn't get into Far Cry 4 or Far Cry Primal.
Easy, FC Blood Dragon. Totally atmospheric!
Primal felt like the biggest evolution to me? Thays right 🤷🏼♂️ the caveman one but I’ll go with 4 and the Shangri-la trip.
As of now 3 but 6 is really close. I need to finish 6 before I can really say.
I’ve always thought Far Cry 3 was the best but having played the Classic edition (remastered) in the last 12 months I’m not sure I’d rate it as highly now.
I voted Blood Dragon but that could change once I’ve played the remaster that’s coming in the season pass.
Really enjoying 6 so far too. I think they want you to choose the girl character though because she’s the default option and the name is spelled ‘Dani’ in the subtitles (even though I chose the guy). Never met a guy who spelled his name ‘Dani’ lol
I think Liam makes a better argument for Far Cry 2. The Ubisoft of that era just felt like a different Ubisoft, and Far Cry 2 is an example of that.
My favorite Far Cry has to be Blood Dragon. I thought Far Cry 3 was good enough, but it never hit me like it seems to have hit a lot of people. Blood Dragon was a lot of fun though. Always had trouble getting into Far Cry games after that one though. I’m contemplating 6, but I’m still not sold.
@fR_eeBritney Dani Alves? In our ever more diverse societies we should be used to males amongst us with what are to us girl’s names now. Whatever the reason, but whether we’ll always be able to keep in the laughter is another thing…
All far cry games are really good. But far cry 3 is my favorite. Word up son
I've played them all bar the first one but it has to be Far Cry 4 for me, it was just the most believable and fun world to be in.
Call me crazy, but I really, really dug FC5. It's too long, I hated that you constantly kept getting drugged and kidnapped as part of the narrative, but once you finish it and see the scope of what they were going for I think it works more than it doesn't (though, I absolutely detested all of the DLC). I honestly don't remember FC1 or much of 2, but love FC3, Blood Dragon, FC4, and New Dawn, but if I had to pick a favorite, it might actually be FC5 (at least until I finish FC6, which I'm super in love with right now, but we'll see how it sits once I'm done with it).
@AFCC I played New Dawn! Enjoyed it quite a bit, too, though the microtransaction schemes and pay-for-power nonsense dragged it all down a lot, and I didn't think the upgrade paths and options added anything to the experience. Still, it was a fun time.
Picking Primal was an easy choice for me. It was both unique and immersive, although not as immersive as FC2, of the FC3 iterations it's the one I enjoyed the most by a large margin
For me the top 3 are 6,3 and Primal. Honourable mention to 5
Far Cry 2 is easily the most disappointing game sequel I've ever played. The original Far Cry was a favourite of mine which I completed a handful of times, while 2 was a disappointment which I gave up on after several hours.
Granted though, far cry 2 is the last time the series did anyone particularly creative, but I feel like the polish they've had over the years has made the newer entries progressively better. I still wish they occasionally made games like the original though.
@fR_eeBritney Its typical Ubi, they so clearly want a female lead but are to scared to actually commit. Both Kassandra and Female Eivor are the canon leads in Odyssey and Valhalla but Ubi being Ubi were worried boys were scared of playing as a girl.
I want to answer the poll, but I haven't played fc6 yet so I will skip. If far cry 6 aside, then to me personally far cry 3 most likely. Altho, 4 and 5 both were great in their own regard.
@WallyWest Yeah, I agree. I know some people like having a choice between male/female but I’d prefer it if they chose one or the other and tailored the story around an individual (male or female) rather than this ‘one story fits all’ approach.
Saying that, I always tend to pick the male character. Not sure why really? I picked Alexios and male Eivor and didn’t feel like I’d missed out on anything. I really liked Alexios in particular. He sounded like a meerkat lol (compare the meerkat) but he had heart too. The voice actor did a great job, though it’s quite comical at first.
I think I read that two-thirds of players picked Alexios, so there is some logic to their caution. But I would love for them to commit to a female only protagonist. As long as they don’t hire the same person who created Layla in AC. God no.
They’ll never know until they take a chance.
Far Cry 1 for me.
It's so different to the others though, with its monsters and sense of atmosphere... the Far Cry name and big outdoor areas is just about all that it shares with the rest of the series. I guess most ppl here were too young to have experienced it at the time it came out.
Crysis is more of a sequel to the original FC, but I never really clicked with that series.
My favorite to date is FC5. Plays and looks great on my PRO, big interesting map, fun companions, Peaches and Cheeseburger, the Arcade online mode, and the New Dawn expansion/dlc .
My choice may change after i play six. I have played all listed except six and BD.
FC3 plays and looks better on PS3 compared to the poor PS4 port. A remaster of FC3 would be nice for this fun game.
FC2 has its moments but i find it annoying and unplayable. The world is not really open which limits movement as i try to fight respawning enemies as my assault rifle jams after a few shots and i die. Adding more annoyance is no fast travel between safe houses.
FC4 is my second to FC5. Interesting map and i can ride elephants.
Primal i rented and never finished or purchased. It has different and fun going for it, but not the graphics. I hate the washed out, god ray volumetric lighting mess that made my eyes hurt.
FC Classic on PS3 is a classic that i still find fun to play. The PS3 version also looks and plays well.
3 is great until a certain point (Avoiding spoilers here just in case but if you played it you know what I'm talking about). The second half just felt so low stakes after the first half.
4 took what made 3 great and delivered the entire way. Definitely my favorite of the ones I played.
Primal was an interesting one but couldn't hold my interest for the entire game.
5 had trouble keeping focus with the 4 villains but was still pretty cool. I really liked the Montana style map it took place in.
Haven't played the rest. Maybe one day though.
I like 5 the best, I know most people didn’t care for it but aleast there was no god damn towers to climb. Lol
@fR_eeBritney I think what Ubi doesn't understand just because the majority of males players pick male doesn't mean those same male players will ignore female lead games it just means giving the choice they pick male. I actually usually pick female giving a choice, i don't project myself into games so i'm pretty detached in that aspect so i pick female as i prefer strong female leads to male, its also a nice change from the usual male lead as well.
Actually gonna have to give this one to blood dragon. The perfect mix of Far Cry gameplay packed into a smaller and more focused map. Get in have your fun and get out.
I really enjoyed 3 and had a fun time with Primal but I haven't really dived into 4 or 5 despite owning them both for a long time. I also never went back and played 1 and 2.
Only played 3 and i have yet to start 5 and 6 always great when people spoil the end of a game.
Havent played a far cry game before , but it looks like 3 must've been the best one
Farcry (1) by a long chalk. You really had to be there.
Far Cry 2 is better for me than Far Cry 1. I haven't played any others.
I went with 4, 3 was excellent but having the little helicopter to get about was a game changer in 4 and added to the enjoyment. Loving 6 so far and it probably makes my top 3:
1. Far Cry 4
2. Far Cry 3
3. Far Cry 5 or 6 (not sure yet)
2 as its the last one I played. They got look and feel, sounds etc of Africa all spot on. Its also the most believable story and could have been any African country since most of them are failed countries being run into the ground while the general population is left to suffer.
Original Far Cry was the most important, by far. Genuinely ground breaking tech at the time.
Far Cry 2 was too experimental. It rivals some of the Just Cause games for size over density, just so tediously empty. But setting fire to things was nice!
Far Cry 3 was a wonder in terms of gameplay but with that came a host of problems. To solve the emptiness of FC2 they just seemed to go with the full on tower and map marker solution of other Ubisoft games, like it wasn't already tired and played out.
Personally Blood Dragon's my favourite. It took everything good from 3 and condensed it to a purer and shorter form while layering it with lashings of fun, 80s nostalgia and neon brilliance. Love it! Full remaster pretty please!
Far Cry 4, Primal, 5, New Dawn & (probably) 6 are basically the same game as 3 with a slightly different setting, a lick of paint and incremental additions. Fully proving they don't understand that less is often more.
I tapped out half way through FC5 and just raced to the end.
Honestly I'd prefer a return to either Far Cry 1 with semi-open world (not linear at all but but very, very wide design) or something smaller, more concentrated and FUN like Blood Dragon.
Far Cry 3 and 4 for me, very closely tied.
There's nothing like using a sniper to release a Bear and let it clear out an outpost all by itself.
And i can never forget the first time i played the mission "kick the hornet's nest" in Far Cry 3... when the music started ("Skrillex & Damian Marley - Make it bun dem") i minimized the game to see if a Youtube browser window remained opened and automatically started to play a song. Wasn't expecting it to be integrated in the game. Very big and good surprise on the part of the dev team. It's little things like this that make a game truly memorable.
@amenohi "It perfected everything that started from 3". Exactly, dude.
Actually, your whole comment should be pinned to the top of this sorry thread.
4 is where it's at
There's no contest.
I'm sadly old enough to remember each in the series. The first two were the most unique, loved the graphics and abilities in the 1st game and the various attempts at realism and immersion in the 2nd. The 3rd was fun to play after having backpacked through South East Asia as was 4 but I don't have too powerful pangs of nostalgia for either. Blood Dragon was simple fun with all excellent 80's gloss (Michael Biehn!!!). Primal might actually be my favourite as I viewed it as more of a Paleolithic simulator and really enjoyed it despite not having an arsenal of modern weaponry. 5 could have been so much better had they not (understandably) shied away from overtly political tones but both this and New Dawn were immensely fun in co op. Just started 6, more of the same sure but gosh it's fun.
@Shinnok789 Was having trouble remembering anything but shooting arrows at animals and the ending/start of 3 but I do remember that mission now you mention it.
We need Blood Dragon remastered. That was good fun.
Far Cry 3 is my favourite. It really changed the game up in a way that it just felt right to play. Really loved the exploring in it. Just went off for a dander and forgot to do missions. The crocs were a surprise too.
Best thing about Far Cry 2 was the fire spreading but everything else about it was very off-putting. I didn't like the shooting in it but Far Cry 3 mastered it.
Far cry 4, 5 and now 6 just feel too much the same as Far Cry 3. They abused what made that game so good in the first place. No effort to push the series forward and made the newer ones soulless. They put no heart into it. But New Dawn is the worse of them all.
Far Cry Primal would be my second favourite because like Far Cry 3, it made a great change and felt so different that it could stand out to be it's own game instead of feeling like another copy-paste like 4, 5 and now 6.
Far Cry 3 & its not even close , guns blazing in a field of weed killing pirates and going on a rampage in vehicles all while being high at the same time , & burning a field of weed with a flamethrower was legendary . the rasta music alone made that mission so legendary . The pirates hands down were the funniest enemies i ever seen in a video game too ; loved far cry 3
and it has komodo dragons!
@TheDudeElDuderino i beg to differ
@nomither6 go on, dude, beg. 😉
I've been replaying FC3 on pc for a while now and it still feels like the pinnacle of the franchise as far as story and characters go.
I also have a soft spot for the much maligned Far Cry Primal.
Farcry instincts predator is my favorites in the series. Never liked FC2 and later. Cant vote as it's not listed. Every other farcry game i got bored of them. Never had as much fun as i did on instincts predator. Made amazing maps too and enjoyed playing them with friends after school.
I really, really want to like these games, but after like 20 hours they just feel too much of the same.
@thechetearly I’ve only played far cry 3 , and 4 , then tapped out afterwards to be honest . On the flip side , I loved FC3 and enjoyed 4 . But I agree with you .
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