Well, then, our annual Christmas message is becoming a bit of a festive tradition, isn’t it? It’s a bit like the queen’s speech, except she won’t actually be doing one this year because – well, y’know! Anyway, we digress. Wherever you’re reading this, it’s 25th December, which means the big-bellied bearded dude is done making his rounds – he’s more reliable than Amazon Prime, this guy!
After a really strange couple of years, a sense of normality has returned in 2022, although PlayStation has been a bit unorthodox. There was no traditional press conference from the platform holder this year, and even major announcements like PSVR2’s pre-orders and release date have been relegated to the PS Blog. But! The game lineup has been good, and hopefully you have a couple of new titles nestled under your tree.
In terms of Push Square, we enjoyed another sturdy year, building upon our traffic from 2021, and implementing some key new features – like our All PS Plus Games list. We also welcomed Aaron Bayne to the fold as Video Editor, and we hope you’ve subscribed to the channel and checked out some of his stuff!
All that’s really left for us to say is a heartfelt thank you for continuing to visit Push Square, and for interacting with us every day. Whether you’re celebrating or not, we hope these final few days of 2022 will give you ample opportunity to rest, relax, and spend time with loved ones. We’ll be keeping the site active right throughout the holidays, so make sure you take a moment to check out all of the end of year content we have planned.
But for now, we wish you a Merry Christmas – and remember to eat those Brussel sprouts. They’re good for you. (Allegedly!)
Comments 69
Thanks for a year of great reviews, articles and tip-top entertainment.
Enjoy Xmas and New Year and let's do it all again in 2023 👍
Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas to all. Hope you all have a great day!!!
Merry Christmas everyone🎄!
Happy Christmas and New Year all Pushsquare folks!
Merry Christmas! Get rested as next year is going to be a banger!
Merry Christmas 🎅🎁🎄 Everyone! Have a good one.
Merry Christmas, PushSquare, and everyone who reads you! Thanks for all you do here!
Happy Holidays to everybody celebrating this time of year!
And have a Good Few Days off to my fellow non-believers!
I wish love and happiness to everyone!
Merry Christmas to the Pushsquare team! This site is the reason I started to get into gaming in the first place. I’m very thankful for the high quality work you all continue to do here. Have a great day!
Never trust a person who would deliberately eat sprouts!
Thanks to all the staff and the regulars who make this place my little corner of calm and happy in amongst the chaotic angry wider web. Love you all.
Merry Xmas.
Merry Christmas everyone! Off to put the turkey on now and steadily building a massive Lego set. I am an adult apparently.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals
Merry Christmas, thanks for all the entertainment this year writers and commenters - it’s been great.
Have a brilliant holiday!
Merry Christmas to everyone.im chilling like a villain.word up son
Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas to one and all. Have a splendid chrimbo. 🍻🦃
Merry Christmas to all and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!
Wishing everyone a fantastic day & wonderful New Year!! ❤️ Btw, I like Brussel Sprouts (not as much as peas or green bean casserole, but I do like 'em!)!!
Merry Christmas to all! Hope Santa was good to you!
Merry Christmas
Let’s see what next year brings!
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all Pushsquare staff and members!
Removed - offensive remarks
Merry Christmas all!
@JudgeDredd it was yesterday. 🤣🤣🤣
Merry Christmas to all
Merry Christmas all and Push Square!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone on Push Square!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone
Why, Brussel sprouts are my favourite, I'll eat a bowlful by the fire. And to all, merry Christmas you dysfunctional lot
And a happy last night of Hanukkah to all my jewish fam.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Father Christmas brought you all everything you wanted for being so good this year....
You were good now weren't you???
Merry Christmas everyone 🎄🎄
Ho Ho Ho. And one more ho to fill the word requirement.
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas everyone. Happy Holiday and all the best. Have fun. 🥳
Happy Holidays Everyone! Santa gave me a Thrustmaster racing wheel! Gran Turismo here I come! Oh, and I love brussel sprouts!
Merry Christmas PushSquare and the community.
Appreciate all you do. Seasons greetings to you and yours. x
Merry Christmas all.
A Merry Christmas message!?!?!? You’re officially better than IGN. Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope we can all have a great day with family. You’ve gained a new subscriber in me.
As always, thank you to everyone at Push Square for being the best place to go for PlayStation news and discussion. Here's to another year 🎮
Merry Christmas, everyone 🎄
Merry Christmas everyone, now to jump on that PS5. 😁
Merry Christmas, hope everyone has a good and safe holiday.
Merry Christmas all, hope it's been a cracking day for everyone.
Merry Christmas to all of Pushsquare and my fellow commenters.
Merry Christmas everybody 😁
Happy Saturnalia!!
Who is reviewing Christmas?
Thanks! Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope Santa brought Liam that kitten he really wanted!
Merry Christmas, thx for advice with the brussel sprouts
Merry Christmas to all and a shout-out to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine!
Merry Christmas.
Looks like the US PlayStation Store went to sleep early today and is giving out errors when adding games to cart and downloading so let's hope it's fixed soon.
No!! Brussel Sprouts are evil! Thanks for another excellent year of PlayStation goodness! Merry Christmas Push Square!
Merry Christmas everyone, many thanks for the great work you folk do on this site
Merry Christmas let go through another year about gaming and tech!
Merry Christmas to all staff and gaming community on PushSquare, from India!!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all mates! Looking forward to a great new year of gaming in 2023.
Put a bow on the square in Push Square next year! Thanks for an awesome site. Keeps me very entertained at work! All of the best for the Push Square team and community for 2023!
Bit late to the party here!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and all the best for 2023, this is a great site and a really good community. One of the few places I log into everyday!
Than you to the staffers for great reviews and articles, if time permits it would be great if you guys did a podcast!!!!
Merry Christmas!
I know I'm a bit late but Merry Christmas everyone!
Damn it has been a good year for my gaming. Didn't complete most of my games but still got over a 1000 hours on my PS5 which I bought late 2021 and only started playing early 2022. Thank You PushSquare for all the great reviews. Merry Christmas:)
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