@Th3solution@TheBrandedSwordsman it's been a while but I think I actually found a discarded bike way before I had the ability to build one... really looked after it too as I knew I wouldn't have one for a while if I killed it.
@TheBrandedSwordsman I remember there are a few times when you have to make it through a BT laden area very carefully. Of course, as you get the chiral network up in each area you are able to see where online players usually post signs warning you of areas where BTs or Mules roam so you can try to just completely avoid them by going around sometimes, but there are plenty of tricky times when BTs police an area that there is no way to avoid going through. It takes quite a bit of patience to go slow, hold your breath, etc. in order to make out the other side. Also, you can just fight to BTs if you are well armed and feel confident thereby clearing the area if you want. Personally I usually took the stealth approach to sneak my way through.
Like I said before, when you have access to motorbikes you can sometimes try an aggressive approach and just floor it and hope you can outrun them through an area, but honestly that usually doesn’t work. Typically there are rocks and obstacles enough to hold you up at some point and all it takes is the slightest hesitation and they will catch you and pull you off your bike and you’re in for a tough battle at that point and likely will have your cargo damaged severely.
So the slow and steady approach is the safest.... kinda like a Soulsborne boss 😄, if you get greedy and try to rush, usually you’ll pay for it. Patience is key.
I invested quite a bit in building roads (not sure you have access to those yet, I don’t remember) because a paved road + motorbike = insanely quick and safe traversal from point A to point B. There are other options too which I won’t spoil but suffice it to say, the further into the game, the more things you can construct and the more online structure will appear and it opens up pretty quick travel options.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I don't have access to road-building yet but I just charged up the motorbike and am looking forward to some smoother traversal. How does it work when you reach a BT-laden area? Can you push the bike along or what? How do you get it through the BT-infested area, other than riding it (presumably very slowly + carefully!)Actually I presume you would just drive around, right? Once you see the sign just go another way, rather than trying to somehow drive through their territory in an impromptu and implausibly successful fashion.
@TheBrandedSwordsman The approach to making it through BT’s with a bike is difficult. Most of the time the area is too big to just drive slowly and hope they don’t hear you. You have to either try to speed through quickly and get out of the area before they catch you (usually not successful), or abandon your motor bike and walk through the area in the usual stealth fashion. It’s a bummer to have to leave it, but the bike will remain there and be there for a while in game should you come back through that way again.
I will say that you’ll find that there will be quite a lot of abandoned bikes online. So it will hurt a little to leave your trusty vehicle behind in order to traverse a BT area or a severely rocky terrain, but there is often more bikes just sitting around that other players left behind that you might find on the other side of the area. Later on there will probably be times that you’ve got plenty of them around. They become fairly disposable. You’ll have to deal with the challenge of limited charge also so occasionally have to abandon one on the road when it runs out of juice if there’s not a charging station nearby or you don’t have supplies sufficient to build a charge station on the fly.
One other approach you could take if you really need your bike (say for example you have too much cargo to carry on foot and need the bike but the BT’s are in the way and there is no way around) — you can get off the bike and then fight the BT’s to clear it, then go back to your bike and resume on it through the area. If you get pulled off the bike to fight, the cargo gets damaged and scattered pretty severely. So fighting them on foot in a more planned and purposeful manner will save you a lot of headache if you absolutely need that bike.
But yes, if there is a route around it then that’s a good option to just drive around the area in question. But Kojima was a tricky little rascal and sometimes there’s no avoiding it 😄
@Th3solution Abandoning a bike sounds treacherous and sad, but if it's the only way it's the only way, what you said about finding abandoned bikes around is useful information, and I assume it will help a lot later in the game, also I intend on always keeping a PCC with me from now on, now that you've said that, so I can always recharge my bike.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@colonelkilgore No weapons at this stage in the game, forgot to mention that, they said they have a prototype of a weapon for me that will be ready for me when I reach Capital Knot City again.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@TheBrandedSwordsman Oh sorry, no — by clearing the area I mean fighting the BT’s and disposing of them. I didn’t realize you still are unarmed. As you get options to fight and dispose of them, then you can “clear” an area after “killing” them off during battle. Sorry if that was unclear.
Have you been showering, urinating, and defecating when you take a break in your room? If not, then you’ll need to be doing that when you rest in your room. You’ve got to donate blood while you sleep and collect your bodily waste in order to be armed at first. EX Grenades can be effective against BT’s but each subtype has a slightly different effect on them (I hope I’m not spoiling anything, but I thought by now they have the options for making the EX-grenades and having hematic grenades. I think you need to check your locker because as you make the grenades in your private room by disposing of waste, they are not automatically equipped so you need to equip them and carry them and then you can use them to combat BTs or help in strategically getting by them. Soon there will be firearms also but the grenades should be available and are sufficient to take care of BT’s in a rudimentary manner. I’ll spoiler tag this if you’d rather figure it out on your own, but the grenades have different effects on BTs, as does the ammo you get later for the guns. Mostly, the blood or hematic grenades will non-lethally “kill” them or get them back to the “other side” to clear the area. The EX1 grenades repel BTs from an area for a short time, and EX2 grenades attract BTs to a specific area, so that helps in sneaking around them.
@Th3solution I just made it to the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City where the bike is located - and can't be too far from the Waystation West of Capital Knot City, therefore I should be able to rest and take a leak in my room before too long, unless I have to wait until I get back to Capital Knot City to do that? Are the grenades easy to use? Thanks for all your help, by the way.
N.B I got the Giver of Gifts trophy today after I shared a locker with someone.
@TheBrandedSwordsman And yeah, I got into a habit of carrying a PCC around too, as you’re right, being able to create a charging station on the fly can be important. You’ll be able to see in your map when the area is connected to the chiral network where online charging stations and bikes are. So get on the network as soon as possible and life becomes a lot easier when you can take advantage of the help from online players. It’s wonderfully executed in how the online world is implemented and how relieved you can get sometimes to come upon a helpful structure that someone left behind.
By the way, on the computer in your room, you can make ‘strand agreements’ on the computer with other players — I forget when this happens, but it’s not very well explained as I recall, and what it means is that the structures and vehicles of these particular players you choose to ‘connect’ with in this way will be more likely to show up on your map, rather than just being populated with randoms. So if you see a particular player tends to be really good about putting bridges in convenient places or has a lot of highly structure with a lot of “likes” then you can ‘strand connect’ with them to see more of their stuff on your map
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@TheBrandedSwordsman You can collect urine or feces or body grime at any private room, so yes - go ahead and collect there. Soon you’ll have more grenades than you’ll ever use and the better weapons eventually make a lot of the grenades obsolete.
But yes, they are easy to use. I found the EX1 and EX2 grenades only partially useful. But the mechanics of throwing them is similar to other action games. I forget the exact buttons, but the game shows you an expected arc and area of impact before you throw.
I mostly relied on hematic grenades because they are the ones that actually do damage. But “luring” a group of BTs with EX1 or EX2’s can get you through a tight stealth sequence
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution From what you've said, this is the technique I'll be employing: not carrying too much cargo at once - no more than I can transport on my suit and body if I have to abandon a bike, as I have never been good at throwing grenades in a video games, a fair weakness I admit but, hey shooters are generally not my sort of thing - Dark Souls background. So I reckon I will stick to that strategy for the time being.
N.B I realise shooting is involved later in the game but I find that a lot easier than grenade throwing. Hey, I realise I'm contradicting myself here but I found the run and gun style of Uncharted 2 fun and easy, so, shooting I can handle it's just generally grenade throwing that'll be tricky for me if I do go down that route, so, yeah, I think I'll stick with shooting when it becomes available, as I could handle that in Uncharted 2 and DOOM 2016. (And Bioshock 1 & 2 - which I beat along with Uncharted 2 etc. )
@TheBrandedSwordsman I’m the same — I’ve never been a high utilizer of grenades in games. As DS progresses then you won’t need to use them as much, trust me. Other firearms and options to stealth “kill” BT’s eventually are given to you. However, try them out to be familiar with them because I recall a couple boss fights that I had to use some grenades to get through. And the mechanics of throwing them in DS is actually better than in a game like Uncharted or DOOM because the throwing arc and area of impact is very well displayed and more predictable
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Keith_Zissou it’s been a while but… is it possible that you might have repeated deliveries that you have already completed? ie you may have only completed 8 ‘different’ premium deliveries?
Apologies if this has come across as patronising 🙏
@Keith_Zissou I think @colonelkilgore might be correct, it's easy to repeat deliveries as after a cool down period the delivery will be back in the list at the respective depot / shelter. I'm sure will need to make sure that the premium deliveries you are doing are unique in order for them to qualify. Each one as a unique number but you will also be able to see from the stats on that delivery if you've done it before.
@Keith_Zissou I encountered a similar problem trying to find enough timed-deliveries to max those out. There are more than enough but they can take some locating 😅
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