
Topic: Horizon: Zero: Dawn

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OMG Rockcrushers! I just ran into the 2 corrupted ones, and had never seen them before. Those are tough! They never stay above ground long enough for me to ropecast or freeze/stun them! I ended up beating them by putting down 24 blast wires in one place, 580 damage each, and openning with the sling pumped up for frost #overkillFTW.



@Mega-Gazz That was a difficult fight. I even had the 'best' armour in the game as well as the 'best' weapons with some 'great' mods on and found that quite tough. The trick is to 'tear' off their digging claws if you want to keep them above ground. Not easy with two I know. In the end, I climbed on top of one of the big rocks and tried to hit them from up their where they couldn't reach me. I used proximity bombs and 'grenades' from my Sling as well as the 'freeze' on my War bow, Tear arrows and fire/hardened arrows (triple shot when I could) and constantly ducking behind the rock to let my armour recharge. Took me three attempts as the first two, I tried to fight them in the open using tripcaster and traps and thought my armour would 'save' me...

The first time I found Rockbreakers - not corrupted - I found two and they were quite easy to kill. I didn't have my 'super' armour or the 'best' weapons then either.... I think that made me a little complacent when I came across those 2 corrupted ones...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Just another of my pre-purchase question...
I read you can get all the skills in one playthrough; I use to play ARPG at least twice using very different characters to enjoy different gameplay, so I was thinking I could play Horizon with a Prowler + Forager combo and then go for a second run with Brave + Forager. Could it work or will it somehow ruin my experience? Or maybe I should just start on Very Hard, looking for 100% on my first and only run...

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@Cyph0Lax I'm still nowhere near finishing the game but if I was to do a replay, I'd be tempted to try it with some kind of add-on challenge. Like maybe putting it on the hardest difficulty with all the HUD off and imposing a permadeath run as well.

Would add an extra layer of tension and a survival-aspect to the game which could be fun.



@andreoni79 To be honest, I find that the skills don't really reflect character building in the way that other RPGs tend to. From what I've played so far, it seems very much like a one-run kind of game.

Perhaps there'll be bigger choices later on in the game but from where I am, I don't really get the sense that I'm shaping Aloy much as a character - which I'm fine with.



@andreoni79 I don't think you need to worry about that. You get plenty of EXP points to unlock every skill in the tree. No need for a second run because you missed some skills.



@andreoni79 I'm 54% done and am only missing 3 skills.

@BAMozzy glad to hear non-corrupted aren't as bad. I tried to shoot off the claws but no luck



@roe It sounds like Shadow of Mordor, where the skill trees were intended as the whole skills of a single character, and it makes sense here since Horizon is the story of Aloy. Seems I'll go then for a single run on Very Hard.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@andreoni79 There is NO reason why you wouldn't get ALL skills in a single playthrough. The only way you would miss out is by 'rushing' through the Main quest line. I reached Max Level quite a while before embarking on the final stages of the main quest. Some quests give Skill points too so its not exactly 'hard' to earn enough Skill points. There are aspects of both Prowler and Brave that compliment each other and will be very useful. Its not 'always' possible to use 'stealth' - not unless you are prepared to run and run and run. It can be quite easy for a 'stealth' situation to turn into a battle - especially as you can't 'instantly' kill all the machines. You aren't going to sneak up on a trio of Snapmaws and pick them off one by one and 'Stealth' isn't going to help much against Glinthawks who often fly above in groups of 3 or 4 so having some of the Brave abilities will not only be 'helpful' but essential. Its not like you can specialise in 'Brave' either as some of the Prowler skills are essential too.

In some of the quests, you are not always in 'stealth' either. Its not like you can 'stealth' everything on one play through and then try going all out attack on the 'next'. Most of the 'top' level (last row) are just 'extensions' of a previous version - like do even more damage when at low health with a heavy attack - the one before is do extra damage with heavy attack so its more circumstantial so maybe not as important as one of the 'forager' or 'Prowler' perks that you may not have unlocked. One of the last forager skills allows you to call a mount without needing to hack one - more a bonus than a necessity. What I am saying is that its far better to build up your skills from each section rather than go down a specific build. The Stealth side is probably better in the early stages anyway as your health is lower as is your gear but there are aspects of 'Brave' that are useful too.

The skill tree is more designed to be built up from 'each' over the course rather than to specialise in specific builds. Of course you could opt to put the majority of points into one specific group - even leave some of the first line skills to near the end. The hack enemies perk line just increases duration (mostly for those that 'fight' for you rather than rideable ones) until the become 'permanently' hacked and the last in the line lets you call a 'mount' regardless of whether you have hacked one or not so whether you want/need this until later in the game, its your choice but the point is, that if you intend to do 'everything' (all quests, side quests, errands, hunting lodges, cauldrons, corrupted zones etc) or even the majority of them, you should easily get enough skill points to upgrade more than two completely and should easily max out all 3 with all done. Its one of those games that you really don't want to rush through and like I said, once you do finish, you are dropped back to 'just' before the start of the final mission to give you an opportunity to tie up loose ends. As for difficulty, you can change that on the fly - just go into the Menus ad change it. Normal isn't exactly 'easy' either - even with the best weapons/armour at max level.

Even those of us that have the Platinum trophy - meaning we have reached Max Level and have all the skills unlocked are more than happy to keep playing because the game, the combat in particular, and the world is a great place to spend time in. So if/when you do get it, enjoy it don't try to rush through it either just to get to the 'end' of the 'Story'.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@andreoni79 as a souls fan, I'll say that there is no need to play on very hard. I'm playing on normal, and the difficulty is tuned quite well - you are punished for blundering into a fight unprepared (the start is easier) abut win decisively if you study, prepare and plan the fight well.



@Splat I love a good game that carries with us. I haven't been able to play much the past week, so I'm ready to get back in.


PSN: starhops


Thanks everyone! I play barely one game per month so I try to do it in the best way, investigating a bit before starting it and then avoiding any guide. I finally decided to go for a 100% run on Hard.
Now, after some 105 hours, I'm in the penultimate mission of Nioh so I hope to spend my next weekend in HorizonLand!

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


Rudy_Manchego wrote:

Still early into the story but I am literally collecting everything and doing everything in an area before moving on storywise.

I've been doing the same thing as you. I'm 25 hours in and still haven't made it to Meridian.


PSN: F_racsO


@F-racsO Me neither, I haven't got past any beast larger than the bellowback or even got many of the cooler weapons. I have a sackful of Shards though so should probably go on a weapon shopping spree and start experimenting more.

Anyone got any recommendations for must have pew pew toys?

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | X:


@Rudy_Manchego Don't be afraid of trying the tripcasters, ropecasters etc. they sound like they should be tough to use but are actually really easy to get to grips and make use of on the fly.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Rudy_Manchego Shadow Tripcaster is great. I love the Shadow Sharpshot Bow with Tearblast arrows. My fave thing is to tearblast the guns off of the machines and use them against them. Nothing like using a Ravager cannon!


PSN: starhops


@kyleforrester87 I've bought a basic tripcaster and ropecaster, and used the former a bit but I need to try these on some unsuspecting robots to get a good feel for them!

@starhops I need to get to Meridian - I think someone said its where the best weapons are. Those sound tops!

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | X:


I truly loved this game:)



andreoni79 wrote:

Now, after some 105 hours, I'm in the penultimate mission of Nioh so I hope to spend my next weekend in HorizonLand!

I still have to go back for my plat in nioh too, but honestly HZD is a better overall game. Hopefully I'll finish in time for the DS3 dlc


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