Took out Black Diablos. Took everything I had and an assist from Bazelguese who spent at least 20mins with us.
Just when you think you're 'well equipped', the game slaps you back down. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with the grind... .
Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Took out Black Diablos. Took everything I had and an assist from Bazelguese who spent at least 20mins with us.
Just when you think you're 'well equipped', the game slaps you back down. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with the grind... .
Never leave home without Dung Bombs. Just hit B52 with a few and he will leave.
@Splat Yeah I really need to make more use of the dung bombs. I just assumed they wouldn’t work on the bigger beasts based on the item description.
Also I just realised I can upgrade my charms & have them stack... *facepalm.
That should make farming Black Diablos easier for my Tyrannis Glaive!
Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Got over 120 hours with the hammer now, think it's time to go with something else for a bit but waiting on that big patch to commit. I'm tempted to go with the greatsword but we'll see how I get on with it. Augmented the eyepatch and some gloves to get that extra bit of armour, wow, it's not cheap to do that.
@LieutenantFatman I tend to switch weapons every 60 hours or so it seems. I was a big GS user in MH1-FU, but can't seem to get a solid feel for it in World. If you haven't already, I would highly recommend trying Switch Axe. It's just all kinds of fun! I think hammer is coming up for me soon
To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!
Now that Deviljho's here, I would love too see Lagiacrus in MHW in the future. Design wise, Lagiacrus is one of my most favourite monsters but I heard that most people are not a fan of the underwater gameplay.:/
Also, is anyone here familiar with the J-Pop group Morning Musume? I've heard some other their songs before during the late 90's. Anyways, one of the ex-members is actually a MH fan.
So after 120 hours or so I'm pretty much done with the game.
My first Monster Hunter and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Think I'll still keep the game downloaded for now just in case they start dropping expansions.
In hindsight I would've liked a season pass similar to Nioh, which offered up 3 meaningful pieces of content, with 2 expansions over 6 months.
I hope they announce something at E3, but even if they don't, Monster Hunter World is still one of my favorite games of this generation.
Best Enemy Design: Legiana
Worst Enemy Design: Kirin
Favorite Encounter: Rathian&Rathalos
Worst Encounter: Zorah Magdaros
Best Battle: Teostra
Most Annoying Fight: KUSHALA DAORA!!!
Most Intimidating: Bazelgeuse
Most Ridiculous Monster: Xeno'jiiva- plasma beams, really?
Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Stopped playing due to Ni No Kuni coming out. Had just defeated Nergigante. To be honest was a bit annoyed that they pulled the old "more powerful monsters roaming each area" storyline again. Was a bit anti-climatic. Will go back to it for the spring festival, then rest until I'm done with Ni No Kuni.
@JohnnyShoulder I don’t know, like mini episodes perhaps or events? Something like a Monster Hunter fight to the death tournament would’ve also been cool (they have the arenas).
I would imagine few people play MH for its story, but I would be far more invested if it had one. Like @Shellcore I’m moving onto NNK2 now.
I got a lot of game out of Monster Hunter World, but I would’ve paid extra for a season pass, that would’ve offered more meaningful content more frequently (offline).
Great game though!
Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Topic: Monster Hunter World PS4
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