
Topic: Red Dead Redemption 2 OT

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I was wondering if Im doing something wrong, ive put in over 40 hours of gameplay. Im lucky if I stumble upon a mission every 3-4 hours,Ive done 14 missions so far,and yet only on chapter 2, with only 23% progress,and 14 % story.



@WanderingBullet The medal thing was in GTA5 too and just seems utter nonsense as you don't know the goals beforehand and they're such random goals too.

@hulkie How do you mean "stumble on" missions? Most story missions seem to unlock fairly organically. I'm probably on the same amount of game time as you and still on chapter 2 as well. The "total progress" bar is a bit weird though as it has such arbitrary goals to consider something complete. Doing a handful of random encounters ticks that off as complete for instance.



@Thrillho Oh, I didn't know that GTAV had it too. I only spent a few hours on GTAV's campaign because I didn't care for the characters and also I really didn't like the controls.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@WanderingBullet I just play with full manual aim and it feels... normal. Auto-aim is something innatural to me, as steer assist in a racing game.
Medals are based on time too, here the reason you are forced to play the entire mission. Being fast to reach a destination or to use the lazo is as important as shooting.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


While I didn't go for the medals in GTA V, I think they're a good idea and give extra incentive to replay missions once you've finished the game.

After I've finished RDR 2 I might go back through the missions one by one to see if I can get all the golds and also to enjoy the story again without having to go through the open world.



@WanderingBullet At the moment I'm ignoring the medals and I'm not replaying missions if I missed the gold. I just restarted the game yesterday because I had the "missing people" bug and I can assure all that now that I know the controls the game feels way better. Now I'm curious to see how good I was in that section...
Personally, I always give priority to realism; I don't like when collecting trophies alter my perception of how the game should be played.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@andreoni79 Gotcha. For me, it's so much about the trophies, personally I find the aiming in this game is just not fun.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@WanderingBullet I think it's because gunfights are rare. I can immediately use the "L1 - R1 - stick to the right" combo to pick up the binoculars as soon as I see an animal since there are plenty of them, but when I'm caught into a gunfight I still get lost. At the moment the best tactic is to hide myself as soon as I feel danger, then I start thinking at buttons...

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


I’m starting to really warm up to the game now and feel more comfortable in its world and with the controls. It’s still pretty overwhelming, but I’m starting to have a similar feeling that I had with Bloodborne earlier this year. I was rather discouraged and confused about that game for several play sessions also, but once things ‘click’ then it’s hard not to think about the game all day and crave getting back into it.

I still have gameplay mechanics I’m learning and I’m definitely a noob in the world. Despite the horse riding being amongst PlayStation’s finest, I’ve managed to nearly kill myself and my horse a few times having him galloping full speed on a chase, only to smash into a unnoticed stump or boulder. Thankfully the poor guy has got up each time and isn’t lame yet.
Speaking of, I’ve yet to come across the preorder bonus materials. Anyone know when in the game those become available? Again, I’m still moseying slowly through Ch.2, doing side activities and exploring learning the world. I’m assuming there is a progression point where those bonus materials, including a new horse, will become clearly available?

I had my first quick draw duel last night and the game threw those controls at me so fast I died quickly with a thrown knife in my chest. I was successful on repeat, but it was only out of blind luck. You’re supposed to gradually press R2 to ready your weapon then... press it and it just fires? I’m not sure because I just mashed a bunch of buttons and it fired and killed the guy and I’m not sure which one did it! 😅

I’m not sure if this is my GOTY yet, but one thing is for sure — I have a list of ‘deserted island’ games that I’d take with me if I was stranded on an island and this is definitely one of them. The world is so vast with so much to do that it could keep one busy for ages.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution You can get the pre-order horse once you visit a stable for the first time as it’s available for free from there. The name was slightly different to what it was called in the pre-order pack which confused me slightly.

I have no idea where I get the special gun I supposedly unlocked in GTA online though.



@Thrillho Okay, Cool. I assume that’s also when you’re able to start keeping the horses you steal or “borrow” from people 😉.
I wasted time bonding with the stolen horse at the beginning of Ch 2 and I think it is intended to only be a temporary horse.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Regarding replaying missions, is it pointless to loot items when you're playing them? I mean, you don't get to keep them, right?

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@Kidfried A bad thing happened to me regarding the horse but I won't spoil since it was related to an even, not just a random accident... Just be careful!

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@Kidfried Yes, Agro comes to mind from Shadow of the Collosus as well. She never said a word, but I formed a closer bond to her than almost any other game character I can think of. * sigh *

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


"You Sir, are a fish."

My favourite Arthur line yet, it cracks me up every time he says it whilst fishing.



Today I was on top of a train and I whistled for my horse. It started running alongside the train, so I thought I'd jump straight on to it. 'This will look really cool' I thought. Sadly I timed my jump to meet a passing telegraph pole...

@Th3solution I'm still unsure about those quick-draw duels. Whenever I try to time it perfectly and gradually draw the gun, I get killed. Today I had another go at a duel, so I decided to just press R2 straight away. Arthur drew his gun and shot the guy instantly. So what's the point of slowly pressing the trigger? I don't quite get that yet.

@WanderingBullet If it's anything like GTA, your inventory goes back to what it was before you started the mission replay, so I wouldn't worry about looting stuff. I've not actually replayed a mission yet so it might be worth double-checking that, but I'm assuming that's the case.

@johncalmc Speaking of the mission replays, do you know if the stranger missions are included for the trophy? Also, I've heard that is that unlike GTA V, you now have to do all the requirements in one replay, is that true? Because that would make the trophy a lot less do-able.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Gremio108 The longer it takes you to fully depress R2, the more dead eye time you have once you do I think. You can use the extra time to shoot the gun out of your opponent's hand in order to not kill them.


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