
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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@JohnnyShoulder Definitely! I do wish that I was one of those guys who needed every game to be an original IP, innovative and groundbreaking, though... my backlog would be smaller



@ApostateMage I had a couple of days not on it much, so I'm still basically at the point where I'm just looking around Tatooine, but even that is awesome 😁

Did you find it a bit weird at how bad a liar Kay is, amd yet people just believe her? 😅 she will say "uhhhhh, yeeeeah? I know this person, sure. The errrr, person I know, right?" And people will react as if it sounded like she legitimately is saying something that rings true. I think it's a problem with modern writing and acting as a whole. They try to make it sound kind of silly and dumbed down to make it obvious that it's a lie, as if the stupid people watching are just going to think it is the truth if it doesn't sound like a lie to us. It is such a weird trend 🙃 please respect our ability to understand context, writers. But anyway ahah.

I was marvelling at the detail they have in Kay's face, however, as I noticed she sweats on Tatooine 😂 it really is a game of varying extremes.


When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I literally thought this when I was playing last night and I had a dialogue option to get past a guard. I chose to lie and the way Kay bumbled through some bullsh*t I was gobsmacked when it worked and the guard let her past. I think it's just the VA's style of acting though because Kay does say 'errr' a lot. I actually think that she does a decent job.

I never noticed the sweat on Kay but she is always complaining how hot it is to Nix when on Tatooine. Nice shot.



Just finished the Minerva's Den DLC for BioShock 2. Quite enjoyed it actually, even though it was more of the same. I'm glad that I took a break from the game and played Child of Light in between as I probably would've gotten burned out on the DLC otherwise. There were some new stuff, like the laser weapon and gravity well, which were cool but most of weapons/powers were returning ones from the base game. I did like the story and the futuristic take of an AI in the 60s. Really cool stuff!



Red Dead Redemption 2. It's a masterpiece.


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