We're half way through 2020, and what an eventful six months it's been. Our world has been a chaotic place lately, and even the games industry has felt the effects of these unprecedented times. However, the show must go on, and despite everything, 2020 has delivered some cracking PlayStation 4 games. Here are our top 10 PS4 games of 2020 so far.
10. Resident Evil 3 (PS4)
Hot on the heels of the brilliant Resident Evil 2 came this remake of the third entry. While it didn't quite live up to its predecessor, Resi 3 is still a thoroughly entertaining thrill ride. With the terrifying Nemesis on your tail, this more action-heavy horror title is a zombie-infested romp that wonderfully reimagines the PS1 outing.
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9. Granblue Fantasy Versus (PS4)
We all know Arc System Works can make a fighting game, and Granblue Fantasy Versus is yet another example of the developer's fantastic talents. Based on the Japanese mega property of the same name, this is a relatively traditional fighter, but gorgeous visuals and a great roster of diverse characters elevate the experience. While it has had its fair share of balancing issues on a competitive level, there's still so much fun to be had here, and it even comes with its own surprisingly lengthy RPG mode. And to top it all off, the game's very easy to get into, offering accessible mechanics without sacrificing the eventual depth that more serious players seek out.
8. Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition (PS4)
Kentucky Route Zero was a long time coming, but it finally arrived on PS4, and it was worth the wait. The episodic adventure game stands apart because it's constantly reinventing itself while telling an engaging story. It presents you with some bizarre scenes but it somehow all hangs together beautifully. The result is one of PS4's strangest yet most captivating adventures.
7. Zombie Army 4: Dead War (PS4)
Let's face it, Zombie Army 4: Dead War isn't going to win any Game of the Year gongs, but gosh darn does it know how to have fun. Strung together by a daft story that involves Nazi zombies, the title takes place over a number of chapters, each of them sporting their own unique setting. You and up to three pals blast your way through these levels with all kinds of 1940s armaments, popping undead heads like there's no tomorrow. Zombie Army 4 is just so easy to pick up, and as soon as you start triggering that kill combo, you'll be hooked.
6. Nioh 2 (PS4)
There are sequels like The Last of Us 2, which subvert expectations in interesting ways – and then there are sequels like Nioh 2, which don’t. This hard-as-nails action RPG may be similar to its samurai-themed predecessor, but the original was a pleasant surprise on the PS4, and its successor is still thoroughly entertaining. Pulsating combat pairs with imaginative environments to make for a fantastical journey through Feudal Japan.
Comments 40
It's been a bit of a slow year but SnowRunner is winning this year for me so far. Such a brilliant puzzle/driving game that's endlessly frustrating yet enjoyable.
Can we have one more article telling us TLOU 2 is the best game ever please?
@roe Absolutely.
Then came Cyberpunk 2077 and blew them all away.
Resident Evil 3 and The Last of Us 2 are the only new games I've finished this year so far, I'll go back and finish Doom Eternal and FFVII over the summer. As for Doom I'm not entirely sure its better than the 2016 game, whilst RE2 makes RE3 seem worse than it really is, still beat it 3 times so far. Best game this year so far is an easy choice
Nioh deserve to be replaced in the position of Dream
@ApostateMage I hope it does as that'll mean its absolutely brilliant
I love FF7R for boldly remaking not only the gameplay but the plot of a classic game. I hate FF7R because of the wait for Part 2 and several burning questions 🤔😔
Interested to see where Ghost of Tsushima places on this list next month. Top 3 seems achievable but would represent it being another killer exclusive.
Hard to imagine it topping TLOU and it's really difficult to judge Dreams in context to the others.
I'm sorry but in no way is the last of us pt 2 better than the FF7 remake. It's just not. I'm sorry but that game is amazing from start to finish. I couldnt have asked for a better remake.
@carlos82 same here only finished Re3 and TLOU2 starting nioh2 now so far so good. Probably my favourite this year is TLOU2 or Re3 though i am fan of survival games.
lol any best of 2020 list that doesn't have Streets of Rage 4 on it is HIGHLY SUSPECT
Nioh 2 is the best.i l💖ve this franchises.word up son
I think you'll find that you forgot to put Two Point Hospital somewhere at the top of the list!
I just love TLOUII's combat, so intense, amazing and deeply satisfying. Wet clothes in Uncharted1 was game-changing, in this one I'd say... ROPE!
@ApostateMage it definitely will
Strange to see so many story-focused single-player games there since we keep being told that type of game is a thing of the past. It's almost as if humans naturally love being engrossed in a great story and an immersive world and that there's more to gaming that running around trying to shoot each other while a 13-year-old American kid makes unbased claims about everyone's mothers. 🤔
I must admit, I am very surprised that Persona 5 Royal has ranked higher than Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I only own two on this list; P5R and Dreams which I got for free.
@ShaiHulud I second this.
@ShaiHulud We had Two Point Hospital at about 11, hence it missed out.
I would take these games over every game on this list.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Freedom Finger
Void Bastards
2 point Hospital
Streets of Rage 4
Curious Expedition
Ion Fury
Demons Tier
Can only rank the ones I've played...
1. Streets of Rage 4
2. MLB The Show 20
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. DOOM Eternal
5. Resident Evil 3
6. The Last of Us Part II
You mean the only PS4 games of 2020
@Matroska i agree but for me, ive not playes an online game in years and certainly dont miss them at all. Only online game i would consider is something co-op but then again i dont have any friends so that ones out the window 😂
Ha, Persona over Final Fantasy.
You love to see it.
Just messing about, I look forward to eventually playing VII remake but P5 blew me away. Had such a great and memorable time with it.
It's the best game I have finished this year, Days Gone in second place. I'm halfway through Part II and am of the opinion that it's an instant classic.
I've had Persona 5 in my backlog for an age. Is it worth just trading it in and getting Persona 5 Royal instead ? .....( then THAT can sit in my backlog ) ..tempted to
@Mitsui definitely.its a amazing game.hopefully nioh 3 is next.but i also hope for ninja gaiden 4.word up son
When I got to Persona 5 Royal at 3 I was like, "There were two better games than Persona 5 Royal this year?" and then I got to Dreams at 2 and I was like, "No, there wasn't." Jokes but seriously I totally forgot that game even came out this year.
@KingPev Probably tbh. Its the same rpg of the generation, but with extra content, but streamlined in areas that you will come to appreciate. I am still early doors on it due to having rinsed the original and so many classic titles releasing this year but i'd say that it probably does male sense to play royal over the vanilla release. Either way, you will still get an amazing experience
@Rob_230 thanks, that's what I'll do. And make sure I play it asap !
Haha..demo factory ahead of FFVIIR...sheesh
I know it was released last year but Control remains as the best PS4 game I've played so far this year.
@roe Because it is not the best game ever; it is NOT even the best game of this generation.
I think it was sarcasm. It's exhausting all the articles for this game. Last couple weeks I just click on the front page see 4 articles about it and click off and go somewhere else. There's so many other games I'm curious about.
Looking back I enjoyed Resident Evil 3 more than I first thought, Streets of Rage 4 was another great game but The Last of Us 2 is my favourite so far. Doom Eternal I got to level 4 and haven't returned and I'm currently at the Wall Market on FFVII remake and I'd say its good but not great so far, of I hadn't have played the original I may have stopped by now.
I’m not surprised given the nature of this site, but as far as TLoU2’s combat being intense or whatever. I’ve been playing it for some days now and the combat is average. Nothing new or mind blowing. I think the standards need to be a bit higher here.
Nioh 2 and streets of rage 4 the win.💖😍💛💚.word up son
Dreams at number two. That’s a hot take lol
So far, I've only played one of these games for a decent amount of time (FFVII Remake) but even if that wasn't the case, I get the feeling I'd place it at the top of my list anyway. Outside of the ending, which is more a problem for future installments than this one, this remake was everything I honestly could've hoped for; the characters were more fleshed out and likeable, the music was top-notch, the gameplay was among the best in the series (really showing how far SE have progressed since FFXV) with some truly great setpieces/boss fights and even the story was pretty good (which, coming from someone who didn't really like the original's story that much, is saying something).
So far, I think the only game here that has a chance to surpass it is Dreams, and I'm not too sure what to think of that one to be honest. On the one hand, it achieves what it sets out to do pretty well in providing a robust game maker, but on the other hand, as with all game makers, a fair chunk of its value lies in what the community produces, which is very much a mixed bag. Maybe if I went back and put a decent amount of time into it I could get a better idea, but at the moment, I can't really say one way or the other.
I normally agree with Push Square but I have to vehemently disagree with #1. I feel The Last of Us 2 resembles nothing of the relationship and character arc of the first, to say the least. Just my two cents.
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