How long is 1 hour in real time in Dead Rising 1? How does time translate from the in-game clock to real life? One of the most important parts of the game is the real-time passage of minutes and hours, and how it relates to what Cases and Scoops you can complete at the time. Understanding it is essential for getting the most out of the Capcom classic. In this Dead Rising 1 guide, we're going to answer the question: how long is one hour in real time? This guide covers both the original game and the new Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

How Long Is 1 Hour in Real Time in Dead Rising 1?

Dead Rising 1: How Long Is One Hour in Real Time? Guide

1 minute in Dead Rising 1 is equivalent to 5 seconds in real life. This means if you play the game for 5 minutes, then 1 hour will have passed in the game. You can check the time on your watch by pressing Left on the D-Pad. You can only stop the clock by pausing the game — if you leave it running and still have control of Frank, time will continue to pass and you might fail Cases and Scoops. Here's a table that shows all of the conversions from game time to real-life time:

In-Game Time Real-Life Time
1 minute 5 seconds
10 minutes 50 seconds
1 hour 5 minutes
12 hours 1 hour
1 day 2 hours

Because the game takes place over the course of 4 days across 72-Hour Mode and then Overtime Mode, you will have 8 hours of real-life playing time in the game, not factoring in the pause screen. Obviously, you can play the game across multiple playthroughs because due to the time restraints, it's very difficult to do everything in one go.

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