How do you get ceramics, chiral crystals, and metals in Death Stranding and Death Stranding Director's Cut? How do you collect more materials in Death Stranding? If you want to be crafting and fabricating new items regularly, you're going to need a plentiful source of supplies. As part of our Death Stranding guide here's how you get your hands on ceramics, chiral crystals, and metals in Death Stranding.
How to Get Ceramics, Chiral Crystals, and Metals in Death Stranding
In the case of ceramics and metals, you're going to start seeing the materials pop up across the game's maps fairly quickly. Once you're out in the open, send out a scan with a press of the R1 button and any ceramics and metals nearby will be highlighted on your HUD. You'll then need to go over to them and add them to your backpack by pressing the triangle button. Return them to a postbox, safe house, or distribution centre to add them to your overall pool of materials.
Chiral Crystals, on the other hand, cannot be picked up until chapter 2. They're a story unlock, and until you reach that event, you won't be able to pick up the golden objects sticking out of the ground. Once you do, simply head on over to them and hold the square button to pick them up. They then need to be dispensed at a postbox, safe house, or distribution centre.
Have you picked up many materials in Death Stranding and Death Stranding Director's Cut? Complete a delivery in the comments section below, and check out our Death Stranding guide for more.
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