How do you get a free PS5 PlayStation Camera adaptor for PSVR? If you want to use PlayStation VR on PlayStation 5 and you want to use the older camera designed for PlayStation 4, you won't be able to do so straight out of the box. As part of our PS5 guide, we're going to reveal how to get a free PS5 PlayStation Camera adaptor for PSVR. For more information, check out: Is There a New PSVR Headset for PS5?, Does PSVR Work on PS5?, All PS5 Games with PSVR Support.
How to Get a Free PS5 PlayStation Camera Adaptor for PSVR
If you want to get your hands on a PS5 PlayStation Camera adaptor for free, you'll need to order one via Sony. That is done through an official PlayStation support page which you can access through this link. It is a global URL that will automatically redirect you to your current locale.
On the next page, you will need to enter the serial number associated with your PSVR. This can be found on the rear side of the headset's Processor Unit and does not include any dashes or spaces. After that, you will need to fill in your personal and shipping details so that Sony knows where to send the PlayStation Camera adaptor for use with PSVR on PS5. Then you should be done!
Have you requested a free PS5 PlayStation Camera adaptor for PSVR? Check out our PS5 guide for more information and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 78
These pages are having a lot of issues right now. So, if it doesn't work for you, I recommend trying again in a few hours time.
It gave me errors on the code, then, once past that after 15 min of clicks, it gave me errors on the address. Another 15 min or clicks and I got it through. So either wait, as stated above, or keep clicking.
I kept getting errors and honestly I don't even need one of these any time soon so I stopped. Good luck to everyone else though.
Also could that serial number be any smaller? Geez. Hard to tell the 5s from 6s, vice versa.
Great, thanks, will do that later. Given they know how many units have been sold I’m hoping there’ll be no shortages.
Got it, took a while, lots of error messages but brute forced it through!
@zupertramp Take a photo with your phone and zoom in, worked for me.
Clearly I am a robot as haven't managed to get past the first screen yet! Update - I'm not a robot now and have entered my serial number but getting sick of identifying traffic lights, chimneys and cross walks .... sigh.
Put the code in and it kicked back to the start. I’ll try again tomorrow. Really hope it arrives before the PS5 does.
I think that'll keep until tomorrow. But glad to have the opportunity and am looking forward to seeing how it works with the '5.
After a dozen attempts I manage to get to the form and fill in all my details. Then it dumped me back to the start. No idea if it worked or not.
Like everyone else I'll try again tomorrow. At least it looks like there's a chance we can get the adaptor before the PS5 arrives.
Thank you for this!
It keeps asking me to confirm I’m not a robot and I can’t get any further than that. I’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe it will believe I’m not a robot then.
Is there a confirmation page beyond filling in your details? I get to that page and fill out the details, click submit and I am right back to the captcha page to confirm I'm not a robot... Have I completed it or is there a page to confirm the order?
Well, this answers the questions i had earlier. Cheers.
@CKFilms There is a confirmation page after you submit. It took many, many attempts to get that far though!
Yeah, im going to wait. That page is a mess right now 😅
Mine finally went through. If you're successful, you should be taken to a screen like this:
@lacerz Thanks, that confirms mine hasn't gone through then, I never saw that.
Looks like every VR owner is trying to register at the same time!
Huh, just tried one more time and it worked!
Mine is from the US site...I'm not sure if there's a different confirmation based on location.
@lacerz It's the same confirmation page for EU
Good to know!
You also get an email...
@lacerz Just had that screen, very happy. First attempt kicked me back to the start. Really hope they ship quickly so it’s close to release date in uk.
@lacerz Hmm... no email received here yet, is that a bad sign I wonder? Did you receive an email confirmation immediately?
No email confirmation yet.
@hungrymoth Thanks very much, I finally got to that screen - now just waiting on the confirmation email like @lacerz got. I requested from the EU link
@Madnurz @hungrymoth @CKFilms @SJBUK
The email didn't arrive immediately, but within 10 minutes. It shows the sender as "Do Not Reply" and the subject as "About your request" which I thought might be a phishing scam at first, but it's Sony.
@lacerz Thanks for the info, might be different as I am ordering from the EU page.
is this only for the older square camera like on the picture? I have a round camera.
Thanks @lacerz. The email from the EU site has come through now, it states that shipments are expected to begin mid Nov
It should be for both, as they had different form factors, but the same proprietary USB connection. The adaptor is for that USB connection.
Where's the form to request a free magnifying glass to read the serial number on my PSVR?!
@lacerz Thank you
Not available in Brazil yet!
@LiamCroft I’m guessing this is only an adapter for the usb on the camera? I was hoping they would be nice enough to provide a hdmi 2.1 splitter (I know wishful thinking). Having purchased my PSVR at launch I’m stuck with the old pass-through that doesn’t even support my Pro’s 10bit 4K hdr output. I have to keep swapping cables every time I want to use the damn thing as every hdmi switch I have tried never worked (hdcp handshake maybe or they don’t support full 10bit 4K hdr). Also, I don’t think even version 2 of the psvr will support hdmi 2.1 pass through (though I doubt many will be using the extra bandwidth).
So Liam any chance you could drop Sony a message about this oversight? I don’t mind paying for a special Sony 2.1 switch box if it means I don’t need to swap cables and it will definitely work as intended.
Do I need an adaptor for the 2nd generation camera.
@Discol76 Yes, it's for the USB connection as it is only USB-A inputs for the PS5.
I haven't received a confirmation email from EU site, but I just tried to input my serial number again and found it had already registered as used. So hopefully means the email should come through tonight or tomorrow for confirmation.
It just gives me an error whenever I put my in...
@Discol76 Yes.
Thanks PushSquare team for sharing these details!!
Given my serial code and got the confirmation screen.
Just waiting on a confirmation email.
Coming from a base ps4 owner, very much looking forward to seeing what PSVR games look like on PS5 as lots of people have told me the jump from base to pro was substantial.
Despite the screen being only 1080p, hoping more supersampling will make the image cleaner.
So I take it in Australia we just click on the EU link?
@ftfaria @CKFilms thanks for answering 👍
It would be good to have some answers regarding this. I regularly experience the PS4 Pro HDMI handshake issue and coupled with a V1 headset and 4K TV this can make for some frustrating quirks.
In an ideal scenario, the PS5 itself would contain all the necessary hardware for VR processing, but whether that technology could be future-proofed is another matter.
I had an HDMI splitter lying around and to my surprise it worked. It doesn’t support 4K @60fps, so presumably that rules out compatibility with a handful of games. One issue I did notice was the tiniest amount of snow on the TV screen - I don’t know if anyone can shed any light on this? I tested it by splitting PS3/PS4 and it’s also apparent with that setup, so doesn’t appear to be related to the VR unit.
I can link to the splitter if you are interested, but would say that they are rather an inelegant solution and it is a shame that pass-through wasn’t present in the initial version of the headset. A Sony-designed HDMI splitter would be a solution, but some kind of fix within the PS5 itself would be better. Constantly swapping cables is not only a minor nuisance, it could potentially cause wear and tear over time to cables and sockets.
It's adamant that I'm an actual robot. I'm going to wait day or two an hopefully it'll go through
@Vacuumator yeah that is exactly what I found when looking on Amazon at the time, the didn’t support hdmi 2.0b. So I’m currently rocking 2 female to female hdmi connectors which support what I need (hdmi 2.0b so the full 10bit 4K60 hdr) but obviously still requires manual switching but stops the worry of damaging my PlayStation, psvr box or tv hdmi ports. It’s a lot easier to replace connectors or hdmi cables. It’s still crazy Sony haven’t made a solution for this. They could easily do an Apple and charge a premium and sadly I would pay.
I know that on the PS4 they could update the firmware to the hdmi chip that's how they managed to add HDR even to the base PS4. I'm surprised on the base PSVR they didn't go for the same thing. Hopefully they mitigated this with version2 and it will have no issues with HDMI 2.1. Most users don't have 120hz TVs yet so I thing it's not a big issue. The HDMI revision on the PSVR can run just fine 1080p 120hz, that's the max of the display on the PSVR so I think everything should be fine.
Still not getting anywhere with this. Oops! Something went wrong. Not going to give up though!
Just to check the errors that people are getting, is it "Oops! Something went wrong. Please contact your local distributer or Retailer for support." ?
Well I have two PSVR’s and neither code works. Both say I have to contact my local retailer. Wonderful. I hope they (or someone) just sells an adaptor, I’d rather just buy one than go through all this nonsense.
@Digit2021 It appears that you would.
I am a little upset about the broken website for the adapter. There was news articles today about Sony's Video Games revenue being in the billions and they can't make a working website?
Put in the serial number, click next and nothing happens....
@AhabSpampurse that's the one.
Tried today in the UK and it's giving me errors. Doesn't seem to recognise my serial number and says I should contact support or the retailer... joy!
I really hope PS5 doesn’t inherit the PS4 Pro HDMI handshake issue. It’s only a problem with some brands of television, but it’s very annoying when sometimes the only way to get a picture on the TV for normal play is to turn the VR headset on.
@sikthvash I got that. I called the retailer. They said it's nothing to do with them. I need to contact Sony.
Tried contacting Sony. Call just gets cut off.
Absolute shambles. I knew this would happen as soon as they said we would need an adapter. I'm just praying they sell them. I'll just go and buy them.
@SoulChimera thank you for letting me know bud!
I tried to contact Sony via the links, but it only gives you a certain selection, like hardware or account related issues - hopeless!
You'll get there all, just be persistent. I was getting the error message but kept refreshing and trying again.
@sikthvash Yeah, bit of a mess really. Keep us updated. I’ll let you know if I get anywhere at my end.
Anyone still waiting on the email confirmation, do check your spam folder as I found mine in there.
How many digits are there in the thing?
Took a photo and enlarged it. I get to 11 of the 14 numbers and can't enter anymore and it says oops contact retailer.
Or should it be the number above it beginning with C and have a - in it?
FYI, the serial number field is case sensitive!
Mine failed until I used caps for the letters and it went through.
My serial number starts with a P and is followed by 13 numbers, so something like P1234567890123. No letters. This if for a UK V1 unit.
Just tried mine a few times in the US - can get past the "not a robot checkbox" no problem, no clicking on buses even, but it doesn't like my serial # beginning CA. Chrome browser may be an issue.
BTW the same serial number is also on the bottom of the big white box the visor came in. I keep my visor in that box next to my TV stand to keep the dust off.
If it ever gets thru maybe I'll let ya all know.
Edit: March 3rd, 2021. Just tried my Serial number again several times. It either says:
"Oops! We need the serial number from your Processor Unit, which begins with the letter C, M or P."
"Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling 800-345-7669."
Besides the fact that oops is a frakking stupid thing to say, it's 5 months after the website went up and they never fixed it? Come on.
The link above is for the rest of the world. I found another link for the US that works. It accepts serial numbers that begin with CA.
I am in the USA everything worked fine, But it is 2:20AM. Most people are in the bed asleep at this time.
PS: Thank You Push Square!
It keeps says my serial number has already been claimed!!!
Ah no it hasn't!
Worked just fine !! Made the request from the Romanian PS Site. Should be delivered mid of Nov. Anybody knows if the delivery is free or have to pay for it ??
@SoulChimera eventually got mine sorted. Tried again on Friday afternoon and it went through first time.
@sikthvash Nice. Congrats. I need to call. Forgot to do it for the past few days. I’ll get on it tomorrow.
@SoulChimera The serial number should go through fine now. Make sure to go through Google to get the right region for redemption, thus negating the need to call support. Even though I had the right region to begin with, I thought best to make sure it didn't auto change based on my IP address location.
@sikthvash Managed to sort it out over the phone, it refused to go through the site. I don’t like the chances of it turning up though. Customer service didn’t fill me with any confidence. Haha.
I follow the link, but I get 404 error.
Maybe it's a temporary error... dunno..
I'll only buy PS5 after sorting this out.
Excellent worked for me for once something went right. UK the final message said they will be in touch so mabe when the ps5 launches they need a code off that as well to confirm if i manage to get one one day due to non to pre-order.
Entered my serial number in (could barely see it!!!) and webform didn't send the info correctly, tried again and it said it had already been used, I bought it new so it had to have been an error. Contacted PlayStation customer services and stated all that with a picture of the serial number. I just got an email stupidly saying that the serial was invalid or used by someone else and not to reply. So annoyed!
Got through the request and received the confirmation email ok but been waiting a month and no camera
has anyone received this yet? we just called the support number and they couldn't locate our request....
I gave up trying to get an adapter.
The problem is I got the confirmation sent mail towards the Christmas. I got a feeling it got lost in all the Christmas post.
6 months later after contacting via twitter and wasting hours on the phone (covid days....no estimate on answering times)
I got a email to say an adapter has been sent!
End of story.....so I thought.......it never arrived. Tried contacting them again just to see if I didnt just put a typo in my address but I just got a call the help line.
I already wasted that much of my time and money in holding on the line previously that I could have brought multiple adapters if they just put them on general sale.
I literally given up at this point unless they start selling them separately.
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