The Daily Telegraph, a.k.a. Tripe.

Based on one singular case, the constantly wonderful "press" outlet have decided it will increase circulation numbers is time to publish yet more anti-video game propaganda. This time relating to skin trauma of the palms on one particular patient who happened to like playing a Playstation.

The article reads:
Lead author of the case report in the British Journal of Dermatology Behrooz Kasraee said it is thought the condition appeared because of the 'tight and continuous grasping of the console's handgrips together with repeated pushing of the buttons which produces minor but continuous trauma to the palms of the hands', in addition to sweating that can occur if the player becomes anxious while playing the game.

Dr Kasraee said: "The final diagnosis in our patient was idiopathic palmar eccrine hidradenitis. However, we propose that the variant in this patient can be labelled more specifically as 'PlayStation palmar hidradenitis'. Excessive video gaming is currently regarded as an alarming health issue.

"Most of the symptoms of this type of 'addiction' are considered to be psychological...recently organic pathologies such as acute tendonitis, called Wiiitis, or video game-induced knuckle pads have been added to the list of video game-related pathologies. We report 'PlayStation palmar hidradenitis' as a cutaneous (skin) pathology induced by console gaming."</blockquote>

Anyone else suffering from any problems? No, nor us.