Chinatown Wars Is Not Expected To Post The High Sales Figures That Were Anticipated.

Analyst Jesse Divnich reckons the game only managed to push 200,000 units in its first couple of weeks on sale.
The results from Chinatown are an important benchmark for the industry, as it will be the best-performing mature rated title on the Nintendo DS to date coupled with one of the strongest mature-rated game brands.

Previous GTA titles on the PSP have sold in excess 1 million units lifetime. The performance on the DS highlights clearly the demographic differences between the two platforms in the handheld market.</blockquote>

While it does seem ludicrous to compare the sales figures of a game that's been available for years as opposed to one new, it's worth mentioning that the sales of GTA games usually spike directly after launch before fading away. While it's entirely possible Chinatown War's lifetime sales could eventually catch up with its PSP counterparts, the initially slow sales figures speak a lot about the DS' userbase.