Visceral Games Are Focusing On Dante's Inferno Before Bringing Up Dead Space.

Visceral Games - formerly known as EA Redwood Shores - have confirmed they are "not ready" to talk about Dead Space 2 at the moment, and are instead focusing their energy on the Wii's Dead Space Extraction and upcoming PS3 action-adventure title Dante's Inferno.

"These two games are the games we're really focusing on. One of the reasons we changed the [studio's] name [to Visceral] is to go, 'We're focusing on quality.' So right now the focus is on getting these two games to the highest quality. The studio is really working on that."

"I think talking about anything other than that just takes the focus away from the games we're working on."

We're sure Dead Space 2 will be mentioned weeks after the release of Dante's Inferno. It's a strategy they used with announcing Dante's Inferno - word came weeks after the release of the original Dead Space.