Aliens: Colonial Marines Is Still A Video Game.

In a rare update with C&VG, Gearbox have confirmed that the game is still in development and "great things are afoot". Gearbox big-wig <span class="text_article_body">Randy Pitchford had this to say:
"I know that there hasn't been much talk about what we're doing for awhile and that more details would be very juicy. Like so many people, I've been patient for years to finally be able to play this game and now that I'm actually involved in the creation of it I can tell you that it's extremely challenging to continue to be patient as it develops," he told us.

"I want to tell all! But I can't. But I can say that we are working hard and that there are great things afoot and I know that when the time is right, Sega will be excited to share more details about the game. Until that time, I guess the only thing anyone can do is just keep pressuring Gearbox and Sega to spill more beans. Maybe one of us will eventually crack."</blockquote>

So there you have it. The game is still in development and the Gearbox head-honcho reckons it's pretty darn rad.