Group Hug?

We're done. Year numero uno of is over. Sorta. While we're shutting down the computers and heading home, a backlog of our work over the entire month of December is set to appear: namely our Game Of The Year countdown which will run everyday until January 3rd. There are also some reviews popping up from time to time. And Sammy will be dropping in every now and then to update you on his challenge to hit 2,000 trophies before January 4th.

It's been a crazy year at PushSquare. We've gone from absolute and utter nobodies, to becoming one of the power-houses in Playstation blogging. Since launching in late January we've reviewed over 150 Playstation games, written over 2,850 posts containing nearly half a million words, and served nearly 600,000 unique readers.

Just writing those figures is momentous for us. It's been a lot of work, but it's been worth it, and we hope you've enjoyed it. We're getting ready to do it all over again next year, with some background changes hopefully taking shape in the new year.

Either way, 2010 looks like a huge year for games and we look forward to discussing it with all of you (and hopefully a few new people too).

Until then, have a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for all your support this year.

- the folks at xxx.