Naughty Dog Reckon They Can Do Even More With The PS3. Dude.


Speaking with G4TV, Wells said that he believes there's much more to squeeze out of the PS3's hardware.
"We're getting comfortable [with the PS3]," he said. "We're not itching for new hardware. I would love to keep working on the PlayStation [3] for 5 or 6 more years... I think there's still a lot to get out of it."

Wells continued: <span> "We made a very big advancement between the first [Uncharted] and the second game, we're really tapping into the Cell processor, but there's more there.

"We're not really feeling limited by the hardware, it's more about the hours of the day and how quickly we want to get the next game out.</span>

"It really feels that sometimes it's this bottomless pit of processing power, you find the right kind of job for it and it can just churn through those things so fast, which really helps with a lot of our rendering and post-processing effects."</blockquote>

<span>It seems Naughty Dog will wait for no-one to catch them as we assume work on Uncharted 3 starts this week. That's a crazy thing to be thinking but, dude, it has to be right?