49, original price $4.99)
Tom Clancy's HAWX: US Eagles Pack Sale (now $2.49, original price $4.99)
Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty (sale price $7.49, reg. $14.99)
Revenge of the Wounded Dragons (sale price$4.99, reg. $9.99)</ul>
Downloadable Games
- After Burner: Climax ($9.99)
- Hyperballoid HD ($4.99)
- Puzzle Chronicles ($9.99)
- The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition ($9.99)
- MLB.tv
PSone Classics
- XS Moto ($5.99)
- Hysteria Project ($1.99)
- Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess ($4.99)
Game Demos
- Lost Planet 2
Add-on Content
- BUZZ! - 00's Quiz ($5.99)
- Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing - Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone ($7.99)
- Uncharted 2 - Siege Expansion Pack ($5.99)
- Guitar Hero 5 - Pheonix Track Pack ($5.49, or $1.99 each)
"Everything is Everything"
"Liztomania" - Rock Band: Rock Band Weekly
- Rock Band Network
"Australia" - The Shins ($1.99)
"Code Monkey" - Jonathan Coulton ($1.99)
"Drunken Lullabies (Live)" - Flogging Molly ($0.99)
"Even Rats" - The Slip ($1.99)
"For the Love of God (Live)" - Steve Vai ($1.99)
- 3D Dot Game Heroes - Most Interesting Hero in 3D Trailer
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - Debut Trailer
- Lost Planet 2 - Development Diary: Story
- MLB 10 The Show - Opening Day Trailer
- ModNation Racers - Tutorials (x3)
- Red Dead Redemption - Trailers (x3)
- Tecmo Bowl Throwback - Trailer
PS3 Themes and Wallpapers
- ModNation Racers Themes (x2)
- America Flags Theme ($1.99)
- Beez Pleeeeeze Theme ($0.99)
- NBA teams (x16 $1.99 each)
- Tentakill Theme ($1.49)
- Underwater Disco Theme ($1.49)
PSP Content!!
Price Updates
- Petz Dogz Family Sale (now $14.99, original price $29.99)
- Petz Hamsterz Bunch Sale (now $14.99, original price $29.99)
- Petz Saddle Club Sale (now $14.99, original price $29.99)
Downloadable Games
- UNO ($7.99)
PSone Classics
- XS Moto ($5.99)
- Charge! Tank Squad! ($1.99)
- Homerun Hitters ($1.99)
- Hysteria Project ($1.99)
- Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess ($4.99)
- Shogi ($1.99)
Add-on Game Content
- The Eye of Judgment Legends - Expansion Pack 2 ($1.99)
- MLB 10: The Show - Opening Day Trailer
- ModNation Racers - Tutorials (x3)
- 3D Dot Game Heroes - Trailers (x2)
PSP Themes and Wallpapers
- America Flags Theme 1 ($1.99)
- America Flags Theme 2 ($1.99)
- Beez Pleeeeeze Theme 1 ($0.99)
- Beez Pleeeeeze Theme 2 ($0.99)
- NBA teams (x16 $1.49 each)
- DJ Max Fever - Wallpapers (x4)
- Strikers 1943 Plus - Wallpapers (x2)
PSP Comics
- 2000AD Prog # 1676
- Archie # 2
- Sonic the Hedgehog # 1
- The Beagle Boys and the Eco-Friendly Day
- Donald Duck and Fethry Duck: "Operation Seaweed"
- Donald Duck and the Ultralight Challenge
- Magica De Spell and the Unscheduled Trip
- The Mystery of the Black Pond
- Scrooge McDuck and the Gastronomical Bills
- Scrooge McDuck and the Mystery of the Sunken Ship
- The Strange Case of Doctor Duckell and Mister Duckhyde
- Superduck # 11
- Ultraheroes # 4
- Powers (2000) # 1
- Powers (2000) # 2
- Powers (2000) # 3
- Powers (2000) # 4
- Powers (2000) # 5
- Powers (2000) # 6
- Army of Two # 4
- Bill Willingham's Pantheon # 3
- Dead, She Said # 1
- G.I. Joe # 14
- G.I. Joe Origins # 14
- Kill Shakespeare # 1
- Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows # 5
- Runes of Ragnan # 4
- Transformers: Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream # 5
- Transformers: Nefarious # 1
- Vampire Hunter D Volume 1 # 3
- Kong: King of Skull Island # 2
- Ritual # 2
- Serpent Wars # 1
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 1
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 2
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 3
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 4
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 5
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 6
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 7
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 8
- Marvels Vol.1 (1994) # 9
- Abyss # 4
- Atomic Robo Vol.2 # 3
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