Review Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PlayStation 3)
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands takes the PoP franchise back to its Playstation 2 heyday
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Will Support Mouse & Keyboard
Media Molecule's confirmed to NowGamer that the upcoming LittleBigPlanet 2 will support mouse and keyboard functionality
Review Split/Second: Velocity (PlayStation 3)
Split/Second's a game which puts its best foot forward first
News - May, 2010
Monday31st May 2010
News Did You Just Say There's Going To Be A Play TV, Erm, Sequel?
An interview with Sony Cambridge [conducted by Spong, picked up by TSA] has revealed that there may well be a sequel to Play TV on the horizon
Play TV's essentially a DVR add-on for the PS3, compatible in SCEE regions. But it looks like it might be getting an update in the future. Amongst details for LittleBigPlanet PSP and TV Superstars, Sony...
News Playstation 3 Firmware Update Brings Three-Dee On June 10th
Sony's announced over-night in Japan that, hey, 3D is coming to your Playstation 3
It's coming June 10th to be precise, alongside a slew of updated content. Games supporting the service out of the gates include PAIN, Wipeout HD and Super Stardust HD, the former of which we posted about yesterday. PAIN will require a ¥300 update in Japan, which we...
Sunday30th May 2010
News Sony: PSP2? You'll Find Out At E3...
The eagle-eyed bloggers over at Connected-Consoles have picked up on an off-the-cuff remark on the American arm of the Playstation Blog
Grilled about the existence of the PSP2, Senior Social Media Specialist Sid Shuman claimed that while the company can neither confirm or deny the existence of a portable successor, "you'll find out for yourself...
News PAIN Does Broken Arms And Splintered Shins In 3D From Next Week
Unofficial Playstation Store blog, PSNStores, are suggesting that the 3D update for PAIN will land this week
They note that the pack's due for Hong Kong next week and assume that it'll be coming to the UK and US too. The pack includes two new game modes: Alien Toss and Ice Breaker, the latter of which has you tossing explosives at an ice fortress...
News Another Week, Another Magazine, Another Leak: inFamous 2 Outed
Are you taking this in? Sony are on an unbelievably powerful roll
After the strength of this year first couple of quarters - MAG, Heavy Rain, God Of War III, Modnation Racers - many people were assuming Sony would have nothing left. But it's been consecutive week-after-week announcements from the company, and this all comes before E3. We've had...
Saturday29th May 2010
News Sony Looking To Bring More Playstation Collections To PS3
Playstation users have been sent a survey asking which titles they'd like to see "in a future collection"; a la God Of War Collection
The survey notes: "What titles would you like to see in a future collection (2 or more PS2 titles upgraded with similar features to God of War Collection)?" Our response - Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus...
Feature Racing Games... Too Many Racing Games - "Twiggy" The Push Square Opinionator
Burnout Paradise predates this website
It was released in January 2008, at a time when I didn't have to play every game that released. I picked it up sometime in September. Being a fan of arcade racers, it still bemuses me that I didn't buy it earlier, and I honestly can't for the life of me recall why. But I didn't - I picked it up late. At the...
News Check Out Joe Danger's Level Editor
Play Create Share is all the rage on Playstation right now
So much so, we're surprised the other platform holders haven't jumped on the bandwagon. Nintendo already has of sorts — their WarioWare D.I.Y. game allows you to create mini-games on your Nintendo DS. But nothing from Microsoft yet. Expect that to come. With Modnation Racers already out,...
News Insomniac Details Their Canceled PS2 Project, "Girl With A Stick"
Insomniac's dropped some details on their canceled PS2 project, "Girl With A Stick"
The project came about after Insomniac had spent many years working on the Spyro platform titles. Studio head Ted Price described the project as "exciting" as the company had spent so long making sequels. "Girl With A Stick" was pitched as being a...
Friday28th May 2010
Review Split/Second: Velocity (PlayStation 3)
Split/Second's a game which puts its best foot forward first
The first few races you'll experience are among some of the most exciting moments in video games. The premise is simple - you're part of a mad futuristic game-show, in which competitors race around an ever-changing track rigged to the teeth with explosives. Ambitious driving will reward...
News Here Are Your Free PSPgo Games (They're Good)
Remember a little while ago we told you Sony were planning to include 10 free games with all new PSPgo registrations (post April 1st, 2010)
Well, details of those free games have emerged this morning via a German website. The list of games is as follows: LittleBigPlanet Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Assassins Creed: Bloodlines FIFA World Cup...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops To Feature Four-Player Online Co-Op
As part of an embargo-lift around the world today, Treyarch's revealed that their upcoming Call Of Duty: Black Ops title will feature four-player online co-op
Speaking at an Activision press-conference earlier in the week, Treyarch's Mark Lamia declared: "The game will also feature distinct multiplayer and co-op modes, and though specifics...
News Red Dead Redemption Robs The Bank, Scores £10million Over Opening Weekend
Despite serious stock shortages
Rockstar's breached the vault doors and robbed the bank with Red Dead Redemption if MCV's reports are anything to go by - they claim the company earned a cool £10 million from the game in its opening weekend. "The launch went incredibly well", HMV's Jonathan Hayes said. "As a relatively new brand, it's almost done...
News Japanese RPG Adopts The "Freemium" Model
An upcoming Japanese RPG from Acquire and Zero Div will launch at the grand price of nothing
The title, Bakumatsu Revolution, will be a free download from the PSN including a full 10-hour campaign. Additionally, IGN reports that players will be able to share the game via wireless connectivity. That's almost viral. Of course, while the game's very...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops Screens Feature Guns, Furrowed Brows
VG247's posted up a heap of Call Of Duty: Black Ops screenshots, aswell as some hands-on impressions if that's your bag
The screens showcase a variety of environments, confirming that the upcoming Treyarch shooter will be a mixed bag of locales. The whole thing's looking very pretty too.
News Red Dead Redemption Will Get More DLC, Claim Rockstar
Rockstar's confirmed they will release more DLC for Red Dead Redemption beyond the "Outlaws To The End" co-op pack which is planned for release next month
Dropping details on Rockstar's official site, more details on the free pack will be released soon. But there'll still be plenty to look forward to beyond that. Also know that there will...
News Battlestar Galactica Composer Scores "Shifting" Soundtrack For SOCOM 4
Bear Mcreary (apparently yes, that is his real name) has announced on his blog that he'll be scoring the soundtrack to Zipper's upcoming SOCOM 4
Bear's best known for his music in the Battlestar Galactica series, but is stoked to be working on SOCOM. Ever since I was a kid, Ive dreamt of a video game score that would feel as if it were being...
News Blur Invades The Streets Of London
Blur and its Mario Kart-rippin' buddies have taken to the Old Street Magistrates Court in London to promote Activision's racers
The game's out today in the UK today. The painting took over 30 hours to complete and was painted by British artist Gary Nolan. If you've yet to see the advert it's immitating, click through here. It's essential.
News Naughty Bear Hates People With Private Speed Boats...
.. You're not alone Naughty Bear. You're not alone.
Rumour Gran Turismo 5 To Launch On 27th August?
Eagle-eyed PushSquare reader, Adam White, has just let us know that UK retailer Argos are touting an August 27th release date for Gran Turismo 5
The date, mere months away, would fit in line with comments made by Sony that the game is coming "very soon", and will likely get a confirmation at next month's E3 event. Course, this could just...
News Japanese Hardware Sales Stay Static
Hey valued reader, would you like to play a game? It's called "What came first and second in the Japanese hardware sales this week?" Here's a big clue - look through our archives and you'll note it never changes
So yes, valued reader, you're correct. The PSP was in first, the PS3 second. And right at the bottom? Yup the PS2 and PSPgo. Everything...
News F.E.A.R. 3 Looks A Little Bit Like This...
.. Roar. Yup, as you may have expected before hitting the link, there are horrible nasty things lurking in this set of F.E.A.R. 3 screenshots. Get the full load via AGB.
News Pure Football Gets The Launch Trailer Treatment
We must be bad at our jobs or something - we had no idea Pure Football was out today
Did you, valued reader? Did anyone? The game's hook appears to be football without rules. The animations look a bit janky in this trailer, mind. Hmm.
News First Killzone 3 Footage Is Awesome... For Reasons You Might Not Expect
Man, overtime we've come to learn that Killzone's fan-base is super hardcore
People love Killzone. Adore it in fact. This "new" footage is testament to that. Remember yesterday we posted an interview from the Playstation Blog that had the game running in the background? Well someone's cut the game footage away from the interview, stretched...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops To Be Like "Three Games In One"
It's hard to deny the value of a game that can provide excellent single-player, multiplayer and co-operative campaigns
On the whole, the Call Of Duty titles typically manage that Neapolitan of experiences, without particularly shirking quality in any area. The announcement of Call Of Duty: Black Ops' four-player co-operative mode is strengthened by...
Thursday27th May 2010
News Tekken 7 Announced, We Seem Like The Only Ones Excited
We love Tekken
Granted, the series has felt a little flat in recent iterations (particularly the hit-and-miss Tekken 6), but we still believe it's a solid fighting franchise, and due a return to its former glory. So it's with some excitement that we read a recent Eurogamer Portugal report, which declares that Tekken 7 is a real product currently in...
Review Coconut Dodge (PlayStation Minis)
Like its name, Coconut Dodge is simplistic as it gets: dodge the coconuts, collect the treasure
The key to its success, therefore, is its bold simplicity — after all, this is what Minis were made for, right? We have the utmost respect for Coconut Dodge's developers, FuturLab. Their website notes a torrid tale in which the recognised Flash studio...
News Playstation Home To Leave Beta This December
Two years after the services launch, Sony's ambitious virtual world, Playstation Home, will finally leave beta
Veemee's Kirk Ewing - whose company working on the Audi space - confirmed as much at an event in Dundee last weekend. Home is due to come out of its beta-testing phase in December of this year. One in three PS3 owners use Home...
News Hang On, Naughty Dog Are Working On A PSP Game?
Betcha didn't expect this on your Monday morning, did you? The LinkedIn profile of one Naughty Dog employee suggests that, hey, Naughty Dog were working on one
Ben Weston - currently a programmer at Rebellion in the UK - notes that during his time at Naughty Dog he worked on an "Action Game" for the PSP alongside Uncharted: Drake's...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops Will Exceed Expectations, Say Treyarch
Well we've been saying it for a while, and it sounds like Treyarch truly believe it -- emerging from the shadows of the Infinity Ward love-affair are Treyarch, a developer who has been nothing but loyal and dignified in their development duties
But perhaps tired of being shoved under the rug by their counter-parts, Treyarch's clearly ready to take...
News Pachter: Killzone 3's 3D Isn't A "Game Changer"
Everyone's favourite (or least favourite) industry analyst Michael Pachter has had a word or two to say about Killzone 3's 3D implementation
He's told CVG: "I don't think that 3D support is a huge game changer, as I don't think that a significant portion of the population will have 3D displays any time soon." We're lost for words. When...
News Wild Arms Developer Working On New Playstation 3/Playstation Portable Game
Media Vision, whom are best known for the Wild Arms franchise, are working on a new Playstation 3/Playstation Portable game
That's according to a job listing which notes the project is still early in production, and is expected to be a massive project that will span a long term". Interestingly, the job listing also notes that the game will have...
News Red Dead Redemption Shortage In The UK To Be Solved, Claims Rockstar
Our local Tesco still hadn't got copies of Red Dead Redemption when we checked yesterday
There was just a bare empty space where the game should be. We don't know how much luck people are having up and down the country - but the fact is, whether you can find a copy or not, Red Dead Redemption is suffering a shortage here. Thankfully, Rockstar's been...
News Good Grief Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Looks Pretty!
Stop what you're doing
Just stop ok. Now hover your mouse cursor right about here, and click. Thank goodness. Sit back and enjoy the amazingly amazingness of these Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 screens. Did we mention they were amazing? They're amazing. Get hype, indeed!
Rumour So Rock Band 3 Features A Keytar, Then
Given our certainty earlier this week that Rock Band 3 would feature some form of light-up keyboard, a report from Ars Technica sounds kind of disappointing
They're claiming that Rock Band 3 will feature a keytar. A keytar? Come on that's lame. Ars are all speculating that a new "Pro" mode will be included "that will require proper...
News Gears Of What? Killzone 3 Goodies Blow The Roof Off!
It was a prominent coining around February last year, ahead of the release of the anticipated Killzone 2. We expect the phrase will re-emerge soon due to Killzone 3. A host of hands-on reports for the game have come out of the US tonight, and they're particularly glowing. They address control concerns, to visual upgrades, to general...
News Ubisoft Drop Details On HAWX 2, Will Feature Four-Player Co-Op
Ubisoft's dropped some new details on the upcoming Tom Clancy's HAWX 2
Most notably, the game will feature four-player co-op throughout the game's entire campaign, alongside traditional eight-player competitive multiplayer. Ubisoft are gunning to feature "all aspects of aerial combat," including take-offs and landings in HAWX 2. There'll...
News White Knight Chronicles 2 Gets A New Trailer
Ooooh - moody, mysterious, romantic, engaging
This new White Knight Chronicles 2 trailer has a bit of everything. The game's due in Japan within the next couple of months. Seeing as the Western version only just launched... Don't hold your breath for an English-language release just yet.
E3 2010 Driver Confirmed For Ubisoft's E3 Line-up
Ubisoft's dropped a list of its E3 titles, and that list includes the new Driver game -- tipped to be called Driver: The Recruit
The game will be shown alongside the likes of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Shaun White Skateboarding, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and presumably a few surprises. Ubi's press conference takes place on Monday, June 14th.
Wednesday26th May 2010
News God Of War Art Exhibition Promises To Be Particularly Gruesome
If you're free this Saturday May 29th and you're in the Hollywood area, you should hit up the Gnomon Gallery who are showcasing a ton of art from God Of War III
Artists from Sony Santa Monica will be on hand to talk about their work, with the display ranging from concept art to 3D renders. You can get more details through here.
News Ape Escape PS3 A Lock For E3 2010, The Sequel To Piposaru 2001
There's been some movement on the Ape Escape PS3 Twitter page over the last few days
The feed has been promoting an unusual fan-page, which is being slowly updated with information regarding previous Ape Escape releases. You can check out the Geocities-esque mid-nineties fan-page through here. As the page updates with information on the likes of Ape...
News Target Out MLB 10: The Show Playstation 3 Bundle
It's only been a couple of weeks since a Target employee last outed a special MLB 10: The Show Playstation 3 bundle
Now Joystiq's picked up a listing for the bundle on Target's very own website. No denying it now chaps! The pack includes a 250GB PS3 and a copy of the MLB 10: The Show game. Makes perfect sense seeing as the PS3 can now stream live...
Rumour Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus Getting HD Blu-Ray Re-Release
We tried to buy a copy of both Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus from eBay not too long ago
At £70 we were outbid. Damn those games for being so rare and so sought after. Which is why, ahead of Team Ico's upcoming PS3 exclusive The Last Guardian, it would be lovely to get an HD re-release of the classic PS2 titles. That's exactly what's being rumoured...
News Alien Breed: Impact Coming To Playstation 3 This Summer
Team 17's finally announced that Alien Breed: Impact - an expanded version of XBOX Live Arcade exclusive Alien Breed: Evolution - will launch on the Playstation Store this summer
Alien Breed: Impact's a new entry in the classic Alien Breed franchise. It's a game where you shoot things. Lots of them. The press release notes: "Alien Breed: Impact...
Rumour Team Ico Collection To Launch In Q1, 2011
Blimey, hot on the heels of VG247's Team Ico Collection rumour this morning, our buddies at TheSixthAxis have followed up with an even more specific tease: they reckon the touted HD re-release of PS2 classics Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus will hit PS3 next year
In Q1 if you want specifics. Again, there's not much else that we can say at this point...
News Sony: "Games Are A Perfect Fit" For 3D Technology
Speaking on the Playstation website, SCEE's president Andrew House has claimed that "games are a perfect fit with 3D" and expects them to "lead the way in consumer understanding of how 3D enhances the entertainment experience"
This follows the announcement of Killzone 3 earlier in the week which is set to implement stunning 3D visuals. "Games...
News Sorry, But This Trailer Has Completely Put Us Off The New Splatterhouse Game
Urgh, good grief
Our excitement for Splatterhouse was already relatively low. But when we open up a trailer still relatively early in the morning, and get our ears blown off by chugging guitars with way too much overdrive applied to them - consider our mood dwindling and our day ruined. Going by this trailer, Splatterhouse just doesn't look like a...
News Sony To, Erm, Give-Away 10 Free Games With Future PSPgo Purchases
According to MCV, Sony's set to announce a new deal for future PSPgo buyers — that will see consumers receive 10 free games. Anyone registering their device after April 1st will be entitled to 10 free game vouchers, including full games such as FIFA 10, LittleBigPlanet and Grand Theft Auto. On PSPgo weve decided to innovate with that...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 25th May 2010
Sales and Price Drops Sale: Prince of Persia Classic ($4
99; regular $9.99); offer good through Monday, May 31 Sale: Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars: Battleball Arena ($4.99; regular $9.99) Sale: Wakeboarding HD ($7.49; regular $14.99) Permanent Price Drop: Heracles Chariot Racing - Permanent Price Drop ($2.99; original price...
News Analyst: Playstation 3 Eating Away XBOX 360's Global Share
According to a report by Strategy Analytics , the PS3 is set to enjoy a bumper year, which will see Sony eat away the XBOX 360's global share
In the first quarter of 2010, Sony increased their market share to 31%, largely at the expense of the XBOX 360. Strategy Analytics predict that the PS3 will shift 14 million units globally this year, second to...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 26th May 2010
Special Offers Until June 9: Wakeboarding HD (was £11
99/14.99 now £6.29/7.99) Numblast (was £3.99/4.99 now £2.39/2.99) Magic Orbz Bundle Pack (was £9.99/12.99 now £5.19/6.49) Magic Orbz Booster Pack (was £2.39/2.99 now £1.19/1.49) Magic Orbz Winter Pack (was £2.39/2.99 now ...
Tuesday25th May 2010
News Keyboards Headed To Rock Band 3
If you have any interest in Green Day then you've probably checked out the demo for Green Day: Rock Band
We're kind of hoping your interest in Green Day spans the Dookie-era and, well, only the Dookie-era. Anyway, irrelevance. What's important is the teaser image at the end of the Green Day: Rock Band demo. It shows teaser images of guitars, bass,...
News Guerrilla Shooting To Better Uncharted 2 & God Of War III With New Killzone Game
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was a power-house that surpassed all console games visually
God Of War III then surpassed that. And now Guerrilla Games' Hermen Hulst has told VG247 about his "needs" to surpass the aforementioned titles with Killzone 3. Describing the race for technical superiority between first-party brethren Naughty Dog and...
News Red Dead Redemption's Soundtrack Available Now On iTunes
Rockstar Games has announced that Red Dead Redemption's soundtrack is now available for download on iTunes
The score was composed by Bill Elm and Woody Jackson. It's available throughout Europe and the US, and you can buy it by clicking here.
News Final Three 5-In-1 Arcade Hits Games Trailered
Grip Games has lifted the lid on the final three games in the 5-In-1 Arcade Hits Playstation Minis package
They include a number tile puzzle, solitaire and a memory game for up-to two players. The other games seemed more interesting than this pair, but if the pack's at the right price, we won't be complaining.
News Shaun White, Erm, Skateboards Himself Onto The Playstation 3
We thought Shaun White was a snowboarder but apparently he's a skateboarder too
Wikipedia told us as much. Apparently he's really good too, with a ton of medals and video games to his names. And now he's about to get one more, as Ubisoft's just announced they're due to publish Shaun White Skateboarding. The game's due a full reveal at next month's...
News Insomniac Games Jump Into Bed With EA, Announce New Project For Playstation 3 & [Yes] XBOX 360
Well it's happened
It's been on the cards for, well, basically forever. Insomniac Games has finally announced that they're ready to try out multiplatform development. Insomniac's announced today that they are jumping into bed with the EA Partners programme (essentially a publishing deal that allows Insomniac to keep the rights to whatever games they...
News Killzone 3 Is As Officially Official As An Official Thing
Killzone 3 wasn't supposed to be announced until next week
But certain magazines have forced developers Guerrilla Games' hand. Hence the bringing forward of a massive embargo, and the release of some early hands-on impressions (they are glowing like a Helghast's blinkers). Sony's not really saying anything about the game that wasn't already
Rumour Mysterious Sources Confirm "PSN+" Subscription Package At E3
Those mysterious sources are back
This time they are "sources" of blogging website Joystiq and they're talking about "PSN+". Joystiq reckon the service is going to be announced at E3 2010, which corroborates other rumours we've heard ahead of the big show. According to Joystiq, unlike Microsoft's XBOX Live service, PSN+ will f
News Sony: We'll Continue To Build A "Strong Relationship" With Insomniac Games
Sony's responded to Insomniac Games' slightly predictable multiplatform announcement earlier today, stating that they will continue to build a "strong relationship" with the independent company
SCE told CVG: <span>"Sony Computer Entertainment and Insomniac Games will continue to build upon a strong, successful 14-year partnership that...
News Liverpool Captain Steven Gerrard Talks Up Ubisoft's Pure Football Game
Ubisoft are dicing with death making a football game if you ask us
There's barely enough room for the once massive Pro Evolution Soccer franchise anymore - so adding Pure Football to the mix seems like pure suicide. Still Stevie-G seems excited about being in the game doesn't he? And if that excitement translates to him actually helping England win...
News Sony: There Are More Games In The "Pipeline"
If you thought Sony had already blown their load pre-E3 well, think again
The early reveals of Killzone 3 and LittleBigPlanet 2 may have come and gone but there's plenty more where that came from. Explaining the reasons behind the early announcements, Sony's James Gallagher commented on the Playstation Blog that, "Our PR team will have their...
News If You Live In LA You Should Probably Read This God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta Story
Hey LA (or nosey non-LA) residents
How do you like God Of War? Tons, cool. How do you like God Of War on the PSP? Yeah, we thought Chains Of Olympus was rad too. Well good — because Sony are looking for some play-testers for the upcoming God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta game on PSP. Nice. You can find all the details through here. Let us know if you...
Saturday22nd May 2010
Review Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PlayStation 3)
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands takes the PoP franchise back to its Playstation 2 heyday
Set some time after the events of the infamous Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (and sometime before the not-so infamous Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within), this is a return to the franchise's glory. And when we say "return" we mean return. The...
E3 is weeks away
Literally just weeks. If you'd have asked me a couple of months ago what I believed would be the biggest Playstation 3 titles to debut at the event I'd have said Killzone 3. I'd have said LittleBigPlanet 2. But both of those games have been announced - one officially, one unofficially. Killzone 3 leaked last night out of an issue
Friday21st May 2010
News Killzone 3 Screenshots & Details Surface, Its Integration Of 3D Technology A "Game Changer"
GamePro magazine's got an upcoming feature on Sony's Killzone 3
It's just leaked onto the Internet. Hang on - Killzone-what-now? Killzone 3! Oh - you mean the game that was going to be announced at E3 but's now been outed early? Yeah, that Killzone 3. Oh well, there's another surprise ruined then - but the details are no less juicy. Perhaps the...
News Words Cannot Convey Our Excitement: Four New Tables Head To Pinball Heroes
We loved the initial four tables released as part of Sony's a-la-carte pinball package Pinball Heroes
So we're literally grinning like a Cheshire at the prospect of four more tables, this time based on: Modnation Racers, Fat Princess, MotorStorm and Wipeout HD. Yay, Playstation fandom shrunk down into pinball form. The tables will plug straight into...
News Blur's TV Ad Seriously Takes The Piss Out Of Mario Kart, All The Better For It
Blur's a racing game that's taken more than a few cues from Nintendo's Mario Kart franchise -- and mixing them all up in a gigantic blender with a hint of Project Gotham Racing
And that's exactly what the game's commercial states. This is racing for "big boys".
News Super Street Fighter IV Gets Patched, Free DLC
Capcom's announced that they will patch Super Street Fighter IV's balance on June 15th - the same day as which the game's free DLC pack launches offering tournament features for competitive players
The patch notes are too technical for us to understand, but if that's totally your bag jump through here for the full details.
News UK: Good Luck Finding A PS3 Copy Of Red Dead Redemption
We warned our Twitter followers a few days ago that there was a shortage situation of Red Dead Redemption on Playstation 3 (supposedly released today)
Seems we underestimated the situation though — unless you've pre-ordered the game, prepare to have a fun weekend hunting out a copy. It's nowhere to be found. GAME and HMV are reporting that they've...
News Killzone 2 Wins Ivor Novello Award For Its Amazing Soundtrack
It's been a while since we posted about Killzone 2 hasn't it? The game was one of last year's most important PS3 releases, but kind of got overshadowed by the releases of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, inFamous and Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time to name but a few
Still - the game's still receiving plaudits. This time for its sensational...
News SCEA To Kick Off Kevin Butler Inspired Marketing For PSP
SCEA's preparing an all new ad-campaign for the US
The promotional spots will riff off Sony's now infamous Kevin Butler ads, with the arrogant Sony exec replaced by 12-year old PSP fanboy Marcus Rivers. His first spot will cameo Butler mind, with the kiddy-winkle teaming up with the K-man to bust some "noob kids". Sony are readying adverts...
News Phantasy Star Portable 2 Heads To The West This Fall
How good was Phantasy Star Online? Very good is the answer - we still have fond memories of the days when we hooked our Dreamcast up to the phone-line in order to spend a little time in SEGA's online universe
Those days are now gone - but at least SEGA's announced the Western release of Phantasy Star Portable 2 to ease our Phantasy Star-cravings...
News Sony: Gran Turismo 5 Release Date Just Weeks Away
It's been a long ride
There have been happy days. There have been sad days. There have been plenty of tears along the way. But it seems Gran Turismo 5 is finally on the horizon. Kevin Butler's already teased it, but GameTrust's just confirmed it: "We know that the fans are waiting for it and we want to release it too," said a Sony...
News Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Still Feels Weird Typing That) Delayed Until Late 2010
Bad news hedgehog sprinters - SEGA's dropped word that Sonic The Hedgehog 4 has been delayed until late 2010
The game was originally intended for Summer release — no more. "The additional time will allow the Development Team to focus on ensuring overall high-quality throughout the game by continuing to tune, balance, and maintain the kind...
Thursday20th May 2010
News Further Playstation Faces To Appear In Modnation Racers
The positive reaction to the God Of War, Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted Modnation Racers' preorder bonuses has led United Front Games to consider the possibility of other familiar Sony character appearances
And they're curious who you'd like to see. We'll go first: Sweet Tooth, Gabe Logan, Nathan Hale, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Jack Tretton,...
News Pachter: "I Was Wrong About Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption"
If you're going to be an analyst and make lots of crazy predictions, the least you can do is admit when you get it wrong
That's exactly what Pachter's done in regards to Red Dead Redemption, declaring that he was wrong to be sceptical over Rockstar's Western. "I suppose we should call them visionaries," Pachter told CVG. "I have been...
News Harmonix: Rock Band 3 To Be The "Next Big Leap In Music Gaming"
What could Rock Band 3 do that's going to be so radically different? It's not E3 yet so we can't actually say, but Harmonix wants you to know that whatever they do, it'll be the "next big leap in music gaming"
Appropriately named Dan Teasdale has blogged that "you'll be surprised just how big this game is". Apparently it's going to be a...
News Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Launch Trailer Features Angry Sand Man
Apparently, the lead antagonist in Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is a little bit pissed about being locked away in some kind of sand-crypt thing for years and years
"What man could stop me?" the nasty monster asks. We're gonna hedge a bet on the British-American-Persian Prince. [Review forthcoming for this by the way. Verdict:...
Wednesday19th May 2010
News Hustle Kings Snooker Pack On The Horizon
VooFoo's announced on the Playstation Blog that snooker's headed to the PSN title Hustle Kings on June 2nd
The pack'll include a brand new environment, and new ball set with full snooker rules and scoring. As part of the DLC you'll get an offline tournament mode and a new snooker game mode called Snooker6 - a mode perfect for shorter matches as the...
Report Red Dead Redemption Cost A Whopping $100million To Develop
Red Dead Redemption may well be getting glowing reviews - but it sounds like they've come at a price
A $100million price to be precise, which is what one source places Red Dead Redemption's development costs at. For comparison's sake, Sony's own God Of War III cost $44million to develop. Rockstar's no stranger to the $100million price-tag though,...
News SEGA: Yakuza 3 Sales In The West "Positive"
SEGA's made a comment on Yakuza 3's sales, which launched earlier in the year exclusively on Playstation 3
The game's overt Japanese nature made it a tough-sell for many consumers, and many were worried about how the game would be received. But SEGA's come out to say, "hey, it was all good", providing the following statement on the SoA...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 19th May 2010
Special Offers Until May 26: TV Show King (was £5
49/6.99 now £3.99/4.99) Critter Crunch (was £4.49/5.99 now £2.39/2.99) Hyperballoid HD (was £3.19/3.99 now £2.39/2.99) Mushroom Wars (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Magic Orbz (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Monsters Inc: Scare Island...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 18th May 2010
Pricing update and bundles Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix ($7
49; reg. $14.99). Offer good through Monday, 5/24. Joust Permanent Price Drop (now $1.99, original price $4.99) *Offer good through Monday, 6/1 Championship Sprint Permanent Price Drop (now $1.99, original price $4.99) *Offer good through Monday, 6/1</ul>Downloadable...
News Sony: Apple Are The Arrogant Ones
Cue streams of comments about "pots and kettles"
Sony Computer Entertainment Australia's Michael Ephraim said that, well, Apple's become arrogant. To be fair Micky - they're kind of allowed. Didn't they just overtake Microsoft as the biggest computing based company in the world? That's no minor feat. Speaking about SCEE's advertising direction,...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops' Debut Trailer Features Massive Set-Piece Moments
Was that a guy hanging from a crashing helicopter? Did he just jump through a window? Was that an explosive arrow for goodness sake? This debut trailer for Call Of Duty: Black Ops is every inch a winner
We've said many times on this site (and we're not afraid of saying it again) that we truly believe Treyarch's Call Of Duty: Black Ops will...
News Don't Let Wada's Comments About Final Fantasy Versus XIII Keep You Up Tonight
We know - you had a horrible night's sleep
You just couldn't stop thinking about what Square Enix gaffer Yoichi Wada said yesterday. Your eyes are bleary but still the quote replays in your mind, Well be looking into [bringing Final Fantasy Versus XIII to the XBOX 360] internally until right before the formal announcement. You're scared,...
Tuesday18th May 2010
News Sony Announce Partnership With MUBI, Bring Non-Mainstream Cinema Direct To Playstation 3
Sony's announced this morning that they're bringing avant-garde movie streaming direct to the Playstation 3 thanks to a partnership with MUBI
MUBI will allow you to stream movies outside of the mainstream arena, including content from Tarantino, the Coen brothers and Kubrick, aswell as international films. The message is "quality over...
News Ruh-Roh: Square Enix "Looking Into" Final Fantasy Versus XIII Release On XBOX 360
Many Playstation faithfuls believe that the XBOX 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII made that game what it was: very linear and very stream-lined
We don't believe that was the case. However, we were averse to the XBOX 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII purely because of the way Microsoft handled it. Apparently, such is their insecurity, whatever they...
News Yes, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Will Get An Online Multiplayer Beta
Nope, we still haven't got a clue how an online multiplayer Assassin's Creed is going to work - but Ubisoft's going to give us a taste with a beta for the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
We have not announced exactly the date yet," Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot said, "but yes, we will have a beta test." We dare say that'll be...
E3 2010 Capcom Ready Sequel "Bombshell" At Next Month's Show
Capcom's preparing a sequel for one of their established franchises at E3
That's according to new rumours emerging out of Garnett Lee's Weekend Confirmed podcast. Discussing Capcom's decision to cease developing new IP outside of Japan, the ShackNews editor declared: "Boy, their E3 bombshell puts that to test. I'm not going to spill it because...
News PixelJunk Shooter 2 Is A Genuine Product, A Full-Blown Sequel
If you were expecting PixelJunk Shooter 2 to be some kind of "Encore"-like extension to last year's PixelJunk Shooter -- it's more than that
It's a full-blown sequel as hinted by Q-Games' Dylan Cuthbert earlier in the week. It's also now an official product, as it's just been unveiled on the Playstation Blog. For those that havent already heard,...
Report Blu-Ray Is A Primary Motivator When Buying PS3s
Research company Nielsen's discovered that one of the primary motivators for consumers buying a Playstation 3 is the blu-ray playback functionality
After polling a relatively small sample of 700 people, the company found that 65 per-cent of would-be consumers thought blu-ray was a pretty big deal. 62 per-cent said they wanted access to the PS3's...
News Sony Call For Ratings Change In Australia
As far as we understand, Australia's ratings system is basically borked
The system does not allow for an "adults-only" rating in video games. Sony Computer Entertainment Australia's Michael Ephraim has spoken out against this. "Gaming has moved on, the choice of content has moved on and I think it is time Australia gets in step with...
Rumour Playstation Home To Go International Soon?
TheSixthAxis are speculating that Playstation Home is about to get a new Home Square that will allow players from varying regions to meet up and communicate
Users of Home will know that as of right now you can only meet people from the same region in Sony's digital world. All rumour and speculation for now though, innit.
Monday17th May 2010
News Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Launches 10th September Here In Europe, 7th September In USA
Square Enix has just announced that PSP title Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep will launch in Europe on September 10th, which is the same week as the game's US release on September 7th
The Playstation Blog notes: "The new game narrates the origins of the saga, focusing on the story of heroes Terra, Ventus and Aqua, and will feature new maps,...
Rumour VG247 Fire Their Load On PSP2; "Powerful" Hardware Say Industry Insiders; Due In 2011
Well here's a rumour and a half with cream and cherries sprayed all over it
Prepare to have your mind blown, as VG247 dig-up a host of PSP2 rumours from industry insiders. According to the site, insiders are "99 per cent" certain the device won't be unveiled at E3 (as was speculated last week), with TGS and/or GamesCom looking the more...
News You Should Probably Pre-order Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood From GameStop, The Bonus Is Amazing
If you're planning to buy Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Ubisoft's multiplayer follow-up to last year's Assassin's Creed II - you should probably pre-order it from GameStop
That's if you're in the US anyway. Why? Because while we still know nothing about what Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will actually be like, the retailer has revealed that...
News Kevin Butler, VP Of Artistic Modification Talks Modnation Racers; Jack Tretton Cameos
We'd mentioned in the past that these Modnation Racers "Artist Spotlights" were a great way of promoting United Front's upcoming Playstation racer but how do you top the latest - which not only features Playstation marketing guru Kevin Butler, but also SCEA's president Jack Tretton. Playstation celebrities of the highest calibre,...
News UK Software Charts: Football > Shooting Big Monsters In The Orange Bit
The UK software charts are in, and there's very little surprise as far as number one goes
Yep, apparently British people still like to kick balls around a field, as FIFA World Cup 2010's still in pole position. Uh-huh. XBOX 360 exclusive Alan Wake managed to place in second whilst Capcom's Lost Planet 2 entered in a respectable third. There's little...
News Capcom Give Up On Western Development For New IP
Capcom's head honcho Haruhiro Tsujimota has told the FinancialTimes that they are to stop commissioning new IP from Western developers after the likes of Bionic Commando and Dark Void flopped
Capcom's Japanese teams will now focus on new creations, while Western developers will be left handling ports and sequels. As a group, the new titles where...
News PushSquare's Playstation Picks: 17th-23rd May 2010
This is probably the craziest May release schedule ever
It really is ridiculous. There are about 4 top-tier releases this week, vying for your attention. Good luck choosing. PushSquare's Playstation Pick Of The Week: Red Dead Redemption Rockstar's western is already receiving the kind of acclaim its modern-day commentary GTAIV received in 2008. The...
News Grip Games Showcase The Next Layer Of Their Mini 5-In-1 Arcade Hits
We already know about Grip Games' 8-ball pool mode in their upcoming Mini compilation, 5-In-1 Arcade Hits
But what exactly is "Tetroid". Well - it's Breakout. Interestingly, the game includes a multiplayer mode which can be played on a single PSP. This plays out a little like pong, with players competing for points.
News PixelJunk Shooter 2 Outed; "A Proper Sequel," According To Q Games
Over the weekend, the American arm of the Official Playstation Magazine outed in a Tweet that the magazine's next issue would formally announce PixelJunk Shooter 2
Since then, our buddies over at TheSixthAxis have been grilling Q Games' gaffer, Dylan Cuthbert, in search of concrete details for the game. They dug up some nice little goodies, namely...
News Hey Look, Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light Really Is Taking A Different Direction
We've obviously known about Crystal Dynamics' downloadable Lara Croft adventure for a while; but no amount of preparation had us readied for this trailer
It's just weird. A Lara Croft game that's: a) downloadable; b) isometric; c) co-operative... What's going on? It does look rather pretty mind. They've still got to sell us though. It's just —...
Rumour Playstation Network Premium Features Set To Debut At E3
After this morning's monstrous PSP2 rumours, VG247's followed up with some details on the hotly touted Playstation Network Premium service, which they expect to debut at E3 next month
The site notes, via a "highly placed source", that Sony's large-scale premium online service will not gimp any features currently enjoyed by Playstation...
News Naughty Bear Heads Out To Sea In His Latest Trailer, Best One Yet
Well, we're not really sure what to say
Sit back, click the video above and enjoy. No words can top Naughty Bear's latest trailer. Oh how we long for this game. Day one, as the kids on the forums say.
News Lara Croft and the Guardian Of Light To Cost About A Tenner, Yo
Crystal Dynamics' global brand manager Karl Stewart has told Eurogamer that Lara Croft and the Guardian Of Light will cost roughly £10 when it hits the Playstation Network
We believe that, in terms of the arcade space, were trying to raise the bar of what it means to spend 10 pounds on nowadays, Stewart said. Obviously were dictated to...
Sunday16th May 2010
News It's Heavy Rain's Ethan Mars... In Action Figure Form!
Kudos to DeviantArt user Baker009 who's crafted this ridiculously awesome custom action figure of Heavy Rain's Ethan Mars
Sadly he's not for sale, as he was a commission piece. But let this be a heads up to Sony and Quantic Dream — people want Heavy Rain action figures.</em>
News Modnation Racers' Load Times To Be Further Optimised Post-Release
The only real issue we have with Modnation Racers is its load times
Allow us to stress however: they are vastly improved from the beta (at least 200% faster), and aren't a game-breaking issue at all - do not let people's comments about the load times put you off this amazing game because, well, in the scheme of things it's not a big deal. It's being...
News Gran Turismo 5's Nurburgring Looks Rather Pretty
We're bored of the Gran Turismo 5 trolls now, so if you're not interested in this game, feel free to use the little roller positioned between your mouse's left and right click buttons and scroll a little further beyond this post
It's ok. We don't mind if you're not interested, we're just sick of hearing about how "the game's been in development...
Saturday15th May 2010
News Fancy Some Ape Escape Concept Art? Course Ya' Do...
Ape Escape PS3's coming: and this concept art released on the ApeClub's official Twitter page reveals that there's going to be more than one or two monkeys on screen at once
Try hundreds. The ApeClub's also revealed that the studio are aiming for a Q3-Q4 release date for Ape Escape PS3. That might tell you something about Playstation Move's release...
News Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Goes 2D On Playstation Portable
Ubisoft's been pretty keen on promoting Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for the PS3 up until this point
Thankfully, they've now decided it a fitting moment to discuss the PSP version. Apparently, the portable version is a "unique game built from the ground up" and "is not a port from any other system". Good start. The...
Feature When Did We Start Judging Value At Face Surface? - "Twiggy" The Push Square Opinionator
3D Dot Game Heroes and Modnation Racers: two Playstation 3 exclusives
The Playstation Store: a revolutionary online service dedicated to delivering sub-$15 experiences direct to our hard-drive. The knot in the middle: "These games look like they should be PSN downloads," forum posts complain, "$60 retail release. Not worth it. I'm not...
E3 2010 Sony Confirms E3 Lineup With New Website
Sony's just launched www</a> — a new website which teases the company's E3 lineup. The website consists of mostly known variables - Modnation Racers, Gran Turismo 5 and the previously announced Playstation Move line-up. There's a sense that this E3 is going to be killer for all three platform-holders involved. The stakes are...
News TV Superstars Is Probably Going To Be A Guilty Pleasure
Like most motion control games right now, a lot of people don't really want to hear the pitch
They want to see a picture, title and ten-seconds of footage and complain about it on their forum of choice. TV Superstars looks like it'll suffer from that syndrome, but beyond the obvious casual style of the title we think there are some cool ideas. The...
Friday14th May 2010
News Modern Warfare 2's "Resurgence" Map Pack Includes A Fun Fair
We're not going to post too candidly about the second Modern Warfare 2 expansion pack announced today because, well, Microsoft's moneyhat is still in effect and these maps are still some way down the line for PS3 owners
Still, we thought it was worth noting that one of the new maps is set among a fun fair. Cool.</em>
News NPD: God Of War III and Super Street Fighter IV Show PS3's Hand In Software Sales Chart
God Of War III's spending another month in the NPD's software charts this month, shifting another 180
3k copies. Super Street Fighter IV also made an appearance in the NPD charts, with the Playstation 3 SKU outselling the XBOX 360 to claim a place in the top ten. XBOX 360 exclusive Splinter Cell: Conviction topped the charts, with a relatively tepid...
News Ape Escape PS3 Gets A Logo, Is Apparently The "Best Move Title" To Date
The Ape Club's just dropped this working logo for Ape Escape PS3, claiming that Sony reps have described the upcoming title as the best Playstation Move game to date
The Ape Club has also hinted that Ape Escape PS3 will have "something no other Ape Escape games have". Narrows it down then. We're very excited for the inevitable E3...
News Red Dead Redemption Nets Playstation 3-Exclusive Content
Struggling to decide which platform to buy Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption on? Struggle no more, as Game Informer's just emerged that the Playstation 3 version of the game includes two exclusive pieces of content
The extras may only be costumes - Solomons Folly Gang Hideout and the Walton Gang Outfit - but who doesn't want bonus stuff, eh? The...
News Crysis 2 Screens Look As Pretty As Katy Perry In A Wet T-Shirt Competition
Crytek's been hyping Crysis 2 for a while now
They claim that they're going to set the graphical benchmark of all three consoles the game's due to release on. From the Playstation 3's perspective - it's some challenge to take on Sony's own in-house studios. But man - these screens do look pretty. We're assuming they're running on a super-powerful PC...
News Sony: Playstation Move Release Date "In Due Course"
Sony's responded to the Gadget Show's Jason Bradbury, stating that a Playstation Move date is coming "in due course", and that the presenter's September release date comments are purely "speculation"
September it is then.
News Lost Planet 2 Gets Visited By The Helghast
How unusual - this is the second post in just as many days that we've discussed a cameo appearance from Killzone's Helghast
Taking a break from from fighting their own war and playing tennis, the Helghan warriors are set to embark upon Capcom's Lost Planet 2. It's probably a more fitting hang-out for the orange-eyed soldiers, as many of Lost Planet...
News 3D Dot Game Heroes, Your Parents Help You Hook It Up, Out Now!
Oh 3D Dot Game Heroes
After several brilliant trailers, you're still churning out the goods. Take this rap, designed to help celebrate the launch of the game today. The latest trailer even finds time to parody the classic "your parents help you hook it up" line. Simply wonderful. Buy this game now. (No really,
News Gadget Show Host Jason Bradbury Drops September Release Date For Playstation Move
"Don't ask me how I know," exclaims British Gadget Show host Jason Bradbury, "I just know - Playstation Move's launching in September
I'm sure of it." We're of course adding a touch of excitement to a story coming from, yes, a Twitter post. But still - we suppose ol' Jase is in a position to know these things. Perhaps. You know, we'd watch the...
News We Haven't A Clue What's Going On In This White Knight Chronicles 2 Trailer
White Knight Chronicles 2 is due out pretty soon
Yep, the first tmay have only just released here in Europe (literally like a few months ago), but Japan's already gearing up for the game's sequel. This character trailer is supposed to introduce you to the characters. Unfortunately, we haven't got a clue what's going down. But Japanese people will...
News Fallout: New Vegas Gets Particularly Drab Boxart
This Fallout: New Vegas boxart is not drab in the sense that it is boring - it's relatively stylish and eye-catching in fact
It's just drab in so much as it sums up what you're likely find within the game. Dark, rough, empty environments laced with annoyingly animated creatures. We liked Fallout 3 but, c'mon, it had more than its fair share of...
News NPD: Playstation 3 Sales Up 37.2% For The Year
Sony's stated that the Playstation 3 is the only piece of hardware to see "double digit growth", following last night's NPD report for April
The PS3's seen year-over-year growth of 42.6 per cent, and 37.2 per cent growth for the months leading into April. Basically, the system's on the up. Having just surpassed nine consecutive months of...
News NPD: Playstation 3 & XBOX 360 Like-For-Like While Nintendo Upholds Dominance
The April NPD hardware report is out, and they show that once again Nintendo's tightened its grip over the American market, with their Nintendo DS platform the far-away winner for the month
The Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 are virtually like-for-like in the American market right now, with the Playstation 3 shifting 181k units and the 360 185k. What'll...
Thursday13th May 2010
News Pachter: Playstation Move Is The Wii HD, An Easy Upsell For Sony
A fascinating interview with analyst Michael Pachter has revealed where the industry favourite weighs-in on Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's respective motion control technologies
And Pachter reckons the Playstation Move is the Wii HD he's been famously touting for the past two-three years. But Pachter doesn't think it's a bad thing, he thinks it's an...
News Hot Shots/Everybody's Tennis: Get A Grip Adds In The Helghast For Good Fun
Ever wanted to see the Helghast in a game with actual colour? Hell yes, us too
Thank goodness then that the Killzone baddies will be appearing in the upcoming PSP sports title Hot Shots/Everybody's Tennis: Get A Grip. (Obviously the name depends on the region you're reading this from). We love tennis games, and we love PSP titles with a pick-up and...
News Amazing Mix Tape Samples The Hits Of Street Fighter, Will Make Your Evening
You're not going to want to miss British producer Akira The Don's homage to the hits of Street Fighter
The hour-long mix-tape dropped on his website this week samples a truckload of music from Capcom's games, aswell as Street Fighter linked sounds from Redman, Ras Kass and Double. The tape took three weeks to mix and master. Catch it after the jump...
News Blinkbox Gets Optimised For Playstation 3 Web Browser
If you're in the UK and you like TV and/or movies then you're in luck: Blinkbox has launched a PS3-optimised version of their website
When you enter the Blinkbox URL ( into the PS3 web browser, an optimised version of the site will load similarly to the BBC iPlayer and YouTube XL. The site lets you watch TV shows and movies from as...
News Bulletstorm Looks Properly Amazing In Its First Trailer, Thank Goodness For Non-Gritty Shooters
Thank goodness for EA, Epic Games and People Can Fly, who are about to embark on the first non-super gritty military shooter in what seems like ages
Bulletstorm - a mish-mash of colours, ridiculous guns and a "skill kills" - looks set to bring actual genuine brainless fun back to the FPS genre. And we welcome that with open arms. Boom!
Rumour Publishers Bulk Up Sony Portable Marketing For Q4, 2010; Hints Towards E3 PSP2 Announcement
It could be the announcement that would practically win E3 single-handedly: "the Playstation Portable 2 is coming, and it's coming this year"
That's the hot speculation circulating MCV who claim to have been informed "of a significant increase in marketing spend at two key publishers for Q4 2010". Why? "It is being speculated that...
News Supermarket Mania Joins The Playstation Minis Aisle
G5 Entertainment's announced that their Supermarket Mania title is to make the jump from PC and iPhone and onto Playstation Minis
The game lets you manage a supermarket and will have you dealing with stocked shelves and "hard to please celebrities". It'll be available in North America on May 18th for $4.99, and in Europe for 4.99 on May...
News Playstation Portable Sales Fall In 2009, But Playstation 3 Continues Its Rebound Bender
Sony's released its fiscal year 2009 financial results today, revealing that while the Playstation 3 is improving with every year that comes to pass, the Playstation Portable is on a serious decline -- despite being by far the most popular hardware unit in Japan
The Networked Products & Services division - of which Sony Computer Entertainment is...
News SEGA Drop Six-Minute Yakuza PSP Trailer, Full Of Awesome
We're probably never going to get to play Yakuza PSP - or Kurohyu: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshou as the game is known in Japan - but that's not going to stop us from checking out this massive story trailer from the game
The game's due on September 22nd in Japan. We can only dream of a Western port. But it ain't gonna happen folks. (We're hoping reverse...
News Red Dead Redemption Launch Trailer Confirms "Must Buy" Status
Our inbox has been flooded with emails from Rockstar Games for months now: Red Dead Redemption has had one of the biggest PR build-ups to a game we've ever known
If we had the time and patience, we'd count just how many trailers Red Dead Redemption has gotten. Maybe that's a job for you, dear reader? Has it been worth it though? Yes. Every...
News If Only Real Life Were As Pretty As Gran Turismo 5
Sony's whacked up some new screens of cars tearing up the Nurburgring in Gran Turismo 5
The screens are understandably pretty. You can check out the full collection courtesy of the Playstation Blog. We recommend you do so.</em>
News Playstation 3 Soars Into The Green, Starts Turning A Profit
After years of making Sony a significant loss, the Playstation 3 is actually starting to turn a profit
According to a report by Reuters Japan (via Andriasang) the end of March was the turning point. The Playstation 3 has gone through various manufacturing changes since its launch, designed in order to cut costs. Whether this will give Sony leverage...
News Qore Footage Reveals More About LittleBigPlanet 2
This footage feature from the latest episode of Qore features some new, unseen LittleBigPlanet 2 footage aswell as a pretty decent interview with Media Molecule men Alex Evans and Mark Healey
Though it's light on actual footage, the interview's pretty interesting - particularly if you're complete Media Molecule fanboys like ourselves.
Wednesday12th May 2010
Review Anarchy: Rush Hour (PlayStation 3)
Anarchy: Rush Hour tries hard to be the sum of one too many popular arcade racers, and as such loses a chunk of its own identity
But hidden beneath the game's meandering plot of stolen girlfriends and souped up supercars is a decent, if unoriginal, racing experience. And at £5/$8 a pop, it's hard to really deny the value in Gaijin Entertainment's...
News Awesome Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Walkman Is Awesome
This sweet Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Walkman has been developed as part of a collaboration between Sony and Konami
The device is not only waterproof and camouflage themed, but it also comes pre-loaded with six songs from the Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP game. Obviously, the Walkman brand fits in nicely with Peace Walker's mid-seventies...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 11th May 2010
Qore Qore Episode 24: May 2010 ($2
99) Qore Annual Subscription: May 2010 ($24.99)</ul>Downloadable Games World Of Outlaws Sprint Cars ($19.99) Game Demos <em>Split/Second</em> Add-on Game Content LittleBigPlanet: More Animals! Hippo ($0.99) LittleBigPlanet: More Animals! Fly ($0.99) LittleBigPlanet: More Animals! ...
News Yakuza: Project K Given Formal Title And Release Date
The upcoming Playstation Portable iteration of the Yakuza franchise has been officially named and dated by series' director Toshihiro Nagoshi
Previously announced as Yakuza: Project K, the game's been given the formal title of Kurohyu: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshou — roughly translating as "Black Leopard: A New Yakuza Chapter". There are tons...
News More Super Street Fighter IV Costumes Hit The Playstation Store
Let's be honest - Super Street Fighter IV's costumes are practically day-light robbery
As were the costumes released alongside the original Street Fighter IV. But whatever - Capcom's got us because they know we're going to pay. Especially for these new Super Shoryuken costumes, retailing at $3.99. The pack includes new threads for Akuma, Ryu, Ken,...
News EA Announce Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Four-Player "Onslaught" Mode
EA's announced today that they are adding a four-player online co-op mode to their hit shooter, Battlefield: Bad Company 2
The mode's called "Onslaught". Apparently it'll be playable on four maps - Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes, and Nelson Bay - with each being redesigned with new lighting, time of day and vehicles. Apparently...
News Capcom Take You Through Dead Rising 2's Multiplayer
A video uploaded by the Playstation Blog should give you a first taste of Dead Rising 2's multiplayer
The walkthrough with Capcoms Mike Schmitt and Wes Phillips is a little drawn out, but still relatively exciting if you're interested in batting zombies over the head with clubs and various other objects. We're reasonably excited. The game's...
E3 2010 EA Promise "Marquee" Title In 3D At E3, Confirm Their Line-Up For The Event
EA bigwigs confirmed a list of software due to be shown at this year's E3 event last night, claiming that one big "marquee" title would be shown in 3D
Seeing as how the Playstation 3 is the only system set to support 3D this year (if you discount Nintendo's new 3DS anyway) we can't imagine what EA has to show - but we're secretly keeping our fingers...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 12th May 2010
Special Offers Until May 12: TV Show King (was £5
49/6.99 now £3.99/4.99) Critter Crunch (was £4.49/5.99 now £2.39/2.99) Hyperballoid HD (was £3.19/3.99 now £2.39/2.99) Mushroom Wars (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Magic Orbz (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Monsters Inc: Scare Island...
News The Prince Can Probably Get Into Positions We Could Only Dream Of
Over time, we've come to realise that the Prince Of Persia is a pretty acrobatic fellow
Not only can he leap further and climb higher than we could ever imagine, he can also do it with style. In fact, he's probably the perfect man. No wonder he always gets the hot Princesses. This Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands trailer showcases our friendly...
Tuesday11th May 2010
News Sony VAIO Adds Remote Keyboard Support To The Playstation 3
Do you often wish you could use your Sony VAIO laptop as a keyboard for your PS3 when in Playstation Home or whatnot? Well now you'll be able to thanks to "Remote Keyboard" support implementation in new VAIO laptops
Support's only available for the P series of Sony laptops, but already we're starting to see the threads of that multi device...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops To Feature Four-Player Co-Op
USA Today's dropped some new details on Treyarch's upcoming Call Of Duty: Black Ops title
According to mixed reports, the SR-71 seen in the game's trailer will be controllable - though the wording is very vague and more recent updates suggest you'll just be giving orders to ground troops, not controlling the plane itself. In terms of weapons, there...
News 3D Dot Game Heroes Character Sharing Hub Launched, Hooray!
Perhaps our only complaint with the excellent 3D Dot Game Heroes is that there is no real easy way to share creations in the game's built-in character creator
Until now that is. Atlus has just launched the "Hall Of Heroes" hub, a webpage in which budding Game Hero designers can share their masterpieces with other players. Take "Rad...
News Fallout: New Vegas Lands Bonus Goodies As Part Of Collector's Edition Package
How would you like some poker chips and playing cards with your copy of Fallout: New Vegas? Sure, ok
What if the playing cards were illustrated with characters and factions from in the game. Sure. How about a hardcover graphic novel written by the game's creative director and published by Dark Horse Comics? Sold! Throw in a "Making Of" DVD...
News Horses In Red Dead Redemption Look Really, Really Good
One of the strongest responses we've heard to Red Dead Redemption is in response to its wildlife
Apparently the various animals roaming the wild west are ridiculously well animated, a real sight to behold. We would make the joke, "until you shoot them in the face, hahahaLOLchortle!1", but we like animals. Even digital ones.</em>
News Ubisoft Drip-Feed More Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Details
Sounds like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the upcoming multiplayer extension of Ubisoft's period franchise, will be getting a pretty chunky single-player component in addition to its online additions
Ubisoft's told us that the game will boast a 15-hour campaign following Ezio's continued battle against the Templar Order in Rome. In order to trump...
News Candian Retailer Whacks Playstation Move With A $59.99 Price-Tag
It's unclear what this listing on GameStop
ca</a> is trying to tell us, but it certainly gives a rough indication towards Sony's pricing strategy with the Playstation Move controller. Sort of. A listing on the Candian website pitches the Playstation Move controller at $59.99, with no mention of whether this includes a sub-controller or game,...
Rumour Is Time Crisis Heading To The Playstation Network? ACTION!
A trademark filing picked up by the eagle eyed ConnectedConsoles seems to hint at a Playstation Network re-release of Playstation classic, Time Crisis
Action! The trademark notes that the game will be distributed via "downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices". The PSN then? What's interesting...
News Media Molecule Pair Up With Sony Santa Monica To Improve LittleBigPlanet 2's Visual Clarity
"A rebuilt graphics engine means that LittleBigPlanet 2 looks even better than its forebear - sharper, cleaner, and with a greater sense of physicality," states the latest issue of EDGE magazine, on store shelves now
"A share of tech with the God of War III team means it's borrowed its depth-of-field effects. Objects are better defined with...
News Modnation Racers Trailer Reveals Career Mode
One of the best things about Modnation Racers is its career mode
Stick with us - we're genuinely being serious. Yes, we know the emphasis is very much on multiplayer, but unlike Mario Kart there's a full on story-line to Modnation Racers. It's actually pretty funny too. We think a lot of people are going to enjoy it. This trailer reveals some of...
Report Playstation 3 Price-Cuts Coming Later This Year
MCV's reporting from a "senior global publishing source" that the Playstation 3 will see its price drop again this year
The Playstation 3 was essentially relaunched in September of last year when Sony unleashed the new Slim system to much uproar. MCV's claiming that the Playstation 3 will be brought down to £200, and the move could be announced as...
News Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Teaser Website Launches
Ubisoft's just dropped word that a teaser website for the upcoming multiplayer focused Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood has launched
The website presumably reveals some of the weapons players will get their hands on in the game, including an axe, a fan, a syringe, a dagger and a claw. Still no real context on how the game will work, but we assume...
News EA Introduce One-Time Use "Online Pass" For Their Sports Range
Bye used game sales
Seriously: bye. EA's just announced that they're set to introduce an "Online Pass" that includes access to "online services, features, and bonus content" with every new EA Sports game starting Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11. If you buy a copy of the game where the online pass has already been redeemed (i.e. you...
News Transformers: War For Cybertron Allows You To Play The Way You Want
Outside of the Modnation Racers, Split/Seconds and Red Dead Redemptions, there's one game lingering on the horizon that has us more excited than any other: Transformers: War For Cybertron
We know - recent Transformers games haven't had a great pedigree. But they were movie tie-ins and this one is not. The multiplayer is something that particularly...
Monday10th May 2010
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Will Support Mouse & Keyboard
Media Molecule's confirmed to NowGamer that the upcoming LittleBigPlanet 2 will support mouse and keyboard functionality
Speaking to the website, creative director Mark Healey explained why Media Molecule use the SixAxis to create the officially packaged levels: "The funny thing is that the PC tools we were using were quite crap, to be honest,...
Review Lost Planet 2 (PlayStation 3)
Capcom should be kicking themselves right now
Lost Planet 2 is a very good game, held back by some rudimentary and bizarre design choices. The game's essentially a four-player co-op shooter, in which you play as a series of factions in the varied and artistically interesting world of EDN-III. The game's narrative is revealed through the eyes of...
First Impressions LittleBigPlanet 2 on PlayStation 3
Media Molecule are describing LittleBigPlanet 2 as a "hand-made arcade"
But exactly what can players expect from Sackboy's latest foray onto Playstation 3? We've scoured the 'net to bring you this no-nonsense feature list of what to expect from 2010's biggest game. There's a new story tying Sackboy's adventures in previous games into...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Formally Announced For Release This Year
LittleBigPlanet 2's just been announced by Sony and Media Molecule folks
We kind of already knew that due to the number of leaks over the weekend, but whatever, it's now totally 100 per cent official. We have the trailer to prove it too. We'll be updating the site all day in what we're now going to dub "LittleBigPlanet 2 day". Enjoy. We've...
News Playstation Network The "Perfect Home" For Shmups
Sony Online Entertainment recently signed a deal with the studio Rockin' Android to bring three new arcade shmups to the Playstation Network
Those games being: Gundemonium Recollection, GunDead Gline, Hitogata Happa. The idea's to fill a bit of a void on the Playstation Network which has seen a slight lack of quality Japanese shmups. And Rockin'...
News Oh, Now We Get Why People Are Excited For Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
Let us be honest for a few sentences: we just never understood the excitement for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
Yes, it's being developed by the same team who made the PS3's Heavenly Sword, and yes it's drawing some inspiration from Team Ico. But still, ick, we've felt nothing for this game. Until now. Thank goodness for trailers...
News PushSquare's Playstation Picks: 10th-16th May 2010
We have done one of these for a couple of weeks
Mainly because we've been mad, mad busy. Like, broom up our backside busy. And because, well, there's not been that much coming out. Brace yourself for the next three weeks though. It's going to be mental on the Playstation front. We'll try and keep you up-to-date with everything that happens, yo...
News Eeeee There's Definitely Going To Be A New Ape Escape This Year!
The Apes are Escaping again
This year. At least that's according to Ape Escape's official Twitter page, which has confirmed this morning that "Ape Escape PS3's release date is now Q2 - Q4". The new Ape Escape was confirmed as a Playstation Move title a few months back, and it's very likely we'll be seeing much more of it at E3. The origin
News LittleBigPlanet 2 To Get Full Playstation Move Support Post-Release
Media Molecule's told VG247 that LittleBigPlanet 2 won't have full Playstation Move support when it launches later this year, but will include a little taster of what players can expect from motion controls in the game down the line
MM's Mark Healey told the website: Were really excited by giving the Move controller to the community. Were...
News Grip Games Showcase 5-In-1 Arcade Hits With A Little Pool & Slap Bass
Grip Games has just sent us the first footage of their upcoming Playstation Mini, 5-In-1 Arcade Hits
The trailer sticks with the game's 8-Ball Pool content, with future trailers promising to showcase the remaining four games in the package. Grip Games also inform us that a release date is coming very soon.
News Media Molecule Explain The Retail Sequel Treatment For LittleBigPlanet 2
Many have been pondering this weekend exactly why LittleBigPlanet is getting a disc-based sequel as opposed to a downloadable update
Thankfully, Media Molecule's co-founder Alex Evans was on-hand to explain the reasoning to 1Up. "There are kind of two reasons," Evans told the website. "It's all predicated on to make [the game]...
News Media Molecule On LittleBigPlanet 2: "It's So Insanely Powerful It Hurts"
Media Molecule's technical director has told EDGE magazine that their upcoming LittleBigPlanet 2 is "so insanely powerful it hurts"
He was speaking about the new game's editor, and its ability to allow the creation of multiple genres, unlike the first game's platformer specific content. "This was originally going to be the one feature in...
News Media Molecule Drop The Trailer Of The Year: LittleBigPlanet 2 Gets Revealed
This sickly sweet trailer just released by Media Molecule confirms just as much, showcasing the fact that you'll now be able to create entire games in completely unique genres. Yes - the trailer does reveal Micro Machines-esque racing and Bust-A-Move style puzzling. But most importantly, it reminds us of...
News FIFA World Cup Continues To Dominate The British Software Charts
EA's FIFA World Cup title is enjoying a further week at the top of the British sales charts, with competition from Ubisoft's casual Wii title, Just Dance 2, unable to top it
Modern Warfare 2 jumped a few spots into third, probably boosted by the release of DLC for the Playstation 3 and PC SKUs. Elsewhere, it's pretty much as you were. 2010 FIFA...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Allows You To String Multiple Levels Together
Media Molecule's Mark Healey has told Vg247 that it will be possible to potentially "string together a thousand levels" in LittleBigPlanet 2
The functionality to tie levels together will allow creator's to develop entire games, rather than singular experiences. There is loads of stuff, just because there are so many things added, he said. I...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Gets The Eurogamer Blow Out Preview Treatment
Eurogamer's just dropped a massive preview for this year's upcoming LittleBigPlanet 2
It pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the upcoming sequel, and details many of the game's new features; including the ability to "fix" Sackboy's floaty jump and the little man's Bionic Commando-inspired grapple hook. The preview...
News Are Media Molecule Trying To Tell Us Something About The Third Dimension?
We've gotta admit, we spotted this but thought nothing more of it, so credit to PS3Hype who have put two and two together
About midway through the new LittleBigPlanet 2 trailer, there's a pretty lengthy shot of an object wearing old school blue and red 3D glasses. Does it mean that the third dimension is planned as an out-of-the-box extra for...
Sunday9th May 2010
News Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Scans Emerge, Look Extremely Pretty
The same GameInformer issue that's leaked a ton of information about LittleBigPlanet 2 ahead of tomorrow's embargo, has also spewed out some screenshots of Capcom's upcoming Marvel Vs
Capcom 3</a>. The screens confirm that Devil May Cry's Dante will make up part of the game's roster, as well as Marvel's Deadpool. It's hard to get an...
LittleBigPlanet 2's a video game
Media Molecule has insisted on telling us that much. Everything else we know by now, we probably shouldn't. The embargo lifts tomorrow. Already people are forming opinions about the game though: generally I'm gauging a sense of unprecedented excitement, optimism at the potential fixes for common problems, and...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Screenshots Get Out Of The Bag, Look Similar But Pretty
LittleBigPlanet 2 hasn't really been unveiled yet
That happens tomorrow at 2PM, when Media Molecule lift an embargo of huge proportions, unveiling their latest creation. A News Of The World preview - which has presumably been posted a little early - has a few screens from the game and notes that all original LBP levels will be ported into the new
Saturday8th May 2010
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Needed To Fix "Community Divide", According To ModNation Racers Developer
Speaking to CVG, Modnation Racer's director William Ho has stated that a LittleBigPlanet 2 sequel is necessary in order to solve the problem of "community divide" that can surface after multiple updates
He told the website: <span>"It's hard to continually bolt on features to the same game because basically you have a divide between the...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Confirmed By Media Molecule
Details Grab Us By The Throat, Slap Us Around The Face And Scream "AMAZZZING!!1" Down Our Lug-Holes
Sometimes you read something that's so exciting your stomach wrenches until you feel sick. Sick in a good way, mind. It might be a set of exam results that are good enough to get you into university. It might be a letter from the gas company telling...
News Sony Seek Zombies To Appear In An Upcoming Zombie Game Trailer
Sony are looking for zombies (or perhaps more reasonably, people who can dress as zombies) to appear in an upcoming trailer for a zombie-related video game
That game is presumably Housemarque's Dead Nation. You'll need to follow some instructions over on the Playstation Blog to take part. Let us know if you get involved.
News Tecmo: Gamers Will Be Surprised By Quantum Theory
Tecmo's gaffer Yoshiki Sugiyama has warned against players going into Quantum Theory thinking it's "just another shooter"
He reckons those adopting such a mentality will be very surprised by the shooter. He told CVG that while the game may share its post-apocalyptic aesthetic with Gears Of War, that's precisely where comparisons end. While the...
News Demon's Souls Gets An Exclusive UK Trailer
Demon's Souls is finally coming to the UK
The innovative exclusive RPG has been privy to enormous viral exposure since it launched in the US - a refreshing nod that players do still care about experiences rather than marketing. And due to the splash the game has caused in the US, it's finally going to hit the UK next month. Check out the trailer for...
News Yep, Final Fantasy IX's Coming To The Playstation Store
Sony's just dropped word in the Playstation Blog that the third "proper" Final Fantasy game released on the original Playstation is coming to the PSN "soon"
That's right folks, Final Fantasy IX will be hitting the Playstation Store and presumably topping PSN sales charts for some time, as Square Enix rake in the cash from a retro re-release once...
Friday7th May 2010
News Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Commercial Is Nuts, A Bit Homoerotic
In this Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker advertisement, a young boy stalks two of his high-school peers in a Solid Snake-esque cardboard box
Finally cornering the duo, the boy asks if the pair would like to enter his box. Sadly, he's not talking to the rather pretty lady, but instead her male friend. See, the kid wants to play some Metal Gear Solid:...
News Planet Minigolf To Feature YouTube Replay Support
There's a better case for arguing what isn't in Planet Minigolf
With Zen Studios having already announced Playstation Move support and an extensive "Play Create Share" sub-mode - what could possibly be left? Well, YouTube upload support for one. Which is something the developers of Planet Minigolf have now committed too - stating the game...
News Cal Of Duty Franchise Delivers A Whopping 17 Million Map Packs
At an Activision investor call yesterday, the company's CEO Bobby Kotick confirmed that the Call Of Duty franchise has delivered over 17 million map packs
And those figures don't even include the numbers for the Modern Warfare 2 map pack which launched on the Playstation Network this week. The businessman was talking about the multi-pronged strategy...
Rumour Valkyrie Profile 3 Switching From Multiplatform To PS3 Exclusive
Rumours emerging out of GoFanboy, via PSM3 magazine, suggest that Sony's secured exclusivity of Square Enix's RPG Valkyrie Profile 3
More details are expected to be given during Sony's E3 conference early next month. The game was originally intended for release on multiple platforms. This is still in big rumour territory for now so don't hold too...
News "The Biggest & Best E3 Ever" Looms, Claim Industry Veterans
This year's E3 feels bigger than any we've ever known
With the longest console lifespan ever predicted, the stakes are high for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo - all of whom will be competing for the strongest software and peripheral line-up that will ensure the extension of their system's cycle. It's also big for the third-parties, with Activision,...
News Activision: Playstation 3 Will Outsell XBOX 360 In 2010
As part of their internal estimates for console and portable hardware in North America and Europe, Activision has revealed that they expect the Playstation 3 to rule the roost in 2010
Well, certainly over the XBOX 360 anyway. Their predictions show that they expect the Playstation 3 install base to jump by 9 million in the coming year, while they...
News Modnation Racers To Get Playstation Portable Demo On May 11th
If you're still very much on the fence when it comes to Modnation Racers, and you're curious about the PSP version Sony have got planned alongside the PS3 version, then your concerns will be answered on May 11th, when Sony will release a downloadable demo for the pocket racer
You'll get quite a bit of content in said demo, including eight racers, a...
News Modnation Racers DLC Dropping Ahead Of Release
Sony's announced that a Modnation Racers pack entitled Air Raid - which includes a fighter plane and a custom mod - will be given away on the US Playstation Blog and GameSpot, beginning this Sunday
The promotional trick being - if you win a code well, you'll have to buy the game won't you? Because you've got exclusive free stuff for it. Right?...
News Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Introduction Is Worth A Watch
If you want to get in the mood for the upcoming Prince Of Persia movie (and of course, the latest Prince Of Persia game, The Forgotten Sands) we recommend two things
Firstly: watch the above introduction trailer. It's really rather good. Secondly: stare endlessly at images of Gemma Arterton. We won her in our dreams last night. Sadly we woke up to a...
News Unannounced LittleBigPlanet 2 Featured In Ummm... GameInformer Magazine
Presumably if you had any doubts about LittleBigPlanet 2 being a genuine product, you should tear them up and throw them out with last night's unfinished curry: GameInformer magazine are promising a "huge feature article" on LittleBigPlanet 2 in their June issue
Oh - that's a game then. Rumours have been bubbling about a LittleBigPlanet sequel for...
News Oh Not Another Red Dead Redemption Trailer
Look, we are so excited about Red Dead Redemption it's ridiculous
It's our most anticipated game right now, and that includes ones that haven't been announced yet. But we really aren't cut out for this trailer a week lark. Perhaps it's testament to the depth of content in Rockstar's Western that they can release literally 3 minutes of footage a week...
Thursday6th May 2010
News Jun Takeuchi: Not Considering Resident Evil 6 Due To "Extreme Pressure"
Speaking to British Microsoft mag, XBOX 360 World, Capcom's Jun Takeuchi - the producer of both Lost Planet 2 and Resident Evil 5 - has said that due to the "extreme pressure" of following up Shinji Mikami's Resident Evil 4, he will probably not been involved in Resident Evil 6
Yes, its true we did feel extreme pressure and Mikami-sans...
News Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Confirmed By Ubisoft
It's been rumoured for some time but this morning, Ubisoft has confirmed that Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is an official video game
The rumours started with a domain name filing by the company last week. Since then, Kotaku has received a photograph of a GameStop placeholder box. Evidence which you can't really deny. So Ubisoft said, "Hey,...
News Monopoly Streets Sets Up Shop On Playstation 3
Did you ever wish you could play Monopoly in high-definition? We do all the time
And now we're going to be able to thanks to Monopoly Streets. The EA release aims to transform the classic board-game into a dynamic gameworld, representative of the economic status of your properties. Each player will also have a headquarters that grows and crumbles in...
News Latest Blur Trailer Deals With Multiplayer
Y'know, we've really come around to Blur
At first we were a bit - "meh, Project Gotham mixed with Mario Kart" - but the extra development time seems to have really helped Bizarre Creations' cause. The game looks cool, with a weird blend of styles ranging from sci-fi to street racing. The latest trailer deals with the multiplayer...
News Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Development Reaching "Climax", Us Too!
A recent update on the Marvel Vs
Capcom 3</a> developer blog (translated by Andriasang) has revealed that development of the title is "reaching a climax". That's according to the game's assistant producer Akihito Kadowaki, though he didn't really elaborate on the meaning of the statement. It's likely the producer is noting some kind...
News Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Shifts Just Shy Of Half-A-Million Copies In Japan
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's had a pretty astounding debut week in Japan, shifting just under 500,000 units over the seven-day period
To be precise, the game shifted 425,000 units. DS game Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 outsold it by some 200,000 units - but it's still a staggering performance for the PSP's sneak 'em up. Super Street Fighter IV...
Sony Online Entertainment's ambitious James Bond-esque MMO has finally launched
On Facebook. So it's free-to-play social network game that's not really all that fun at all - but c'mon - this has to exude hope that the real The Agency can't be too far behind. Right? Right?!?
News THQ To Talk Playstation Move At E3
THQ are being pretty coy about their E3 hand right now
Rightly so, the biggest gaming event in the world is roughly five weeks away, and the company can guarantee a huge splash at, what's looking to be, a monumental show this year. Despite the rumoured core titles though, THQ are also set to talk Playstation Move at this year's show. You will like...
News New Medal Of Honor Trailer Tugs At The Heart-Strings
Not only does this latest Medal Of Honor trailer feature people jumping out of helicopter things, it also features heart-felt communication between a working soldier and his Missus
Altogether now: aww. Presumably the heart-felt message was recorded moments before shooting people in the face. Because, y'know, that's just what video games are like...
News Next Red Faction To Be Unveiled "Later This Month" Y'all
Speaking at a financial call last night, THQ's CEO Brian Farrell announced that the next entry in the Red Faction franchise will be announced "later this month"
Presumably to get ahead of the E3 noise. The executive continued that we'll see a much stronger storyline in the franchise's latest entry: "It's got a new storyline; we think that was...
Wednesday5th May 2010
Review Iron Man 2: The Video Game (PlayStation 3)
Released just in time to coincide with the big budget summer movie of the same name, Iron Man 2 sees protagonist Tony Stark don his steel suit once more
This time he's alongside his companion War Machine, for a fight that picks up almost directly after the events of the original Iron Man. The story's fairly well told during missions and cut-scenes,...
News HAWX 2 Jets Off This Fall On Playstation 3
As if one sky-combat announcement wasn't enough for for you today - then brace yourselves
Ubisoft's just announced that HAWX 2 is in development at their Bucharest studio. The game will apparently give players the opportunity to "become elite aerial soldiers in control of the world's most technologically advanced aircraft." Awesome. We...
News Take A Look At A Picture Of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's Snake Hunting Monsters
Proof that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker really will be multiplied by a little Monster Hunter
News MySims: Sky Heroes Sounds... Ahem -- Actually Really Rather Good -- Ahem
Let's cut to the chase shall we - MySims: Sky Heroes is a casual air-combat game where your MySim (think a Nintendo Mii) takes flight against the evil Morcubus and his army
Fight well and your characters fame rises, allowing you to buy (in digital terms) a host of presumably whimsical upgrades for your wings. The game'll feature splitscreen online...
News Red Dead Redemption Lands Free Post Release Co-Op DLC
Gotta admire Rockstar for promising substantial amounts of free DLC post-Red Dead Redemption's launch this month
But promise they have, stating that a free update in June will bring six multiplayer missions and trophies to the package. The content, entitled "Outlaws To The End", will be playable by 2-4 players and includes numerous mission...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 5th May 2010
Special Offers Until May 12: LittleBigPlanet Street Fighter Costume (Chun-Li) (was £1
59/1.99 now £0.79/0.99) LittleBigPlanet Street Fighter Costume (Guile) (was £1.59/1.99 now £0.79/0.99) LittleBigPlanet Street Fighter Costume (Ryu) (was £1.59/1.99 now £0.79/0.99) LittleBigPlanet Street...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 4th May 2010
Price Updates Prince of Persia: Epilogue DLC Sale (now $4
99, original price $9.99)</ul>Downloadable Games Lead and Gold: Gangs Of The Wild West ($14.99) Game Demos UFC Undisputed 2010 Demo <em></em> Minis Sneezies ($2.99) <span style="font-weight: bold;">Add-on Content</span> Call Of Duty: Modern...
News Medal Of Honor Reboots Contemporary Conflicts On October 12th In USA, 15th In Europe
How would you like to play a Call Of Duty game that's not got Call Of Duty on the box? No - not Respawn Entertainment's new project, nor the half-hearted Modern Warfare 2 (which totally had Call Of Duty on the box)
We're talking about EA's Medal Of Honor reboot, which couldn't look more like a Call Of Duty game if it ran out into the street naked...
News How About A Little Castle Crashers To Pass The Time?
No, Castle Crashers is not finished yet
Alas, that day can't be far away. "We have now sent the title off to a 3rd party vendor for final testing before we begin the submission process with Sony," The Behemoth's Kelly Revak reassured us. So, until the day arrives when the game's all done and dusted, The Behemoth have provided a new...
News Dude In Talks For Uncharted Movie Directing Duties
I Heart Huckabees' David O
Russell (nope, we've not heard of him either) is supposedly in early talks regarding the oft-rumoured big screen adaptation of the Uncharted franchise. That's according to the L.A. Times, who rumour he's not the only director in the running. Seems like this things really going to happen. Nathan Drake's going to be a movie...
Tuesday4th May 2010
News Lyon Don Modnation Racers Branded Football Shirts
Continuing the trend of Playstation 3 games popping up on French football jerseys, here Lyon model their latest Modnation Racers kit
News Sony Launch Official "Protection Plan" For PS3/PSP
Playstation hardware is usually pretty reliable
Particularly this generation, where the PS3 and PSP have been two of the more sound units on the market. That's not to say they are faultless pieces of hardware - no electronics are - but their respective system failure rates are typically lower than other pieces of hardware on the market. Sony,...
News 2010 Fifa World Cup KO's Ryu & Co, Tops The British Sales Charts
EA's excellent World Cup soccer-sim, 2010 Fifa World Cup, has topped the British sales charts this week, a position it's unlikely to stray far from as the worlds biggest sporting event nears
It beat out the other big release of last week - Super Steet Fighter IV - which managed to debut in second-position. It's pretty much as you were elsewhere on...
News EA: Respawn Just "Fell Into Our Laps", Wish Bungie The Best At Activision
Frank Gibeau, president of the EA Games label, and Greg Goodrich have come out to say that the recent firings of Jason West and Vince Zampella created an opportunity that the company just couldn't pass up on
But there's no hard feelings between the EA duo and competition over at Activision. In fact in the very same interview the EA pair go on to say...
News Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus Package Hits Playstation Network Today
American Modern Warfare 2 players - Microsoft's "exclusivity" window is now up, and you're totally going to be able to play Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus map pack today
You can check out a rundown of the new locales over on the Playstation Blog if you're curious. It's also worth noting that Infinity Ward will be running double XP all this week, so you...
News God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta Looks A Bit Incredible
Sony's shocked us all this morning by announcing that God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta, a totally new entry in the franchise, will hit the Playstation Portable this year
They've shocked us even further by dropping some ridiculously amazing shots of the game. Check them out after the jump.
News Alpha Protocol's All Done & Dusted, Sent To The Printers
SEGA's just dropped word that Obsidian's espionage RPG Alpha Protocol is all done and dusted
That's right folks, it's gone gold and been sent off to the manufacturing plant. The Dynamic Stance System will allow you to play the game whichever way you see fit. The game's due out on May 28th here in Europe.
News Brink Continues To Look Ridiculously Stylish
Bethesda and Splash Damage's quirky first-person shooter Brink continues to look more stylish each time we see it
This time around Kotaku's got a bunch of new screens. The game's still on track to release this Holiday. It could end up being pretty big this one folks, so stay tuned.
News Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Is A Real Video Game, Promises "Radical Revamp"
While the recent entries in the Pro Evolution Soccer franchise have been good, improvements to the FIFA franchise have kinda left the once-premier soccer sim in its dust
But with Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, Konami are promising a "radical revamp". It's due this Fall on all the major Playstation platforms. That is: PS3, PSP and PS2. New...
News Konami Looking To Release Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker On Playstation 3?
Konami's been gauging interest as to whether fans would like to see the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker make the jump to the Playstation 3, via PSN digital download
The jump would apparently bring online multiplayer to Peace Walker, perhaps allowing for the co-operative missions to be played across the 'net. The subject was approached during...
News Cryptic Facebook Tease Hints At E3 Reveal For New Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed antagonist Dr
Vidic has invaded the franchise's official Facebook page to tease, what we assume to be, an E3 announcement. It is the time of our rising, the note reads. A new age enters and a great battle looms. Templar destiny is at hand and waiting for you. Dr. Vidic." A new Assassin's Creed was announced at the...
News God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta Hits The Playstation Portable This Year
Proper amazing news: Kratos is back
Sony's just announced that there'll be a new God Of War game on the Playstation Portable this year, God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta. What's better is that it's in development at Ready At Dawn studios, the house that were responsible from Kratos' last foray onto the PSP with Chains Of Olympus. Early screenshots show...
News Job Listing Suggests New Bungie IP Will Be An Action RPG
What do you think Bungie's Next Big Thing will be? That's what much of the industry's attention has turned to finding out
With the studio announcing last week that they are to develop a new multiplatform IP for Activision — what can we possibly expect them to do? Well the straw clutching has begun. GameSpot note that the game is likely be an...
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops Is All About The ?54.99 Price-Tag
Well would you look at that: Activision's once again hedging their bets on Call Of Duty: Black Ops shifting a billion copies, so they want to charge you the extra-fiver that Modern Warfare 2 got away with
That's right folks - forget the RRP standard of £49.99 for new video games, 'cos Activision wants you to stump up £54.99. Of course, retailers...
Monday3rd May 2010
If the PS2 re-release of 2007's Playstation Portable title Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow wasn't a hint at the re-emergance of the Syphon Filter franchise, an upcoming PSN digital comic probably is
But first, the former: Sony Bend's just been on the Playstation Blog to announce that Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow will be making the jump to PS2 this...
News So What's Project Red All About Then?
Australia's ratings board, the OFLC, has filed a rating for an upcoming EA title - known only as the mysterious "Project Red"
Finger pointing suggests this might be Swedish studio Starbreeze's attempt at rebooting the old Bullfrog franchise Syndicate, but details are groggy. All we know is that Project Red will probably appear at E3 in some...
News ModNation Racers Gets Bundled Up Into Lovely Playstation Parcels
According to listings on Amazon Germany (via TSA), ModNation Racers is set to get totally bundled up with Playstation 3 and Playstation Portable hardware
You even get a specially designed box. Sony Europe's yet to confirm the packs, but supposing they are real (they are) then the PSP one will set you back 150 Euros while the 250GB PS3 bundle will...
News PSM3 Magazine Prepare Playstation 3 Game Blow-Out Next Issue
Unofficial British Playstation 3 magazine, PSM3, are promising two world exclusive PS3 game announcements in their next issue
The next issue teaser states that the mag will be showing off a "world exclusive PS3 reveal" and a "second world exclusive reveal". So one's presumably exclusive, the other's probably not. Announcements...
News No, Gran Turismo 5's Still Not Finished (But It Will Be Out Sometime In September)
Listening to the Weekend Confirmed podcast recently, something struck us very hard about Gran Turismo 5 - it's going to get universally panned even if it's the best racing game ever constructed
Why? Because people are impatient. Look, we agree as much as everyone, Gran Turismo 5's development time has been a bit of a joke (we still think it'll...
News Have These New SOCOM 4 Screens On Us...
This is operation commander Cullen Gray, ex-NATO and now video game protagonist
The dude's only thirty-six, but already he's seen a lot. Like the inside of Zipper Interactive's studio, and presumably early running footage of his soon-to-be stomping ground, SOCOM 4. You can find out much more about Cullen, and grab a ton of SOCOM screens over at the...
Saturday1st May 2010
News Call Of Duty: Black Ops Gets Revealed In Debut Trailer
It's baaaaaaa~aaaaack
Forget all the Infinity Ward drama, Treyarch's next foray into the Call Of Duty franchise is upon us: Call Of Duty: Black Ops will launch on the 9th November - presumably to gangs of screaming children queuing at the door of their local GameStop. The trailer doesn't really say much - but it does give plenty to excited about. A...
Review Stellar Attack (PlayStation Minis)
Stellar Attack is the latest in a growing line of Minis to get its controls wrong
Which is a shame, because the actual gameplay's a clever puzzle based twist on classic arcade shooters. And the soundtrack's bangin'. Shall we deal with the bad first? There's a lot we like about Stellar Attack but there's one crippling problem that has hindered...
News Toy Story 3 On Playstation 3 Lands Exclusive Zurg Character
Like Batman: Arkham Asylum, Sony's landed some exclusive content for the Playstation 3 version of the Toy Story 3 game
That's right folks, he may not quite be as sinister as the Arkham Asylum's antagonist the Joker, but Zurg is every inch as cool. And he'll be playable in the PS3 version only. Don't foget, Disney Interactive's also confirmed...
News We Don't Care What Anyone Says, Move Party Looks Awesome
"Bu-bu-but Move Party actually looks fun and it takes a simplistic approach to its gameplay
Who cares? Supermassive's Move Party looks like a ton of fun. Will it keep players hooked for extended periods? The jury is out on that. But does it look like an interesting, technically impressive and, most of all, fun augmented reality experience? Yes it...
News First Batch Of Bulletstorm Screens Emerge
These first shots of EA, Epic and People Can Fly's Bulletstorm show less the gritty, war torn environments you might have expected, and more tropical locations with ridiculous violence
Needless to say they look rather good. Check out the screens over at Joystiq and watch your excitement soar by, ooh, 100%.
News Test Drive Unlimited 2 Brings Massively Open Online Racing Back To Playstation 3
It's been a long time since the Eden Studios introduced the world to its conceptual Massive Open Online Racing universe
This fall, it returns with Test Drive Unlimited 2. The game will feature dynamic day/night cycles, vehicle damage and weather effects, aswell as a whole new progressive online world.